Dreamy Judgement
"Aw man, I'm still alive." I say opening my eyes after waking up like normal. I look over at my wife with a wicked smile and mumble the phrase "if I must suffer, so shall you.". I then proceed to poke her relentlessly and tickle her every way possible. "Wakey wakey. Time for some bacony." I say while laughing mischievously. She yells at me to stop and leave her alone as she rolls out of the bed. After her morning ritual she attempts to get everything ready for work while I sit at the dinner table watching. "Where is my bacon? " I ask holding back my chuckle. "Yeah, that’s not going to happen, and you know it." She says while she almost finishes. " You mean, you’re going to let me starve to death? What good is having a wife if she won't give me some bacon?" I say while no longer being able to hold back my laugh. She gives me a light smack and kisses my forehead. "Ok, I’m taking off. Love you." She says with a big smile while she walks off. " Ok. I'll love you too if you drive safe. And try to have a wonderful day my lovely dove." I say while blowing her a kiss. This earns the reaction of a giggle and then she acts like she’s trying to catch my kiss. I am deeply in love with this woman is all I can think. I spend the next couple of hours just letting myself mope around thinking about how much it sucks to be crippled but thank you god for my wife and for being able to do the small amount I can. a couple of hours after my wife has left, hopefully not forever, my best friend calls me. After we exchange hellos, he proceeds to tell me "my wife is leaving me. She filed for divorce.". He clearly knows who I am so he should have expected me to say, "well it's about time she gained some brains and left you.". I say all this barely holding back a laugh and it gains some laughter from him. He proceeds to explain the whole situation and gains an, I’m sorry, from me. After we hang up, I make a note to tell my wife about what’s happening. Shortly after my phone conversation, a good friend starts knocking on my door. After I answer and exchange hugs, she then tells me why she’s in the area. "I can't stay, but just wanted to say hi and see your smile. I'm on my way to the hospital. My mom died." She tells me while trying not to cry. I am able to get a slight smile and a small chuckle from her when I say "damnit. Well that means she beat me. Now she is going to take the best parking spot.". she waves from her window as she drives away. I love making people smile and laugh. I should maybe record these moments as stories so people can read them and maybe smile, I think to myself. I’m interrupted by a call from my mother. "Good thing it's you mom, or I’d ignore it" I say out loud to myself. I then answer with a "what do you want old woman?". This gets a slight chuckle as she tells me she has bad news. " Our dog died. She went peacefully but she is no more. I know you loved her like a sister so I thought you should know." She tells me with a painfully obvious sadness in her voice. I laugh softly as I tell her "well then I expect some slobbery kisses when I get there. " My mother finds this hilarious and has a hard time telling me she needed a laugh. I shake my head after we hang up like I'm trying to clear the debris. I then receive another call. But no name come up on the caller ID, so I decide to hit ignore. While fumbling to ignore, I accidentally answer it. I mumble profanity under my breath and then greet the caller. She introduces herself as Linda and I know her as one of my good friends’ wife. I exchange a kind greeting and ask why the call. She then, while struggling to not cry too much, tells me about how her husband, my friend, has died from a car wreck. "He got what he deserved." I say and am met with a strong gasp. "He wasn't even in the race so he should not have cheated with the car." I explain. All my friends know of this on-going joke with my mother about a race to death, so she giggles and says bye. After the hang-up, I can't help but shake my head in disbelief. It seems like everything bad is happening bad. I then take a moment and utter a quick prayer for the safety of my wife. As I finish, I hear our garage door opening. "Oh yeah, its Friday. You get out earlier. Welcome home my love. " I say while rushing to her and offering a hug. She brings all her things in and then we continue to dinner and some relaxing. After the evening of relaxing, she finally asks me "oh I forgot to earlier, but how was your day babe?". It was exhausting. I am in last place now and everyone was rubbing it in my face. I didn't realize it was the hip new thing to die." I say while trying to hold back a giggle. We exchange hugs and kisses and eventually both fall asleep. I wake up feeling very rested, but I open my eyes to a mystery though. I see what seems to be walls of clouds while I am standing on what looks like a cloud. "This looks like its heaven." I say out loud. A booming but gentle voice rings out from every direction but with no apparent source "Yes, there is a reason for that my son. I chose something that suited your expectations as to not scare you. You are in heaven so I can pass my judgement.". " Well dang. If I am dead, what happened? God, is my wife alright? That’s all I care about." I say while being able to easily hear the confusion in my voice. “Yes, your wife is perfectly fine. She is grieving as you would expect, but fine. Joshua, you passed to my kingdom in your sleep. Your shunt in your head quit working properly, this caused your brain to basically drown." The same voice then explains. As if he sees my concern and touching my head, God continues, "do not worry. You are new and you shall have no concerns.". " My gracious lord, I thank you for all of your mercy. Out of pure curiosity, I must ask. What have I done to gain your favor?" I ask while trying to visibly show my thanks and gratitude. "Oh, my son, you have done wonderful things. My judgement on you is such. You have been able to bring a smile to faces of those that the darkness plagued. In these tough times you were able to cause laughter and enjoyment. I know you did all this in love also." I hear the voice explain. I am then blinding by a shining light as a calm feeling overcomes my being. I am suddenly awoken by my alarm. Dazed, I look over and see my wife who is slowly waking up also. "Oh, you have some jokes now do you father?" I shout out at my ceiling. As my wife rolls over confused, I can swear I could hear some chuckling as if it were distant. "It’s alright my sweet. I have just come up with a good story to help inspire others in their day." I say smiling at her barely open eyes. " Well how about you inspire me to get up and go to work?" She says while pulling me in for a morning kiss. As she prepares for her day at work, I quickly say a prayer of thanks and I am instantly overcome with the calming feeling from my dream. I kiss my wife, sending her off to work, and say out loud "well time for another day thanks to you lord.".530Please respect copyright.PENANAF9rWC65qtb
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