“Well, this was not what I was expecting,” says the Westerner, looking around at all the houses. “I thought we restored time, therefore this city should not be here.”
Yùwàng puts out his hand and informs them, “It is no illusion. Could you have missed something?” His nephew and his husband shake their heads. “Interesting… I guess the only person who can tell us is Chaos himself.”
Then they begin to hear a deep throaty laugh and the very god appears. “Time has been fully restored. The reason these houses are still here is because this small city was already here. It was built by Eternals who wanted to begin a new life. However, they soon realised island life was not such a good idea and returned home. I hope that answers the question?”
“Indeed it does, Chaos,” answers the Masked Warrior. “This is where we are leaving him, unless you are here to tell us that is not such a good idea.”
The higher god walks around the illusionist shaking his head in disproval. “I cannot believe someone so young caused such a knot in time, which even the Keepers of Time failed to undo. I in order to restore time had to literally cut out the knot. That was not the end of it. In order to restore the gap you all had to repeat two whole centuries… I do I like turning back the Sands of Time for it disrupts the natural flow of life and can make a few problems. Memory loss is a big factor. The Keepers of Time are ready to cut your thread if you start again to disrupt time. Also your very pure blood soul will be eaten by the Ink Summoner for you do not deserve to be placed in Limbo. In truth Death does not want you. Yes, we all know you did not do this alone. The thing is we were wondering how two Eternals were capable of doing so much damage to time that even Time himself is unable to find an answer. That also goes for the Keepers of Time and they have said there may never be an answer for it is lost in the knot. I am Chaos and I have to admit, even I am impressed with the chaos you caused to your own world.” He claps his hands. “It is very impressive. I should also tell you, you and your mother have been striped of your abilities by my dear sister. Nature herself has had enough of both of you. Ink Summoner, I do not need to tell you for I already know you are going to make sure they never, ever leave this island. It can become their tomb for all I care. I hope to never have to deal with you again.” Chaos pats the side of Fēngshēng face before he disappears back in to his domain.
A portal opens and out of it comes a woman who’s hands are bound and King Yǔmáo and another lady who quickly stops the woman she is holding from going to the illusionist.
Yǔmáo trots over to give his son a warm embrace. “I had a feeling you would bring the boy here and I am glad to see I was right. I should tell you the other lady who is holds his mother Líhuā is Táohuā the one who carried you. The main reason I picked Táohuā over her sister is because in a crises she remained calm and she was good at helping mortals with their problems. Líhuā has no patience whatsoever. I could not have that. I wanted you to have problem solving skills and a calm understating of the world. I knew all too well how jealous Líhuā was…” he starts to laugh and place his hands to sides of his face. “Not in a thousand years did I ever expected her to do something so catastrophic I just cannot wrap my head around it. Even Jīngyì is at a loss. Because of her we never got to rase you, the son we longed for. You are perfect.” The king’s eyes start to fill with tears as he holds his son’s face between his hands. “We are so proud of you and we hope to get to know you. I mean only if you are wanting to, we do not want to force you.”
“I would very much like to get to know my fathers when…” the Masked Warrior begins to stare at the women and the illusionist. “Chaos, what were you hinting?”
Einar opens a portal and calls, “Mù!”
“Ink Heart, how may I help you?”
The Westerner points his hands at Líhuā and Fēngshēng and asks, “Do either of them have the means to open a portal?”
A set of large fingers begin to emerge through the black mist. “Yes, the boy has a key on him. It is tucked in to the front of his belt.”
Yūrei begins to search him to pull out a greenish blue stone that is the size of a plum. “Where does this take you?”
Fēngshēng does not answer and Táohuā informs the Great Warrior, “I found one just like it on my sister. It too was tucked in to her belt, she also refuses to tell us where it leads.”
Yǔmáo removes the stone from his cloth pouch and holds it out towards his son. “Gate Guardian—“
“Please call me Mù and yes I can inform you, what you both have, are keys. Here let me have one.”
Yūrei places the one he is holding upon the Gate Guardian’s index finger and he draws his hand back in side. “Interesting,” says Mù. “It opens a doorway that is not quite in our domain. The reason I said interesting is because all I am seeing is tree trunks. Hang on… building or something made with white stone that has a… Oh my goodness, it is a Vault.”
The older gods gasp, “What?”
Einar turns to his husband who also gives him a blank expression and questions, “Why are you all looking so worried about a Vault.”
Zhìhuì places a hand to his chest and explains, “After the Black Bird Attacks any spell or crystal that was linked to what was concerned Dark which became known as the Lost Arts where locked away inside round buildings made from white stone that shimmers like the surface of a pearl. The reason for our worry is because no Vault was ever marked on a map. It was because they were always guarded by Thorny Pixies. How were you able to get past them? Mù, are you able to see thorny vines?”
“No, I am seeing nothing like that. Wait, I have something flying around me… oooh, it has an unpleasant odour. Help… I need help.”
