The Father of the Gods leads everyone in to the infirmary where they go on to strip King Dǎ shǎn and Cǎihóng.
Méiguī enters the room and quickly turns around. “Father, who are they?”
Once Dōngjì fēngbào has explained who the two men are he asks, “Please could you do them a bath and get one of your brothers to fetch some blood.”
Méiguī nods and trots out of the infirmary.
Yūrei Samurai has been to fetch his mother and King Jīngyì who soon establishes Cǎihóng must have used an old, very old sleeping spell.
Zhìhuì informs his son, “They are both having lovely dreams… They are walking hand in hand in a meadow of red flowers. It could be why it is proving hard to awaken them from it.”
“You are correct,” interjects King Jīngyì, “it is why it was band. I am afraid you are going to have to turn that lovely scene in to a nightmare… it is the only way to break it.”
The Dreamer frowns and expresses, “That will be a problem when I do not know what they are afraid of. And this wonderful dream has taken over their entire thoughts. I know I could make them go back to that awful night when Fate split them from the woman who was carrying their child.”
“All you can do, mother, is try.”
Zhìhuì walks around to the head of the bed and places his hands upon each of the sleeping couples foreheads. He closes his eyes and begins to use his abilities to shock them from their endless sleep. Whilst he is invading their minds he discovers King Dǎ shǎn is a summoner of a creature that his own son can call. A beast with horns on either side of his head and crimson colour skin with a long tail. “Shēn hóngsè (Crimson),” he mutters.
The Great Warrior is surprised to hear his mother speak of a beast which takes all of his strength to summon from another plain of existence. “Mother, what about him?”
The Dreamer clears his throat and explains, “It would appear to be a secret Dǎ shǎn has been keeping from everyone.” His thumb strokes the sleeping Eternal’s forehead. “I can clearly see he has the same summoning marks as you, son. I said to Raven some of the marks upon you were ancient. We soon established that you had capabilities you should not have. I will try not to uncover all of his secrets.”
“It cannot be helped, Mother, when you are touching his mind.”
“Very true. All right, time to awaken them,” announces the Dreamer taking a deep breath. He starts to make them recall the awful night and at first it seems like it is not working. However, the moment Zhìhuì manages to get a clear image of Fate fear and anger begin to creep in to their minds. All of a sudden the image of Fate changes to a man in a hooded cloak holding a glowing staff. When his left hand reaches for the girl bluish grey stones come tumbling out of the sleeve that are attached to a red plated bracelet. “Nordic symbols,” he mutters somewhat confused.
Einar touches the back of the Dreamer’s head and informs them, “Wait, that is not Fate who split them up… Now that explains why they were placed in a Safe House. It was a Western Soul Drinker. Odin, who else in the family has a bracelet like yours?”
The elder Soul Drinker pushes back his left sleeve and answers, “That would be nearly everyone. I mean back then it was the norm. If it was a member of my family who came here before the Dark Time, they kept it quiet.”
“No, it cannot be… those symbols are exactly the same ones my trainer had,” expresses Einar closing his eyes. “I remember he always concealed his face in the shadow of his deep hood. He was always in that light blue cape that has a crystal hanging from the clasp on the left hand side. It is hard to establish if it was Fate who is using him to carry out what happened.”
Then they both see the hood of the cloaked Soul Drinker goes back a little to reveal a narrow chin and thin pale lips utter something. “What was that?” Zhìhuì questions, as he gets the memory to repeat.
“Come with me,” says the Westerner, “that is what he is saying. I will never forget the sound of his voice, husky with a hint of authority and an odd echo.”
“You are right, that echo is a bit strange. Do you recall the name of your trainer?”
“Yes, Herleif and his Chinese name was Liáo.”
Odin folds his arms and takes a step towards the beds. “Herleif is a member of my family who did disappear when I was young. If it really him why did he not get them out of the Safe House? The reason I question it, is because I recall he has a Shadow Heart.”
Einar removes his hand from the back of his mother-in-law’s head and opens his eyes. “The problem is he never explained his marks or why he wore the bracelet. I do not recall seeing him with a Describer.”
One of Dōngjì fēngbào sons enters carrying a cup of blood and a bundle of firewood. “Father, their bath is ready.”
