Jase wasn’t at school today…
Jase was no where to be seen today.
He did tell me last night that he was going to spend the day doing… his own things. Whatever that meant.
Which meant… he wasn’t stalking me today?
Last night, he left no room for more answers about himself. All of the questions I asked were directed back toward me… and it pissed me off a little.
Despite knowing… what he was… there was still something about him that I couldn’t comprehend. Something about his demeanor toward me was a tad uneven.
Now he was tamer, but when wee first met…? No… he was still hiding something and I intended to find out what it was.
Also… last night he took me home, and he made me promise that I wouldn’t walk home today—after school—because he said—if I did—I was being stupid.
I agreed to his terms, knowing he would leave me alone if I did agree, but also—at the time—I was honest.
I told him I would go home with Lizzy or stay at the school until she was done with her date with Pierce.
And I meant it… at the time.
Which is probably why he believed me.
As the schoolday came to an end, I found myself walking to the library… wanting to find out more on fallen angels.
Were they like the bible said…? What did the bible say? Were they bad? Good?
I was so curious.
So… I decided to go against Jase’s word and walked to the library. And all went well.
I currently sat at one of the library computers, intently searching on it after haven picked up some books, too.
I learned more about the fallen angel aspects of the bible… it stated that they were cursed from heaven and sent downcast to hell… but there was more I didn’t understand.
One being… that Jase had those runes that marked him as fallen… and that was nowhere in religious lore.
But everything else was similar… the wing scars, the mind manipulation, the mind powers.
So… if not in religious lore… where did my mom find that story she told us? About the runes that marked angels?
My head started hurting just thinking about it.
But as my lips parted, I gazed up hazily, trying to remember the rhyme again.
But some voice cut through my thoughts:
“Is that the little Emma I see?” Twilight said from next to me.
I flipped around in the chair, eyes rounding when I found him standing directly behind me.
He just smirked, lightly pulling a chair out from the side of the tables and sat on it backward. “My, my. I’ve been looking for you.”
And I’ve been avoiding you.
But I said differently, “How did you find me?”
“Saw you walk out the school… followed you.”
I just swallowed something hard.
Why did he corner me in a public environment? Why not when I was alone on the streets?
“You look pale,” he said then, popping his lips as he grinned. “Do I make you uneasy?”
I remained silent.
“There’s no need to lie,” he said then, lowering his tone so no one could hear, but it only made it more menacing. “I know very well you were eavesdropping on me. You know, don’t you?”
I tried playing dumb. “Know what?”
His eyes darkened as his smile turned sadistic. “You’re a bad liar. Bad girls lie, Emma. Do you know what happens to bad girls?”
I felt a chill slice through me.
“They die,” he whispered slowly. “They get killed by the ones they cross. And I, for one, would enjoy slitting your tight little throat.”
I stared at him in horror, chest heaving up and down as my blood filled with ice.
“There’s the fear in your eyes,” he said in a dark, aroused tone. “Such a beautiful look. It’s my favorite thing to see in a girl who’s struggling against me while I slowly drain her life away.”
My heart slammed against my chest, and I breathed shakily before I said in a calm tone, “It was you. You were the one who tried to kill me.”
“Ah, yes…” he said then, smirking, “I marked you my favorite way.” His smile grew even more sadistic. “Two bruises ringed around your throat like a beautiful necklace. You are now my kill, Emma.”
My eyes widened in horror.
He just showed his teeth through his grin. “You can’t run from me.” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “I will always find you.”
I didn’t waist a second, I shot up, and bolted.
Dashing through the streets, I gasped for breath as my lungs burned, threatening to burst through my chest as tears filled my eyes.
I could hear his hung laughter from behind me, but I kept running anyway.
Of all places… a public one?
Did he have mind powers like Jase? Could no one hear him?
But the unexpected happened.
A gunshot echoed through the streets, and I felt something sharp slice into my side.
I cried out, toppling over.
But it didn’t stop me.
Clutching my side, I dashed forward again, the pain burrowing inside me as I kept running, desperate to escape.
