The Westerner realises no names have been exchanged, he watches black smoke start to surround his husband who is now standing ready to fight. Then Ja sa appears, he hisses at the fake Erik as the rest of his army come stepping out of the mist and begin to chant for Death.
“How did you—”
“Fool, you said my name before my husband had even said it. So drop the charade and show your true form,” demands the Great Warrior, gripping the handle of his short sword.
The fake Erik transforms in to a lady with long light brown hair, hazel eyes and a rosy complexion. The yellow robe is replaced by a white flowing Hanfu with a light blue belt around her dainty waist. She narrows her eyes at the Eternal and takes a step back. “What you going to do to me?”
Yūrei can sense Death is yet to appear, and questions, “That depends on whether you corporate or not. Let’s start by answering my first question, where is Erik?”
The woman folds her arms and answers, “I do not know.”
“Do not lie to Mèngjiàn, you Siren,” snaps Death as he comes stepping out of the shadows. “I should tell you, your father is in prison for what he has done to the Eternals. I warned Mèngjiàn that Fate had laid down five traps for him and his family. I am sorry, Einar, I did not know Fate had his claws in your family as well.”
The Westerner bows in respect. “There is no need to apologise when I should have realised this ring would lead me into a trap. It was not my father who gave it to me, it was Fate, right?”
Death takes hold of the Soul Drinker’s hand and informs him, “No that is real and it was your father who gave it to you. He told me to tell you, look for the inscription, a message he left for you.”
Einar removes the ring from his finger and examines it. At first there is nothing there until the grim reaper waves his hand over it and Nordic letters around the inside of the band begin to appear. “Ivory Tower? That place is a myth… no, that is the tower I stood in every time. I cannot believe his home is the Ivory Tower. Death, did you break the spell that was hiding this?”
“Yes, only because mother has given me a stone that breaks any spell Fate has placed upon objects and people in this world. This though is the Siren’s illusion. She was going to keep you trapped here indefinitely. You should be thankful Mèngjiàn incantations are working now my darling has helped to restore time.”
The Siren giggles and remarks, “You call that Eternal, ‘darling’ as though you are in love with him. That is absurd you are not meant to love anyone.”
Death eyebrows rise and he starts to chuckle. “You really are Fate’s daughter, blind to love that comes in many forms. It is one thing your father has never understood. The reason I call Mèngjiàn darling is because from the moment we met I knew he would become one of the greatest warriors to ever live. He is my equal in the living world who has never feared me. Thus I see him as a son I can never have. That is why I have always been close and when I am not the crows Mèngjiàn summons are me keeping a watchful eye on him.”
The woman scoffs and queries, “I cannot believe mother allowed this to happen, it goes against what you are.”
“Let’s get one thing straight, I was created by Nature and Time to bring an end to life. You are a product of Fate, his Sirens, he calls daughters. Not any more, I have been ordered by the Keepers of the Sands of Time to take you back to our world to face your punishment alongside your father and sisters. Do not comply and Chaos will come to collect you himself. I warn you now Chaos will just throw you back the same way he did your father.”
The room around them begins to change to one that is brightly lit with gold embossings of flowers upon the walls. In front of a large arched window sits a man in a high-backed red chair and upon his lap is a black cat.
The grim reaper performs a slight bow. “Chaos, it is good to see you.”
The man’s eyelids slowly open to reveal crimson eyes which complement his white hair and dark red robes. He gives the cat a stroke and says, “The last of the Sirens posing as one of the greatest Soul Drinker’s who ever lived in order to entrap his son, is outrages. I am not here to claim you, I mainly came to warn you the real Erik is about to come bursting through that door wielding a sword that can claim your soul. That poor man has had enough of Fate destroying his life. He will not standby and allow you to harm his only son, who is just as powerful as his father.” Chaos puts down the cat and begins to count down, “Five, four,” rising from the chair. “Three, he is coming, two, one.”
The door bursts open and a man dressed in a light yellow robe holding a black sword in his left hand rushes over to the woman who screams in terror. “I am going to enjoy this,” he says, holding the tip of the blade towards her chest.
The Siren looks to Death and Chaos pleading with her eyes for help, but neither of them pay her any attention. She turns her gaze back to the one eyed Soul Drinker and begs, “Please do not kill me, I was only carrying out my father’s orders.”
