Chapter Eighteen
We were all gathered at the dining table as we had our monthly meeting. It was the first time Saori had joined us. I was sitting in the head of the table with Carly and Coleen on both my side. Thankfully, Zoi was far away from me as the table allowed.
We found out that Saori was rescued at the school building only to be held against her will. It shocked me that we go to the same school yet I don’t know her. But then again, I rarely talk to her brother before and we had a subject together. She said that she managed to escape a month ago when the military pulled out a large number of soldier to send to the woods where a group of Reins was seen.
“You?” she gasped.
“Yeah, that big number of soldier was probably the group that attacked our previous hide-out. There were maybe seven or eight dozen of them. Three trucks to be exact.” Drew said.
She looked at each of us, “how did you escaped?”
“We fought back,” we answered simultaneously.
Saori told us that the military held a large number of Reins. She said that all of them were forced to admit their abilities and perform them. And every time someone uses it without the military’s consent, they would be electrified until they pass out. And if the military doesn’t see your ability as worthwhile, the unlucky Reins would be killed.
“And what’s your ability?” Jake asked and I found myself leaning in to hear her answer.
“Shape-shift. That’s how I escaped. When they were busy assembling for the new mission, I change into a mouse to escape through the air vents. And before they even noticed I was missing, I was already outside. I heard different kinds of abilities while in there. I even heard that there was someone in there who could bring the dead back to life!”
I gasped and everyone turned my way, wide-eyed. I could see the shock in all their eyes as they continued to look at me. But I couldn’t meet any of their eyes. I didn’t want to hope that my mom’s alive. I didn’t want to in case all I’ll get is disappointment. Besides, I didn’t want her alive in that place. Who knows what they do to Reins?!
“Okay, why are you looking at her like that? Did I say something wrong?” Saori asked carefully.
I shook my head and gave them a smile but I knew they hadn’t bought it. “So, let’s get back to business.”
Days have passed and thankfully no one had brought up the subject of my mom possibly alive. I wanted to see her again. Hell, I wanted her back. But I’d rather she be dead than suffering at the hands of those ruthless military. I don’t want her to be living in hell.
The wind blew my hair behind me as I ran. It had the subtle hint of the returning warmth of spring. I was running for a whole minute now and I didn’t look where I was going. All I took care was to run away from the highway. So, as I looked around, I found myself inside a forest.
The wind that my speed summoned gave such comfort in me. In the pace that no one can catch me, is where I could think. When everything becomes a blur around me is when I could see straight. When I ran my fastest is when I am in my slowest.
It was where I am most vulnerable.
I felt cold tears ran down my cheeks then vanished behind me. I couldn’t stop the tears that kept on falling. But no matter how many miles I ran, I couldn’t stop my heart from breaking. I stopped running and the strong wind vanished as I did. My tears kept falling.
“Aaauurgghh!” I screamed my pain and frustration in the air. I fell to the ground as I did. For the first time in years, I cried like there was no tomorrow. Since, I was confident that I was alone. I didn’t bother in hiding my tears nor suppressing my screams and sobs.
For a century, the world had been peaceful. Experiencing nothing more than a simple argument. What the hell happened to my life? My mom died and my dad died. Then a war started. I was on the run for my life. I found out that my dad was alive and he was the one who killed my mom. Now, there was a possibility of my mom being alive.
What the hell was I supposed to think and feel?
A person can only receive so much pain before she/he breaks. I know I’ve said the opposite to Steven. But it was the only way I knew so that he’ll get out of the maze he entered. But right now- I was wondering how much more I could take before I break.
Hell, I was breaking at the moment.
I was lost.
And I damn well don’t know how to get out of my pain and suffering.
“You’re not alone, you know?” Zoi’s voice broke my screaming.
With blurred eyesight, I looked up in front of me and saw Zoi standing, looking at me with that melancholic shadow in his eyes. I sniffed and hiccupped, unable to stop my crying. He slowly stepped towards me and gently knelt in front of me so that we were leveled. Then, he pulled me to a tight hug. At first, I tried to break free but he only held on tighter. So, I gave up.
“It’s okay to cry,” he whispered in my ears. “It’s okay to breakdown. We’re just humans, after all.”
I continued to cry as he held me. And I held onto him. I held onto him like he was the only thing that was keeping me on my feet. The only thing that was keeping me from dying inside. And I didn’t want to let go.
“Don’t leave me,” I pleaded, my words barely understandable from my continuous sobbing.
He held on to me and pulled me closer to him, if that was possible. “I won’t leave you, Katra.”
And I held onto him firmly.
It seemed like that I was gone roughly five hours. It only took me no more than ten minutes to reach my destination, meaning I’ve spent the hours crying and screaming. No wonder my throat felt like burning and my eyes felt like they could not cry anymore after it.
Zoi, who saw me leaving, followed me. He saw what direction I ran in and followed that straight. He was blindly looking for me. Not stopping even once just to find me. And I felt my heart flutter at the thought. When he asked me before at the kitchen, I’ve avoided it; just like all the times before. I’ve still haven’t told him what I really feel. But, seemed like pleading him to not leave me alone was enough. We were in an exclusive non-exclusive relationship. Something along the line of we’re together but not officially.
The rest of the group couldn’t erase the worried look in their eyes after Zoi brought me home. I didn’t told them where I went or what I did. Since the forest I went to was far away from our home, it took us hours before we managed to get home. And it was enough to freshen my face and removed any trace of what state I was in.
Though, they easily forgot about my ‘run-away’ play when they noticed how close Zoi and I after it. He would do things he never did before in front of them. Like hugging me from behind, putting an arm on my shoulder, running a hand through my reddish hair, and kissing me in my cheeks once in a while.
I would only smile at the others every time they would inquire me about what happened when I was gone. Though, apparently, our relationship was the push Griffin and Lily needed. They also announced that they were together. But then, we told them it was obvious by their actions and they blushed at us.
But, during the days, I’ve noticed someone among our group who didn’t seem to smile every time Zoi would do those things that made my heart flutter and skip their beats. Someone who had the look of anger in their eyes. Someone who looked like they would do anything to destroy what Zoi and I have.
Someone I need to be in guard around with.