I just rushed around a corner and hid beside an air conditioner, breath shaking when I clutched my side that had blood blooming under my T-shirt, but I was more focused on surviving right now.
I quickly pulled my phone out from my pocket and dialed Lizzy.
The line rang once, twice, ten times… voicemail.
I pulled it from my ear, eyes burning with tears as my lungs begged for breath.
Mom and dad can’t save me. The police… but what if they can’t see him? What if all this is an illusion?
After taking a couple shallow breaths, I dialed Jase.
The line rang once, twice, three times, four times…
I started whimpering quietly, hands shaking as I tried to catch my breath.
I started silently crying, tears slipping down my cheeks as I dialed him again.
I started sobbing silently, entire body rattling with tremors as I heard Twilight’s offkey whistling.
This is it… I’m going to die.
I clutched my side, blood staining my hand as the pain filled me to my very core, burning under my skin like my blood was acid.
I couldn’t stand… it hurt too much.
But—at my last attempt of survival—I dialed Jace again.
It rang once, twice… and after the third time, I felt my hope of living past this nightmare drain from me like sand.
But after the forth ring, he picked up. “Hello?”
I started breathing again, clutching my side tightly as Twilight’s offkey whistling burned through my very core.
“Hello?” he said then.
“Jase…” I whispered.
“Emma,” he sounded amused, “I told you that I was busy today. You really are needy, aren’t you?”
“Jase…” I said solemnly, voice cracking with pain.
He was silent for a moment.
“Emma, what’s wrong?” he said urgently.
“I’m… Jase… I’m going… I’m going to die… he’s going to kill me….”
“Emma, where are you?” he demanded then.
As Twilight’s footsteps got closer, I started sobbing.
“He’s coming,” I whispered.
“Emma, where are you?!” Jase said.
“I don’t know,” I sobbed quietly. “I can’t think straight. I’m bleeding. It hurts.”
I heard doors close on his end. “Stay on the line with me. I’m coming.”
“He’s going to kill me,” I sobbed.
“No, he’s not. I’ll be there soon. I think I know where you are. I can hear the music behind you, do you see a club nearby?”
I took shallow breaths, glancing around nervously.
Through my blurry vision, I spotted a large neon sign in the distance.
“Yeah…” I said quietly.
“You’re on Tubula Street,” he told me. “Hold tight, I’ll be there soon. Stay on the line.”
And at his words… Twilight’s whistling suddenly stopped, and he cursed as if someone spotted him… and I heard his footsteps rush away in the other direction.
My vision framed with white as I tried to catch my breath.
And almost seconds later, a car skid to a stop on the other side of the road, and without glancing around, Jase shot out and came toward me.
I caught my breath when he dropped down and watched me with dark eyes, immediately going to my side. “Let me see.”
He pried my hand away and laced my fingers through his, and he just gazed down and lightly pulled the strands of my T-shirt to the sides.
He then looked up at me. “It looks like it grazed you. You’ll be okay.”
I sobbed in relief, hearing the words come from him sounded almost beautiful.
“It’s alright,” he said then, gently wrapping my arm around his neck. “Come with me. You’ll be okay.”
I cried out when my cut folded, but he just held me up.
And immediately, he helped me to the car.
After getting me into the passenger seat, he helped me sit down, and I tried catching my breath, struggling heavily.
He just brushed his thumb along my cheeks, gently shushing me.
I felt my irises beating in fear, as if my body was blocking out his coos of gentleness.
He just pulled me into a hug, gently running his fingers through my hair. “Shhhh… you’re okay. You’re okay. You’re safe now. I got you.”
Without thinking, I buried my face in his neck, and I felt him stiffen a little as if no girl had done this before.
But I didn’t move… I just needed comfort, I just needed reassurance.
After a moment, I felt him relax and set his lips on my forehead. “Shhhhhh… I got you. I got you now.”
“Don’t leave me,” I whispered desperately.
Three words I vowed to never say in my life spilled past my lips with no reluctance.
Jase just ran his fingers through my hair. “You don’t need to worry. I got you, Angel. You’re with me now. You’re safe now.”
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