Happy new year guys!!
I know it's been A WHILE HAHA
But I'm back and better than EVER
So I really hope you enjoy all the chapters from here on out :)
Sahana P.O.V (April 5th)
Days flew by quicker and quicker.
It's finally the weekend.
But it's a Sunday.
Sunday's suck.
And the day of our launch is creeping up.
My nerves are starting to go out of control.
As much as I'm trying to stay positive, I can't help but think about the worst possible situations.
What if people don't like our product?
What if no one buys it?
Will all our hard work and effort just go to the trash?
I sat on my couch staring at my reflection on the T.V. My hair, the messiest it's ever been.
"Oh my god, why does my hair look like Professor Trelawney's (from Harry Potter)." I turned to Monty as he placed himself right next to me.
I sighed, "How come you look gorgeous all the time? It's not fair," I stroked his head and hugged him, "Monty, people will like the product, right? It won't be a fail? Mommy and her staff's sleepless nights will pay off, right?" I kept Monty close in my arms. His head moved up and he began licking my face. "Haha, I'll take that as a yes." I smiled and kissed his nose.
I looked back at my reflection and tried patting the frizz down, but instead just tied it up in a bun. "There, now no one will know."
I grabbed my phone, checking the time in the process: 12:05.
"Hm, I haven't heard anything from Jai. Usually, he would text or call me by now." I went to my messages and started typing.
Me: Heyy u wanna do smth today?
Right when I pressed the send button, my door flew open.
"HOLY SHIT!!" I jumped in surprise, looking at the man at the entrance. Then I heard a *ding* from his phone.
"Oh my lord Jai you scared THE BOOTY CRAP OUTTA ME!!" I placed a hand over my chest glaring at him from the couch.
He walked up to me, "Can I take you somewhere? I want to show you something." A small smile formed on his face.
But something about it was different.
It seemed like he was hiding something.
A feeling.
I just couldn't put my finger on it.
I nodded smiling, not wanting to ask any questions about it, "Yeah sure, where?"
"It's a surprise. Get ready, I'll be waiting." He said then pecked my cheek before heading out.
I was slightly confused yet excited at the same time.
He came without any warning, then just left.
"I wonder what the 'surprise' is, for him to look so unexcited about it."
I stared at my door.
Then eventually, I went to my room to get ready.
Since I had no idea where Jai is going to take me, I put on my classic fit. A regular t-shirt with mom jeans and converse. I put on crescent moon stud earrings, a plain ring on my pinkie, and tied my disgusting hair into a low bun. I said bye to Monty and began heading to my door.
I opened it, and there Jai stood, startling me once again, "JESUS JAI. Why do u keep scaring me?!"
He didn't say a word and instead grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers, with that same questionable smile on his face.
He motioned his head and spoke, "Let's go."
We walked to the elevator and pressed the button to go down. As we waited, I heard nothing come out of Jai.
I turned to look at him, "Soo, how was your day?"
He shrugged, "Well, I woke up. Ate breakfast."
"And then realized something."
"Realized what?" I asked.
Jai looked at me,
"That's what I'm going to show you."
The elevator doors opened and we entered. We stood in silence.
I suddenly began thinking of all the places Jai could be taking me.
A restaurant?
Too basic.
A movie?
Also too basic.
A museum?!
Ok, now you're just thinking of more basic things Sahana.
I glanced up at Jai. His expression seemed like he was thinking about something too. But it was too hard for me to even get a clue of what's going on in his mind.
I internally sighed to myself before the doors opened and we headed to his car.
I buckled myself in and looked once again at Jai. He returned my gaze with a smile.
And there we drove off.
The car ride was calm. Hints of jazz music played all through the car as I looked out the window to find any hints on where our final destination was.
Jai's eyes were fixed on the road.
I've never seen him act like this before.
Something about the same expression he's been having throughout the day so far is worrying me.
Where the hell is he taking me?
Eventually, we pulled up to god knows where and Jai parked the car in what seemed like a parking lot.
We both got out and he walked up to me, "Ready?"
I nodded shifting my gaze down to him holding a cake box.
My eyebrows pinched together in a split second of confusion but then realized.
"Oh my god is it someone's birthday!? WHOSE?!" I put my hand over my mouth in shock, "I swear I never forget anyone's birthdays. I probably forgot because of all the shit going on through my head about the lau-"
Suddenly I felt a finger over my lips, "Shh. Stop talking. Just follow me." Jai spoke as he held my hand with his free one and began walking.
I looked around.
We were walking on a path.
The breeze gently kissed my face.
As we continued, I began seeing several big white stones.
They were spaced out from each other but stuck to the ground neatly in rows.
