Prince Léiyǔ trots over and performs a quick bow. “I am sorry to stop you, Mèngjiàn, what about them?”
The Great Warrior turns his gaze to Líhuā and Fēngshēng. “They have been stripped of their abilities, so even if they did find a portal stone they will not be able to use it. To be honest I have had enough of dealing with them.”
“I hear you, your highness. All right, let’s all leave,” suggests Léiyǔ, turning back slightly to acknowledge the rest of the party who all give him sharp nods.
They all take it in turns to step through the portal to be greeted by a Gate Guardian. “Ink Heart, did the little one find you?”
“Yes, Mù, he is currently inside my topcoat.”
“I am pleased to hear it, for he was clearly struggling with whatever it was he was carrying.”
The Westerner holds up the crystal and informs him, “It is a piece of Amphibole Quartz otherwise known as Angel Phantom Quartz. This little one told me his master wore one.”
The Gate Guardian squints and his hand moves a little closer. “Raven, it has a slightly different glow to yours.”
The elder Soul Drinker holds up his stone and questions, “Glow?”
“Forgive me I should say perhaps it is something only my kind can see. The one you have, Raven, emits a soft white glow, where that one the Ink Heart is holding is emitting more of dark blue glow. It is what caught my eye when the Thorny Pixie was struggling to carry it through.”
Einar smiles. “That is awesome you can see that this one I have, has been tampered with. It is such a shame this one has been made to give you nightmares. They are not easy crystals to come by.”
Mù shakes his head. “It is not right when someone does that to them. I have left the door to the Vault open. Yet that Thorny Pixie was able to pass through and return as you have all witnessed. It is odd the door is a little outside this domain, could the Vault be causing that?”
Jué puts out his hand and spreads out his fingers. “From what I am detecting it was made by a Soul Drinker which is odd when your kind do not normally interact with this domain.”
“He wanted it to be found by none Soul Drinkers,” implies Raven, taking a closer look. “Interesting. So, this door has never been opened until now?”
The Gate Guardian winks his left eye and smiles. “I think you have already established that, Raven.”
The elder Soul Drinker performs a slight bow to Mù before he steps through the door and the others soon join him. Before Mù closes the portal he tells them, “I should inform you all, you are now on an isolated island that lies off the South coast of Korea.”
Yūrei performs a slight bow. “Thanks for that, old friend.”
“Call if you need me,” says the Gate Guardian as the door completely closes.
The party make their way over to the building, the walls shimmer like the surface of a pearl and the small windows are made from coloured glass. The metal door is wide open and it is clear the illusionist and his mother have been searching through all the books and scrolls on the left side.
“The mess,” mutters Yùwàng, stepping inside. “They clearly have no respect.”
Zhìhuì makes his way over to a pile of books. “Locking all of this away did nothing to prevent the Dark Time. Wait a second, this is not a Vault, it is an Archive, some of these books are stories and Light Arts.”
Raven and the other Dreams gasp, “No way.”
Prince Léiyǔ looks around and questions, “I take it this is old?”
“This predates the Black Bird Attacks,” explains Raven, pointing his hand at the windows. “That is why we have coloured glass to represent what spells are stored here. Clear Light, dark blue represents Dark Spells. You get the idea? This is incredibly rare and instead of using what is stored here for good they picked something that harmed time. The question is did they leave it out or have they hidden it in this mess they have left.”
Einar carefully makes his way down to the table that lies in the centre of the round room. The surface is covered in piles of scrolls and books, some of which have tumbled off onto the floor. He uses his abilities to pick up an open scroll. “Rift of Time spell. Warning should not be cast under the light of a full moon, for the rift in time will become unstable, thus have the potential to cause a repeat in time. Only when the repeat is concluded that time will be restored. Fail to do so and the repeat will bring forth Chaos. The idiots they certainly did not heed this warning. Why create this mess when this is clearly from the Dark Arts section. It is hard to tell what else they were looking for.”
Wéifēng points his hand at a pile of books. “It is clear Bàofēngxuě also did not know what this place really was, that is why they began to search from the door and made their way around from the left, that is why it took them years to find that spell. Einar, does it have Chaos symbols attached to it?”
The Westerner uses his abilities to lift up the ribbon to discover on the end is exactly what the Dreamer had described. “That would be a yes. I know what you are going to say, when this is on the shelf the tag would be dangling down or on top of the scroll. This one is even marked on the spool what it is… Idiot! The boy did this mess for he could not read ancient Chinese, that is why he opened books and scrolls. Also this is clearly boredom. Do you see it, my sweet Ink Summoner?”
The Great Warrior nods. “Your labially in winter, it would be like this beautifully tidy on one side and shear chaos on the other.” He starts to laugh and places his forehead to his husband’s. “Sorry my sons caused you so much trouble.”