“Wonderful. Chén, do me a favour, see if you can find anything on Western Soul Drinker by the name of Herleif also known as Liáo.”
The Snow Dragon’s eyes open wide and he questions, “The hooded Soul Drinker, is what the mortals call him. What exactly do you want to know about him?”
The Father of the Gods takes hold of his son’s shoulder. “You know where he is?”
“Yes, for he lives not far from the Crescent Moon Mountains. According to the mortals who he visits in that area he is always muttering to himself in a strange language. And when he does speak in Chinese there is a moment of hesitation and they have told me there is a creepy echo behind it.”
All of a sudden King Dǎ shǎn calls out, “No! Liáo, please do not leave us in here… Why are you doing this? Cǎihóng… my love, where are you?”
Dōngjì fēngbào helps his son to get a small fire going so they can heat the blood whilst Zhìhuì tries his best to awaken them.
“Liáo, damn it! Answer me! What have you done? Where is my wife? Cǎihóng, get us out of here… No, do not put me to sleep, Cǎihóng, I would never bite you. Cǎihóng.”
Wiseong is getting worried King Dǎ shǎn is becoming dangerously close to summoning something. His heart rate is beginning to drop and the incantation around his neck begins to glow brighter. “Stop! Before he summons something we cannot control,” he orders, but it is too late an army of minions come out from under the bed. Each one pointing their swords and spears at the others and begin to grunt and snell.
Yūrei is looking at each of the twenty minions and spots the leader who is carrying a fancy sword. “Un na sa ma yi,” he explains crouching down. “Ga, ga ma ya sin, sin da lin ta mi gun da ma, rin sa fun na yi.”
The minion’s eyes narrow and he grunts, “Mu da!” This makes the others fall silent and the leader continues, “Un ta ma min da fin to na ki, ki ma ka ta.”
“Ne. I am explaining to him his master is dreaming and did not mean to summon them.”
The lead minion sheaths his sword and the rest do the same. The ones who are carrying spears place them on the floor. The leader starts to chuckle and questions, “Kun ta ma sin, sin ta rin da fun ka.”
“Ne, gin ta ma. They are going to have to wait for him to recall them,” explains the Masked Warrior, looking to his mother who seems to be struggling to awaken the couple.
“What is this spell?” Zhìhuì questions, looking down at the sleeping kings. “Jīngyì, scaring them is not working. Is there another way to get this spell off them?”
The elder Elemental places his hands behind his back and wanders around in a circle as he thinks. Chūnfēng starts to laugh and implies, “Think about it they were in a dream world where they did not need anything. What if we make them start to crave their favourite food or needing the bathroom?”
The Dreamer claps his hands and rubs them together before placing them back on King Dǎ shǎn and King Cǎihóng’s foreheads. “All right, let’s see if this works.” He gets them to picture a table full of all the foods they like including a cup of fresh pig’s blood that is placed in front of the Eternal. “Yes, you want it. You want to taste that sweet, warm blood. Smell it, the armour is so fresh, so delightful. You can feel your desire for it is increasing, your fangs are growing in size as your cravings get too much to bare.”
King Dǎ shǎn licks his lips and mutters, “Blood.”
“Yes, you want it. You need to wake up in order to drink it. Come on, awaken so you can drink that lovely warm, fresh blood.”
The Great Warrior takes the cup of blood and has a sip to find it is perfectly warm. He goes on to place it near the sleeping Eternal’s nose and whispers, “It is wonderful, you have to try it.”
King Dǎ shǎn’s nostrils flex as he sniffs the fresh blood and his eyes begin to open. “It is real.”
“Yes, very real. I will help you to drink some,” offers Yūrei, helping him to sit up. However, the moment the elder tries to take a sip he finds it difficult to hold the blood within his mouth to swallow it. The Masked Warrior lies him back down, he then takes a mouthful blood and gives King Dǎ shǎn an open mouth kiss to pass it to him and he is able to drink it.
“Well done, son,” says Zhìhuì moving on to the sleeping Elemental. “Chūnfēng, Jīngyì, what is something your kind absolutely adore and crave for?”