Each stone had writing engraved on it.
Both letters and numbers.
Some had flowers resting in front of them.
Anywhere from a single rose, to a beautiful bouquet.
We were in a well-known place.
A place where people are honored, cherished and remembered.
They look down upon us every time we visit them.
But all this did was make me more confused.
"Jai, why are we in a cemet-"
"We're here."
I shifted my gaze to what was now in front of us.
I felt my heart stop for a split second.
There another stone stood, looking like all the other ones.
Except this one was different.
Because the letters on that stone spelled a name I could never forget.
APRIL 5th, 1970-SEPTEMBER 28th, 2011.
I could feel my vision becoming blurry.
My heart began beating faster.
My hands began to tingle.
"Knowing dad, he would've wanted his grave to be like everyone else's here."
I turned to Jai smiling at the stone.
"He loved everyone. Even strangers he never met," Jai clutched onto the handle of the cakebox.
He looked down at it, realizing he crumpled it all up.
He then set the box down in front of the grave and opened it.
A beautiful cake was revealed.
Jai then searched for something in his pocket and took out two candles, one a number 5 and the other a 0, and a lighter.
He stuck the candles into the center of the cake and grabbed the lighter, lighting the candles.
"Today's his 50th birthday."
"And what better person to celebrate it with, than you?"
Jai looked at me, with a smile on his face. His eyes glistened.
More tears formed, but I wiped them away before they could travel down.
"What about your family? Your mom and sister?" I sniffled.
"I've been celebrating Dad's birthday with them for the past 8 years."
"But this year, I told them that I wanted to do it with you."
"And only you."
Jai turned back, facing the stone.
He stared at it for a couple of seconds before speaking,
"Hey, Dad. I hope you're doin well up there," he chuckled, "Can you believe it? You're already 50. Time flies."
"Me, Ma, and Idalia are doing fine."
"Amiga too."
"Work is going well for me."
"Ma is having the time of her life resting at home."
"And Idalia's café is always busy."
Jai suddenly paused.
He looked down at his feet,
"No news on Elias, but I hope you're still looking after him while we can't."
A tiny sniffle escaped him.
"I brought someone with me."
"You know her."
Jai slid his hand and interlocked his fingers with mine, "Sahana Karthik."
"Do you remember?"
"The universe placed us right next to each other."
"Our first encounter was strange."
"But, I opened up because of her."
"I made new friends because of her."
"I became a new person because of her."
"And now, I'm so in love with her, that I could go crazy."
At this moment, this was my chance.
I looked at Jai.
He smiled, giving a nod.
I took in a deep breath and exhaled.
"Hey, Mr. Leonis."
"I don't know if you remember me, but I remember you."
"And I can never forget you."
"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive today."
"I wouldn't have been able to follow my dream."
"I wouldn't have been able to meet your son."
"You must be proud."
"I'm sure you are."
"Proud of your children."
"Proud of your wife."
"But mostly, I hope you're proud of yourself."
"You were laid down and buried as a hero."
"A human being who was true to himself."
"One who was not afraid to sacrifice their life to make sure another continued."
"What you did for me, and thousands."
"Every single day."
"You will always be remembered."
"And never forgotten."
"Happy birthday."
"Happy birthday Dad."
"I love you."
I glanced at Jai.
A tear from each eye rolled down his cheeks.
I couldn't hold mine any longer.
I bowed my head, staring at the ground, and let them fall.
I held Jai's hand tighter.
Eventually, I formed the courage to bring my head back up.
Jai walked closer to the stone and kissed it.
I did the same.
Then suddenly a rush of wind came to us.
The flame on the candle blew out.
I gasped.
Jai laughed, "Did you make your wish Dad?"
I looked at the cake in disbelief,
"I think he did."
We headed back to Jai's car.
Before entering I spoke, "So this was why you were acting so weird earlier."
He nodded, "Every time when Dad's birthday comes around, I always feel this way."
"All the memories just rush into my head."
"It's known that people are happy when it's someone's birthday."
"But it's hard to stay like that,"
his lips started to tremble,
"When the person you're celebrating it for, isn't there next to you." his voice broke.
More tears streamed out.
I immediately pulled him into my arms.
Jai held me tight as he sobbed in my shoulder.
My cheeks became wet once again.
Today was unexpected for me.
I knew I would never be able to meet the man who saved my life again.
And yet I did.
Through seeing where he lies.
And through the person that stood by him in his last moments.
Hey guyss
I know it's been over 3 months since I last updated and I'm truly sorry to keep you all waiting for so long :(
But don't worry hehe
There's more chapters coming your way 😁
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Have a wonderful day everyone :)
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