“That is what children with emotions are for,” says the Westerner, giving him a kiss. He then turns back to the floating scroll. “Líhuā clearly did not know a rift in time would only take her back two centuries.”
Qí wàng turns around to face the open doorway to see a handsome man is standing there. “Chaos, is everything all right?”
The higher gods gives a slight nod. “Now I understand why I was brought in to the mix. What was she hoping to achieve? Stop you, Ink Summoner, from being conceived or being made king?”
The Masked Warrior walks over to him. “I would go with conceived. It is clear she was madly in love with Yǔmáo. I understand why he went with the lady he liked rather than one he would never get along with. Jealousy really makes people do the most stupid acts. Bàofēngxuě wanted it to happen because he could not stand my mixed abilities.” His voice trails off and he turns his attention to Einar. “That is why he knew about this place he went after the owner… I hate to think what he did to him.”
The Westerner gently places his hand over the small, shaking lump inside the front of his topcoat. “That is why he was able to kill them.”
“It is why I am here,” expresses Chaos, placing his hands behind his back. “I have been informed by the Keepers of Time there is a flutter in time, which means the rift they created is still open. Or it is because, you are right, Ink Summoner, they did something to the owner. It could not have killed him otherwise Death would have been altered.” He points his hand to the Westerner and smiles. “Tip, Ink Heart, your lovely device will locate the owner and it is best to have the handsome Light One with you.” Before anyone can ask him any questions he vanishes.
Tenjō emits a sigh and shakes his head as he tuts. “The owner is the same as me, therefor he will only speak with his mind to a fellow Light One. We already know that for I am not much of a talker.”
Everyone starts to laugh and Yūrei pats his good friend’s shoulder. “He was also indicating you might know where we can find him,” says the King, watching Tenjō’s eyebrows rise. “You guessed it, safe haven.”
The Light One starts to move the scrolls to one side and starts to tap the surface of the table. “It is a Message Table and a location stone. Of course he would not tell us his name, on the other hand he has left us everything we need to find him. I may not have been raised by a Light One, I still understand their odd ways of leaving hits and clues. We need to clear the table so Einar can place his compass down on the right spot.”
Everyone helps by removing books and scrolls carefully from the table and placing them either back where they belong or on the floor. Then the Westerner sets his compass down on an incantation that lies in the bottom right hand corner and places the location crystal in the centre. He shows the Angel Phantom Quartz to the Thorny Picky who is peering out of his topcoat. “Sh ma na ru?”
The little creature comes flying out, he takes hold of the crystal and directs Einar to where he got it from. “Ah, now we have a name, Brynjar Shénshèng xīn (Sacred moon). Brynjar is Nordic for armoured warrior. What an interesting name, he must have earned it after a battle where he showed good defence. We are not named at birth we are only given a name when we show our talent for my name means, one who fights alone. You can all guessed what I did.” The family and Prince Léiyǔ nod and smile. “Let’s send this Brynjar a message and hopefully find where he is.”
Tenjō takes an off-white piece of paper from the pile, that lies at the back of the table and picks up the quill made from a crow’s feather with a lovely gold nib and dips it in the ink pot. “We have found your Archive in a bit of disarray and sign it with my name, then place it on the owner’s message and see what happens.”
When nothing happens the two young Soul Drinkers look to Raven for help and he informs them, “The table where he is has either been broken or prevented from working. Both sound outrageous, however, we are dealing with a Dragon who disliked him, so anything is possible. Which makes our task even harder.”
Einar’s eyes open wide and he starts to groan and speak in his own language. The Great Warrior takes hold of his shoulders and asks, “What is it?”
“This is one massive clue to what has happened to our children. They are yet to contact us because the Message Table isn’t working and the reason they have not returned to us is because they have been taken to a place where Death cannot find them,” says the Westerner without taking a breath. He emits an angry cry and crouches down with his hands on his head buying his face in to his knees.
Yūrei gives him a hug and tells him, “We will find them, my love.”
Einar lifts his head to look him in the eyes and smiles, making the Great Warrior enquire, “What have you figured out.”
“Ask the Gate Guardians if there is a locked door that was locked by a Dragon. Think about it he had to use a gate or door to get them all in one place and to prevent them from escaping he placed a lock on it that only a…” The Westerner tries to look eager to his husband to give him an answer. “What do I have that can break locks?”
“Describer,” answers the king with a smile. “Will she be able to do it?”
“There is only one way to find out, let’s find that door.” Einar rises and waits for his husband to open a portal and they both step inside where they go on to ask Mù about the door.
The Gate Guardian folds his arms and his eyes narrow. “Well, there is and old gate that has odd marks on it. I figured out it was because they were backwards. I have no idea if they are Dragon. Come, I will take you both to it.” He offers them his hand and once they are abroad he carefully carries them through his domain.
