Everyday Life
“Hey I was thinking”. “Well that is never a good thing” I say interrupting my wife. She shakes her head giggling and says, “well would you like to know?”. “Ma’am yes ma’am” I spout off keeping her giggling. Oh man did I love that giggle. I loved just making her smile let alone laugh. “We should get or make a bar cart drink station thing. You know, for the coffee and soda maker.” Shaking my head, I smile and say, “whatever you would like my sweet”. She looks me dead in the eyes and smiles saying “good”. “Yes, boss” I say quickly while continue to draw designs for another project she wanted me to accomplish. She walks out of the room and I can’t help but shake my head. I have all these other projects I am working on, but she doesn’t do anything other than add more. I smile calling myself an idiot because I knew that deep down, I would do anything she asked. Later, mouthwatering and hand quivering while trying to shove a fork full of steak in my mouth, I can barely utter the words “beautifully cooked my love”. She smiles and tells me thanks, and I know, that is the only thing I want. This may have been a new day and dinner time, but it will never change the love I feel for her. She’s not paying attention while trying to eat so I take the quick minute to say a prayer for her wellness and to thank the lord for her in my life. I do this often, but I don’t do it for the recognition. We start discussing different topics and the question about my current bar cart comes up. “why do you keep adding projects to a disabled man’s list of things to do that he has trouble doing? I can hardly stand here. I’m lucky I can even eat your steak.” I say knowing full well that she, and god of course, is the main reason I am even alive. She goes to speak, and I interrupt her saying “I know you do it out of love and you’re just trying to keep me busy.” She smiles softly giggling and says, “no I was just going to ask you if you wanted ice cream for dessert.” “oh my god I love you” I yell at her. “you know you are the only thing, other than our lord, that I love more than ice cream.” I say smiling largely. She stands and grabs my glass and says, “well then you should love me extra for getting you another drink”. I can’t even process the amount of love I have for this woman. I love her, her steak, ice cream, and now she’s making me a new drink. She sets it down and I try it immediately and grab her hand. Holding it firm I explain how strong it is and she did a good job. “You take care of this cripple. You cook for me. You give me sweets. You even go out your way to make me a new stiff drink” I say before taking another drink. A tear rolling down my cheek I continue with “this isn’t the alcohol talking. This is solely my love for you”. I take her hand and kiss it. I get down on a knee and trying not to fall I proclaim, “Will you, Dummy McButthead, marry me”. With as much shock as she can possibly show at my actions she quickly changes to a big smile and says one thing. She tells me calmly still smiling the entire time “what, again?” she starts laughing and gives me a kiss. I can only think about how awesome it is to see her like this. I didn’t even care about how awesome her joke was or anything, just that I loved listening to her laugh.
Crying on the inside, I tried not to think about what I was about to do. You would think I was thinking about murdering someone, but no it was my wife. I shook my head yelling at myself on the inside with my thoughts to clarify that no not my wife, just her parents, and not murder, but visit. I hear the boss, wife, laughing at me because she knew what I was looking sad about. She tells me “we have about a half hour left before we are there. So, suck it up because it isn’t going to change.” She giggles vastly and seeing her happiness makes me smiles a little. “yeah I know, just a little tempted to jump out the door, but you know id fall before even getting there.” I say with a slight smile. I say this knowing full well she already understands my disability. “I’ll smile more if your take off your top” I say while trying to hold back a laugh. “in front of my parents?” she says shaking her head with a frown. “well then I guess we can’t be around them. Oh well.” I say with a big smile and giving her a wink. She slaps me in the arm shaking her head and mutters that I know that was never going to happen. She proceeds in telling me her famous line of “be nice” and that the plane was not the place for that. “I guess people shouldn’t look then” I say smiling largely. “You know you love my parents” she says while trying to smile. “Yes, but from a distance” I say laughing. Landing, after being handicap carted to baggage, we get picked up by her parents. I let out a huge sigh and frown largely causing her to smile telling me to get over it. I shake my head exclaiming “I know, I know. I’m used to the torture after marring you. This is my everyday life now”. We share a deep passionate kiss as I wave off her parents protests and I repeat to her several times, “I love you”. Later that night her mother and father ask me what I want for dinner. “To go home” I say as firm as I possibly can. “well that isn’t happening until next week so your stuck with me” her mother tells me while her dad laughs. “Then something that will make me forget I’m here” I say proudly. She grabs me and pulls me in for a hug while telling me “get over it because you know you love me”. “Mom, save me.” I yell out while running away.
A week goes by and while trying to relax on the plane she asks me, “did you really hate it that much?” “No, I just like giving you and them a hard time. But you know I love you a ridiculous amount and even your parents or that restraining order you got won’t turn me away. You know I love you so very much” I say and holding her close while she laughs hard. She attempts to tell me that she would never get one against me and to make me smile continues “but I don’t speak for my parents.” I laugh hysterically all the way up to bedtime and even then, find it hard to stop. It makes it even worse that for Christmas that year I received two presents from them. I fabricated restraining order and a note explaining that it was fake. This made for one of my best holidays ever.