Erik sighs and shakes his head. “That will not work on me. You planed to entrap my son by pretending to be me. Idiot! My son would have realised he could not read your thoughts or that you are unable to foresee the future. Otherwise you would not have done this which brought me forth. I am not afraid to kill a god and allow my sword to feed on your soul. I tell you now, girl, your father picked the wrong Soul Drinker. He is completely unaware I undid everything he has done to my family. I made him believe he had corrupted Hjalmar when in truth it was nothing more than an act, one which Hjalmar pulled off very well. I still have my Ink Heart, Dark Moon. My son has his brother Shadow who was joined to me for a short time… unfortunately we were not compatible and he had to be drawn from me. Father made an Extractor Stone… He wept as he pulled Shadow from me. I am glad to see, son, you still have him.”
Einar pats the bag that hangs by his right thigh. “Yes, we are never apart. Father, my husband was not fooled, therefor he would have got us out of this.”
Yūrei smiles and points out, “Probably with some help from my army,” gesturing his hands to the minions who are standing in front of his legs.
Death places his fits under his chin and says in a sloppy voice, “They are such a sweet army. Tin na la un ta ka min sa.”
Ja sa giggles and replies, “Ne, ne, jin na la ku te.”
All the minions laugh and grim reaper strokes the top of the leader’s head.
“Ka ma ya,” announces the Great Warrior with slight laughter to his voice.
The Siren looks to the Soul Drinkers and asks, “What are they saying?”
“We are not Eternals,” answers Einar folding his arms.
“So true, son. I would not even try to speak the Dead Language. As you have heard it is complicated.”
The Masked Warrior shakes his head and disagrees, “It is easier to learn than old Nordic.”
“I cannot argue with that,” remarks the Westerner with a slight chuckle to his voice.
Erik nods in agreement, he grabs hold of the woman’s arm and tells her, “Choose who you want to go with, Chaos, Death or me?”
“Ooh, Erik, I like the way you put me first. I so want to strip you, girl, to see what lies under that Hanfu. To discover if it is true that my brother made you… perfection,” declares Chaos rubbing his hands together.
“Why wait brother,” says Death walking around the woman, “strip her have your way with her. Because all I am going to do is hand her over to mother. I should warn, sweet Erik’s sword is ready to just swallow her soul.”
The Siren crosses her arms over her chest and snaps, “Mother would not let you torture me.”
“Oh no, Nature, my dear sister is allowing me to do whatever I like with you and your father. I am Chaos, without me you would not have life. Even my sister would not be in this world if it were not for me. This is why I am allowed to take change and bring order to the mess your father unleashed. I do not like to stop the Sands of Time and disrupt my brother from his duty or make him repeat two years. I should take this opportunity to apologise, brother.”
“No need, when you did the right thing. Nor is it the first time you have had to do this.”
“Hmm, that is true. Anyway, come along you pesky, Siren, and leave this world alone,” orders Chaos taking hold of the lady’s arm only to have her pull it away from him. He shakes his head and goes on to call, “Húxū, my sweet, come to daddy.”
The black cat comes bouncing over to be packed up by its master, they touch noses together as a portal opens behind them. Then Chaos grabs the Siren’s arm so hard she is unable to break free and he drags her in to his realm.
Erik bows and says in soft voice, “Yet again I am unable to thank him.”
The grim reaper shakes his head. “There is no need for you know he is happy to help, and so am I.” He starts to disappear in to the shadows until only his head remains and quickly says, “I almost forgot, darling, Fate’s remaining traps might not be so easy to spot. Be on your guard.”
Yūrei gives a sharp nod. “Thanks for the warning, old friend.”
Death waves to him before he completely disappears into the shadows. The beautiful room crumbles away to reveal they are back in the tower. Erik sheaths his sword and looks around. He is about to ask them where there are when a Soul Drinker comes bursting in to the library.
“Mèng, Einar I am sorry for just invading your home like this.”
The Masked Warrior takes hold of his arm. “Odin, calm down for I can tell something is wrong.”
The elder Soul Drinker takes few deep breaths to steady himself. “It is your mother,” he replies a moment later, “he clearly has had quite a disturbing vision. He has been pacing the floor and muttering, it is not over, Mèng is still in terrible danger. Watch the shadows… do you have any idea what he means?”
Yūrei shakes his head and is about to open a portal to Yuèguāng Lǚguǎn when he changes his mind and opens one to Moon Tower and steps through. “Father, are you home?”
Raven’s voice comes echoing down the stairs, “Home at last I see. Yet I hear worry in your voice, what is it, son?”
The legend quickly tells him about Zhìhuì and the next moment his father is coming down the stairs. “Let’s go.”
They step back in to Einar’s home then the Great Warrior goes on to open a portal the gabling establishment. The same young lady comes to help all five men to remove their boots, then they all quickly make their way to the room to find the Dreamer is walking back and fourth.
