Tenjō leads the way up a series of paths, that have high hedges to small crops of bamboo pocking through the tops of trees that lead to the forest which covers the lower half of south Japan. A battered old Torii marks the entrance and as they make their way down the worn path the bare Ginkgo trees seem to creak and crack in the wind. The group soon reach a folk in the path and Tenjō turns right to take the path that takes them over a small wooden bridge to reach the north side of the forest. Einar spots through the gaps of the trees a hut is beginning to appear. He points it out to his husband who enquires, “Is that Natsu’s home?”
“Yes and with the looks of things he is in,” answers Tenjō, pointing his hand to the smoke that is rising out from a small chimney. He trots up the three steps to knock on the door, which is opened a by a green Dragon in his human form.
Yūrei and the Westerner notice he only has his left horn, that is decorated with a collection of small blue glass beads hanging from fine gold chains. He is dressed in a light green Hanfu that matches his pale green scales and long hair that falls over the left side of his face. His right green eye looks to each of them in turn and his lips form in to a soft smile.
“Tiānshàng, (Celestial) it is wonderful to see you. I think I know why you and your friends are here, to capture the troublesome child that has returned. Come in,” he says opening the door wide.
Tenjō goes on to inform of what has happened to Bāhén cì which makes Xiàtiān huābàn gasp and question, “How was this illusionist able to pull off a binding spell? As far as I know they have limited abilities… an Eye you say,” enquires the Forest Dragon watching the Soul Drinker he knows nod. “Again that seems very unlikely… Unless this child is getting help from a Summoner. I mean how else was he able to bring those nasty Paranoid Pixies forth… hmm?”
“Well, we were thinking it might be his mother,” implies the Great Warrior. “I hope you will not mind me asking have you come across a lady that smiles nice, however, it is clear from her hight she is one of my kind.”
Xiàtiān huābàn pours cups of tea for each of his guests and shakes his head. “I will have to say Tiānshàng is my only visitor. If I want the company of a lady I go in to town. I never bring one here.”
“We understand what you mean,” says Einar with a smile.
“We have to also consider the lady may not be the boy’s mother,” states the Forest Dragon as he takes a seat at the head of a small round table. “She could simply be there to entice men in to her master’s trap.”
The other gods nod in agreement and Yūrei stresses, “Anything is possible.”
Xiàtiān huābàn again looks at them in turn and questions, “That is not why you came to see me… you are all wondering if I have been meeting with the Eternal who summons the mist crows.” When all three of them begin to look to one another and give him a slight nod he continues, “Ah, I see I am right. In that case I should inform you he will be here soon. I suggest you three start to explain why you are all after the same illusionist?”
The Masked Warrior briefly tells him all about how Fēngshēng has been after him with the help of Fate. he also makes sure to Mention he helped Chaos to restore time makes the Forest Dragon’s eyes narrow and he points a hand at him. “It is very clear none of you know anything about illusionists, they are incapable of entrapping anyone, nor can they interact with higher gods such as you claim Fate. No, that is impossible, there is no way Fate would be an illusionist’s lapdog. It is clear we are dealing with someone who Fate fears and would stop at nothing to please them. I cannot believe you have not figured it out. Fate wanted to take down the Eternals and put us Dragons at the top, why? Simple he is a higher Dragons lapdog and you, our king, is what is stopping him from gaining that power. So, he takes charge of certain gods who are capable of taking you and your entire family down. Ah, the one you are wanting to meet has arrived.” A moment later there is a knock at the door and Xiàtiān huābàn calls, “Enter, friend.”
The door opens and a man enters, waring a white mask, dressed in a dark red topcoat, blue Kimono and black Hakama. All of his long hair has been placed in top knot that is covered with same cloth as his half coat. “Forgive me, Natsu, you have guests, I will come—”
The Forest Dragon slightly raises his left hand and explains, “These three are also after Fēngshēng, for he has been after King Mèngjiàn and his family.”
The man removes his mask and his dark brown eyes stare at the Eternal who is bowing to him. “Prove to me you are the real Yūrei Samurai.”
“Now, now, Akeru, show some respect to your king. He does not have to prove to any of us.”
The man bows to Xiàtiān huābàn and apologises, “Sorry, Natsu, I should not doubt you.”
The Great Warrior clears his throat and asks, “How do you want me to prove to you I am your king?”
