A short time passes and the incantation begins to flicker in to life. At first the symbols are a whitish blue and once it is completely connected they turn vivid white and a man suddenly appears in the centre.
Yūrei rests his right hand upon the handle of his Katana and watches him straighten his Kimono. “Afternoon,” he says, making Fēngshēng jump.
The illusionist quickly asks, “W-what are you doing here?”
The Great Warrior emits a soft chuckle and gestures his left hand at him. “Oh, I am here to get you. Let me give you a bit of advice the moment you put me in to some kind of trance, I have five Dreamers to take you down.”
Fēngshēng franticly begins to look around him then at his feet as the incarnation he is standing on flickers out. “Who are you?” he questions turning his attention back on the man in front of him.
“Why I am the very man you have been trying to take down. Ah, you do not recognise me because I am not dressed in my famous armour and wearing the demon mask.” The Masked Warrior reaches behind his back and turns slightly away as he exchanges mask. When he tuns back fear begins to creep in to the illusionist’s eyes. “Now you recognise me.”
Fēngshēng takes a step back and utters under his breath, “Yūrei Samurai.”
Black smoke starts to appear around the king’s feet and legs and out of it comes his army of minions. All twenty fidget as they wait for their master to give the order to attack. Ja sa gives the illusionist a toothy grin and questions, “Master, ki da min un fa ka lin ta un,un sa?”
Yūrei looks down at him and answers, “Ma ka ma rin su kin te. Ka daaa!”
All twenty minions release their battle cry and swarm Fēngshēng making him scream in terror as they climb all over him. Once he is on the ground the leader points his decretive spear at his face and gives him that same toothy grin.
The Great Warrior moves to the side of the illusionist’s head and demands, “I think it is about time you start explaining why you want to take me down. Refuse and my army will tear you apart.”
Ja sa jumps up and down on the Eternal’s chest and pocks the underside of his chin with his spear. “Mmm, flesh… me eat flesh.”
“Ah, Ja sa, jin ta ka na.”
The lead minion sulks and sticks out his bottom lip making his master laugh and say, “Ka la.” Ja sa’s eyes sparkle with delight and his three fingered hand reaches for the illusionist’s mask as he responds, “Master.” Then he removes the mask and holds up with a pleased cry, which the others join in.
Fēngshēng worried eyes stare at the creature who has light grey skin and glowing purple eyes dressed in simple armour. He flinches when it begins to pat his cheek and its thin lips part to reveal once again its needle like teeth. “Get… get these things off me!”
“No, I will only withdraw them when you have answered my questions. Who is the Dragon you are working for?”
For a moment the fear within the illusionist’s expression subsides a little and there is even a hit of a smile. “I do not work for him, he works for me.” He manages to get his right hand free and tries to reach for a crystal that lies upon his chest, only to have the lead minion stab the tip of his spear in to the back of it. “Aaaah!” He cries, “That hurt,” he snaps, pulling his hand away and watches in horror as the creature's forked tongue licks the blood from the tip of the spear.
“Ja sa, min ta ka,” orders the king, holding out his hand.
The lead minion uses his spear to cut the string mesh that is holding the stone and hands it to his master. “Ooh, fin ye ru da min sa ku na,na.”
Yūrei exams the white crystal that is slightly transparent with a cloud like structure in the centre. “You are right, it is Phantom Quarts. What were you hoping to do with this, Seong-yeog, summon the Dragon?”
The illusionist’s brow begins to crinkle and his lips go down at the corners. “He told me if I hold it and call his name he will come to my aide. It was a lie?”
“Dragons cannot lie. Tell me his name and let’s see what happens.”
Fēngshēng shakes his head. “No! It will not work for you… you freak!”
The Great Warrior crouches down and grabs hold of the child’s chin. “Call me that again and I will unleash my Black Katana and ram her through your heart. Do it! Call this Dragon forth.” He slaps the crystal back in the illusionist’s hand. “Call him, or Ja sa will take your eye.”
The lead minion licks his lips and grins. “Eye… mmm nice.”
Fēngshēng feels the crystal within his fist and calls, “Bàofēngxuě!” No Snow Dragon appears even when he calls the name again nothing happens and out of frustration he throws the stone away. “It was a lie,” grumbles the illusionist, shaking his head and sighs.
