No Plagiarism!6RasTkUycrWrblhXzrj2posted on PENANA A/N8964 copyright protection564PENANAPOpwmOoYAN 維尼
Enjoy hehe :338964 copyright protection564PENANAWJJ8PyPsWR 維尼
Sahana P.O.V. April 7th Launch Day8964 copyright protection564PENANAAFCNyRmPce 維尼
The day has come. 8964 copyright protection564PENANADBU6pN4buv 維尼
It's April 7th. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAWlXOVru2eK 維尼
The launch day. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAihtT1sWSgC 維尼
The rate of my heartbeat was indescribable. 8964 copyright protection564PENANACcQbKZDeI6 維尼
I barely slept a wink last night. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA7WeHM7RchA 維尼
My eyes landed on Monty. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA0sDXigfweJ 維尼
I held his face in my hands, "We got this. Our products will sell. Yes. They will." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAiOjOF3NUtm 維尼
I gave a big kiss on his forehead hoping what I said will come true. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA9eDczxMAP6 維尼
Even though my company has had award-winning products, every step ahead to make the business better will always and forever be nerve-wracking. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAO3NgD6BNeh 維尼
I was driving to work. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAYgd9qkNBOU 維尼
My blood pressure shot through the roof. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA0Z68wQmABv 維尼
I panicked. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAQKnNpPRcBI 維尼
My palms were sweaty. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAwyA0hk2Pcs 維尼
I suddenly heard a notification from my phone, startling me.8964 copyright protection564PENANAlXNEKgX00e 維尼
"Jeezus Chroist." I let out a breath. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAsJQUBVk6Iu 維尼
A red light came so I could check it. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAPIWgs5ES6t 維尼
Jai 💖: YOU GOT THIS DON'T WORRY I LOVE YOUU ❤❤. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAhvXBUD1azL 維尼
I smiled at the message. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAZbsCt7ehHR 維尼
Suddenly I began getting more and more messages. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAjVnsuNOkjT 維尼
BNB Group Chat 8964 copyright protection564PENANAlZnGY1xPga 維尼
Cassia: YOU CAN DO IT 8964 copyright protection564PENANAbdM2r3ELkU 維尼
Sami: I BELIEVE IN YOU 8964 copyright protection564PENANAcrh59hisi6 維尼
Kai: DON'T BE AFRAID YOU GOT THIS8964 copyright protection564PENANAMs5PXt0Zk3 維尼
Sidharth: EVERYTHING WILL TURN OUT JUST THE WAY YOU WANT IT TO 😊 8964 copyright protection564PENANADmFckLSAop 維尼
Ma: GOOD LUCK I LOVE YOU 8964 copyright protection564PENANAYe6vfKNULI 維尼
Pa: PA KNOWS YOU CAN DO IT LOVE YOU 8964 copyright protection564PENANA04ruuNsO64 維尼
Lil Broskey: YOU'RE GONNA CRUSH ITT 8964 copyright protection564PENANA7gLW5UMXSE 維尼
At an instant, my spirit was lifted. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAPyopKKx8Nm 維尼
The light turned green. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAW1zHTKas4I 維尼
I tightened my grip on the steering wheel in confidence. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAazDYqivopG 維尼
My lips shifted into a smile, "Let's do it."8964 copyright protection564PENANAYV6PguyvM5 維尼
I reached the office building. 8964 copyright protection564PENANANtCty5Dywi 維尼
Everything went away. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAXsVAwZOakz 維尼
Confidence? 8964 copyright protection564PENANAq5E3tm0e9y 維尼
Who is that? 8964 copyright protection564PENANAnfeS1dzljH 維尼
Never heard of her. 8964 copyright protection564PENANADcnB2B71a6 維尼
Self-esteem? 8964 copyright protection564PENANAqAcucwTjuX 維尼
Yeah, not in my vocabulary. 8964 copyright protection564PENANApruzHqlSbi 維尼
All the negative aspects came back to give me a big warm hug. 8964 copyright protection564PENANACVnTPI2pTX 維尼
Palms began sweating, pulse quickened, butterflies swarmed throughout my insides. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA3CK2rmbY1v 維尼
I met up with Tara. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA0LXnBMa3Rc 維尼
She rubbed my back, trying to calm me down. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA6dfP372Dc8 維尼
Nothing worked. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAYKXOqeHkAH 維尼
Everyone in the building gathered together with their laptops. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAtTTCGRFLMl 維尼
We were launching at 12 p.m. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAY2eUEsgm9z 維尼
I had to make sure every department head was here and ready. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAo5zFtxr9eU 維尼
Later...8964 copyright protection564PENANAZdsuNoXn81 維尼
It was now 11 a.m. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAK90DeLFaKG 維尼
We had exactly one hour left. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAnUG1PELotK 維尼
I had some last-minute discussions with Tara about all the final locations where the product will be available and double-checking the correct number of units we are selling and more. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA5YPpgsprmx 維尼
Eventually 11:30 hit. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAyrbjvGDMiE 維尼
30 minutes left. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAKsT7SYXTjq 維尼
