Never give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
Thank you guys for 400 reads!!
Oh also DISCLAIMER this chapter has violence in it and probably some other stuff too, so it might be triggering to some people so read at your own riskk
Anyways, enjoy 💛
Sahana P.O.V.
"Wait..." Jai said.
"BITCH I GOTTA GO NOW, IT'S 9:30 AND YOU TELLIN ME TO WAIT?!" is what I wanted to say to him, but instead what came out was a simple,
I could tell he was embarrassed by seeing him scratch his neck, "Why don't you stay a little bit for a cup of chai?" he asked. I could see his cheeks slowly start to fill with red, as he hung his head down, all the while, still holding on to my wrist.
Then he hesitantly looked up at me,
"You know, I'm half Indian, so I can still make some killer chai." He slightly smiled.
Making me, unfortunately, do the same.
But before getting too carried away with myself, I glanced at the time, "Even though I despise you, no Indian can resist chai. But I hate to break it you, it's already 9:35 and both you and I have work tomorrow, which means we must wake up earlier than normal people do. So sorry, you lost your chance," I shrugged.
Suddenly, I felt his grip tighten around my wrist for a split second and looked up to see a face of defeat. He sighed, finally letting go, unknowingly grazing his fingertips on mine in the process.
"Oh, ok. Well then, see you."
I nodded, "See you."
I opened the door and left.
Entering my apartment, my back and head leaned against the closed door, trying to keep cool as I took a breath in and out shaking.
I held my wrist and recalled memories of that traumatic event.
I inhaled in exhaled again, this time thankfully shaking less.
"It's ok, you are ok now.
You should go to sleep now, it's late." I told myself.
And headed to my bedroom.
"You aren't going anywhere missy," his lips formed a sadistic smile as he stroked my face with the back of his fingers. "Don't fucking touch me!!" I said shaking my face. "Oh, you are going to regret that missy," he got up with his hands still gripped in my hair and started dragging me again, but this time more powerful.
I shrieked in pain, " LET ME GO!!!"
After what felt like miles of him dragging me, I felt his grip loosen just a little. I looked up to see where we were, and what I could make of it since it was dark now, was an abandoned house.
The man brought me up from the ground and got a hold of my arms. While holding a tight grip still, he took out a pair of handcuffs from his pockets and tightened them around my wrist, too tight making me wince in pain.
He gripped my arm again and led me to a room.
There was wallpaper torn all over, dirt and dust scattered the floors. I saw a rat in one of the corners, gnawing on a piece of sheetrock, as another one came, and they started fighting over it.
But the worst part was the bed.
There were no sheets covering, it was just a filthy, torn mattress with some springs sticking out of it. Its backboard was chewed out by all the rats I'm guessing because I could see all the teeth marks.
"You like it? It's all yours." The guy whispered in my ear.
He then pushed me onto the rock-solid bed and my back pained. He flipped me harshly onto my stomach, uncuffed my wrists and flipped me back to face him. He started to get on the bed and slowly moved closer to me,
"You are so pretty," he stroked my face and projected an evil smirk.
"Let's see how pretty you are when I fuck you."
He grabbed my wrist and cuffed it to one side of the bed's backboard. I saw he had more than one pair, along with bundles of rope.
I started to swing my arms and legs so it would be harder for him to get a hold of them, but it did no good. My hands were now cuffed against the backboard and my ankles were tied together several times with the rope.
There was no way I could escape now.
"Now you stay still from now on missy,
or else you will get a big punishment."
I couldn't hold it anymore. Tears started to fall down, staining my cheeks.
"No, don't cry, you'll look ugly if you do." he said extending his hand towards me.
"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME." I snapped but soon came to regret it.
"THAT'S IT!" he yelled and jumped on the bed, taking his shirt off and sadistically laughing. The man pulled a sharp knife out from his pocket, "If Mrs. Pretty turns into Mrs. Ugly, she will get a punishment." He said in a high- pitched voice at the end, twirling the knife.
"FUCK YOU!!!" I yelled at him.
He put a finger in his ear acting like it hurt,
"Oh well," his lips formed that same smile,
"Time to get your punishment."
He brought the knife to my arm and poked it. "Hm, here seems fine." Then slowly, he started to slit my arm. Blood dripped onto the mattress. I screamed in pain, tears continuously rolling down my cheeks.