Yūrei picks up the piece of Phantom Quartz and tucks it into the front of his belt. “I will say it again Dragons are incapable of lying. Unless he did it because he has grown tied of your games.”
“Games!” The illusionist snaps. “They are certainly not that. It is so wrong that we have a freak as king. It is about time we had a pure Eternal on the throne.”
The Masked Warrior bursts in to laughter and his minions join in. “Pure? No one is pure. You are just as much as a freak as I am, for all of us Eternals are cured by Fate. A curse that makes us crave blood. A curse that can never be broken. The moment you cast your first spell made your blood tainted, making it implantable to a Soul Drinker. Is that not so, my dear husband?”
Einar comes gliding over to them and holds out his left hand over Fēngshēng’s chest. “Devourer,” he says in one breath. “I cannot believe you gave your soul to one of them in exchange for abilities no illusionist should possess. This is why he is able to cast binding and trapping spells.” He shakes his head and folds his arms. “You really are stupid. Yes, you have gained more abilities at the cost of your immortality. Without your immortal soul you are mortal, there for you will age and die.”
“You are wrong, Soul Drinker,” snaps Fēngshēng, “I am still Immortal. I have already lived for hundreds of years. I knew giving up my soul to a… what did you call it?”
“Devourer,” answers the Westerner. “That means you had no idea what you were feeding your soul too.”
“Of course I did, I gave it to a Tūnshì zhě.”
“Ah, you are calling it by its Chinese name. Hmm, I do not believe you did, for you would be long dead. There is a possibility you summoned a Heartless, a dark creature that mainly turns your immortal soul black to make it no longer pleasing to us Soul Drinkers. Is that what you did?” When Fēngshēng does not respond Einar scans his mind. “You are clearly no summoner and what you grabbed was a spell to call forth from the Shadow Realm a Heartless… That with the looks of things had granted him with mere coping abilities. Ah, you did not have the moon coins that are needed to pay him.”
The illusionist’s eyes look around as he thinks and questions, “Moon coins? What are you on about?”
“Payment, lad. You have to pay a Heartless with crescent moon coins made from silver. You gave him a bag of what, gems, gold or was it just coins?”
“I… I gave him the finest gems from the Third Kingdom. I was told by mother that was the best thing to give him.”
“No, not by a long shot. Shadows… of course the Heartless is still after him because he has not paid him. We need moon coins otherwise one of us will be pulled into his domain. That is why we lose you,” stresses the Westerner, taking hold of his husband’s hand. “Do you have any idea where we can find moon coins?”
Yūrei shakes his head. “Does anyone know?”
All his family along with Chūnfēng and Akeru reply, “No!”
Xiàtiān huābàn comes strolling out from behind the invisible shrine holding something within his hand. “Question, how many coins do you need?”
Einar frowns and answer, “I think it is fifty… or is it hundred.”
“My love, that is a massive difference," stresses the Masked Warrior with a slight laugh.
“Not to worry, your highness, for I have one hundred and sixty moon coins. It makes me wonder just what are they doing with former Dragon money in the Shadow Realm?” The Forest Dragon questions as he drops a money pouch, made from dark blue velvet in the Westerner’s hand.
“I have no idea. Nor did I know it was Dragon money,” informs Einar, removing one from the pouch. The silver crescent moon is decorated with an elegant scroll patten. “Theses are beautiful.”
“They represent Forest Dragon because the scroll patten has leaves in it, see?” Both of the young gods nod and Xiàtiān huābàn continues, “Snow Dragon contains have a snowflake like pattens and Night Dragon it is a full moon.”
“They sound really interesting and thank you so mush for giving these to us.”
“You are welcome, Einar. By the way this is not the only pouch of them I have,” implies Xiàtiān huābàn, and smiles. “Illusionist, I should charge you for invading my home and using my shrine as your home.”
Fēngshēng looks up at the person who spoke to him and stutters with fear, “Forest D-Dragon.”
“Well spotted. You do realising using a Dragon Forest without permission is a maximin of five years in the Mine. However, because you have left quite a mess in my shrine, the sentence will be ten years of hard labour.”