I was growing impatient. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAVRG1CzWyA8 維尼
In the massive room we were in, a big screen displayed at the very front which showed the view from my laptop screen. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAHkJWCWphR5 維尼
The bold numbers were counting down and the mouse placed directly on the launch button. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAzA3q7KbrW5 維尼
I paced back and forth throughout the room. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAgJkTbEjcXB 維尼
Everyone was trying to calm me down while hiding their nervousness. 8964 copyright protection564PENANASFUSitge6U 維尼
I continuously checked the time on my phone. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAa6y1UMyiGi 維尼
The minutes were passing by. 8964 copyright protection564PENANARlpfUsQcYe 維尼
11:35, 8964 copyright protection564PENANA1qvSkq7VFq 維尼
11:40, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAoIQiVKa90O 維尼
11:45, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAxpCJl2ws9r 維尼
11:50, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAkzonIPTmdu 維尼
11:55. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAAMsuvjwwJS 維尼
5 minutes left. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA20IZ8f6T0D 維尼
I felt like I was going to throw up. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAUHFWPyYpMM 維尼
I could hear my heart beating. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAQfvqXVh9H1 維尼
"Just 5 minutes left." Tara whispered to me and held my wet hand without a care. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAMjpfTrqZwe 維尼
11:59. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAs4Gp4RRnwv 維尼
The seconds were counting down. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAQptjnDjfeY 維尼
They reached 10. 8964 copyright protection564PENANABALY8xzBbl 維尼
I and everyone else began counting down, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAUlIVX4xzkg 維尼
"9,8964 copyright protection564PENANAwZHrkpKbbk 維尼
8,8964 copyright protection564PENANAbpHxaoz55o 維尼
7,8964 copyright protection564PENANAysXnaKlwpA 維尼
6,8964 copyright protection564PENANAFtHWs7T4Ue 維尼
5,8964 copyright protection564PENANAnIL2I5RSn0 維尼
4,8964 copyright protection564PENANApOda7LFENl 維尼
3,8964 copyright protection564PENANAvpVEI35tZX 維尼
2,8964 copyright protection564PENANAIjDnYRST7P 維尼
1,8964 copyright protection564PENANAjwFlKCjXb0 維尼
0!!" 8964 copyright protection564PENANA8V5DrtqUOw 維尼
I pressed the launch button, without thinking twice. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAKNvErT0lV4 維尼
Immediately our products were available to the world. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAU1mOKrLH5x 維尼
We were all silent. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAd5VyqIlnGR 維尼
I never let go of Tara's hand. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAAeVKzOnEy6 維尼
Then I felt another hand grip onto mine. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAq4euj35Pic 維尼
I turned to look, and it was Lia, the head of the skin department. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAoGGnC5b5Ax 維尼
She and her team were the ones who helped and worked the most from the start of creating these set of products. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAt7TZyyXBR6 維尼
I couldn't have done any of this without her and the rest of those wonderful minds. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAw88ZpwmiLx 維尼
Lia smiled at me, "We got this." She spoke. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAuO8CeJRnyH 維尼
I nodded, unable to respond in words. 8964 copyright protection564PENANArOcbNvUJzF 維尼
These were the times where I needed those words the most once again. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA5iCG66gHQr 維尼
Words of assurance. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAmRpJUrH8pF 維尼
Words of hope. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAtD3mJWcp1j 維尼
Words of love. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAWKHUMDdOui 維尼
My body felt slightly at ease. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAsWoVLFJ05C 維尼
I exhaled, "Yeah, we do."8964 copyright protection564PENANAvjadoEONMG 維尼
For the next 5 hours, we all watched the number decrease and decrease until those two bold words displayed under each product: 8964 copyright protection564PENANA8lYn55kNRI 維尼
SOLD OUT. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAeTohPoV1to 維尼
"Every single product sold out." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAzx2BURcDd6 維尼
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAr5Y1w3Xufs 維尼
You would think, once you've gotten award-winning products, once you launch, they would be sold out in seconds. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAmMb5QfS9iO 維尼
But no. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA7QgrK3ru4C 維尼
Sometimes, when I launched a new line, only one or two products sold out in this amount of time. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAFaPDfqU8pj 維尼
But this time every single one of them did. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAYMtb4eJGzh 維尼
Immediately everyone celebrated, screaming and hugging one another. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAasGggGhIVD 維尼