The Masked Warrior quickly goes to the Gate Guardian and holds out his hand. “Si la,” he calls. Something which sounds like a large bee flies around him before settling upon his hand. He sees it is a leaf green pixie who is dress in spiked leaves that have a blue tint to them. It large light green eyes look up at him.
Zhìhuì comes trotting over and slides to a holt when he sees what is standing upon his hand. “Son, that is a Thorny Pixie. If it sprays us with its thorns we will be put in to an unnatural sleep.”
“Ah, I understand. Einar, I need you.”
The moment the Westerner steps inside the Pixie flies over to him and bows. “Soul Drinkers where the ones who summon them,” whispers Zhìhuì as he takes a step back.
“Yes, we used to ask them to guard our homes. Gin, gin ta min sa un fa la?”
The Thorny Pixie’s eyes blink and it answers, “Rin ka din da yi sa wu.”
“Snow Dragon turned their home to ice,” informs Einar as he continues to listen to the creature. “They could not stop him for he was inside a bubble. So they flew off deeper into the forest and hid. This one managed to remain close… si ma kin ta?”
The Thorny Pixie points a hand at Yūrei and replies, “Kin ta gin.”
“Two Eternals appeared, and they got inside… even he is puzzled how they managed to do that. They must have known the spell… what? Fin la un se yi gu?” Einar cannot believe what the creature is telling him. "He is saying, no spell was spoken or crystal held, yet the female was able to get inside. They remained until sun went down and left with nothing. Da? Da ma ya?”
The Thorny Pixie nods. “Da,” putting up his hands. “Ooh kin te gin sa fu, fu ah yi sa.”
“That is one possibility they took a copy and hid it in their clothes. Mother, am I right, you cannot opened a portal whilst inside a Vault?”
The Dreamer frowns and answers, “I believe you are right, and from what I remember they used Emeralds to prevent any spells from being cast. Ask him if there is a green stone or stones inside.”
The Westerner repeats the question in the Lost Soul Drinker language that is slightly different from the Eternal lost language and waits for the creature to respond. The Thorny Pixie unfold it dragonfly like wings and flaps them as he think. He starts to nod and smiles. “Ne, kiki ga,” holding up his hands as though he is holding a large grape.
“Yes, a big one,” informs Einar and continues to listen to the creature. “It lies next to the daylight stone that turns night into day. Illumination stone. Smaller green stones are embed in the walls that sit along size incantation marks. He is also informing me they never closed the door and they left piles of books and scrolls upon the table. Ah, the stones we found are what they took from that table. They kept returning until time was rest and left more mess.”
Yūrei claps his hands and states, “That is what Chaos is wanting us to do next is investigate this Vault to uncover how they managed to damage time. Shall we, my love?”
The next thing they hear is a scream and King Yǔmáo shouting, “Grab her!”
They rush back to see Akeru and Léiyǔ are holding Líhuā between them and Táohuā is being held in Yǔmáo’s arms. Jué has opened a portal and is calling, “We must get her to a Healer.” Xiàtiān huābàn getting the lady to drink something. “This will help.”
Chūnfēng throws his hand out at the struggling woman and snaps, “You bitch! How could you do that to your own sister?”
Thunderclouds begin to gather over the forest and Qí wàng calls, “Mèng, Einar, stop him!”
The King and his husband dash over to the Elemental and hug him. This calms their friend and the storm disperses. “My love, stay with him whilst I find out what happened.”
The Westerner nods and keeps stroking the back of the Conjurer’s head.
Yūrei pats him on the back before he runs over to his real father to discover a thorn is sticking out the side of Táohuā neck and Tenjō informs him, “It’s Thorny Pixie thorn. We were just making sure there is nothing on this island before we left when it happened. Natsu has given her a tea that hopefully will help. It was your father who summoned us here to help with the search.”
The Great Warrior watches his father carry Táohuā through the portal. “Yūrei, there was no reason for her to do that.”
The masked Warrior gives him a hug. “I completely agree. Wait where is the boy?”
“With your aunties, over there,” answers the Light One, pointing his hand over to the right.
The king emits a frustrated growl and storms over to the woman. “What the hell are you two up to. You have no means of escape off this island. Wait, Mother, aunties, Chūnfēng look at them, they must have something on them.”
Zhìhuì puts his hands out towards Táohuā, he begins to frown and looks to the Elemental. “I am not detecting anything, what about you, my dear boy?”
Chūnfēng shakes his head. “Apart from a few summoning spells. I am not detecting anything odd. I will place a reveal spell on the them as that might tell us more.” He goes on to utter the same spell he used on the king to revel all his hidden incantations.
The Dreamer gets the woman put on to her knees so he can take a look at her chest. He also checks her back and works his way down each arm to her hands. “Out with it, woman, how were you able to get inside a locked Vault? Refuse to tell me, then I will reach into your mind and find your darkest fear and use it against you.”
Táohuā’s expression fills with fear and she informs him, “It was all Bàofēngxuě. He knew of one that was only guarded by those Thorny Pixies. He knew once they were frozen we would have no trouble getting inside the Vault.”
