The Masked Warrior opens a portal and steps through to see fresh show is falling and Dōngjì fēngbào is standing on the steps that lead down the mountain. “Morning, Father.”
The Snow Dragon turns slightly and says, “Now, now, Mèngjiàn, what have I told you?”
“I do not have to call you that.”
“Precisely for you are our king. I see you have come here for a reason, and that is?”
When the Great Warrior tells the Father of the Gods about the Night Dragon he glides up the steps and asks, “Are you sure it is a Night Dragon?”
“My husband plucked the image from an Eternal’s mind who was terrified of it.”
“So you are saying this Eternal went to this castle recently?”
“Eight or nine years ago. It was before he locked my mortal family inside the fort. Oh that is another thing, the gate Einar found was locked to Guǒyuán Chéngbǎo, my father King Yǔmáo recognised it.”
“That is not surprising when he grew up there. A Night Dragon would never leave their home unless they are an orphan. They have this habit if they lay an odd number of eggs, sadly one gets kicked out. When the Grey Dragons discovered they were killing a child before it had even hatched they started to take them in and rase them along side their own children. After the Black Bird Attacks the Night Dragons were giving the Mountains Dragons who had lost their children, the one they would otherwise kicked out of the nest. That could be why he is in China. Guarding a castle though, that was once owned by Eternals is a bit strange. I will join you when you have decided you are going to see him.”
Yūrei has a think and answers, “The best thing to do is to establish he is still there. I mean he must be taking fish from the sea so I could ask Ryūjin if he has seen him.”
“Now you are thinking like a Dragon and let’s go and ask Ryūjin.”
The Masked Warrior give the Father of the Gods a sharp nod and together they step through a portal to come out on an island with the sea crashing against large rocks. They soon begin to feel hot breath on their backs and they hear a soft, “Morning.”
The Great Warrior turns around to see the Sea God is in the middle of eating a big fish. “Sorry for disturbing your breakfast.”
“It is quite all right, Ink Summoner. Dōngjì must have brought you here for a reason.”
The Father of the Gods nods and remains silent to allow the king to speak, “You are correct. I was wondering have you seen a Night Dragon around the south-west coast of China or heading for an old castle on the mainland?”
Ryūjin eats the rest of the fish and points a paw out to sea. “See that dark shape out there?” They both turn around to face the water and soon spot a large mass is moving around under the calm waves. “That is the Night Dragon you speak of. Every morning for the past ten years I have seen him catching tuna. I have tried to make contact and I am afraid he is not talking. Even Lì shù the Forest Dragon that lives in the forest near the ruin castle has also tired to discover why he is there and got nothing. We have both noticed he bears the scars of battle.”
The legend turns to face the Sea God and asks, “There was a battle at the Misty Mountains?”
“No, there has never been a battle there, Ink Summoner. The battle I am speaking of happened at that very castle our friend is going to.”
Dōngjì fēngbào folds his arms and states, “This is the first time you have told me about this battle. What exactly happened?”
“Odd that it seems to have been forgotten,” responds the Sea God licking his paw and uses it to remove scales from his whiskers. “It happened a long time ago. I was awaken to an odd rumbling sound. I noticed fireballs were being thrown in to the air and I decided to take a closer look. The castle was being attacked by a giant creature who was swinging a club into the side of the building. The rumbling sound was the Eternals fleeing through portals and a gate. It was an Elemental who was throwing the fireballs and in the glow I noticed another creature of equal size was approaching the beast with the club. This one had a sword which he swag cutting the beast in two. The thing was there was no blood all there was, were wisps of smoke rising up and the legs just seemed to dissolve in to dust. The other creature slammed his sword in to the ground and he too faded away. That is when I realised even the Elemental was gone and the place was empty.”
Yūrei is puzzled and tells him, “Oh that is interesting as my father King Yǔmáo was told it was an earthquake that made the building unsafe. It makes you wonder why it was covered up?”
The Father of the Gods begins to walk back and forth with is slender hands under his lovely wings. “You are right, Ryūjin, it is odd no one brought to our attention. You thought they would come and tell me or one of my children.”