“Let me see your chest, for the true king bares the Ink Dragon,” demands Akeru watching the Eternal open his Kimono and undergarment. When he sees the black dragon’s head upon the left side of his chest he touches it to discover every scale is raised and he can feel the horns are slightly raised away from the top of the creature’s head. “Sorry I had to be sure she was not just a tattoo. She is real and that means you are the son of King Yǔmáo and King Jīngyì. I am the real lost King Límíng zhī xīng (Dawning star) of Piāoluò de shùyè. The bracelet you are wearing was meant to bring you to me, instead it sent you to a Siren that is being used by a higher Dragon that is using Fēngshēng, who is the last of the illusionists. The frustrating thing is, I have no idea why he is also determined to take you down. It is rumoured through the family that you got one of his ladies with child.”
Xiàtiān huābàn shakes his head. “Akeru, you are getting a little personal, who our king takes to bed is nothing to do with us.”
“It is all right, Xiàtiān. The problem is I do not remember and I should also tell you, the Soul Drinker to my left is my husband Einar, you probably know him as Ink Heart Summoner.”
Both the Forest Dragon and Akeru gasp, “Ink Heart Summoner!”
The Westerner emits a soft giggle and nods. “That is me,” he says, patting his chest. “I will defend my husband and inform you both, Mèng would never ever have fun with another man’s woman. And the only women he tends to go with are mortal for we have had our fill of children.”
Both Xiàtiān huābàn and Akeru smile and their expressions express they know all too well how they feel.
“It is more likely Fēngshēng believes Yūrei is impure because he has mixed abilities,” states Tenjō, patting his friend’s arm. “The other factor is it could be because you are the last of the original Eternals.”
The Forest Dragon places the Line Ones face between his hands. “I love it when you come out with a simpler, yet rational theory. You could be right for some elder Dragons will also see it that way. Lucky I am not one of them for there is no such thing as pure.”
“This is why we need to capture Fēngshēng to hopefully bring out his master who is behind it all,” expresses Akeru, going on to emit a sigh and buries his face in his hands.
The Great Warrior claps his hands then screws up his face and wonders, “I cannot see my mother wanting to face him again anytime soon. Hmm, I could ask one of my aunts or brothers.”
Einar pats him on the arm and nods. “To hell with it, the more Dreamers the better, then it is not just down to one master of illusions taking him down.”
“Another advantage they are small, they can easily hide in this forest. Problem neither of you can come with me for their home lies near the Misty Mountains… that’s if I am remembering correctly,” says the Masked Warrior looking at the bracelet upon his left wrist.
“The only way to know is try it,” insists Tenjō.
Yūrei nods and throws out his left hand to open a portal to a place that is far colder and covered in mist. “Ah, that looks like the Misty Mountains to me.”
The others peer through the portal to see the points of snowcapped to shear black spikes are sticking out of the low mist that has ominous shadows moving around it.
“That certainly looks the place,” agrees the Westerner. “You should be all right visiting family.”
“I agree, even though we meant to be sticking together we will remain here as I know you will not be long,” implies Tenjō with a soft smile.
Akeru gently grips the king’s for arm. “Hold on, you were raised by a Dreamer and not your fathers?”
“Yes, for I was raised by Zhìhuì and Raven after I was left on the doorstep of Moon Tower, my father, Raven’s home.”
“Oh my goodness I am so sorry.”
“It is all right when you do not know what happened to my real family. Trust me my aunts are the only ones who can help us. I may be a while.”
“My love, you can take as long as you like for it has been a while since you have seen them.”
“True, my sweet husband. All right, I’m off,” says the Great Warrior and steps through the portal. He quickly makes his way through the dusting of snow over to a town that lies at the base of some of the largest of the Misty Mountains.
He is making his way along the narrow lane towards the marketplace when he hears someone calling his name and the next minute he is being hugged by a person who only reaches just past his waist.
“Mèng, it is wonderful to see you. I know why your are here, my boy. Come, come and tell your aunties the plan,” insists the Dreamer taking him by the hand.
At first Yūrei is struggling to remember who the Dreamer is until he notices the amethyst earrings and it dawns on him this is his mother’s second brother Qí wàng (Wish) who always seems to know what is happening before he has even said a word. He has to watch his head as he is dragged inside a low house and his boots are removed.
“Yùwàng (Desire), Wéifēng (Breeze), Jué, look who is here,” calls Qí wàng pushing the Eternal by the waist in to a pocky sitting room.