Raven takes hold of Zhìhuì’s shoulders to stop him and crouches down in front of him. “My good friend, what is it?”
The Dreamer’s jaw clenches and his hands turn to fists. “Fate is taking the wrap for someone. And that someone is still after our boy. Moving shadows… I see his sword fall from his hand and there is blood… as he falls there is a crescent moon upon a helmet.”
“I know the place he means,” says Masked Warrior, “it is an old abandon hidden fort that lies in the hills not far from my town. In one room there are helmets that all bear that symbol. It belonged to the Matsumoto Clan… The question is why am I back there? The last time I was there was to entrap the Yamazaki Clan, I made them think I had members of my clan under my spell. Death is right remaining traps are not going to be easy.”
Einar takes hold of his husband’s hand. “You are right, what is the reason to return to it. Unless the moving shadows lead you there. Ha, that is highly unlikely as I cannot see you following mysterious shadows. You wouldn’t, would you?”
The Great Warrior bites his bottom lip and answers, “Curiosity would make me want to discover who was behind them. However, because I know if I do follow them I will meet my end, I will try to resist.”
Erik points his hand at his son-in-law and declares, “I can see that glint within your eye, you know Death will not allow anything to happen to his equal, to his son. You should take heed to your mother’s vision. Fate is nothing more than a lapdog. Your mother is right, he is covering for someone. Someone who can control shadows. That is why Chaos got me to help you, for my sword is the only weapon that can destroy the shadow that pursues you. Can you think of a reason why you would return to this hidden fortress, other than following strange shadows?”
Yūrei shakes his head and his mother softly says, “A girl… you know, her hair has been lighten by the sun and she is dressed in light pink Yukata.”
“Kiko is being used?”
Raven coughs and announces, “Son, you know your mother cannot answer that. That is for you to disco—”
“No,” interrupts the Dreamer, “not her, she does not bear a scar upon her chin that shows the sign of whiskers.”
“Hideyoshi… What? She is such an innocent girl… she would not let herself be led…”
Einar gently tugs his husbands arm and tells him, “Go to her. Make sure she is all right.”
The legend removes his mask from his belt and places it on before he opens a portal to the Ogawa home. The house is alive with music and the smell of roasted hog and warm saké hags in the air. He knows there is no way the young lady is going to hear him so he begins to check every room. Then it dawns on him the girl was practically invisible at Song Sparrow Fort, this makes him head for the summerhouse. He slides open the door to see the young lady is reading a book. “I thought I would find you here.”
Hideyoshi jumps and snaps, “Uncle! you could have knocked.”
“Sorry,” answers the Great Warrior taking a seat in front of her.
“My fault I was too engrossed in the story for I did not hear the squeaky runners moving.” The young lady notices the Masked Warrior is gripping his Hakama the way he does when something is wrong. “Has something happened?”
“No… I guess we could take my mother’s vision as a warning. The thing is I do not want to frighten you.”
Hideyoshi sets the book down on the table and moves closer. “You know you can tell me anything. What are you trying to say? That I am in some kind of danger or we are both in danger?”
The legend takes hold of the young lady’s hand. “We are both in danger. Somehow you end up at the fort that is hidden in the hills and I will be killed by moving shadows.”
“What? That makes very little sense. I mean why would I be lead to such a place in winter? Also there is nothing that can kill you. Unless whatever this shadow is knows how to trap and kill an Eternal? Is that even possible?”
They both sit thinking what could be the real reason behind the vision?
The young lady folds her arms and questions, “Could your mother be wrong, I mean I am not the only boy who is dressing like a girl. What if it is someone who looks like me?”
Yūrei studies the young lady’s face and notices the scar upon her chin is barely noticeable. “We are inside a room that is covered in shadows, but there is enough light upon the girls face that my mother was able to see his stubble and a scar upon his chin, that must be deeper than yours.”
They both take another moment to think and announce at the same time, “Yuki.”
This makes the Great Warrior quickly scrabble to his feet and opens a portal to the White Rabbit where he is greeted by Kiko. “Is Yuki here?”
The young lady nods and escorts him to the young man’s room. They kiss again before they part and Yūrei knocks on the boy’s door and waits for him to call, “Come in.” The young man is a mix of happy and concern to see the warrior enter and take a set in front of him.
“I can tell by your eyes, this is not just to check up on me, is it?” Yuki questions pouring him a cup of tea.