“Yes, it is strange the Eternals who lived there are lying about what really happened. Are they embarrassed or ashamed they were attacked?”
The Great Warrior nods in agreement. “It does seem that way. I mean even it was an accident, we are a family of summoners things like this are bound to happen.”
Ryūjin strokes his whiskers and responds, “My thoughts exactly. Especially when you are dealing with children who have emotions and it could have been siblings daring one another to summon something they were not meant to do. Then the parents were awaken to a huge beast destroying their home. Why flee? Surely someone could have stopped it before it attacked the castle?”
The Father of the Gods stops and turns to face the Sea God. “They were already fleeing for their lives before the creature even reached the castle leaving behind two people. The Elemental who was using his fireballs to give light on the situation and not to hit the creature. Whilst an Eternal or possibly a Soul Drinker summoned another creature to fight it.”
“Hold on,” says the Masked Warrior holding up his left hand as though he is holding a ball. “Shadow Heart. You did say whips of smoke rose from what was left?”
“I am sorry, what is a Shadow Heart?” Ryūjin enquires raising his eyebrows to show intrigue.
“It is part of the Lost Arts. Einar my husband is the only Soul Drinker who can perform it. They use a black sand, that has all the appearance of black Kyanite. They pour it on the ground and chant a spell that turns it to a beating heart. That is easily as big as my head. The heart forms a giant creature around itself and they can take any form the summoner desires. The reason it is no longer used is because the heart feeds off the summoner and he has to consume a lot of food in order to sustain the heart. No food and the heart feeds off the Soul Drinker’s own life-force killing him in the process. The other reason it was abandoned is because once the Soul Drinker has called that black sand to him they are inseparable. I have witnessed it snaking its way around my husband’s fingers and a bracelet of it appears around his wrist. Einar has not summoned his since the Dark Time and it is clear it is a constant battle to keep the black sand and his enhanced abilities under control.”
“I see what you mean they could have both been Shadow Hearts. The problem is no Soul Drinker would harm anyone, it is not in their nature. If only the Night Dragon would talk to us. Oh, it is looking like he heard me,” indicates Ryūjin waving his left paw.
Yūrei and Dōngjì fēngbào turn around to see the Night Dragon has his head out of the water and his amber eyes are looking right at them. His long dark red hair is swept back behind his long horns the right of which is badly chipped near the top. He places a fish in to his mouth and disappears under the soft waves.
The Sea God shakes his head and expresses, “This is how it has been for ten years. Did you see his battle scars?”
“They are not from a battle,” explains the Father of the Gods. “He has been involved with a Storm Dragon. That chip out of his horn was caused by lightning striking it, that traveled down his forehead to his eye. He is not the first one I have seen with those scars.”
“Hmm, I thought that at first. The thing is Storm Dragons live far, far to the South. They very rarely leave their island and all of us Dragons know to stay clear of it. He could have been hit by natural lightning. Then I remembered whilst the castle was being attacked, far to the West I saw blue flashes illuminating the sky. What if those blue flashes were lightning and our friend there was protecting either an Eternal or an Elemental?”
“I hope you will not mind me asking you, Ryūjin, did you go and investigate?”
“Ink Summoner, you know you can ask me anything. And of course I went the following morning to see if I was right. I must admit I was not expecting to find impact craters, blood and scales from a Night Dragon. He has a deep scar running over his left shoulder and a nasty impact crater on the front of it, the injury has left him walking with a limp.” Ryūjin rises up and tells them, “He must have heard us again talking about him for he is coming back.”
They all watch the Night Dragon’s head emerge out of the water. It is closely followed by his right paw which he holds out towards the king who washes the fingers unfold to reveal a crystal upon his palm.
The Great Warrior takes it and bows to him to see he gives him a slight nod, then he disappear under the water. Yūrei holds up the crystal and says with intrigue, “It is a gate key to a castle. Is it Guǒyuán Chéngbǎ?”
The Sea God lies down behind the Ink Summoner and answers, “Yes, that is how it looked before the battle.”
Dōngjì fēngbào points his hand at the key and informs them, “I am sure it also does not appear on any maps. I will have to check. It is strange why your family have forgotten it even existed. It would also appear our friend is just wanting you to go that place.”