Suddenly, my eyes flooded with tears. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAspWWpjMrKl 維尼
I crouched down to the floor, covering my face, and sobbed into my hands in happiness. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAfFR4OZ2Wgg 維尼
I felt several pairs of arms wrap around me. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAJ3jMFs8mwM 維尼
"We did it Sahana, we did it." Tara whispered in my ear. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAQLXBNhGuvR 維尼
My hands continued to cover my wet face as I nodded. 8964 copyright protection564PENANArTMjRxnVdi 維尼
My butt kept on vibrating as more messages constantly came. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAmbE7Ew0SV6 維尼
I revealed my puffy and red face to grab my phone. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAUzXXHDdZdc 維尼
BNB Group Chat 8964 copyright protection564PENANAbK97ff8jsp 維尼
Sami: I BOUGHT EVERY SINGLE FACE WASH 8964 copyright protection564PENANAfa4NC6xsNx 維尼
Cassia: SAME SAME 8964 copyright protection564PENANA4H5RM5jlT2 維尼
Sami: HOLY SHIT BABES YOU SOLD OUTTTT 8964 copyright protection564PENANAb47XZMtejf 維尼
Cassia: CONGRATULATIONSSS!!!! LOVE YOUU 8964 copyright protection564PENANAHLKBShleYX 維尼
Sami: LOVE YOUUU 8964 copyright protection564PENANAKqBAwYgRU7 維尼
Kai: HELL YEA YOU SOLD OUTTT 8964 copyright protection564PENANADuHspOxcsh 維尼
Sidharth: I KNEW YOU WOULD SELL OUT CONGRATULATIONSSS!!! 🥳🥳8964 copyright protection564PENANArw6Mn3AF8w 維尼
Lil Broskey: FUCK YEAHHHHH CONGRATULATIONSSS 🥳🥳8964 copyright protection564PENANAYy6IaxXbry 維尼
I laughed at every single message. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA9NA0BeCiIV 維尼
Each and every one made my heart happy. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAWwmrycVQkK 維尼
All those sleepless nights were worth it. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAXkVuqVlg6B 維尼
All the stress and worry were worth it. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAkXtZ0hNjZw 維尼
All the headaches, migraines, and pimples were worth it. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAAUFbH3Wrxr 維尼
All so I can do what I do to make others feel confident and beautiful. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAo75JpXiDjZ 維尼
Every negative aspect throughout the journey will be washed away by the successful ending. 8964 copyright protection564PENANA5nYZqkukTu 維尼
I stood up and everyone's eyes landed on me. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAho4LKkDIeV 維尼
I stretched my arms out in the air, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAuzWSqxkvnn 維尼
"LET'S PARTAYYY!!" 8964 copyright protection564PENANAbVMyKoLGLY 維尼
Everyone put their hands in the air and yelled in excitement. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAqcb21t49vo 維尼
Once I said that, everyone grabbed their things and left the building in less than 5 minutes. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAEbjvg54jZO 維尼
Tara was still next to me, holding my hand. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAV0X0TFqVkA 維尼
I turned to her, "You go, I'll close for tonight." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAuhMskGZEiy 維尼
She nodded, "Ok." 8964 copyright protection564PENANANFfW83yopS 維尼
Tara then pulled me into a tight hug. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAGRFj2jD9Fo 維尼
She rubbed my back, "Just know that this is only the beginning, Sahana." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAyxa0skVY3M 維尼
I smiled. 8964 copyright protection564PENANANRzM1C3rUM 維尼
Tara eventually left and I locked the doors to the building. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAQbW40TMKsO 維尼
I figured out all the details and texted everyone. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAUgU9rwkwK5 維尼
It was beginning to become dark outside. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAYZ8OpgZR0B 維尼
I looked up and found the moon, in all its full, round beauty. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAPgN7T3npQX 維尼
I closed my eyes and let out a breath. 8964 copyright protection564PENANAsFPzidA1lB 維尼
My lips stretched from each side into a happy smile, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAxsUBy9HdV4 維尼
"Ah, we did it Sahana." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAxvL6VIBfcr 維尼
"You and everyone in that big ass building you built." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAJFYS8TUak4 維尼
"This is gonna go in the books." 8964 copyright protection564PENANAapE2TQtM7H 維尼
I opened my eyes and stared at the bright moon, 8964 copyright protection564PENANAKBD48gFZBU 維尼
"And this IS just the beginning."8964 copyright protection564PENANAzDP2bYqu8R 維尼
-------------------------------------------------------------8964 copyright protection564PENANAPOm9K2x1UX 維尼
A/N8964 copyright protection564PENANAq5ueelRf6a 維尼
YAAYY SOLD OUT BABYY 🥳🥳8964 copyright protection564PENANADdydPAN1pK 維尼
Hope ya'll enjoyed this chaptor 8964 copyright protection564PENANA2SBuzorzZO 維尼
This one made me really happy after I finished it hehe8964 copyright protection564PENANA9YQqI6RTmF 維尼
Anyways have a wonderful day guys :)8964 copyright protection564PENANA5QjbRiTQsZ 維尼
Love ya'll ❤568Please respect copyright.PENANA17FrtHRrXg
8964 copyright protection564PENANAqjoz8eUOiN 維尼