All three Dreamers give their nephew a hug and get him to sit upon a large fluffy cushion.
Jué punches the air and cries, “We are at your disposal—”
“Hold on brother, he is yet to tell us his plan,” declares Wéifēng. “I do hope you have one, lad?”
Yùwàng grips the Great Warrior’s arm and gives him an eager expression. “Come on, tell us your plan.”
“Well, this is the thing, the illusionist is using the shrine in the Golden Forest as a base,” informs the Masked Warrior, watching his aunties eyes grow wide with intrigue. Then the eldest Jué’s eyes narrow and he questions, “An ambush?” Yūrei nods. “Mother faced him and I think he knew the only way to take him down was to use the illusionist’s nightmares against him. As a result mother is still recovering.”
“Oh dear, that does not sound good,” says Qí wàng placing a hand to his chest. “Now I understand why you are here. The question we need to ask, is Einar willing to unleash the Ink Heart, providing of course we have plenty of food standing by.”
“I should stress, aunties, my husband is currently in a weak state and needs time to recover.”
Jué shakes his head. “We did not mean now or tomorrow, lad. We know he should be fine by the end of winter, and strong enough to stand up to a Dragon known as Bàofēngxuě (Blizzard) also known as Jiàngxuě (Snowfall). He is a higher god who has, apparently quite an ill temper. It is him who is controlling this young illusionist. Also we know Fate is terrified of this age old Dragon and will do anything he asks. This is why your race were taken from the top and replaced by the Dragons.”
“We know it is purely down to the fact that you Eternals are cursed,” expresses Wéifēng pouring his nephew a cup of tea. “What he fails to understand is the reason you are cursed is because of the way Fate removed you by entrapments or trying to kill you. Thankfully Death and Chaos stepped in to stop him. The problem was they were little too late, most of your family were driven to islands and your own parents along with key elders were imprisoned. Now you have restored everything has brought forth Jiàngxuě’s fateful lapdog to recapture so his master can lock you away. Quite frankly we do not want to repeat two centuries ever again.”
“So this is why we need to work as a team along with your husband and that lovely Light One of yours.”
Wéifēng slaps his brother’s arm. “Yùwàng, calm yourself, Tenjō is a boy compared to you.”
Yùwàng giggles. “A sexually mature young man, who might like a night with an elder,” he implies placing his hands on either side of his face. “I might ask him out.”
“Aunty, I should tell you Tenjō is only interested in men, men. Your lovely chest would be too much for him.”
Yùwàng glances down at his ample size bosom and emits a disappointed, “Oh.”
“That will teach you. Anyway, we need to focus,” states Wéifēng patting the side of the table. “It is looking like the child illusionist will return to the Golden Forest this evening. That gives us plenty of daylight to find a place to hide and to see what lies within the… barrier.”
Jué claps his hands and calls, “That’s right there is a Reflective Barrier over the shrine. Mèng, do you remember how to take one of them down?”
Qí wàng pats him on the arm and stresses, “That is a Soul Drinker spell not an Eternal.”
Wéifēng clears his throat and goes on to say, “As I was about to inform you all, the barrier is placed there by none other than Raven. It is looking like he is still on his own. I do hope Zhìhuì is able to join him, for they never do anything like this apart.”
Yùwàng uses his hand to fan his face. “Love,” he claims. “Raven knows our brother will only worry about him performing spells in a cold, damp forest.”
“I hate to correct you, aunt, the Golden Forest is neither cold nor damp for it lies in southern Japan. It is like early spring there. It is Tenjō very rarely comes to visit me in the cold north.”
Wéifēng slightly raises his heavily ringed right hand. “Hold on, why were Paranoid Pixies in that forest when it does not even lie in China, care to explain?”
“All we can think of is Fēngshēng, the illusionist was the one who unleashed them to draw us in so he could capture me. Lucky he seems to fear Soul Drinkers.”
“You are saying he ran when he saw you were with Tenjō?”
“Yes, aunty Jué. I should also inform you all, this illusionist can summon a Whisper in the form of a Samurai, which he has copied from another member of his family,” explains Yūrei. “The real one can move on its own and is being used to warn us.”
“Warn you?” Qí wàng questions a little concerned. “Whispers take a large amount of energy to summon let alone move on their own. Its master must be one powerful Eternal. Do you know who is behind it?”