The Masked Warrior nods and tucks the key into the front of his belt. “My husband is going to be disappointed he is not going to be able to join me. Then again he will be pleased not have to breath this cold damp air.”
The Father of the Gods pats him on the arm. “Would you like me to return you his island?”
“Please… Ah, I wonder if either of you know about a Dreaming Forest that lies on the coat of South-West Japan, right opposite Tower Island?”
Ryūjin nods and smiles. “Yes, that strange thing occurred not long after the battle at Guǒyuán Chéngbǎ. It is not a Dreaming Forest… I think it is a Reflective Barrier that may have been struck by lightning. I have an over whelming feeling I have already discussed this with Einar when he was searching and taking down the Dream Forest with Odin.”
Yūrei rubs the side of his neck and emphasises, “That is the thing we are all only just getting our memories back. I will of course mention it to him.”
“How’s about I pay him a visit?”
“I am sure he will be pleased to see you and I will meet you there.”
The Sea God slips in to the sea and the Father of the Gods helps the Eternal to get home.
Once Ryūjin reaches the shore of Tower Island he transforms in to his human form and makes his way up the beach towards the steps that lead to the first towers. He enters the second tower quickly closing the door behind him and calls, “Einar, are you in”
“Ryūjin! Come on up,” calls the Westerner from the first floor.
The Sea God trots up the shallow steps and on in to the sitting room to find the Soul Drinker is looking at some old maps. “Found anything interesting?”
“Just an odd thing, the castle that has been brought to my husband’s attention disappears from maps.”
Ryūjin takes a seat next to him and tells him, “Funny enough Dōngjì mentioned that. I think it is because of the battle that occurred there.”
Einar pours his guest a cup of tea as he tells him all about it and blows his loveer a kiss as he enters the room holding a box. The Westerner shakes his head and a little while later informs them, “No, it would not be Shadow Hearts. I though can understand why you thought that, my sweet Ink Summoner. It sounds more like the technique my twin brothers used where the giant they created was a puppet. They had to stay on the incantation for it to work and theirs were a mix of smoke and dust. Did either of the giants have glowing eyes?”
The Sea God plays with his long moustache and frowns as he searches his mind. “No, I think would remember that.”
“That is another key difference, a Shadow Heart has, in my case, my creature has two bright burning suns for eyes. Where the puppets eyes will flash when they get a command from their puppeteer. I take it from the fact that you are shaking your head that did not occur?”
“The thing is only beast one was facing the sea so I would have seen a flash and the other one its back was towards the sea. Thinking about it, their movements were not quick. By the time the beast one had raised its club, the other one had swung its sword cutting it in half. Once the one with the sword had slammed his weapon in to the ground he started to get dissolve by the wind. I looked around the land where these giants were and there was not a single footprint or mark where the sword had hit. The only mark was on the castle where the club had smashed the wall to bits.”
Einar taps his hands together and says in a soft deep voice, “Whispers,” opening his eyes wide.
“Ooh, do not just leave us hanging,” demands Yūrei patting his husbands knee. “Tells us, is that what they were using?”
The Westerner nods and his lips form into a soft smile. “Whispers came long before the others. They are as you so described, Ryūjin, slow and it is one of the reasons they were forgotten about. The other reason is wind, just the slightest breeze would start to destroy them. To keep them together us Soul Drinkers, Eternals and Elementals came up with all kinds of barriers or shields to protect the Whisper until it reached its destination. That in itself was a problem, the Summoner had to walk or trot along side their creature in order to keep it moving with the barrier around it. With our breathing problems most Soul Drinkers collapsed way before the Whisper reached its destination. The others could make it fine if it was a short distance and get it to perform its attack before they ran out of energy. However, if it were a great distance the Eternal or Elemental would have no energy left and the Whisper would just collapse in to a pile of dust and the Summoner would be puffing and patting on the ground.”
“Yes, the one with the club was beginning crumble even before it had attacked the castle. Perhaps the barrier had come off too quickly because the Summoner was running out of energy? The one in front of the building did not start to crumble until after it had performed the attack. I must admit I was fascinated for I had never seen anything like it before. I wonder who taught who?”
