A/N595Please respect copyright.PENANA0R3NXplIIC
Jai P.O.V.
Sahana: Hey can you come over?
Are my eyes blurry? I rubbed them and read over the message again.
Hey can you come over?
"Oh shit I read that right." I sighed and looked down at Amiga, "I guess I cant take ya for a walk."
I shifted my eyes up at the door and smiled, "But at least you get to play with Montyy. His energy alone will make you tired." I chuckled.
I took a deep breath,
"Here goes nothing."
and knocked on Sahana's door.
Before I could blink, it immediately swung open.
We made eye contact as she blew her nose hard onto a tissue and threw it away.
"Sahana, was that you sneezing?" I asked entering, while Amiga ran to look for Monty.
She looked up at me and hesitantly nodded.
I sighed, "HOW and WHEN did you get sick?"
She coughed, "I guess I became sick yesterday. But I was exposed to the weather at the wrong place *cough* and at the wrong time."
"Did you drink medicine?" she nodded.
"Did you rest?" she shook her head.
"SAHANA. The FIRST thing you need to do is get some rest. You out of all people should know that." I removed my coat and placed it on her sofa.
"You sound like my mom." She chuckled.
"Well great minds think alike." I responded.
"Wait, but why did you ask me to come over?"
She blew her nose once again and threw the tissue away before answering, "Well, for one I'm literally dying both from the inside and out."
"So I was thinking who better to ask than the person who HAS brought me back from the dead before?"
"AKA you, Jai Leonis." She pointed.
"And also, it's a SUNDAY."
"I don't have work."
"YOU don't have work."
"And I'm sure BOTH our asses have NOTHING to do."
"Am I right? *cough* *cough*"
"Or am I right?"
I cleared my throat, "Ahem well EXCUSE MOI, I DO have plans for today." And crossed my arms.
"*COUGH* *COUGH* OK whatever you say Jai." She shrugged and walked to get a glass of water.
Suddenly something inside me switched and I felt the need to be the one in control. "Sahana, I'll get you the water. You need to go and rest."
"Jai calm down, it's just water. I'm literally in front of the fridge." She gave a look of confusion.
"So are you about to drink that COLD water?" I asked her midway while she was going to take a sip, causing her to stop.
Her face came to realization. "Oh my god, I was just about to do that."
She put a hand to her mouth.
"See? Your mind is all over the place."
"Everyone knows that when you're sick you're supposed to drink HOT water. Or even better,"
my lips formed a bright smile,
"Some hot, sweet chai."
I walked up to her, lightly gripping onto her shoulders, "Let's get you to lay down ok?"
"O-ok" I heard from her.
We walked to the living room and I sat her down on her biggest couch.
"Where are the blankets?" Sahana blinked at me for a couple of seconds then answered, "U-um in my room, there are some in the closet." I nodded and proceeded to grab them.
Returning back, Sahana seemed like she was thinking to herself.
The confused expression never left her face.
Then her eyes landed on me and jumped in surprise, "Oh my god!!" she put a hand to her chest, "Jeez you scared me." I snickered and walked up to her with a fluffy blanket in my hands.
"Ok lay down."
She did as I said, and then I unfolded the blanket carefully laying it on top of her, making sure every inch of her sick body was covered.
"There you go," I smiled.
"Thank you *cough* *cough*"
It hurt me every time a cough escaped from her mouth.
"Is your fever that bad?" I asked then placed my hand onto her forehead.
I quickly pulled it away and blew on it in exaggeration, "DAMN SAHANA YOU'RE ON FIRE. Do you have some ice I can put my hand in?"
She gave me a look and rolled her eyes, "That wasn't funny."
I patted her head, "Yes it was. NOW, I'm gonna go make some STUPENDOUS chai for you and me, and YOU are going to sleep like a beautiful baby ok? Ok."
"Hey, I'm no baby." She pouted.
I brought my face closer to hers,
"Well for right now, you really fit that role."
She stared into my eyes with hers slightly widened.
I then saw her mouth open,
"Why are you this close to my face, you know all I need to do is cough and it's over for you."
Hearing that I immediately brought my face back.
I could feel the heat creep up to my cheeks and cleared my throat, "Go to sleep."
I heard her giggle as I walked to the kitchen.
In no time I finished making the chai and put them on a serving tray, carefully bringing them to the living room.
I set the tray down on her coffee table and turned to see Sahana's face squished to her pillow.
The blanket rolled around her as she peacefully slept.
I sighed, "She must've been so tired."
I quietly tiptoed towards her, grabbing my phone.
I carefully held my phone far enough from her face, trying to find the perfect angle, and finally had the perfect picture.
"Hehe, she's never going to see this coming."
I went back to the coffee table picked up a mug and sat criss cross in front of her.
I brought the mug up to her nose for the aroma enter.
Soon, her nose began to twitch, and began to sniff.
I waited patiently as her eyes begin to flutter and slowly open, revealing those beautiful brown bulbs, that I sadly haven't seen enough for it to eventually leave my mind.
Our eyes met once again.
I smiled, "Chai's ready."
Sahana's lips formed a smile as she slowly got up, "Thank you." Her voice became slightly raspy.