The black mist in front of them parts to reveal a gate that is not quite there which makes the marks upon it faze in and out. Sköll comes rising out of her master’s topcoat and hovers in front of the gate for a moment before she rises up to the top and draws a symbol.
Einar emits a soft laugh. “She does not know if the contacting lock will work whilst she is in your domaine. She said this in going to be interesting. Well, this is only the first time we have attempted this.”
Yūrei nods in agreement. “She does have a point.”
“I am sure her spell will work fine,” says Mù, watching the tiny glowing crystal with fascination as she makes her way down to the right side of the gate. “You made her?”
“Yes, when I was a boy. Sometimes I do regret it because the pain I get from the incantation she burned into the right side of my neck and shoulder. Then on the other hand I am glad I did. She is also glad I gave her life. I don’t suppose you have any ice?” The Westerner goes on to expose his right shoulder and uses his left hand to fan it.
Mù reaches through a nearby gate to bring out a chunk of ice for the Ink Summoner to chip off what they need in to a cloth and places it upon his husband’s shoulder.
“Aaah,” sighs the Westerner with relief to the ice effectively calming the symbols. “That’s better,” he says with another sigh.
The Gate Guardian takes the rest away and uses a cloth to mop up the water. “If you need any more just shout.”
“We will do. Thank you,” answers the Great Warrior the happy smile.
The Describer comes to a stop and hovers in the centre of the door for a moment before she carries on drawing the final symbol in the centre. The lock over the door begins to crack and a lovely sent starts to waft through.
Einar sniffs the air and softly says, “That smells like bread.”
Yūrei also sniffs and agrees, “It smells lovely.”
The lock completely shatters letting in a rush of air. Mù places his hand in front of the small gods and asks, “Are you both all right?”
“We are fine, old friend,” answers the king, putting his hair back over his shoulders and tries to flatten his husbands mass of wavy hair.
The Westerner giggles and states, “You do realise you will be doing that all day.”
“Well, at least you do not look like you have been struck by lightning.”
They all laugh and Sköll returns to her master.
“Good girl,” he says in Nordic, opening the left side of his topcoat for her to return to the pocket. “Shall we?”
The Masked Warrior links arms with his husband and they both step through to find themselves on an island that is half covered in tall pins and bamboo. The houses are a mix of stone and bamboo with thatched roofs. Then they begin to realise there is no wind nor can they hear the sound of the sea.
Einar takes a step forward and begins to chant as he throws his hand high above his head, then down to the ground. The moment his fingertip come into contact with the gravel an incantation shoots out around him. He stands in the centre whilst two crystals float around them him, that soon become so fast they appear as blue streaks of light circling his body.
Yūrei notices symbols upon the barrier above them start to flicker in to life. Then his attention is drawn to a man shouting, “No! Soul Drinker, Stop it cannot be… Father?”
The Great Warrior runs over to him he throws out his arms. “Yǔtiān (Rain), my boy.”
They hug. “Father, what is dad doing?”
“Look, we have punched a hole in it and now he is braking the rest.” Just as the Masked Warrior has said that the barrier around them begins crack and Einar shouts, “KIN DA MIN SA RIN DAAAAA!” This makes the barrier shatter and the Westerner collapses.
Yūrei and his son rush over to sit him up to discover he is not in a good way, he is barely breathing and blood is coming from his nose. The king picks him up, “I am going to get him to a Healer.”
“Go! Father, I will tell everyone we are free.”
The Great Warrior opens a portal and calls as he steps through, “Mù, Healers.” The Gate Guardian scoops them up and quickly places them in the Healer village that lies in south Korea.
Wiseong comes running out of his home and places a bundle over the Soul Drinker’s mouth and nose. He helps the king to carry him inside. “Chūnyǔ, vapour!”
“Coming, Father,” answers a Healer as comes running into the room holding a smoking metal incense holder and hangs above the bed. He gently gets the king to take a seat on the next door bed and gives him a reassuring smile before he carries on helping to treat the Westerner.
The Head Healer gets Einar to drink a herbal tea that helps to open his airway. “Let me guess he has been doing one too many spells?”
“No, my husband has been in a weak state since he helped us get out of the hidden fort. He just does not seemed to have recovered completely from it. He used his abilities to prevent it from collapsing.”
“I see and he has been using his Describer?” Wiseong questions, watching the king nod. “Do not worry we will soon have him back to normal.”
The Masked Warrior feels hopeless and begins to think he should return to their children. But he cannot bare to leave the man he loves when he is in such a bad way. Then his husband begins to call him. “Clam yourself, my love, I am here.”