“That is easy,” responds King Jīngyì with a slight chuckle to his voice, “it is a drink. Bright orange in colour that smells similar to your Goji berries and is really refreshing with a hint of citrus to it.”
“It is really addictive and one glass of it is never enough,” informs Chūnfēng going on to emit a pleasing moan. “It was the first thing my brother gave to me when I was at home. Why don’t I go and fetch some?”
“Yes, please for it will help me to find it better within his dreams,” declares the Dreamer with a happy smile.
“Chūnfēng, come you can use my gate,” offers the Father of the Gods, opening a side door.
The Great Warrior is giving the elder Eternal another mouthful of blood when he gives him a kiss and asks, “Who are you handsome?”
“I am Mèngjiàn, your highness. Here is someone you will know.”
The Night Dragon appears at the side of the legend and says, “It is good to have you back, my dear old friend.”
“Huīchén, my word it is wonderful to see you. Where are we?”
“We are at Dōngjì fēngbào’s home. He was good enough to take us in. There is a nice hot bath waiting for you.”
King Dǎ shǎn’s eyes close and reopen. “That would be wonderful. I see Cǎihóng is here, where is Liáng? She is carrying my child.”
Yūrei takes hold of his hand and tells him, “She is safe with a family of Healers.”
“Thank goodness. I had best bathe first before I see her.”
“Yes, that is a good idea. We will help you.” Huīchén goes on to place a blanket over him before picking him up and Chén shows them through the side door.
Einar walks over to his husband and gently takes him by the arm to move him away from the others. “Ever since you returned from your town you seem concerned about a boy who looks like a girl.”
“His name is Yuki, he had a man, who was old enough to be his father, was in love with him. Harumi, the butcher told me Haruki had that man General Takeuchi arrested. He could not tell me any more than that. I am worried that something might have happened to the boy.”
“Why did you not say so before, my sweet Ink Summoner? Go.”
The Masked Warrior gives him a kiss then trots through the side door. He puts on his boots and makes his way around to the gate, just as Chūnfēng returns holding a glass of bright orange liquid. “My that is orange,” remarks the Great Warrior pointing his hand at it.
“I know, Su ka is the most brightest thing we have on my world. It grows only in the south and give it a sniff.”
Yūrei gives it a few sniffs. “Goji berries with a hint grapefruit… what an interesting fragrance.”
“It sure is. Have a taste,” says Chūnfēng holding the glass up towards his friend’s mouth. When he takes a sip the Elemental continues, “Sweet and bitter at the same time with a hint of lemon.”
“Wow! It really gets to the jaw. You really drink this?”
“Yes, it is a delicacy on my world and it is only us royal families who tend to drink it.”
“I think that is something I could get used to. Hopefully it can help Cǎihóng.”
“I tell you now one sniff of this is enough to awaken any Elemental from the deepest sleep, for it is something we love and miss when we are far from home. You are leaving?”
The Great Warrior tells him and Chūnfēng quickly removes the key from the gate. “I too hope nothing bad has happened to that sweet boy.”
Yūrei uses the key which takes him to the cave and then from there he portals to the town. The legend quickly makes his way to the White Rabbit to hear music is being played and no one comes to greet him. He removes his boots and begins to make his way down to Sasaki-san’s office when Kiko comes trotting down the corridor. “Sorry, I did not greet you. King… oh what is his name? He is from the third kingdom.”
The lady giggles and answers, “Yes, that is name. He is here waiting for you.”
“Ah, I see and you have all been entertaining him and more?”
Kiko taps him on the arm and declares in a soft voice, “You are the only Eternal I will make love with. Something we have not done in a while.”
The Great Warrior pulls her close and tells her, “I promise once I know Yuki is all right and found out why Hǎifēng is wanting me for, I will make some time for us.”
The lady strokes his chest and kisses him. “You cannot keep promises when you are so busy. We can always try later.”
The Masked Warrior returns the kiss and agrees, “Yes, there is always later. Tell me do you know what happened? Why did Haruki have the General arrested?”
“I am afraid I do not know the details. All I heard was Yuki shouting rape and Sasaki-san was having the General arrested. You see I was busy keeping our other guests happy and making sure the king was well taken care of.”
“I understand, I guess I will ask Yuki.”