I handed the mug to her and took mine.
We sat and embraces the silence as each of us enjoyed our hot drink.
But soon the silence broke once Monty and Amiga came running into the living room.
"Haha hey guys!" Sahana laughed.
She set her mug down as Monty jumped onto the couch and snuggled beside her.
Amiga ran to the couch where I was and settled herself.
"Did you and Amiga have funn?" Sahana asked babying him.
I brought her attention to me,
"Let's watch a movie."
I scrolled through, "What are you in the mood for?"
"Hmmm, horror. OO LET'S WATCH THE CONJURING." Sahana clapped her hands.
I quickly shook my head, "No, no I'm not good with horror."
"I'm sure both you and I don't want to see me screaming my ass off whenever someone just turns a light on, ok."
"Nope, nope, nope."
Sahana threw her hands up, "Aw comeonn just man up and watch itt. It's not even that scary."
I gave her a *did you not hear what I just said?!* look.
"Pleaaasseee, for meeee. I'm the one who's sick ya know." She pointed at herself.
I rolled my eyes in defeat, "Ugh ok fine. Don't expect the neighbors to NOT come knocking on your door after, asking whether there is a hyena on crack living with you. Just sayin." I shrugged.
A giggle escaped from Sahana, "Hehe it's ok I'll deal with it."
"But if you're gonna get that scared come sit down next to me."
"I'll be here for you."
"But you're sick." I reminded.
"A respectable distance Jai." She slapped her forehead.
"Ok then." I sighed.
The movie began.
I felt my heart beating faster than normal.
10 minutes in I was already about to give up and turn the movie off.
Then all of a sudden a hand stretched out to me,
"Do you wanna hold on?" Sahana snickered.
I rolled my eyes, annoyed.
"No, I'm serious you can hold it. It might help you get through the movie."
I looked down at her hand and back at her several times, until she lost her patience,
"Ok you lost your cha-"
I quickly grabbed Sahana's hands interlocking her fingers with mine and faced the TV screen.
Time passed and we were now almost in the middle of the movie.
I yet to let go of Sahana's hand.
The scene was now with the mom in the basement.
She scrambled trying to get a hold of a matchbox and eventually formed a fire.
She tried seeing what was there.
I unknowingly gripped onto her hand tighter.
Then all of a sudden
*clap* *clap*
the fire blew out.
I lost it,
I heard Sahana burst out laughing, "AHAHA I knew you would get scared on that part AHAHA!!"
I glared at her, "That's not funny Sahana."
She stared right back it me, "Well it is to me Jai."
"Hope you enjoy the rest of the movie."
"Keep holding on, because there's lots more to come."
She brought up our hands for me to see and evilly smirked.
The movie eventually finished and it felt like I died and came back to life then died again.
"SO, how was it?" Sahana rested her chin on her palm waiting for me to answer.
"It wasn't that bad." I looked away from her not wanting to admit it.
"SEEE I told youu. My hand saved you." I felt her fingers grip tighter for a split second.
I turned to look back at her,
"But I still hated it."
We started another movie.
This time it was my choice, so I chose comedy.
In the end I came to the decision of Rush Hour.
"Oh I LOVE Rush Hourr. I haven't seen the 3rd one though."
I beamed, "Then let's watch that one!"
The movie began.
I then heard Sahana,
"Do you need my hand for this one too?"
I never stopped to realize that my fingers were still interlocked with hers.
"Oh sorry." I laughed awkwardly.
"It's ok, let's just hope you won't get sick because of me." she snickered.
I froze.
Well shit.
The movie was now close to ending.
"Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker are probably one of the best duos ever."
"Right Sahana?"
I heard no reply.
My eyes traveled to see her sound asleep.
It frustrated me.
How can someone look attractive while they're sleeping?!
I moved my face closer to hers.
Those plump rose lips puckered out with a tiny space between them.
A strand of her hair fell onto her eyes.
I carefully picked it up and tucked it behind her ear.
"Well, here goes round 2."
I stood up and snuck my arms under her blanket wrapped body, then carefully picked her up.
I walked to her room and laid her down onto her bed.
She shuffled getting comfortable.
However, there was a slight tense look on her face.
I placed a palm on her cheek, ultimately seeing her expression slowly become calm.
I blew out a tiny sigh of relief,
"Sleep tight." I whispered and exited her room.
I came back to the living room, grabbing the serving tray with the empty mugs and brought them to the kitchen.
The movie was over now so I turned off the TV and put the remotes back where they were.
I finished washing the mugs, and saw that Amiga and Monty were both asleep.
"Everyone's asleep now, might as well do the same."
I settled myself on a couch and slowly drifted to sleep.
Several thoughts played around in my mind.
Today was a nice day.
I gave Sahana some company.
We had fun.
I hope we can do this more of-
Hii guyss
Hope ya'll liked the chaptor
Who screamed you ask?
Well you'll just have to wait and see ;)595Please respect copyright.PENANA8EXyaWYaCr
Anyways have a great day everyone
Love ya'll MWAH595Please respect copyright.PENANAbibYyi4tqy