Chapter 7: The Entry of the Disappeared
Admiral Maximilian Jenius and Mayor Milia Fallyna were not happy, both military and civilian personnel had been assaulted and put in a coma. At first the attacks were related to protodeviln entities that did not want to leave this universe, however, the reality was more disturbing.
Dr. Chiba, in his good faith, had shared in the Galaxy Network all the information from his (now proven) theory regarding sound energy, Colonel Burton was not pleased but the evil was already done, and he hoped that all the information leaked to the public would not be misused.
“You should have talked to me, Milia! As soon as you heard Chiba's idea, you should have informed me!” protested the Admiral in the office of the Mayor of Macross 7.
“How was I to know that all this calamity would happen?”
Jenius leaned on the back of his seat and took off his glasses so that he could massage the bridge of his nose more comfortably.
Drugs had always accompanied humanity since it first planted the roots of civilization, even before. The 20th and 21st centuries had seen an alarming increase in the number of consumers, as had the variety of illegal substances. Human creativity to invent ways to destroy their own bodies and minds apparently knew no limits, drugs no longer needed to be tangible, even music itself could become a drug, a clear example was Idosing.
And if music could be used as a drug, what would stop someone from inventing a way to turn sound energy into some kind of drug?
“This kind of eventuality was not supposed to happen in this kind of fleet," said Jenius, who then turned his eyes to his grieving wife. “After the launch of the Megaroad class fleets, it was deemed convenient to redesign all the deep space exploration and colonization fleets. We were supposed to be safe from all that junk that is now getting out of hand!”
Several psychologists noted that a large number of people confined in a single space could be affected by various psychiatric conditions regardless of the size of the ship on which they were traveling. Entertainment centers such as concert halls, parks, arcades and others were not a permanent solution, this problem was seen in the SDF-1 Macross ship, whose civilian population was highly influenced by civilian elements who only wanted to revolt in the population.
Both psychologists and structural engineers joined forces to avoid these problems and the result was a very innovative design. Not only would civilians have more space and a sense of free movement with New Macross-type ships, they would also have free access to other ships, such as the Riviera, whose objective would be to provide the sensation of being safe on a planet and not to be on a mission of exploration and space colonization with uncertain results and an indefinite time frame.
The new design of the exploration fleets reduced to zero the risk of civil protests or, in the case that now concerned Jenius and Fallyna, drug use by a majority of the population.
“I won't lie to you, Milia, the Earth is very worried about what's happening in our fleet. The current design of the fleets was supposed to be so perfect that they would last not only decades, but centuries, at least five hundred years before being reassessed for structure and shape. “
“How is the situation in the other fleets?”
“Except for a few incidents that were censored on the Galaxy Network, everything is under control, at least for the time being.”
“Then only our fleet is affected... I am a disgrace as Mayor.”
Although his marriage was in the midst of a divorce, Maximilian got up from his seat and went to comfort his wife.
“Milia, none of this is your fault. It's their fault, OpMithril's.”
OpMithril, was a criminal organization of recent creation and that trafficked a drug similar to the Idosing, which elaborated it from the anima spiritia extracted of the people, using for this theories of Doctor Chiba. The anima spiritia was then processed and created sound energy, which was not the same as the one developed for the Sound Force project, but very different.
At first this new drug was the rage of the richest and most influential citizens in the fleet, because it was guaranteed to have no side effects, but without the knowledge of the wealthy consumers they were brainwashed. The most serious cases were reported in those people who were or had zentran or meltran genes, apart from brainwashing, could be turned into killers without their own will.
“Maximilian, what do the UNS on Earth say?”
“Even if it hurts, we must admit that the problem is no longer under our control. Milia... I'm going to ask for Earth's help.”
“No! Maximilian, you can't, the fleet's autonomy will be compromised!”
“What else can be done?”
“I won't allow it Jenius.”
“Mayor Fallyna, although a large majority of those affected and consumers of Warrior, the new drug, are civilians, the situation is out of control and compromises the mission of the fleet, therefore, this situation is within my jurisdiction and by law you must remain under my authority.”
Milia Fallyna, felt as if her husband (still) had slapped her. She didn't trust the military command of Earth at all. When the zentraedi fleet was destroyed on a planet occupied by the protodeviln, it was up to Macross 7 to colonize that planet, but the UNS decided that it would be another zentraedi fleet that would colonize the planet, but in the end it was not, the new planet discovered was within the area of influence of the Earth.
“I see. If you have nothing else to inform me, I have no choice but to submit to your authority. Good afternoon, Admiral Jenius.”
Jenius knew that it would be useless to try to talk to his wife at this point, so he decided to put his Admiral's hat on and leave without comment.
The blackness of infinite space was interrupted at a specific point by a transposition operation. A Northampton-class stealth frigate from Earth was coming out of hyperspace and heading for the Macross 7 fleet.
“Admiral," one of the bridge officers told him, "UNSS Italy has just left the transposition and is asking for permission to approach the fleet.”
“UNSS Italy? Impossible. That ship was lost in a transposition operation years ago. Confirm.”
“Confirmed sir, it's UNSS Italy.”
“Sir, four other Northampton-class ships have made their appearance and request permission to approach. They are the Ophelia, the Nova, the Gilian FFM-705 and the Satori FFM-760.”
"What the hell! All those ships disappeared in failed transposition operations," Jenius thought as he put his cap on every time he got nervous.
“I believe that the forces of the Earth's UNS reserve for themselves the latest updates regarding their fleets," said Exedore at the time, who, because of his expressionless face, could not tell if he was saying it as a simple personal intervention or to hide among the members of the bridge.
After a brief, subtle exchange of glances with his zentraedi advisor, Jenius gave the order for the five ships to approach his fleet.
"I think I will inform Milia about the arrival of these ships, but not about their "miraculous appearance", Jenius thought. "I'm not happy about this."
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