Chapter Twenty Three
“Okay, we need to be-” I started then I realized that I was alone.
I looked behind me and the cold truth slapped me hard on the face. I was alone. The people I considered family were no longer in my back. I am no longer a part of the group. I was an outcast whether it be here or there. I shook my head of the thought and gave myself a short pep talk.
“You can do it,” I whispered to myself. “You deserve some answers,”
Taking a deep breath, I slowly entered the base ‘til I vanish from the alleyway. And I was welcomed by more than a couple dozen of lazers pointed at different parts of my body. I wanted to scream in frustration. Can’t anything go my way even for once?
“I knew you’ll come,” a voice spoke that made my blood run cold.
“Saori,” I greeted with a sneer.
“I love the new look,” She laughed at me and put a hand on one of the soldier’s shoulder. “You know, you’re very, very easy to read,” she spoke slowly. Taunting me with each words. “I knew you’ll come running for Zoi. And who would resist the chance to save him and avenge your kid with one stone?”
At the mention of Carlos’ death in a cold manner made my blood boiled. Screaming, I ran towards her and had my hands around her neck in one breath. We dropped to the floor and I sat on her as I choke the life out of her. My sunglasses flew away because of the motion. Her eyes widened in shocked as she stared at my swirling silver orbs. She scratched at my hands and kicked at me.
I let go of her throat and started raining punches on her faces. The lazers of the guns following my every move though no one was yet to fire. Saori’s eyes started to darken and I felt pain building up inside of me as images that I couldn’t make up assailed my mind in an instant. I sucked in my breath as I momentarily stopped what I was doing.
Saori gave a bloodcurdling scream and I was tackled aside by one of the guards. I tried to fight but two more dropped atop of me, pinning me to the cold, hard ground. I could still hear Saori pleading me stop. Pleading me to stop the torture. I wanted to roll my eyes at her. I was no longer attacking her.
I was pulled to my feet not to gently and two soldiers kept a tight hold of my hands behind me. And that was when I saw the state Saori was in. She was still on the floor; convulsing as she screams her pleas. Pleas for me to stop what I was doing to her.
But I wasn’t doing anything.
Her face were wet with non-stop tears and it was contorted in pain and fear as her eyes darted in all places like she was looking for something. Suddenly, someone blindfolded me and blackness was all I could see. Though, I could clearly hear the pain in every word Saori uttered. And it killed me.
The soldiers roughly pushed me but I refused to budge. Something hit the back of my neck and I lost consciousness.
I woke up in the dark. The blindfold still covering my eyes but I knew that I was pinned up in the wall. My whole body was supported only by my wrist that was chained. My feet were also chained, probably to keep me from moving. But that was all that kept me above the ground. I could feel my wrist bleeding from the strain of supporting myself.
I tried my best to listen to my surroundings. But all I could hear was the dripping of water from my right. It must have been coming from a water pipe. As it dripped to a puddle on the floor, it echoed on my empty surrounding creating a solid rhythm that reflected the eeriness of the darkness.
I tried pulling my wrist away from the wall but the cold chains dug at my skin. Warm liquid ran down my arms, probably the blood drew from my useless attempts at pulling the chains off. My ear twitched when I heard a faint sound. It sounded like footsteps and it was coming towards me. I heard the clinking of metal to metal as someone opened a door. The metal screeched as it opened.
I heard someone stopped directly in front of me. “Poor kitty,” my dad clicked his tongue thrice.
I tried to reach for him but the chains kept me in place. It dug on my skin, creating new wounds at each move. He chuckled at me. He was probably ecstatic that I was tied up like some animal. After all, he wanted to kill me.
“You exceeded my expectation, kitty,” he continued. This time, I could hear pride in his voice.
Pride, my ass. “I live to please,” I answered, my voice dripping with sarcasm.
He chuckled once more and I felt him touched my cheek but I turned the other way. I felt him shrugged and moved back. “Very well done, kitty. I am so proud of you,”
I spat in the air, “Proud? Yeah, right. That’s why you tried to kill me!”
I could just imagine him smiling at me, “you’ll understand soon enough, my dear. But first, I must congratulate myself for creating the perfect weapon,” he paused, “you. . .”
My heart stopped. Weapon? I laughed at him, “Me? Have you gone delusional?”
“I know from the start that you were destined for a great ability. An ability like no other. I would not expect less from my daughter. After all, your mother has the ability to bring the dead back to life! And that was the sole reason I had married your mom,”
“You’re sick!” I said with gritted teeth. To think that he had used mom. To think that he only married her for her abilities. But- then again, no one would be sure that their offspring would be a Rein. Unless. . . Unless both parents are.
“Yes, I could see you finally got the gist,” he continued with a laugh. “I have the ability to control one’s mind. Now, one would expect a lot from the offspring of a necromancer and a mind controller. And that was why I was so disappointed when you told me you had the ability of speed. Definitely not what I was expecting,”
Now, it was my time to huff, “should have learned the lesson of not to expect anything,”
He exhaled loudly and walked towards me again. He put a hand on my shoulder but I shrugged it off before I growled at him, “You know, kitty, I didn’t accepted it. And I didn’t planned to kill your mom. I needed her alive to teach you the way when you discover your real ability. But she found out about my plan and I had to erase her from the picture.”
“She was your wife!” I screamed in anger and tried to give him a punch but the chains kept me in place.
He continued like I didn’t just interrupted, “So, I thought of another way to bring your true abilities. Though, I must admit, it took me eight years to put it in motion. But it was all worth it now that I saw you have awoken,” then, he let out a contented sigh. “You are the ultimate weapon!”
I gave him a laugh of my own, “Sorry to disappoint but besides the hair color and the swirling eyes, I didn’t changed that much,” I discovered that I could create a tornado. Besides, I knew a few other people who had much greater abilities than my speed of light. Like Zoi’s immortality, Natasha’s ability to control mind, Coleen’s pyro-ability, Jack’s friendship with water, Griffin’s telekinesis and shield abilities, Carly’s healing, are just a few examples. But he didn’t had to know that.
“Oh, but Saori begs to differ” he said with a ominous voice and the laugh logged in my throat.
“What?” I asked, my voice barely heard.
“You should see what you did to her,” he answered, “you’re a monster, kitty. A weapon of destruction. And you are mine to be use!”