The king rubs the side of his neck and answers, “It is Léiyǔ who is performing the real Whisper. I have no idea if he is going to be aiding us.” Each of his aunties begin to smile and he thinks, of course they would already know that and asking me only conforms it.
Yùwàng emits a happy laugh. “So, the mystery masked man is none other than the Lost King. It makes you wonder where he has been hiding all this time,” he states, leaning upon his hand and looks up at his nephew. “What is he like?”
“I would say he is nice and very much like an elder Eternal who has become friends with the Forest Dragon of the Golden Forest Xiàtiān huābàn also known as Natsu.”
All the Dreamers frown and Jué demands, “Why did you not mention that before? We cannot just go stomping around his home.”
Yūrei gives them a reassuring smile. “It’s all right, aunties, he is happy for any member of my family to help. I think he has had quite enough of this illusionist invading his home.”
Qí wàng smiles. “In that case we will be happy to meet him and help rid him of his problem.”
The Great Warrior knew his aunties would help regardless of who owned the forest. He realises the eldest brother Jué thirteen pupils are studying him for he is missing the second outer pupil in his left eye. This is quite a common birth defect that Dreamers have and it can make them unable to see certain spell and in to the other realms. However, it never seems to hold Jué back and Yūrei gets the feeling he is going to voice his idea when his neatly plucked eyebrows begin to rise. “The first thing we must do, brothers, is check out the shine,” he suggests whilst still scanning his nephew, “ before Raven places the Reflective Barrier around it. I find it a bit odd to hide it. Unless his Soul Drinker eyes see something we cannot. Do you have any idea what that could be, my boy?”
“I am as much in the dark as you are, aunty Jué. We will soon find out.”
Wéifēng rises, clapping his hands. “In that case let’s get going, once we have gathered what we need to assist us.”
Jué’s eyes blink and he tilts his head up slightly to look at his brother and asks, “What do you mean by that? Do you know something that we do not, hmm?”
“Not at all, dear brother, I am just thinking we need to take every precaution.”
“I see your point. All right, everyone gather your things and we will meet back here.”
The others nod and leave the room. Then Jué walks over to his nephew and enquires, “Where is your friend the Elemental?”
“He is at Kondō, along with mother. Fēngshēng turned up at the inn and that is how mother was able to scare him. Chūnfēng, bless him slept through the battle.”
“I see. Well, at least you know where he is for we might need his… abilities.”
The king notices his aunty is trying to hide his smirk which indicates he is planning something. “Aunty, just what are you up to?”
The Dreamer’s expression turns serious and he quickly responds, “Nothing that concerns you, Mèng. You do realise you are like a worm on a hook waiting to be caught.”
“Yes, I am well aware I am putting myself in danger. You know yourself, aunty, it is the only way we are going to catch this illusionist.”
Jué emits a shallow groan and stresses, “A forest creates a lot of shadows. The last thing we need is you disappearing in to one. So, I am going to nag you, stay close to your husband and the Elemental. Understood?”
“Yes, aunty.”
The Dreamer pats him on the shoulder before he walks out of the room.
Yūrei goes on to finish the cup of tea and takes another of the sweet flat buns that his aunty Yùwàng likes to make for between breakfast and lunch, which he often calls, ‘Second breakfast’. They have a hit of nutmeg with a citrus taste to them and are always served with a refreshing tea. The first to arrive back is Wéifēng who is soon joined by his twin Qí wàng who is tying a small cloth pouch to his belt. Then Yùwàng returns to the room along with Jué and wait for their nephew to open a portal to the Golden Forest.
Jué grips the Eternal’s left forearm and tells him, “Go and get your parents and the Elemental. We will be with the rest at the Dragon’s home or checking out the shrine.”
The Great Warrior nods and once all of his aunties and stepped through he returns to the Fujiwara Inn. A young lady helps him to remove his boots and leads him down to where his mother is staying, to find him with owner and Chūnfēng.
Zhìhuì throws out his right hand and quickly sets his cup of tea down on the table. “My dear boy, were you able to get my brothers to help?”
“Mother, you already know the answer.”
“Still, I would like to hear how you achieved it, for I was telling them Jué can take a bit of convincing. I bet he was studding you the whole time, hmm?”
“He was indeed, mother, all thirteen pupils were focused on me.”