“I swear I had no idea this forest belonged to a Dragon… why was I not warned?”
“They were hoping you would get caught by me and thrown into the Mine for trespassing,” suggests Xiàtiān huābàn, tapping his foot against the illusionist’s legs. “Now you better start answering his highness King Mèngjiàn’s questions.”
Fēngshēng nods when he notices Dreamers along with another Soul Drinkers and Eternal, who is chatting to a god he does not recognised, come out from behind trees.
“Thank you, Natsu,” says Yūrei performing a shallow bow. “Where can we find Bàofēngxuě?”
“The incantation, I am lying on, will take you to him.”
A Dreamer, dressed in a light yellow Kimono storms over. “Liar! He is in this forest and you were hoping he would hear you when you pretend that Phantom Quartz summoned him. I am afraid to tell you a Snow Dragon would never step foot in the Golden Forest for they know what resides here. He was wanting you to get caught… Someone is coming,” he says, turning to face the hidden shrine.
Akeru gets his crow to circle around just as a giant Samurai appears in the clearing and walks over to Fēngshēng who screams in terror when a huge sword is pointed at his head.
“I should kill you for what you have done,” comes Prince Léiyǔ’s voice echoing all round them. “You copied my Whisper, then tried to take down your own race all because you, and only you, are against our king. Child, you have no idea why we made him king of Japan. Well, I will tell you, it is for helping a noble family rise from the ashes and it is also because he helped the Ink Heart Summoner, the Soul Drinker, standing beside him. Who also happens to be our king’s husband.”
“No, that is not true, the Ink Heart is not real.”
Léiyǔ appears at the illusionist’s head and slaps him across the face. “You stupid child believing such nonsense when the very Ink Heart Summoner is right before you. My apologise, Ink Heart.”
Einar smiles and shakes his head. “There is no need to apologise. When he is not the first to be taught I am nothing more than a myth or legend. No, I am very real. Léiyǔ, nice Whisper.”
“Thank you. I hope it does not offend, his highness?”
“Not at all,” replies Yūrei, looking up at the mighty Samurai, “he is magnificent.”
The prince slaps his hands together and emits a happy squeak as he grins with delight. “I am so pleased. I am also here to relieve you of this child. His parents have been arrested and charged for allowing a dangerous, unstable child out of their care. However, we have learned his mother did it to get back at your father King Yǔmáo for choosing her sister over her. That is why she allowed Seong-yeog to give her children, one of which she kept hidden.”
All of a sudden the Whisper’s head is sliced off and there is a deafening roar and something large flies over.
Léiyǔ dissipates his headless Whisper and looks to the Ink Heart placing his hands together. “We might need the help of your creature.”
Einar shakes his head. “I cannot just summon Shadow without food.”
The prince runs off to return with two sacks. “I hope you like unleavened bread and cold buns?”
The Westerner grabs a flatbread and bites it. “This takes me back,” he announces with a laugh. With the bread between his teeth he unhooks the pouch and pours the black, glittering sand down on the ground. It begins to slowly swirl around in to a circle and a little heart emerges from the centre and continues to grow in size as it sucks up the remaining sand. “Shadow, I awaken you,” calls Einar in Nordic. “Awaken and assist us, my old friend.”
Feet flowed by legs begin to appear, then a torso that sprouts two strong arms and finally the head that has a set of glowing blueish white orbs, which realise whist vapour when he blinks.
“Shadow, grab the Dragon,” commands the Westerner, pointing his hand high above his head.
The giant best stands in front of his tiny master, that only comes to his ankle, and manages to catch the Snow Dragon within his hands and lowers him to the forest floor.
Bàofēngxuě tries to get free but freezes when he sees who is seated upon the ground munching bread and being offered a cup of water. “No, it cannot be. Ink Heart Summoner… you’re real?”
“Oh, yes I am very real and I would advise you stop attacking Shadow before he kills you, for he is defending me. Another thing can you speak Nordic?”
The Snow Dragon relaxes and answers, “No, what is that?”
“It is my language. The language of the Vikings, so you will not be able to command Shadow,” informs Einar as he consume the rest of the bread. “This is good, Léiyǔ, did you make it?”
