Chapter 12: Planet of Ice and Fire
The YF-21 had emerged from the transposition operation, in front of it was a planet whose surface appeared to be covered by eternal snow.
"Well, let's see... According to the reports, Neki Basara passed through this place... At first the weather was more favorable, then the temperature of the planet suddenly warmed up and then it abruptly cooled down. A process of global warming but accelerated."
Utis was checking the reports in the database but couldn't find the name of the icy planet.
“Fuck it, I'm gonna call you LV-426, just like in the movie Alien, the eighth passenger. “
He uncoupled the FoldBooster. The device had to be recharged, there was no risk of losing it as it could know its position at any time, in addition, it had a concealment system to avoid detection by space pirates for example.
The YF-21 entered the atmosphere in search of an urban population center.
"A mining company, no, more like a cooperative. As an exclusive item: bangaeron extraction... no wonder the planet is as it is."
Utis contacted the small spaceport owned and operated by the miners. At first they gave him the impression that his presence was not pleasant at the site, but after hearing that his purpose was to find out about Neki Bassara, the port controllers reluctantly gave him permission.
Once the YF-21 landed at the spaceport, it preferred to explore the surroundings using the ship's superb systems.
"Wow, I think these guys are more nervous than they should be," Utis thought as he realized that several miners were hiding in the corners of the buildings, apparently carrying old gunpowder weapons.
Utis weighed the possibilities, whatever he said, the tough miners were sure to remain paranoid, so he decided not to make things worse and to take a conciliatory attitude.
Utis's intention to approach him with dignity and shake hands went to the trash can as soon as he came out of his valkyrie and took a couple of steps with the pair of men who looked at him frowning and suspicious.
“Ag, but it's cold, my twins are freezing!”
Complaining pathetically and shivering and chattering his teeth to the max, he convinced the subjects of the icy planet that the little guy in front of them was not a threat at all, in fact, if they didn't give him something hot soon, he would surely die.
“Dranks, dranks, i ulmost bie by feesing!” said Utis, or rather, he tried to thank the miners for the hot drink offered him by them who had already put aside their weapons, especially when they saw how the pilot had hurt his lips and tongue by rushing the boiling liquid.
“Well, you're already hot, boy. Now I want you to leave, we don't like your presence in these places," said the old leader of the mining cooperative.
“Father, don't be so hostile to the poor man, can't you see he's still not fit to return?” It had just said a good-looking woman on whose skirts had a little boy attached to them. “Forgive my father, who hasn't introduced himself yet, by the way. Miguel is his name, my name is Maria and this is my son Pedro.”
Utis also introduced himself and encouraged himself to say a nice, gentlemanly compliment to Maria, but unfortunately, his lips and tongue were still resentful from the burning of her drink.
Surely what he said sounded funny as the men exchanged glances and the woman laughed amusingly, she really had a beautiful laugh.
"My best compliment and I think I screwed up. Well, at least I think I broke the ice... and never better said."
A couple more attempts to talk normally paid off.
“BOMBER, BOMBER!” Pedro shouted with emotion as he heard the reason why Utis had come to the planet, together with the fact that he ran tirelessly back and forth.
“My little boy was very fond of Basara, no wonder, since his late father, Cha, was also a guitarist.”
“Why is someone as pretty as you still on this planet? From what your father told me, the bangaeron extraction is not going well.”
“Hey, don't get involved in things you don't care about!” The old man reprimanded him.
“You're wasting yourself in this place. If you go to the Riviera, you will surely get a good job as a receptionist or even more, there are many opportunities for education and career opportunities in the tourist area of the ship. Besides, I'm sure Pedro would develop his musical hobby.”
“I think you're right," said Maria, regardless of the faces her father and the other miners made, "I'll go to the Riviera on the next shipment.”
Needless to say, once again the tough miners became sullen with Utis, but he didn't mind, he had done his good deed of the day and to top it all off, Maria gave him the whereabouts of Emilia, the meltran that met Neki Basara at this place.
Utis thanked the young mother and was ready to meet the mysterious giant.
After a while, Utis located the "base of operations" of Emilia, left the YF-21 in a safe place and went into the environments of the meltran.
“Woa, something tells me that Dr. Chiba would be delighted with the decoration of the place," Utis thought aloud, seeing how the figure of Minmei was omnipresent on the walls of the place, which was, after all, nothing more than a cave.
To be a giant, Emilia entered the place in the same silent way as a cat would.
They both saw each other's eyes, Utis could not speak a word when he saw the humoungus... eyes that the meltran has, very beautiful indeed, so beautiful, so round and...
“Kyaaaa, a mouse!” Emilia shouted as she grabbed a broom and tried to crush the poor Utis, who ran as if his life depended on it, and in fact it was!
It took a long time for the hot hottie to calm down. Utis was drenched in sweat, but safe.
“Forgive me again, this... Utis...”
“Otonashi Utis, also known among the girls as: "the one who drives them crazy".”
“Yes, because they always tell me to go to hell.”
Emilia joined her eyes trying to focus the pilot's face better and then burst out laughing. You could tell she had a privileged voice.
Utis was very surprised to learn of the woman's reasons for isolating herself in such a remote place.
"I can't believe it, despite being the oldest daughter, she has the maturity of Mylene."
“Hey Emilia, you shouldn't let your mother decide your future, you're old enough for your mother to be a matchmaker. You must go back to Macross 7 and face her, and your father too.”
“Do you think I should do it?”
“Of course. You have to show them that you can make your own decisions, only then will they stop treating you like a child. Tell them how determined you are to dedicate yourself to music, you can even be in the same band as your sister, I'm sure she would love to... and speaking of singing, wouldn't it have been better if you had micronized your body? That way, you wouldn't have bothered others with the power of your voice.”
“Yes, but when I decided to leave the fleet it was too late," said Emilia, blushing.
"What you have to see... pechocha but babocha." Utis thought as he kept seeing Emilia's "eyes", he sneezed at it.
“Oh no, you'll catch cold with all that sweat, let me change your clothes!”
Utis complained, but there was nothing he could do about the giant who stripped him naked in the final and since he had no micron clothes to offer him, he finally gave him his panties.
“You had to offer me this... You are a fool!”
“I'm... sorry... I... I... I'm... Wow, you really ARE small... Oh sorry, I didn't mean to!”
“It's not small, it's just that from your giant perspective it looks small, and it's very cold.”
“If you say so...”
Utis hissed at Emilia like a cat and then wrapped her panties around him.
"Seriously, I hate the cold."
A new day did not bring a better climate and Utis was determined to continue his search for Neki Basara. Of course, he and Emilia had a "duel" before.
“Now you'll see, Emilia, you'll pay for calling me "small".
“Go to hell," said the meltran with a smile and remembering the micronian joke.
Sound energy and word energy both clashed with passion. Utis thought he would be defeated, but after all, Emilia didn't really sing, she just hummed a tune. The victory was for the human.
“It was a... a... good... fight," said Emilia as she breathed hard, raising and lowering her chest of generous proportions, her half-open lips showing her tongue.
“Well, I'd better go and look for Basara.... A kiss of good luck and goodbye?”
“Go to hell," said the meltran again, who winked at him.
“Yep, I'm definitely driving them crazy.”
Nyajaja por Utis, vote and commetif you want him to succeed with the girls.