Einar emits a soft laugh and remarks, “Funny you should say that, Ryūjin, that debate was going on at the time. Apparently neither race owned up to inventing the Whispers it was left as mystery and we all know who likes them?”
The Sea God and Yūrei announce at the same time, “Elementals!”
The Westerner claps his hands and they all laugh.
The Great Warrior goes on to remove the gate key from his belt and place it in his husband’s hand and goes on to tell him what happened. Einar holds the key up in to the light, coming through the window and smiles. Then he frowns and slightly raises his left hand. “Silent you say?”
“Yes, he has not spoken the whole time,” answers Ryūjin watching the Soul Drinker place an index finger over his lips. “You seem to know him?”
The Westerner shakes his head and removes his finger from his mouth. “It just reminded me of a story in which a Dragon gave up his lovely voice in order to become human. It was only returned to him once he had won the princess’ heart and they become lovers. Surely it is not based on a true event? After breakfast I say go to him, my sweet, it is the only way we are going to find out why he is there.”
The Masked Warrior takes back the key and gives him a quick kiss. “You are right, my love. In that case I will serve breakfast. Ryūjin, would you like a bowl of Einar’s special congee?”
“Sounds fascinating, yes please.”
Then the Soul Drinker starts to cough and places a herb bundle under his nose. “This weather is going to kill me,” he grumbles in one breath.
The Masked Warrior strokes Einar’s heaving back and asks, “Would you like me to get a Healer?” He watches his husband nod.
“Go, I can take care of him,” offers the Sea God, taking the Soul Drinker in to his arms.
Yūrei thanks him with a peck on the cheek and quickly portals to the Healers and knocks on the second door. A few minutes later it is opened and he informs the Healer what is wrong with the Westerner. The Healer gives him a reassuring pat on the arm then disappears to quickly return putting on a shoulder bag and his boots.
“I am Wiseong… Chánchú. You know my great grandfather Guāngxiàn, right?”
The Great Warrior realises the Healer’s Mandarin is limited, he smiles and answers, “Yes, I do.”
“Geugeo johda… that is good.”
They both enter a portal and quickly make their way to the second tower. Once inside they kick off their boots and run up the stairs to the sitting room.
The Healer takes a seat in front of the Soul Drinker and says, “Hoheub-e doum-i doeneun heobeu jeung-gileul mandeul-eo deulilgeyo.”
Ryūjin smiles and translates, “Wiseong said, I will make you a herbal vapour to help you breath.”
Einar nods and smiles.
The Healer starts to stuff a decretive infuser with leaves and bits of twigs. He puts it together. In the lower section he pours in water and below that he lights a small wick. Wiseong waits for the steam to start coming out of the top then he places it near the Soul Drinker. “Yeongileul deul-imasyeo,” he says with a soft chuckle to his voice. “Jeung-gileul deul-imasyeo, geuge naega haeya hal mal-iya.”
The Sea God emits a soft laugh and translates, “He first said, Inhale the smoke, then said breath in vapour, that is what I meant to say. Gwaenchanh-a, geu salam-eun nega museun mal-eul halyeoneunji ihaehaess-eo. I was telling him it is all right, you understood what he meant.”
The Westerner smiles and nods. The smoke it really helping to ease his tight chest and is able to ask, “Wiseong, if a Dragon is hit with lightning could it paralyse his vocal cords?”
The Healer listens to the translation and begins to nod. “Yes, if horns, head or neck is struck… could make Dragon unable to speak. Olaegajianhgo handaljeongdodoeyo.”
“Ttag handal?” Ryūjin questions holding up one finger.
“He said it lasts around a month. I asked him just a month and replied, more or less.”
Wiseong frowns and enquiries, “There is a Dragon not speaking?”
The Sea God goes on to explain in Korean and the Healer starts to laugh and announces, “That is Huīchén (Dust). He was raised by Mountain Dragon Yuè chángshí (Moonstone), with white tail that has a black tip. Huīchén has bad habit of not talking until it right time to do so. Yes, he was hurt by… Yosul-eul bulida.”