“Some, the cook helped with the rest. I am pleased you like it. Oh, I should say all the buns are red bean.”
“In that case, Natsu, catch,” calls the Westerner, throwing one to the Forest Dragon. “You should know, Bàofēngxuě, that stunning Dragon is the owner of this forest.”
“No, the Golden Forest is not owned by any Dragon,” claims the Snow Dragon making Xiàtiān huābàn cough and his eyes open wide. The next thing he feels is a sharp push across his left cheek and the Forest Dragon snaps, “That is for trespassing in my home and this,” he uses his abilities to slap the same cheek, “is for not knowing I have lived here since the Black Birds destroyed my home and almost kill me. Shadow, pin him down hard for me.”
Einar translates and the titan nods before he slams the Dragon hard in to the ground. Then the Westerner warns, “I will allow him to keep you as a pet until this food runs out and I have to recall him. He will treat you as a toy. If you want to live you better start explaining why you made this boy believe in nonsense and allowed him to become your master?”
“It was not all me,” answers Bàofēngxuě. “His mother has been always bitter to the king’s family, she wanted to take them down so her lover could rise. She give him five sons and before he was dragged back to his holding cell she made sure she was with child and kept him hidden. Once he was old enough to understand she begin to fill his head with lies and she was over the moon when he had given his soul to a Heartless. I knew then it was time this child was caught, so I allowed the king to restore time so you could finally take him down. He is truly insane. I am sorry for what he has done.”
A sudden gust of wind comes blowing through the forest, Chūnfēng along with Zhìhuì and Raven rush over to protect Yūrei whilst the others protect the Westerner.
“Now you are all doomed, here comes the Heartless,” cries the Snow Dragon, just as a black figure appears.
The Great Warrior opens the pouch and shows him one of the moon coins. “Here take it.”
A set of long bony white fingers grab the pouch and it is placed in to one hand. “Too much,” comes a disembody harsh, deep voice.
“It is all right you take all off of it for the trouble he has caused you.”
The Heartless hands the pouch back and takes out two moon coins. “This will do. I will uncover his soul so the Ink Heart can consume his soul,” he says, bowing to the creature and his master. His eyes close for a moment and his right hand slices the air. “He is all yours now, Ink Heart.” Then the same gust of wind comes through the forest and the Heartless disappears in to whips of smoke.
Shadow laughs he points his left hand at Fēngshēng and glances down at his master. “Yes, I feel it too, old friend, a pure soul,” says Einar in Nordic. He rubs his hands together and continues in Japanese, “The Heartless has restored your soul making it irresistible to us Soul Drinkers, is that not so, Father, Tenjō.” They both sniff the air and gin at the illusionist. “See they too are now transfixed upon your pure soul. It is such a shame only one of us can consume it.”
Raven and Tenjō bow both and call, “Shadow.”
The titan tosses the Snow Dragon away as though he weighed nothing and waits for the minions to draw back before he picks up the illusionist and carries him over to drop him in front of his master and bows. “You see, he knows when I consume a soul it will make him more powerful,” explains Einar, placing his left hand to Fēngshēng’s chest. “Any last requests?”
“Please,” begs the illusionist with tears forming in his eye. “Please do not kill me. Imprison me. Take my powers away, just leave my soul alone.”
“Mother, are you able to take away his abilities?”
Zhìhuì and Jué walk over to Fēngshēng and play along, they shake their heads and look to the Elemental who at first gives them a blank expression then he starts to smile and nods.
“I knew you would have something up your sleeve, Conjurer,” implies Zhìhuì tapping his fists together.
Chūnfēng places his hands behind his back and strolls over to them. “Well, let’s see how he deals with a little block that will make the child unable to cast anything. All I need to do is place this upon his person.”
They watch him bring out his right hand and being held between his fingers and thumb is a shard of yellow Fluorite that has rusty red to purple bands running through it with a wide dark band near the bottom that is followed by two more rusty bands.
“Elemental, I know one place you can shove it,” calls Yùwàng, patting his behind and everyone laughs.
Chūnfēng clears his throat and points out, “Ah, it would only be in until he poops then we will be right back at square one.”