When the Great Warrior informs him of his mother’s odd vision Yuki rises and questions, “Why would I even go to such a place? Wait, I do not even go anywhere near that place. It must be someone who travels along that road from the village to the town. Are there any men at the Bunny Magic who dress as women. A man that no matter how much makeup he applies to his face his stubble pocks through. Which can only mean he is an older man than I. I am barely a man, that is why my facial hair is easy to conceal.”
“Oh my goodness you are right, it has to be someone at Bunny Magic. Well, at least I know you are safe.”
“Yes, I am indeed. I hope you find your man, or I should say, lady before something happens to them.”
Yūrei rises and performs a slight bow before portals to Bunny Magic. The owner comes over to greet him and gets the girls to help him remove his boots.
“Question, do you have boys here that dress as ladies?”
The owner giggles and informs, “Why yes I do. They can also please you in many ways. How many would you like?”
“Let’s say an older man with a scar upon his chin, who dresses in a pink Kimono?”
The ladies are little baffled by Yūrei’s request, then the lady claps her hands and calls, “Tsuki, my dear come to me.”
The Great Warrior watches a woman come trotting over and she performs a slight bow. “Yes, Madam Matsui.”
“Yūrei Samurai would like your compony.”
The Masked Warrior quickly raises his hand in front of his chest. “Now that is only if the lady is wanting to. I do not want to force her.”
Tsuki shakes her head and leads him over to a table for two. “What can I get you?”
“Information, my dear. Please sit.”
The young woman takes a seat beside the legend and gives him a nervous smile.
“A bit of an odd question, have you had any unusual man callers recently?”
Tsuki grips the front of her Kimono and answers, “Yes, he was masked, he had long dark red hair and dark brown eyes. There was something odd about him… as were having sex his skin did not feel like mine, it felt cold and clammy. Also he never said a word. Yet I could somehow understand what he wanted, from food to drink, even pleasure. And I have to admit he knows how to pleasure someone like me. The whole time I was naked to him I was a woman and he only took me that way. This was his payment.”
The Great Warrior watches the lady produce two crescent moon coins and she continues, “I tried to give them back, he refused. I have never seen anything like it. Are they valuable?”
“Very, for they are made from white gold that is only found in a small mine which lies in north Japan. Wait, it out down centuries ago… He was right to give you these as they are for this kind of establishment and other kind of entertainment.”
“Ah, now I understand. So he wasn’t paying me for sex?”
“Well, tectonically yes, however, you can argue you were merely entertaining him, keeping him company which lead to sex, I take it?”
Tsuki nods. “Yes, for I was never intending to do that with him. In a way he was like you hard to resit. I like masked men. Has he done something wrong?”
“No, and I hope it remains that way. Do you ride to town?”
“Yes, every weekend to see my family. Why?”
Yūrei does not wish to frighten her, he smiles and answers, “It is nothing, I was just going to say you are welcome to stop by at the Ogawa house.”
The lady nods and smiles. “Yes, I will try to. Something else you should know about the man he had strange tattoos.”
“Define strange?”
“It could have been some form of writing. It was clearly not Japanese or Chinese. It was all on his back and arms.”
“Interesting,” responds the Masked Warrior rolling up his left sleeve. “Did it look similar to this?”
Tsuki looks at the odd black writing that is going down the inside of the legend’s forearm. “Yes, it was very similar to that. Is it some kind of spell?”
“Yes, this is for protection. They also can be for enhancing spells and abilities. Anything else unusual about him?”
The young lady leans in a little closer and whispers, “Down there he was not like a normal man. He had no balls and his penis had bumps that made sex really pleasurable. I am not exaggerating it was bigger than mine. He was a perfect gentleman, not once did he rush me, he let me take it all in my own time. It is why the sex took all afternoon. I would happily have him again, because he left me feeling very satisfied.”
The Great Warrior emits a soft growl and whispers, “I am glad to hear that he was patient with you. It sounds like he is an Elemental for some of them have no balls and a big dick. I warn you now no man will ever be able to satisfy you that way again.”
Tuski places his hand to Yūrei Samurai’s groin and whispers in his ear, “I bet you would be able to.”
The Masked Warrior notices the lady is marked with Elemental mark which states she is someones mate. He smiles, places his hand on top and gives her a kiss. “I am up for the challenge after I have eaten and had some blood.”
The young lady returns the kiss then goes and fetches the house special, fried noodle dish with vegetables. The Masked Warrior discovers the blood has been lightly spiced with mint. When he has eaten he portals back to the Ogawa house. This time he goes to find his good friend Chūnfēng who is seated all alone in a back room and when he informs him about the mark his eyes grow wide and states, "The one who lurks in the shadow."