“You will find him in his room along with Jūrō,” replies Kiko taking hold of his hand and leads him down the corridor.
When they reach the door of Yuki’s room the young lady gives the legend a kiss and leaves him. The Great Warrior knocks on the door and waits for it to open. “Yūrei, please come in.”
The Masked Warrior steps inside and the young man goes on to pour him a cup of tea. “What happened?”
Yuki takes a seat at the end of the table and sighs.
Jūrō quickly rises and leaves the room.
“I was all alone with Akimitsu,” explains Yuki flopping down on to his back. “We were playing chess when he suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me to the floor. He started to kiss me and undress me. When I felt his hand reach down to my groin I told him no I was not ready.” The young man sits up and rubs the side of his neck. “Akimitsu did not do as I asked and started to undo my loincloth. I stopped him and shouted no. I said I am not ready. He gave me this horrible look, like I was denying him of something he should have. All of sudden he became a monster he held my hands to my chest and carried on undoing my loincloth. The moment he placed himself between my leg I kneed him hard in the balls and he collapsed to the floor and I was able to finally escape and screamed rape. Sasaki-san came storming into the room saw that I was all exposed he of course grabbed Akimitsu and dragged him over to the police station. Detective Katō has done some digging and discovered Akimitsu has been known to take boys against their will.”
Yūrei gives him a hug. “I am so sorry.”
“There is no need for you to apologise, you were not to know he was like this. I mean he did hide it well. It never crossed my mind he could be a predator of young men. To be honest I am getting a little tied of old men taking an advantage of me. Please do not tell Hideyoshi this, I quite fancy him in a dress, he makes a fine woman.”
“Ah, my lips are sealed. You are right, even I was not concerned about Akimitsu, I was more than happy for him to spend time with you and Jūrō. Did he try it on with him?”
“No… unless he is not saying… then again I do not think he would tell us or Sasaki-san for that matter.”
“I will go and see if he will tell me, for Hiroto needs to know if there are any more victims.”
“I agree. His room is one down from me.”
The Great Warrior gives the young man another hug. “By the way you did the right thing, kneeing him where it hurts.”
Yuki smiles and tells him, “I am not afraid to hit any man there who forces himself on to me. It is one of the reasons why Sasaki-san haired me.”
“Well, you defiantly showed him you can take care of yourself. It might help him to see you as men and not boys.”
They both shake their heads and giggle as they know the owner of the White Rabbit will always see them as boys no matter how old they get.
Yūrei gives him a kiss on the forehead and tells him, “To me you are a man. Right, I will pay Jūrō a visit.”
Yuki nods and gives him a happy smile.
The Great Warrior walks out of the room and down to the other lad’s room. He is about to knock on the door when he hears soft moaning coming from within and a feminine sounding man says, “Yes, Jūrō, take me. Take me.” The Masked Warrior just turns and walks away and decides to follow the sound of the music to enter a large room. King Hǎifēng has a half naked girls around him and one is pouring him a drink.
“Mèngjiàn, come, come join us,” he calls waving to him. “The girls are just as lovely here as they are at Magic Bunny. I hope you do not mind?”
“Not at all, as long as the ladies are happy to entertain you, it is all fine with me,” answers Yūrei taking a seat next to him. “You wanted to see me?”
King Hǎifēng feels the woman’s breasts and informs him, “Something is wrong with the kingdoms. Now I know your lovely Conjurer lifted the incarnations from them. Then it dawned on me in the early hours, we are all in the wrong kingdoms. The reason I say this is because I have stood in your palace and recognised the artwork on the walls and the surrounding area is so familiar. It is my home. What about you?”
The Masked Warrior allows one of the ladies to place his hand to her breasts. “Yes, it did not feel right to me.”
“Exactly. I did some digging and you are meant to be king of Japan you live at Yuki Castle. Then why on earth were you training a woman to take your place?”
“I have no idea. The more I think about it the more strange it becomes. I also know Haruki is my queen and he was thinking about being with me at Yuki Castle. It is me who does not want him to give this place up nor his freedom.”
“I understand where you are coming from. Another thing you have a husband to think about.”
The Great Warrior looks at the lady and nods. “I do indeed have a loving and understanding husband. Yet here I am again abandoning him when he is recovering from releasing two people from a Safe House.”