Einar grips Yūrei’s hand and says through his gasps, “Tower…. Home… Herbs.”
“All right, I will get them.” He gives him a quick kiss before he portals to Tower Island to grab a couple of bundles before retaining to the Westerner and places one under his nose.
After a few minutes of breathing in everything which is offered to him Einar’s breathing begins to settle down and he falls asleep.
The Great Warrior leaves him to rest and returns to the Gate Guardian who informs him, “Yǔtiān, has lead everyone home.” He takes him over to a gate places him through it.
Yūrei is greeted by warm sunlight and a lovely warm breeze is blowing across the hills. It takes him a moment to realise he is back in China at their family home that lies near to the South coast. There is a small village and on the left is an eight storey tower made from white stone. He begins to make his way over to it and is pleased to hear feet running through the upper corridor. “Son’s,” he calls.
“Father,” calls Yǔtiān and comes down to great him. “How is dad?”
“He is all right, sleeping.”
“That is good to hear. Father, it is great to be finally home. I though it was for the best I got everyone here and then once we feel up to it return our lives. I cannot believe we are finally free.”
“Son, who placed you in there?”
“Oh, a nasty Snow Dragon, he called us all freaks and said that we were impure… Oh, just terrible. Non of my Soul Drinker brothers could get us out of there. How did dad do it?”
“No idea. He is just a remarkable man who I am proud to have as my husband.”
Yǔtiān gives him a hug. “I am proud to have him as my dad. You should be by his side when he awakens. We are fine, Father, as you can hear my brothers are cleaning this place and making sure there is nothing to set off the Soul Drinkers, we don’t want you to be having to rush them to a—”
“Fenrir, my boy,” calls the Great Warrior, giving the Soul Drinker a hug. It is clear he is Einar’s first born son with his Describer floating by his left shoulder.
“How did, father get us out?”
“All I can think of the moment he opened the door which his Describer it weakened the barrier just enough so it could be broken.”
“Oh that makes sense,” answers Fenrir, then he starts to lead him up the stairs. “Dad, we have a guest. Well, he has been with us since we were placed in that place. Brynjar, this is our father, King Mèngjiàn.”
Yūrei cannot believe it and asks, “Brynjar Shénshèng xīn?”
“Yes, your highness,” replies the Soul Drinker, performing a slight bow.
Yūrei gives him a hug. “I am so glad to see you were put with our children. I am afraid your Archive is in a bit of a state.”
“I should have been more careful and get tricked by a lovely lady. She put me to sleep and when I awoke I was with your amazing children. That is when I found the keys to the Archive were gone. They killed my guardians, didn’t they?”
“No, some managed to—” The Great Warrior quickly opens a portal to the Healers and pulls him through. “I just remembered, one of them is with my husband.”
When he opens the door Wiseong has the tiny creature upon his hand. “Mèng, I was not aware your husband had a pet.”
The Thorny Pixie recognises the Soul Drinker and flies over to him. “Theory, I am so pleased to see you survived. To ma kin na fin do wu ta ka.”
The creature sits upon his shoulder and his owner asks, “I take it the ones who harmed my guardians have been caught?”
The Masked Warrior goes on to tell him just as a portal opens and out of it steps Chaos shaking his head. “The flutter in time still remains,” questions Yūrei, watching the higher god nod.
“The Keepers of Time are unable to find it,” he explains. “We do not have time for the Ink Heart to recover. We need to find this flutter before it becomes a rift once more. You will need perhaps someone who is not of this world to compete the task.”
“Chūnfēng,” answers the Great Warrior. Chaos gives him a wink before he returns to his domain.
Brynjar’s eyes grow wide and he enquires, “Wait, hold on, you and your husband are helping Chaos to restore time?”
“Yes, we are and now I have one last task to do, find the flutter and close it. Before I do that, would you like me to drop you off at your Archive?”
“Please. I can then return what is left of my guardians finally home,” replies the Soul Drinker, stroking the Thorny Pixie who beings to sing.
Wiseong gently takes hold of the king’s arm. “I will inform Einar.”
The Masked Warrior gives his husband a kiss on the cheek then he helps Brynjar to his Archive to discover the rest of his family are still there sorting it out.
The owner places his hands to his chest. “My I was not expecting this, Dreamers, Eternals and… Raven? Is that really you?”
The elder Soul Drinker walks over to him. “I am so sorry, I do not remember—”
“I see you still wear the Angel Phantom Quarts I gave you when we were boys playing on the beach with the waves lapping the shore. It is odd how I remember that and not see the warning signs of the hand in the velvet glove. Anyway, it does not matter now I am finally free. Once I have sent my guardians home I will head back to my…” Brynjar takes hold of the king’s arm. “I bet they used the gate outside my home to form the rift.”