Zhìhuì scoffs and shakes his head. “He did not need to give you a deep scan. All I can think of he was checking to make sure you were completely free. Nonetheless, it was very rude of him.”
The king giggles at his mother’s disapproval even though he knows his elder brother has to be sure of everything before he makes a move. Also running a deep scan on anyone who is not a fellow Dreamer or Soul Drinker is perfectly normal for Jué. “Well, he was also hinting we will need you, my good friend.”
Chūnfēng’s eyes open wide and he questions, “Why, when I can be tricked just the same as you.”
“Was he trying to hide a smile?”
“Yes, Mother. He is defiantly planning something that involves Chūnfēng.”
“What is plotting? To have you create mist and have the Soul Drinkers give our location away through their coughing. Mèng, did he by chance hint anything?”
The Masked Warrior takes a moment to recall his aunty’s conversation and snaps his fingers. “Yes, he told me to stick close to you, Chūnfēng, and my husband because the forest is filled with shadows. I am guessing he is wanting you to disperse the clouds.”
The Elemental folds his arms and queries, “That is also only going to alert Fēngshēng to the location.”
Zhìhuì’s eyes narrow and he slightly shakes his head. “No, I think he is getting you to signal to the true Whisper. All I see is everyone around Fēngshēng, who seems to be on the ground. Then there is a bright flash and at first it is looking like the boy is gone. No, he is being held by a Whisper and it looks like, Chūnfēng, my boy, you are helping to keep it together.”
“Ah, so I am stopping the wind from destroying it whilst the master does something else?”
“That’s the thing, dear boy, I am not seeing him. Oh, well, I am sure he will reveal himself in time. All right, Son, take us—”
“Zhìhuì, the Healer did say you need to take things easy,” stresses Katashi giving him a worried expression.
The Dreamer pats him on the knee. “I am fine, stop fussing over me. Even though it is very sweet. My brothers will soon have the child corned and screaming for mercy.”
The owner is still not happy and is pleased to see the Soul Drinker arrive that has known Zhìhuì a long time and hopes he can talk some sense in to him.
Raven gives his son a hug. “Are you ready for this?”
“Yes, Father. Are you?”
The Soul Drinker pats the side of the Eternal’s neck. “No, still he needs to be stopped in order to flush out his master.”
“Well said, Raven, let—”
“Oh no, you need at least another days rest,” insist the Soul Drinker, using his abilities to stop his dear friend from getting up. “We can handle it.”
Zhìhuì sighs and asks, “Raven, please release me.”
“Promise me you will remain here?”
“All right I promise,” answers the Dreamer giving him a reassuring smile.
Raven gives him a firm stare before he releases his hold on him, despite knowing through the vision Zhìhuì will appear soon after.
“Father, we might as well take him with us for we already know he is going to with us in no time.”
“You are so right, Son. Oooh, Zhìhuì, I just wish you would listen to a Healer.”
Guāngxiàn enters the room laughing. “Zhìhuì listen to me, ha! I would faint if he ever did. In my professional opinion Dreamers make the worst patients,” he expresses shaking his head. “All I am going to say is take it easy.”
“I will do, Guāngxiàn,” answers Zhìhuì smiling.
The other gods look to each other for they know the Dreamer is not one for taking it and Katashi pats him on the knee. “You better be listening to them, they are doing this out of love.”
“I know, I know and it is very sweet. The thing is I am fine and they know that. They also know, I know my limits,” implies Zhìhuì watching Raven frown at him. “All right, I am not great at watching my limit, nonetheless, I will have my brothers helping. So, let’s get going before they drive the Dragon mad.”
Yūrei opens a portal to Tenjō home and guides his parents and the Elemental through the forest to the Dragon’s home. When they begin to hear Einar calling, “Natsu, come and see this.”
Raven uses his abilities to lock on to his son-in-law and takes the lead. They soon arrive at small rippling stream and the Westerner along with Forest Dragon are staring in to the water.
“It appears to be a piece of quarts,” says Natsu putting out his left hand. The crystal shoots out of the water to stop inches from his claws and begins to rotate. “There are markings on it.”
Einar points his hand at it and informs him, “No way, it is a little Describer.”
“How on earth did that end up here, when this is very loyal to its master, right?”
“Yes, you are correct, it would not just abdomen him. There does not seem to be anything wrong with it.”
The Great Warrior trots over to them and questions, “Is there any way to find its owner?”
The Westerner shakes his head. “I am afraid not, which is a shame.”