Qí wàng trots over, he reaches in to his cleavage to pull out a large mash cage that is holding a lovely Desert Rose and quickly removes it and takes off the necklace. “Here you can have this,” he says, offering it to the Conjurer.
The Elemental takes it and places the shard of Fluorite inside the mesh cage. “Why thank you, Qí wàng, ooh it smells lovely too.”
“You’re welcome, dear. I should also tell you he is afraid of you, Conjurer, mainly because he has no idea what you are. This, child, is an Elemental one of the most powerful gods to ever come to our world. Now I leave you in his hands.”
Chūnfēng bows to the Dreamer who gives him a nod before he trots over to the Lost King. The Elemental places the chain over the illusionist head and makes sure the stone is sitting flat upon his bare chest before he slaps his hand down on it and begins to chant. An incantation forms around them making Shadow gently pick up his master who pats the palm of his hand to thank him.
After a few minutes there is rush of wind and Chūnfēng announces, “Done, he can no longer perform spells.”
The next thing he is being shielded by a mighty hand and Xiàtiān huābàn shouts, “How dear you unleash your icy breath in my forest. Ku na sa ma!” In an instant Bàofēngxuě is bound in green vines that wrap around his mouth clamping it closed. More wrap themselves around his four legs and he is pulled hard to the ground which sends up a cloud of dead foliage and soil. “I am in charge of this forest, and I can use it to kill anyone who tries to harm it. I do not care that you are a Dragon. You should realise you are dealing with an elder who has fought in one the worst battles that this world has ever faced. I lost a horn and an eye to those Black Birds that destroyed my home. Having my horn ripped out of head was the worst pain I have ever felt in my entire life. Another thing, I am King of the Forest Dragons. This forest is now unleashing its children to call my children to aide us.”
Shadow lifts his master a little higher so he can see over the forest. Einar squints his eyes as he tries to make out the shape that is coming towards them. When he sees a flash of water blue scales he calls, “Ryūjin,” and waves.
The Sea God soon arrives and hovers in front of the titan. “Ink Heart,” he says bowing his head in respect.
“Ryūjin, land on Shadow’s hand and he will help you down.”
“All right, Einar,” answers the Sea God and comes in to land upon the large palm and the fingers gently take hold of him as he lowered to the ground. “Now, now, watch where you place those fingers of yours.”
The Westerner laughs and shakes his head. “It is a good job he does not understand you.”
“It sure is. How you doing? Have you got plenty of food?”
“I have two sacks, curtesy of Prince Léiyǔ,” answers Einar pointing his hand to the Eternal who has the topknot.
Ryūjin changes into his human form before he steps off the hand. “Thank you Shadow. Is everyone all right?”
Xiàtiān huābàn goes on to explain to him what happened and the Sea God turns his attention to the Elemental then to the Ink Heart. “Einar, he is not hurt is he?”
The Westerner smiles and informs him, “Shadow is ice proof. Besides the ice did not reach him. He did it mainly to protect Chūnfēng.”
The Conjurer performs a slight bow. “Thanks you, Shadow.”
Einar is too busy munching on a red bean bun to respond so his creature bows back.
Ryūjin places his hands upon his waist and looks down at the struggling Snow Dragon. “Well, well, Bàofēngxuě, we meet again only this time you are harming a sacred forest and not pinching fish from my waters. Let’s get one thing straight, you are not a king, or elder Dragon. Therefor you have to by, by the same rules as everyone else. Trespassing is, as you well know, not tolerated. It is about time you followed the rules.”
The Snow Dragon tries to speak only to have the vines tighten round his snout. Then they are gone and he is able to flex his jaw before he challenges, “It is time those stupid old rules were abolished we should all be allowed to go where we like and not heave to bow down all the time to a king.”
Ryūjin folds his arms, he turns slightly to Xiàtiān huābàn and asks, “Do you want to tell him or me?”
The Forest Dragon bows his head in respect. “Please by all means you tell him.”