“Well, we can add murderer to his sentence for killing innocent creatures that were only doing their job. I warn you now the Soul Drinker who summoned them will most likely kill you for killing his guardians of his Vault.” Zhìhuì quickly pats his son’s hand. “I think Mù is wanting you?”
A portal opens and the Thorny Pixie comes frying through, but it is not able to get very far before he begins to fall. Einar gently catches him within his hands to discover he is holding a stone that is identical to Raven’s. Clear quarts with a reddish brown to light brown leaf structure at one end, that a feather like texture to it. “I never thought I would see another one of these, Amphibole Quarts, otherwise known as—”
“Angel Phantom Quarts,” interrupts Zhìhuì, holding out his hand and his son-in-law places it upon his palm. “That is stunning, Raven, you should have to see this.” The Dreamer starts to look around. “Raven? Wéifēng is also missing. Brothers, did you see where they went?”
Jué, Yùwàng and Qí wàng all shake their heads.
Prince Léiyǔ points his hands at the houses and informs them, “The last time I saw Raven he was looking at something upon his hand which Wéifēng gave him and pointing over to the right side of the town.”
Akeru and Yūrei release their crows to fly over the town to locate them. “That does not look good,” implies the Lost King his expression tuning worried.
“Father, he is holding aunty Wéifēng.”
Zhìhuì places a hand to his chest and runs off with his son and the Elemental flowing him. By the time they find them Raven has put Wéifēng down. “Are you sure, you are all right?”
“Yes, I am more startled than anything else,” answers Wéifēng fanning his pale face.
“Brother, you really are frightened, what happened?” Zhìhuì asks, giving him a hug.
Rave crouches down and explains, “The house behind us is where Wéifēng found a locking stone from a bracelet on floor. He came to get me because… go ahead smell it.” He holds up the tiny stone towards his good friend’s nose.
Zhìhuì giggles as he gives the stone a sniff and cannot quite believe what he is smelling. “Mint?” He gives it another sniff. “Mint oil… what is that doing on a locking stone?”
“It was lying in a puddle of it,” says Wéifēng, placing his arms around his body. “I am not making this up, the moment I picked that up, a woman appeared she pushed me over and ran out of the house. I was so relived to see Raven and when I told him what happened we returned… The woman is back and is floating in the middle of the room. She scared the life out of me.”
Chūnfēng peers through the doorway to see there is indeed a woman hovering in the centre of the room. She is dressed in a fancy Kimono and something is dripping from her feet. “That is some trick,” he claims, watching her twitch in strange contort ways. “I see what you mean that is creepy. How do we get rid of it?”
Yūrei also takes a look and quickly chants a spell that makes the woman seem almost surprised to be turning to smoke and drifting away. He places his fingers to his lips and mutters, “How did I know that?”
Raven strokes his son's back and tells him, “Do not stress about it. I am just glad you were able to get rid of it. That thing was scaring Wéifēng something terrible, that is why I was holding him. Job well done, Son,”
The Great Warrior smiles. “Thank you, Father.”
Zhìhuì holds up the crystal and explains to his good friend about the Thorny Pixie bringing it to Einar from an unsealed Vault. “What?” He utters crouching down in front of him. Raven takes hold of the crystal and questions, “Why was it in a Vault? Angel Phantom Quartz is harmless. Where is Einar?”
“With the others,” answers the Masked Warrior.
The elder Soul Drinker rises and floats away with the rest of his family fast on his heals.
“Einar, daft request, place this on your compass.”
The Westerner gets it out and does as Raven asks. They watch the symbols in the top section begin to glow. “Conjuring Table… it is looking like the lucid dreams side of it has been enhanced. I can tell by the way you are biting your top lip and frowning, that is not good?”
Raven shakes his hand and takes back the crystal. “Angel Phantom Quartz are very high vibrational crystals, thus allowing very easy access to the Spirit Realm and helping with lucid dreams. Enhance them and they can turn your dream visions into shear nightmares. That is why it was placed in the Vault. Has that lovely Pixie which, is sitting on your shoulder, told you why he picked this?”
“He said master wore one.”
The elder Soul Drinker uses his little finger to give the Thorny Pixie’s head a stroke making him sing. “Ki, ki ka un ii ma?”
The creature goes on to describe the master who summoned them from their dark world and points his hands to both of them when telling them about his face.
“Mix race,” ponders Einar. “He is telling us, he has wavy hair like mine and chin. His eyes though were Asian and he had a lot of earrings. He wore yellow like the sun and a blue jade bracelet was upon… tu, tu? Yes, left wrist that glowed. Master never returned. This little one buried his brothers and sisters. The others are too afraid to return to the Vault.” The Thorny Pixie goes to hide in the Westerner’s topcoat. “He knows he is safe with us. I am going to send what is left home,” he says, stroking the little lump.
Raven grips his son-in-law’s shoulder and suggests, “Let’s do it together.”
Einar nods and opens a portal to the Gate Guardian’s domain.