Chapter 13: Zola
A gigantic and beautiful blue and green orb was present in the vastness of space. Despite the statistics, the miracle of life was actually very rare and the planet Zola was one of those rare miracles.
Discovered by the Protoculture eons ago, like the planet Earth, it was the object of the creative or rather manipulative hand of the ancient intergalactic race.
The Protoculture, developed humanoid life and over time, after being abandoned by their creators, created their own technology, which was boosted by the arrival of humans.
The Zolans still did not acquire all the technology reserved for humans, but they were at a good pace to reach the earthlings, some of them were looking at the stars dreaming of also crossing the cosmos.
One more star was glimpsed on the planet, but its light did not consist of the continuous twinkling of the same, but a single brightness of light. A navy blue valkyrie with UNSpacy logos had just transposed onto the planet.
“Zola is very beautiful," Utis said to himself, "as much as Eden. Neki Basara, I feel like I'm getting closer.”
After ejecting the FoldBooster, he directed the YF-21 into the atmosphere of the planet, while asking for permission to land.
Unlike the previous mining settlement, Utis had no problem receiving authorization and in record time, his ship was already on track at the zolan base.
“Wow, I've never seen a ship like this before!” A zolan with a short beard that had run all the way to the runway cried out excitedly.
“Hello, my name is Otonashi Utis. I'm a sergeant with the UNS and I'm on a special mission to find out the whereabouts of Neki Basara.”
“Neki Basara? Yeah, he was in this place, oh by the way, my name is Lawrence Byanis and I'm a zolan scientist among other things. Would you let me take a look at your valkyrie?”
“No problem for me, but I have to enforce protocols. I'd like to have my ship well guarded in a hangar and that means no poking around with UNS classified technology.”
“What a pity, but of course, I'll show you the way.”
Once "the car was well parked", Utis shook hands with Lawrence, who was already asking him questions about the latest UNS technology, when a woman was present at the scene.
With an athletic build and a beautiful face, she behaved very professionally and asked Utis to explain his special mission in Zola.
“Excuse her, Sergeant, sometimes Liza can be very... uh... Sergeant Otonashi, meet Lieutenant Hollie Liza, she's one of the people in charge of patrolling the planet. Liza, don't be so rough, the sergeant's no space whaler hunter.”
“Space whaler hunter?”
“Yes," said Liza, "earthlings who poach galactic whales that have this planet as part of their migratory destiny. The Zola Aerospace Force is responsible for ensuring that such pirates do not hunt whales, which are creatures protected by the Zolan law.”
“Unbelievable, I've never heard of such a thing.”
“I'm not surprised, the earthlings are very lax in giving us help on this. We had to face this problem on our own and we do it very well without having to resort to you from UNS, thank you.”
“Liza! You can talk like that, but we almost didn't count it last time, if it hadn't been for Basara's intervention...”
Liza's face contracted into a clear display of anger and shame.
“As I was saying, I have a special mission to locate Neki Basara.”
“He's no longer in Zola," Liza cut him off.
“Well, in that case, I have no choice but to wait for him at Zola.”
“Of course, you can stay as long as you like.”
“Liza, we must be good hosts.”
“Thanks Lawrence, call me Utis. I'm sorry, Lieutenant, but since I have no more information on where Neki Basara might have gone, I'll have to do some research in Zola.”
“In that case you could go to Liza's younger sister, Elma Hollie. She spent the most time with Neki Basara.”
“I can't believe it!” Liza exclaimed angrily, and the man made a pity face. “All right, you Sergeant Otonashi, you can stay as long as you like, anyway, Neki Basara never said when he were coming back.”
“In that case Lieutenant Hollie, I'll have to make myself comfortable on your beautiful planet, I'm prepared for a long stay.”
“As you wish, Sergeant Otonashi.”
“Please, call me Utis.”
Liza looked at him frowning and walked away in response, while Lawrence looked at her sadly and shook his head.
"Ag, which I have on my face so that the girls are always defensive with me," Utis thought as he watched Liza walk away as well.
“Excuse me Lawrence, what did you say the lieutenant's younger sister's name was again?”
“Oh, her name is Elma. She lives with his father Graham.”
“Well, I hope she'll give me more information about Basara.”
“Don't worry, Elma's a good kid... But Graham...”
Utis raised his eyebrows suspiciously at the expression on the zolan.
“Liza's mother, Maria was a popular singer in Zola, but she died in a space whale accident. Since then Graham has been obsessed with whales and his character is very sullen, but he would never hurt anyone.”
“Just the whales.”
“Yeah... so don't be scared if you see him. Look," he added when he saw Utis' bewildered face, "Graham has in his possession a protoculture chamber zentran, with it he became a giant to hunt the white whale. She's the leader, and Graham thinks he's responsible for his wife's death.”
“I see...”
"Wow, apparently there's an interesting story here and as it could not be otherwise, Neki Basara seems to be back in the middle again"
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