“You are stupid and damn right rude,” says the Sea God. “You have no respect for your elders and quite frankly you are the only Dragon who behaves in this ridiculous manner. King Xuěhuā (Snowflake) told me if you were ever caught I am to relay a message, because of your ill manner and disregard of the rules you are banished from Sleeping Dragon Island. Jīxuě (Snow) told me he and the rest of your sons turn their backs on you. Xuěhuā also gave me permission to punish you. So, your punishment will be as followed, Bàofēngxuě, I hear by lock you on Fēng dǎo (Wind Island) under the guard of Léidiàn (Thunderbolt), General of the Night Dragons and you are to learn why we have the rules. Warning, if you try to leave the island, Léidiàn’s orders are to kill you. Do not think for one-second he will not do it, because he will consider it pay back for all the trouble you have caused and for what you did to Prince Yèwǎn fēng (Night wind).”
Xiàtiān huābàn whispers, “What did he do to Yèwǎn fēng?”
“I am afraid Xuěhuā did not go in to details, saying that that Léidiàn sort of hinted that it was something very disrespectful and that is why he is being locked on Fēng dǎo because he will have to apologise to Yǐng yuè (Shadow moon).”
When Bàofēngxuě hears the name he shakes his head and pleads, “Do not hand me over to him, please, Ryūjin, I beg of you.”
“You do not get it, you disrespected his eldest son, the crown prince of the Night Dragons, therefor you are going to have to bow down to his father.”
“I swear I did not know.”
“Oh please,” answers Ryūjin, pointing his hand at him, “do not give me that. Everyone knows those pure white horns and white fringe is the Crown Prince Yèwǎn fēng. Plus he is the only silver Dragon with white patches going down the underside of his neck and along his tummy. In his human form he is in a light grey Hanfu with white clouds with a beautiful jade dragon hairpin in the top of his bun.”
“You are right, Ryūjin, I mean I may not see him very often yet I recognise him, because he is, as you so rightly said, the only silver Dragon who decorates his horns with stunning rich blue stones, the likes of which I have never seen before.”
The Snow Dragon growls and snaps, “All right, I recognised him and I do not regret what I did. Like I said I am tired of the rules and the old ways. It is about time we moved on, came up to date. Once I have taken down the Eternals I was going to remove you elders… I now realises that is never going to happen. You will always be in charge.”
Xiàtiān huābàn pats him on the nose and responds, “Yes, because we survived the Black Bird Attacks. You know damn well every Dragon who bears scares lived through that awful time are lucky to have survived it. We lost so many Mountain Dragons and the Cresent Moon Mountains became their tomb. I became father to six lovely Mountain Dragons who I rescued. I sacrificed a horn and eye in order to save them and washed in horror as their parent fell from the sky. This is why I am King of the Forest Dragons and why Ryūjin is King of the Sea, because we were willing to risk our lives to save as many as we could. You bear no marks, so it is clear to us you have not fought in any battles. This is why you do not get to rule. Ryūjin, he is all yours.”
The Sea God performs a slight bow, then with a wave of his hand shackles appear around the Snow Dragons wrists and ankles. “Come a long Bàofēngxuě,” he says, using his abilities to lift him off the ground as he opens a portal to a wind swept landscape and throws him through. “Léidiàn, here is your prisoner.”
A Night Dragon dressed in a dark blue Hanfu appears who looks down at the Snow Dragon and grins. “Bàofēngxuě, at last welcome to Fēng dǎo your home until you have learnt respect. Ryūjin, I will inform King Yǐng yuè.”
“Thank you, Léidiàn, see you again soon.”
The General bows to the closing portal.
The Sea God wanders over to Yūrei, he clears his throat before he speaks, “Because he is the same as you, it is up to you, King Mèngjiàn, what you do with him. Shadow, it was good to see you, now I had best return home.” Everyone bows to Ryūjin as he transforms in to his creature form and flies away.
Yūrei strolls over to Fēngshēng and drags him to his feet. “The Seven Places of Punishment will not have an illusionist. What do with you?” He has a think and continues, “I know I am going to make you suffer by placing on the islands which you made us go to.”
The illusionist frowns and states, “I never wanted to send any of you to islands or lock you away. That was all my mother’s doing. I am glad to hear she is being punished. I though cannot believe she did all of this all because your father did not choose her. Go ahead and toss me on an island it is what I deserve when my own mother made me into a monster.”
The Great Warrior opens a portal to his former island home and shoves the lad through. Zhìhuì along with his brothers and Einar follow.