Chapter 11: Experimentation
A long tunnel formed of psychedelic colours that kept turning, like a giant kaleidoscope, and inside it the YF-21, with a pilot who was getting bored.
"I'm not a donkey, I'm just bored," Utis recalled from an old CGI animated film.
Reaching his destination would take time, and confined to so little space, he had no choice but to be alone with his deepest thoughts. He had already exhausted the resource of leaving his mind blank, so he was slowly getting desperate, when a risky idea came to him.
"How much more can the Black Cat be used for?" he thought. "What if I use the BDI and BCS systems to "get off" the ship."
No one had ever considered the possibility of such an exercise in the middle of a transposition operation. For a few seconds Utis was afraid, but then he decided to take a chance.
Again his brain shaped his entire being and became embodied in the powerful transformable valkyrie he was supposed to "handle". Every time he used the BDI and BCS systems, he would become the YF-21, but now he would try to do something more "avant-garde".
The feeling was strange, he was the YF-21, but at the same time his naked body came out of the Black Cat and saw him from the outside.
After the initial surprise, the figure of Utis surrounded the valkyrie, moved freely forward and even flew a couple of meters ahead, not too much, he was afraid that somehow his mind would be lost in the psychedelic tunnel to never return to his body.
It was so strange, he could feel a heart beating strongly because of the emotion in his immaterial body. In the end, he fixed his attention on the FoldBooster coupled up with "him".
With elegance he planned or levitated towards the advanced piece of technology, being able to appreciate it in greater detail. Immaterial hands caressed the entire surface of it as it whistled in admiration at the wonders that the human mind could create, a device that could allow a valkyrie to perform a transposition operation as if it were an SDF-type ship.
“Whoa, wait a minute, did I just whistle?” Utis said as he realized that he whistled with emotion at the magnificence of the FoldBooster. Apparently his "ethereal" form could do things he couldn't do in real life.
Shocked by this revelation discovered by accident, his mind was directed at the same time as he had to perform a shameful act in front of several severe Generals of the Earth.
"I wonder if now..."
Utis sang the same song again but with the difference that now his voice had nothing to envy that of a professional singer.
“Gosh, this is amazing. When Rubio finds out...”
But Utis was not supposed to be "playing" with the ultra classified systems of the YF-21, but now that he had done so and discovered so many things, it was impossible to stop now.
He imagined himself changing his shape, when he saw his hand again he saw that instead of a human palm, he saw the paw of a cat. His whole body had changed shape, he was no longer anything but an ordinary cat.
He started "running" all over the surface of the YF-21, it was wonderful and he enjoyed it a lot, in fact, he was enjoying it too much, something wasn't right. Scared, he returned to his human form.
"I think when I became a cat, my mind was becoming more animal," he thought to himself, frightened and excited. "Maybe I'll try again later, if I figure out how to do it safely."
An idea crossed Utis' mind, he was never a catwalk model, what if he changed his physical appearance?
He remembered how the girl he liked: Sanya, she looked with great interest at the handsome waiter on the Riviera.
He saw his hands again and they looked different, now he needed a mirror to look at himself as he did not believe he could "get out of his body" a second time.
“Wow, this is amazing," Utis said, watching a full-length mirror materialize in front of him.
It was as if his brain or perhaps the ship itself warned him of the danger, the BCS and BDI systems were automatically shut down.
“Auch, what the hell...” Utis was in the cockpit again, his eyes open and looking at the controls, he could feel a slight headache.
"Of course, it is said that in a lucid dream one should not see one's hands, much less see one's image reflected in a mirror so as not to wake up," he reasoned after a while.
"I don't think anyone has created an emergency program to shut down the systems, at least not for what they were about to do. "Maybe just like when I was "transformed" into a cat, I was about to lose my mind when I almost saw my image in the mirror."
“Thank you friend, you saved me beautiful," Utis told the Black Cat, as he patted the cabin monitors affectionately. “Well, Utis Otonashi, no more fooling around again, unless you know you're not playing with fire.”
To avoid the temptation, he concentrated on editing his fanfics, correcting any possible spelling mistakes he might find. Thus absorbed in the task he was doing, he arrived at his destination.
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