Chapter Twenty Seven
We’ve decided to separate. Zoi, Tash, and James were with me mainly because they wouldn’t hear it any other way. The others wanted to come with us but Zoi and I managed to persuade them not too. The larger the group the higher the chance of getting seen.
We’ve escorted the others towards the exit. Steven was carrying an unconscious Saori while Drew was to stay by Annie and Carly’s side. Lily, Rose, Jack, Jake, and Coleen were in charge of protecting the group towards a safe place and keep them there until we arrive. We have all agreed that if my little attack group was not back on the third night, they would leave the town and find another place to hide. Away from all the dangers of the city. Away from the people who wanted us dead.
“Keep safe,” I prayed as I watched them leave the base.
“Come on,” Zoi instructed, “sooner or later they would be able to fix the damage Drew had made and they will be force to go on lock-down. We want to be out of here by then,”
We crept though the hallway. Drew had managed to disarmed all the alarms and cameras around the building. I fixed the sunglasses that was slipping on the bridge of my nose when we ran. I had stolen it from one of the soldiers we passed by earlier and it served its purpose. I could look at any of them without the fear of hurting my friends.
Zoi signaled us to stop and we did. Tash held on to James’ arm and he held on to her tight. Zoi slowly crept though the corner to look over the next turn. I closed my eyes as I tried to listen to my surroundings. My ears twitched when I heard a movement behind us.
I spun around and my sunglasses almost flew off from the speed but I held on to it. The rest followed suit and we were faced with a another group of ten soldiers. Then, from the corner Zoi was looking at came another ten. I gritted my teeth at them and the group tensed by my side. Zoi had that dark look in his eyes again just like back on the camp when he sat under my tree. And the rest looked like they already wanted to be out of the place and I shared that sentiment. But we can’t. Not until we were done.
“Katra Aima,” a man called my name like he knew me all my life and that we were quite close. But I didn’t knew who the damn man was. He looked like to be someone in a high rank like my dad. Though, I didn’t knew who was higher since I never was good with ranks. “Your father keeps on insisting that you are the perfect weapon,” he put an emphasis on the words ‘you’ and ‘weapon’. “but honestly, I’m quite disappointed. I mean- you can’t even kill my son,”
“Who the hell is your son?” I asked with gritted teeth. Who would even willingly have their son killed?
He smiled at me and I felt my heart stopped a beat. It was a smile that I always looked forward too. A smile that never cease to make my heart beat rapidly. And now that I looked at him closely, he did look a bit like someone I knew; especially if he smiled like that. His hair the goldest of all gold though his eyes were green, the resemblance was uncanny if you knew what to look for.
“Zeke,” Zoi growled as he stared at the man with empty eyes.
The man shook his head slowly, “where’s your damn respect, boy? Call me dad,”
Zoi only scoffed at him, “you lost your son the moment you set him out to die,”
“But you can’t die,” Zeke answered with a grin. “we’re immortal,”
“No one is immortal, Zeke. Remember what happened to mom?”
Zeke lost all his composure the moment Zoi mentioned his mom. To think of it, Zoi had never mentioned anything about his family. Whenever it would come into topic, he would avoid it. But I have never missed the look he had every time. A look of agony, anger, sadness, and longing. A look of wishing to die.
Zeke raised his hands and signaled the soldiers. All the guns raised and pointed at us. Tash gasped and James pushed her behind him. But no place was safe. We were surrounded on both sides and walls on the other two. There was no escape except through them.
“I’ll take care of them,” Zoi whispered, “go on,”
“We’re not splitting up!” I whispered firmly. “We’re going to go though this together!”
Then, I reached for his hand and gave him a squeeze. There was no way he would be facing his nightmare alone. I would be besides him to help him conquer it. I looked up at his eyes that were dark and empty. With all that has happened, I was missing to see the life in his eyes. The twinkle of joy and love as he look at me. For the moment, it was nowhere to be found.
He dropped my hand and raised his to touch my cheeks. Then, he smiled at me. I saw a little bit of that twinkle before he dipped his head to kiss me. Our lips met and despite the dangers we were facing. I felt heaven. It was the most magical thing I have ever felt. His lips were soft. His kiss was gentle yet hungry and I couldn’t help but close my eyes. My heart beat rapidly and I couldn’t get enough.
As sudden as he did, he pulled back. And before I realized what he was planning, James had tackled the soldiers on our original path and pulled Tash with him. Then, Zoi pushed me towards them. I tried to reach for him but James held on to me and pulled me away from Zoi.
“Nooo!” I screamed as I tried to pry James’ hold onto me. But he was far stronger than I was.
Zoi gave me a smile before he vanished behind the group of soldiers that came to their feet after James’ attack. None of them gave us a glance as they all fired at Zoi. I wanted to scream but no voice came out. I wanted to run towards him but I was paralyzed. My eyes watered as the gun shots continued to ring. James and Tash’s voice seemed so far away.
I dropped to my knees as a cry broke though my lips. I screamed his name for I don’t know how many times but my voice was lost in the sound of gun fires. And when they stopped, I stood up from the ground and ran towards the group but James held on to me and pulled me away. I tried to fight him but he slung me over his shoulder and started to run with Tash on our side.
I thrash at his hold as I cried for Zoi. There was no way he was gone. There was no way he would leave me. It can’t be happening. I didn’t knew how long James was carrying me. All I knew was that we were far from Zoi. Finally, James put me down and I tried to get pass by him when he held me back.
“Let go of me!” I ordered but he didn’t followed. And anger was welling up inside of me. “We could have helped him! We shouldn’t have left him. You should have not been such a coward!”
Suddenly, a sting assailed my left cheek as Tash slapped me hard. My hand quickly flew up to my probably red cheek and stared at Tash, bewildered. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears. Her lips in a straight line as she stared at me.
“Wake up, Katra!” she said, her voice clear despite her wavering lips. “Zoi sacrificed his life for us. He did it so that we could end this war! You don’t want his life to go to waste!”
My eyes watered with new tears but I refused them to fall. I could mourn later. But right now, “We need to end this,” she continued and I nodded.
“For Carlos,” James said as he put his palm in the middle of our circle.
“For Zoi,” Tash replied as she put her hand on top of his.
I also put my hand above theirs, “for all the Reins who suffered and died,”