"You don't like that huh?" he stopped and started tapping the tip of the bloody knife on his chin.
"Hmm, where else should I do it?" he said pointing the knife towards different places on my body.
He pointed to my stomach.
"But I can't cut with your clothes on, can I?"
My eyes widened, "No, no please don't, please let me go!!" I cried.
The man didn't listen, and instead slowly started rolling up my shirt, further and further, eventually exposing my stomach and bra. He stopped rolling up the shirt, until it hit my neck and poked my stomach with the knife.
I screamed in pain once again as he began his slow process of cutting me open. I could feel the warmth of my blood dripping down the side of my stomach. He eventually stopped and I let out a big breath.
"Now Mrs. Pretty won't turn into Mrs. Ugly anymore, will she?" he said wiping the blood away from the knife onto his shirt and threw it on the floor.
I slowly shook my head no.
"Good. Now let's get started, shall we?"
Then all of a sudden I heard,
"Stop right there!!"
I looked to where the sound came from and a man was standing at the entrance of the room, pointing a gun at the kidnapper. With no hesitation, he shot his shoulder, and the man fell off the bed, landing with a thud. The man with the gun looked like a police officer, but without his uniform.
He came up towards me, "Are you ok?" he asked.
I was frozen, unable able to even open my mouth.
The officer paid no full attention to my wounds as he only took a glance at them because there was no time to treat them now. Stepping back, he shot the chain part of each handcuff and untied the ropes tied around my ankles, setting me free.
"Now run."
"Run as far and as fast as you can."
"I already informed the location to the rest of the officers, so no need to worry about calling 911."
"Now go."
The words coming out of his mouth sent such warmth to me. Words of protection and care.
Out of nowhere, the kidnapper got up and started to run towards me, but the officer went in his way and got a hold of him.
The officer looked at me,
"RUN!!" he yelled.
I nodded fixing my shirt and ran for it. I ran as fast as I could while hearing the screaming and grunting from both men.
After running for a while, my legs finally gave in. I put my hands to my knees and breathed in and out rapidly.
I looked around, trying to make out what was there, and found a big object. I stood still for a couple of seconds to make sure I ran far away enough from the noise. Concluding that I did, I went and rested behind the object.
Still breathing rapidly, I began swallowing my saliva as my only water source. I rested for a couple minutes, then was about to get up when I heard 2 loud gunshots.
Immediately I put my hands to my ears, and closed my eyes shut.
After a couple of minutes of staying in that position, I slowly opened my eyes and took my hands off my ears. Seconds later, I felt tiny droplets land onto my head and travel down to my cheeks. I looked up and was soon showered by heavy rain, as I heard the boom of the thunder, vibrating the ground.
I smiled.
Slowly standing up, I walked past the object I was hiding behind, to see police cars facing me with their sirens blaring. The red, blue, and white lights all were flashing. Each car's headlights spotlighted me, making me squint my eyes and put my hand in front of my face to block the light.
The door to one of the cars opened and out a woman came rushing towards me.
She gripped my shoulders and looked me up and down, "Are you ok? Are you ok?"
I slowly nodded.
The woman's eyes shifted to my arm and the dried blood that flowed all the way down till my fingertips. She lightly gripped my arm and examined the wound, "Is there anymore?" she asked.
I nodded and lifted my shirt exposing the stomach cut. She silently gasped and put a hand to her mouth. "Oh god." The woman then took out a walkie talkie, "Officer Shelby speaking, I found her. She needs to get treated immediately, over."
Then another voice from the walkie talkie responded, "Copy that, I'll call in the medics, over."
"Copy that."
And before she could look back at me, I felt my eyes become heavy and collapsed in her arms not able to wake back up.
My eyes shot open and I raised myself from my bed, causing Monty to wake up. I heavily breathed in and out, as sweat trickled down my face and back.
I jumped off my bed and ran into my bathroom, opened my medicine cabinet and popped 2 sleeping pills into my mouth, drinking it up with sink water.
I slowly walked back to my bed taking deep breaths. My heart beating rapidly.
I sat up for a couple of minutes until I felt a stinging in my eyes, as tears eventually were uncontrollably streaming down my face and eventually forced myself to sleep.
Oof that was a rough chapter :/
I know this one came out of nowhere but trust me it all comes together in the end ;)
But anyways plz like, recommend, comment and bookmark if you like the storyy
Love ya'll 😘