“He said, Conjure.”
Wiseong nods and continues, “Lightning hit Huīchén’s horn and shoulder. He came to us for help. He refused to tell us how it happened. He also could not do.” The Healer starts to point his free hand at Ryūjin.
“You are saying he could not transform?” Yūrei asks.
“Du dal dong-an jisogdwaess-eo,” says Wiseong holding up two fingers.
Dōngjì fēngbào points his hand at his friend and remarks first in Korean then Chinese, “I bet he was climbing the walls. As I know my dear friend is not happy when he has not transform in a week let a lone two months.”
“I miss the mortals lovely food as they make some wonderful dishes.”
The Father of the Gods eyes narrow and claims, “More like you miss the women.”
“Hmm, yes, that too,” replies the Sea Go winking his left eye at the king.
Wiseong coughs and turns the conversation back to the Night Dragon, “I do not know either, why he at ruin. Kkum… Mèng, if you go alone he may speak to you. Sum-eul chamji maseyo.”
Dōngjì fēngbào and Ryūjin chuckle and nod.
“He said, don’t hold your breath,” explains the Father of the Gods, “good advice.”
“It sure is. Right, breakfast,” responds the Great Warrior with a voice full of intrigue. He quickly makes his way down to the kitchen to dish up the congee topping it with honey and dry berries Einar has left out.
Dōngjì fēngbào enters the room and quietly asks, “Bathroom?”
“Back out in the hallway face the stairs and you should see a door on the right of the hall, it is in there.”
“Ah, thank you,” says the Snow Dragon and trots off.
Yūrei places the dishes on to tray and is carrying it upstairs when he feels a warm hand upon his back. “Can you manage?”
“Yes, thank you, Dōngjì. At least we now know the Night Dragon’s name.”
“That is Healer’s for you, they know everything. Trust me there are no secrets with them,” informs the Father of the Gods in a low voice and winks his left eye.
The Great Warrior leans a little closer and whispers, “I always feel all exposed when I am around them.”
“I know precisely what you mean, the moment those eyes look at you from top to bottom you begin to think I might as well not be wearing anything because he can see straight through my clothes. I start to place my hands near my groin or turn slightly away.”
They both laugh and the king agrees, “I know you start to think do you mind? Of course they don’t.”
They continue up the stairs and on in to the living room to see Einar is siting up and the colour is returning to his face.
Ryūjin keeps his hand upon the Soul Drinker’s back and helps him to have a drink. When the cup drops from his hand and his breathing begins to slow. “Ah, he is having a vision,” whispers the Sea God
Yūrei, Dōngjì fēngbào and Wiseong remain quiet so not to interfere with what the Westerner is foreseeing. After a few minutes Einar takes a deep breath and blinks his eyes.
The legend takes hold of his hand and smiles at his husband who still a little out of sorts. He soon starts to squeeze his hand and grumbles, “That made no sense.”
“That's visions for you. They are not meant to make sense. If they did you would be left without a wonderful mystery to solve,” expresses the Farther of the Gods rubbing his hands together.
“I agree. I am going to be eating my breakfast and muttering to myself whilst I try to make sense of it.”
“That is quite all right, my boy, you mutter away,” suggests Dōngjì fēngbào, handing him a bowl. “You know we will all help you if we can.”
Wiseong is surprised to see the Eternal is handing him a dish of congee. He takes it and performs a slight bow to thank him.
A few minutes later Einar puts down his dish, he stands up and glides out of the room. The Healer leans towards the Sea God and whispers, “Hwajang.”
“Ah, we all have to go some time. Ink Summoner, I can see why you like this. It is so rich and creamy and not too thick.”
The Great Warrior places a hand to his chest and confesses, “I can never make it like this. I put it down to his abilities.”
The Father of the Gods stirs the congee and agrees, “I am also convince it is down to the way their moving objects ability interacts with the food. Ooh he is on his way back.”
They all quickly carry on eating even through they know the Soul Drinker is well aware they have been talking about him. However, the Westerner appears to be reading a scroll and takes a seat next to his husband. Einar picks up his dish and continues to eat the rice porridge whilst he studies the scroll.