Enjoy! 💜
Jai P.O.V. (Monday)
I woke up to a beautiful morning.
Yesterday was a moment I would never forget.
I finally was able to get two of the most people I love, to meet once again.
Yesterday was emotional, to say the least.
Tears of happiness flowed out of us.
We knew he was there.
His presence was there in between us.
We felt it.
I rubbed my eyes before fully opening them, first laying my gaze on a sleeping Amiga. Quietly so I didn't wake her up, I got up from bed and went to freshen up. After, I had a smoothie for breakfast and then started to get ready.
I decided to stay simple with a white button-up, navy trousers, tie, and blazer.
But socks are always a whole different situation.
"Hmm, let's wear these."
I picked up a pair of white socks with several tiny peaches all over.
I looked at my bed and Amiga was still sleeping.
"How are you still sleeping after how loud the blender was? But anyways," I tiptoed over to Amiga and lightly kissed her forehead, "Bye, love youu." I whispered.
I tiptoed out of my bedroom, laying down a bowl of her food for when she wakes up, and quietly closed the door behind me.
I checked my watch before entering the elevator: 7:45
I wanted to leave a little early because I had some work to catch up on, and if I have time, maybe even get ahead on some things.
I exited the elevator and walked up to my car, entering in.
"Ok, let's go."
I then drove out of the garage.
The sky was bright. The clouds were big, fluffy, and white.
Suddenly, I heard my phone get a notification.
A red light thankfully let me read what it was.
Sahana💖 : Gmm this is yet again your daily message from yours truly. Have a wonderful day, have a positive mindset, and I love youu.
A smile formed on my face.
I put a hand over my heart, "Ah she can't keep doing this to me. My heart will explode I swear."
My hands covered my face in embarrassment.
The light turned green and I quickly sent a message back before driving.
Me: ❤❤❤
I reached the building, opening the door to go inside, and walked towards yet another elevator. I pressed the button to go up and waited.
"Hmm, Kai should be here by now. He said he was going to come early too." I looked around to see if he was anywhere to be seen but I couldn't find him.
I shrugged as the doors opened and I entered in. I pressed my floor number and the button to close the doors.
When the doors were only an inch apart, suddenly a hand shot through, surprising me.
"What the-"
The elevator doors slowly opened up to no other than Kai.
A huge smirk on his face.
"What's with you?" I asked as he entered.
Kai stood by me the smirk turned into a grin, "I slept over at Cassia's yesterday."
My eyes grew wide, "You what?!"
Kai rapidly nodded, "Yup. We're there now."
"You've even done it before me with Sahana, and yet you guys still aren't dating." Kai sighed shaking his head. He placed a hand on my shoulder, "Buddy, you gotta make a move soon or it'll never happen. You know Sidharth and I have been bugging you about it. It's the TIMING." He spoke emphasizing the last word.
As you can tell, I haven't told either of them yet.
Neither has Sahana, to Cassia or Sami.
It's been a week now.
Sahana and I didn't want to tell everyone we knew the second we became a couple.
But now, we think it's time.
We planned it all out.
"Hey, can you meet me at Choco's at 5:30 after work?" I asked.
Kai nodded, "How could I ever say no to that."
I smiled and swung my arm over his shoulder,
5:20 p.m.
Sahana P.O.V.
BNB Group Chat
I slid my phone back into my pocket,
"It's go time."
A/N P.O.V.
Jai entered the café ordering a drink before taking a seat at a table. A couple of minutes later, he heard the bell ring as the door opened and looked.
There Sahana was, her eyes shifting throughout the place, finally then meeting Jai's.
They smiled at each other.
Sahana fast-walked towards him setting her bag down.
As Jai began to lean in for a kiss, Sahana wasn't noticing and quickly denied, rushing to the counter to order,
"Yup maybe later." Jai nodded to himself, scratching the back of his neck.
Moments later, Sahana came back and sat down next to Jai giving a peck on his cheek.
She smiled, "Don't think I didn't notice what you were trying to do there before." she giggled.
"Are you ready to tell them?" Jai asked, a slightly nervous tone in his voice.
Sahana smiled, nodding.
The bell rang as the door opened once again.
Sahana and Jai turned to see the rest of the group.
Two adorable pairs.
Jai waved his hand and spoke to get their attention, "Guys, here!"
They turned to us and walked over.
Sami and Sidharth sat next to each other, and the same with Kai and Cassia.
"I didn't know you planned on calling the whole group, what's up?"
"And why are you two oddly here before us?" Kai asked, confused.
Sahana took a silent deep breath in and exhaled, "Well, Jai and I want to tell something to you guys."
"We were waiting for the right time to tell it and we think it's now."
"What is it?" Sidharth asked.
"Well, what we wanted to tell you was that,"
"Y'all are dating." Sami and Cassia answered simultaneously.
"We're dating-wait what how'd you know?!" Sahana spoke in both confusion and shock.
Kai spit out whatever drink was in his mouth, "Wait WHAT? YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!" he slightly yelled.
Cassia slapped his head, "I swear at this point, you're going to make my ears bleed!! One more word outta you and I'm throwing your ass outta this café!!"
Sidharth had a hand over his mouth, both being speechless and in disgust after seeing what Kai just did.
"Oh come on you two," Sami looked at Kai and Sidharth, "These two are way too obvious." She said pointing at Sahana and Jai.
"Pfft, no we're not." Sahana said crossing her arms.
Cassia gave a look to Sahana, "Girl, please. You look at Jai the same way you look at all the desserts in the whole goddamn New York City." She scoffed.
"And you," Cassia turned to Jai, "We all know very well that the day you met Sahana, you wanted her."
"And I didn't even have to be there that day to see that."
"You're an open book."
Cassia leaned back on her chair and sighed, "Man you two are pathetic."
Jai scratched his head in embarrassment.
"HOLD UP." Kai slammed his hands on the table, standing up.
Cassia blew away a strand of her hair before looking up at Kai,
"That's it."
Cassia stood up and grabbed Kai by the ear, "I told you what I was gonna do didn't I?!"
"Ok, ok, ok I'll stop. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kai begged, holding onto Cassia's forearm.
Cassia slowly let go of Kai's ear and slapped his head again before sitting down.
"The things I put myself through with you." She mumbled to herself.
"Finally the day came though, that you two guys realized your feelings for each other," Sami spoke looking at Jai and Sahana, "I honestly thought it was never going to happen."
"Hehe but it didd." Sahana smiled.
"Hey Jai?"
Jai turned to Cassia, "Hm?"
"Be a good man to her."
"Be there when she needs you."
"Be there even when she doesn't need you."
"Because she might think she doesn't,"
"but that's when she needs you the most."
"That little idiot is stubborn like that."
Cassia glared at Sahana.
Sahana glared back.
Jai nodded smiling, "Of course."
"Ahh you guys look so good together." Sami squealed cupping her face in glee.
"Wait, but how did it happen?" Sidharth asked.
Jai thought about the question for a second.
Then he looked back at Sidharth and shrugged, "It just did. Everything was set at the right place and at the right time."
"We just got lucky that we didn't miss it." he looked at Sahana.
A smile formed on both of their faces. Sahana slid her hand into Jai's interlocking her fingers with his.
The two will always remember this day.
From the moment each and every person entered into the café.
To the last moments when everyone spoke to each other,
before separating in pairs,
on a bright, starry night.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chaptor :)
Have a great dayy
Love ya'll 😘500Please respect copyright.PENANAFBRmp5G1cO