King Hǎifēng sits slightly forward and enquires, “What is a Safe House?”
Yūrei starts to laugh and then he explains roughly what has happened which makes the elder’s eyes grow wide with intrigue. “Hold on, they have been asleep in this Safe House for centuries?”
“Yes, placed there by a Western Soul Drinker Chinese name Liáo who lives near the Crescent Moon Mountains. With the sounds of things you would know him if you had encountered him.”
“So, is this Liáo is still at that location?”
“Going with what Chén said I would say so. You are going to investigate aren’t you?”
King Hǎifēng places his fingertips together and shakes his head. “No, I am going to leave this up to you and your hot husband. I must sort out our kingdoms get everyone back to their rightful place. Refresh my memory, do you and Einar have children?”
The Great Warrior nods. “Yes… the problem is I cannot recall how many or where they are. I will need a Healer’s help to find them.”
“I could ask Guāngxiàn to help me with that. I am going to say, you do what you think is best.”
Yūrei gives the lady a kiss before he rises and announces, “I am going to find Liáo.”
King Hǎifēng raises his cup and cheers, “Go for it!”
The Great Warrior opens a portal back to Dōngjì fēngbào’s home to be greeted by Méiguī. “We did not expect you to return, Your Highness.”
“Is Chén still here?”
“Yes, I will take you to him.”
The Masked Warrior follows her through the grounds to the bathroom and she leaves him by the entrance. Inside comes raised voices King Cǎihóng is not pleased to awaken in a strange place naked in a bath whilst surrounded by strangers. He falls silent the moment Huīchén tells him, “See I am here. You are safe, my good friend. No one here will harm you. Just relax.”
Yūrei is about to open the door when sides back and the very Snow Dragon he askes for comes stepping out. “My sister informs me you wish to talk to me?”
“Yes, what else can you tell me about Liáo?”
Chén grips his arm and escorts him to a library and orders, “You are not to go securing for him. Trust me that man is dangerous. The one thing I did not mansion in front of my father, is the mortals are terrified of him. Your husband kindly informed me the Ink Heart can gain control of its host if they are not strong enough to keep it at bay. He also told me it sounds like things with his Ink Heart have become far worse than they were when he knew him. I know I am not going to be able to stop you or the Soul Drinkers seeking him out. Just bear in mind he is an unstable man.”
“I understand and it does sound like he might be too far gone to get any real answers. It is Einar, I can tell it is him who wants to find his old teacher to… I think thank him. Or to discover if it is really him.”
“I also got that impression. I will tell you the same, I do not know where his home is or why he turns up around the area he does. The mortals say it is almost like he is looking for something and he never stays for long before he disappears once more into those mountains. I think it could also be altitude sickness that has got to him, for some of them have snow caps all year round.”
Yūrei nods. “That is also a possibility. I will see what Einar wants to do.”
Chén sighs and places his hands upon his hips. “All right, if you insist going there in winter you might find him at Yuèguāng Lǚguǎn (Moonlight Inn). The ladies allow him to stay for as long as he likes. They also have informed me some ladies even have sex with him. You did not hear that from me.”
“I completely understand.”
The Snow Dragon folds his arms. “Go, grab your husband I will take you to him.”
The Masked Warrior bows to thank him then runs out of the library down to the bathroom. Einar comes stepping out shaking his hand and tells his love, “They are not happy. Herleif has a lot to answer for. Odin and I were going to find him.”
Yūrei gives him a hug and whispers, “Come, Chén has offered to take us all to him.”
The Westerner smiles and reaches out with his mind to inform Odin who comes out of the bathroom. They all quickly return to the library to find the Snow Dragon has opened a door to a snow covered place.
“That building right there is the one I told you about. It is a place where gambling takes place and the owner is Dōng yuè (Winter moon) is not a man to anger. Well, he is not exactly a man. You will all discover what he is.”
“Thank you, Chén.”
“Oh, do not thank me yet. Crescent Moon Mountains is not your normal place,” implies the Snow Dragon folding his arms.
The Great Warrior does not question him on it and steps through the door along with the Soul Drinkers and they quickly make their way to the inn.