Raven points his hand at the slowly rotating crystal shard. “What if you place it upon your compass will it not home in on the incantation?”
“I have no idea. Let’s give it a try,” answers Einar removing his compass from his shoulder bag and sets the Describer across the hole that lies in the centre. A faint white line shoots across the surface and he softly says, “It is looking like the owner is in the south of this very forest.”
“That makes sense when there is a group of them living there who are not related to Tenjō. I will take it to them once we have caught the illusionist.”
The Westerner is about to hand it to the Dragon when the Masked Warrior asks, “So it’s owner is fine, why did he not come to find it?”
“Storm,” responds Raven, “I know some Soul Drinkers who have lost their Describer that way as they seem to get effected by it. It is one of the reasons why you make sure yours stays within a pocket so you do not lose it.”
“Well remembered, Father, you are right. I have though discovered over the years any kind of bad and we are talking bad weather can effect mine,” explains Einar. “This would have lost its master and shutdown when it could no longer sense its master. Anyway, let’s carry on to the shrine.”
The group continue through the forest to meet up with the other who are checking out the small wooden shrine that lies in the centre of the forest.
Zhìhuì is hugged by his four brothers and happy that he was able to join them. Tenjō is inside looking around and as far as he can tell the illusionist is just using the place for shelter. He is suddenly grabbed from behind and his neck is kissed. “Yūrei, you are back.”
“Yes, indeed I am. Found anything interesting?”
“Nothing. It is so… can I say, disappointing?”
“You sure can, my good friend. So, he is using this as his home?”
“Yes, going by the pile of dirty washing in the corner and empty food containers and wine bottles in the centre. Your aunties conformed there are no doors or traps. The only incantation they found outside is a door to Kaze no Tani (Wind Valley), it lies in a shallow valley north-west from here.”
The Great Warrior gives him a soft nudge. “Let me guess from that smile you have been there?”
“A few times for the night life. There is a place like White Rabbit where the owner is fine with us gods having sex with his staff. You know what I am like for older men.”
The Masked Warrior gently pats the side of his friend’s face. “It is why you like me.”
They both softly giggle and carry on looking around and Tenjō questions, “Why come back here when there plenty of inns and guest houses in Kaze no Tani. Nice places to eat and I know there are plenty of butchers who will happily warm a cup of blood for you Eternals.”
“You are right, it makes no sense.”
“Here we go again with nothing making any kind of sense,” expresses Einar, gliding over to them. “Where is Akeru?”
Tenjō points his hand to the barred window that lies in the back of the shrine. “There he is. Just like you he needed the bathroom.”
They watch him walk past then he returns. “Dreamers, come and check this out,” he calls.
Jué walks over to him and turns to face the building. “Wait that was not there a moment ago. Boys get out of there,” he stresses.
Yūrei escorts the Soul Drinkers out of the Shrine and they all make their way around to the back. An incantation is making its way up the wall towards the roof. It is clearly no portal door, the Dreamers begin to use their crystals whilst the Westerner gets out his trusty compass.
Chūnfēng sticks close to the king and looks up to see clouds are beginning to form above the bare branches. “It is a storm incantation.” The Conjuror throws his hands out at the incarnation then to the sky and the clouds begins to disperse. “That is that dealt with,” he announces with a puff.
Zhìhuì pats him on the hand and gives him a pleased smile. “It is so good you are with us. Do you have any idea what triggered it?”
The Elemental shakes his head. “I do not believe it was anything inside or around the building. It is a puzzle.”
Black smoke begins to surround Akeru and out of it flies his crows in to the nearby trees. “Non ga un fin ka,” he call and the birds fly around in groups of six. “I told them to scan the area for this is something new for Fēngshēng and it was clearly no illusion was it, Elemental?”
“No, it was very real. I should say, it was an old spell which can be used by anyone who has a knowledge of magic.”
“So you are saying it was basic otherwise effective spell?” Yūrei questions watching his friend nod. “Hmm, it does seem to be a bit of theme with this illusionist.”
“Sure is, my son,” answers Raven. “All right, time for me to make this place vanish for he will be arriving soon.”
This prompt makes the Dreamers disappear behind trees, the Great Warrior takes up position in front of the incarnation that has been burnt in to the forest floor. Einar along with Tenjō and Raven place themselves behind nearby trees and wait for the illusionist to arrive.