Chapter 3: The Promise of the Rainbow
The first thing Utis had to do was to undergo several medical tests and sample extraction, including several encephalograms; when he thought all those procedures were uncomfortable, the difficult part just came up.
“Ug, I think I returned all the contents of my stomach," complained Utis, who had vomited all the food in the bathroom after the regular exercise session.
Utis had been told that the volunteers for the Jamming Bird team performed very poorly when they first faced the enemy, so it was decided that militarized training was the most effective way to harden them. This approach was ultimately demonstrated.
"But I am supposed to control the YF-21 with my mind," Utis recalled in his conversation with Aristizabal.
"But first you'll have to pilot a training valkyrie. Training is necessary," were the Major's words.
“God, all my muscles hurt. I'm not going to be able to do training tomorrow.”
He let Rubio know, and he advised him to go to the city to make an appointment with a chiropractor or masseur. There was no possible excuse, yes or no, Utis had to do the daily training.
In the afternoon Utis headed for the most important city of all Eden: Capital City.
"Oh, what a lack of imagination. Are we in the Simpsons? Couldn't they name the city something else?" Utis thought as he looked at the green fields and the chicken-cow cattle that grazed happily in the meadows.
Capital City was a very large city that was intelligently planned as it had numerous open spaces and several recreation and leisure areas, as well as being a multicultural centre.
“Wow, you don't see any of this in Macross 7... Now to find a masseur, too.”
There were many places to choose from, all of them very glamorous, but he decided to choose a small but very formal looking place: Voices.
The price was somewhat expensive but he decided that it would be best, since cheap is usually expensive in the end.
A young receptionist with thick frame glasses attended him and then had to wait for his turn, which would consist of a traditional massage with a basic chiropractic session.
“Welcome Mr. Otonashi, my name is Myun Fan Lon, and I am the owner of this establishment. I will take care of your well-being during your short stay," said a beautiful woman with long black hair that fell out like a waterfall with a smile on her face.
“Thank you, you're very kind," said Utis smiling so that she wouldn't notice how nervous he was getting.
"You see, I'm not used to a lot of exercise and because of my work I had to do a lot of physical activity, and my body is killing me, I can't even walk normally. And by tomorrow I need to get back to work at the same pace as today.”
“I see, don't worry, at the end of the session you'll be as good as new. I will also give you a prescription for a naturopathic and medical treatment that you should take without fail.”
Utis nodded and began the massage session which hurt him a bit because of his lactic acid sore muscles generated at the military camp, but as Fan Lon promised, in the end Utis felt very good both physically and in good spirits.
“Remember not to strain your body too much.”
“Don't worry, it's not something that could endanger my health, I just wasn't used to physical activity.”
“I understand, so please don't hesitate to come back when you need to.”
“Of course I will, I've never felt so good in all my life. I feel reborn," said Utis, as he tried to dance an "Irish dance".
Myun laughed elegantly at the commentary and performance of the rookie soldier and thus ended the day for Utis, who decided that another time he would walk around the huge city.
The next day, Utis saw firsthand that Myun's massage and chiropractic session had paid off, not only did he not feel the slightest pain, but at the end of the day's military training, his muscles did not suffer from physical exertion, except for a bit of discomfort that passed after an hour.
As well as the physical training aimed at hardening him, just as challenging was all the intellectual study he had to do to get to know in depth the different types of veritechs and the capabilities of each one, as everything related to these miraculous inventions of technology.
"In short, it's not just about getting behind the controls and pushing the cute buttons," thought Utis, who thought his head was going to explode at any moment because of all he had learned and had to study after the day was over. "I know how Harry Potter felt when he found out it wasn't all about waving his wand and saying funny words."
Utis collapsed into his bed in the private barracks for the soldiers, fearing that he might not be able to keep up with all the physical and intellectual rhythm he was expected to overcome.
"Gosh, I'm not even halfway through the week and I'm already beat... Maybe this whole thing was a mistake, maybe I should go back to Macross 7."
The young recruit turned around to see the ceiling giving a deep sigh as he recalled his previous life.
"But I have nothing to go back to, if only my writing on the Galaxy Network was popular."
Another deep sigh came from his lips and the depths of his being as he turned his head to see the computer monitor in his room, a late-model but decent tower type with a connection to the Galaxy Network.
“I guess checking my stats won't change anything," he said aloud and then turned his face to look out the window of his tiny room.
Beautiful clouds loomed in the celestial vault as a military fighter flew over the cloud, leaving a trail that would unleash a fleeting rainbow.
The man smiled, yes, his decision to come to Eden for a new life was the right one.