When guys try to pick up girls...
Man: Haven't we met before?
Woman: Yes, I'm the receptionist at the STD Clinic.
Enjoy ;)
Sahana P.O.V. (4:45 p.m.)
Cassia: Hey can we meet up after you're finished with work? I have to tell you smth.
Hm, that's weird she doesn't usually text like that.
Is she ok?
Me: Yess ofc 😊
Cassia: 😊
"She sent a smiley face back, I'm sure it's nothing."
5:30 p.m.
Surprisingly, I finished all the events in my schedule and managed to still have a little bit of energy left in me. And since the day was over, I could change back into the original outfit that I planned on wearing for the whole day,
if Tara actually checked my schedule.
Dumb bitch.
Instead, I ended up wearing the extra pair that I brought for the whole damn day.
I texted Cassia: You wanna meet up at Choco's?
She responded: Um is it ok if you come over?
Ok, now she's making me suspicious. More than Sami and I, Cassia goes to Choco's the most, and rarely is at her place.
Me: Ok that's fine I'm comin rn.
I quickened my pace towards my car and left the building's garage. I wondered why I didn't get caught by the cops because sis was speeding like she didn't have a care in the world. About fifteen minutes later, I reached Cassia's apartment building and raced to her door.
I rang the doorbell and waited,
no answer.
I rang the doorbell again and waited.
No answer.
I took out my phone to call her, but then the door slowly opened.
I saw Cassia like I have never seen her before. She always looks neat and ready to conquer her day, even when she's lying in bed.
But today was different.
She looked miserable and ready to give up on everything but mostly just...
Her face was puffy, especially her eyes, giving hints that she was crying heavily before I came. "Hey..." her voice was quiet and raspy as she walked away.
"What happened?" I asked while entering. Comparing her state to her apartment, she still managed to keep it clean as ever.
I went to settle myself on my favorite thing in the apartment, the couch.
"Is something wrong? Those weren't normal texts from you." Cassia finished filling 2 glasses of water and began dragged herself next to me, still silent.
She dropped onto the couch, her bun bouncing. She rested her head on my shoulder as I waited for her response,
"Jacob and I broke up.
He cheated on me."
I couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth.
Cassia covered her ears in annoyance. "Oh, sorry. I just never imagined that to happen..."
I really didn't.
She and Jacob were together for the past 5 years, and not once did I imagine that they would break up, let alone have one cheat on the other.
Every time we would hang out, they would be smiling and gazing into each other's eyes. They acted as if they were the only 2 people living on this Earth. And on top of that, Cassia rarely came to us if they had a fight, which again, they didn't.
Sami and I were almost positive they would last forever.
Guess we were wrong.
I glanced at Cassia and could see her tearing up. I quickly took her in my arms, "No don't cry Cassia please, you know I'll start crying then too."
Seeing her made my heart break. "Why would he do something like this to me," she began sobbing staining her tears onto my shirt, but I could care less.
"I gave him all of my heart and all he did in return, was shatter it to pieces." I continued to stroke her hair and rub her back while she let it all out, probably for the 70 millionth time today.
"Wait, was this the thing you needed to tell me when I went out for dinner that day with my colleagues?" she nodded in my chest.
"UGH WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME" I groaned in frustration, "I should've been there for you." My lips began trembling. I felt wetness on my cheeks and realized that I too, was crying.
"It's not your fault. I didn't want Sami to tell you, I wanted to tell you myself." Cassia mumbled.
"That fucking asshole, I am going to kill him." I sniffled. I could feel Cassia form a tiny smile, "Sami said that too."
I tightened myself around her, "I bet she did." I smiled.
We stayed like that for a while, her in my arms while I was comforting her.
Long enough for us to fall sleep.
Thankfully I didn't sleep for too long if it weren't for when I heard my phone buzzing. I slowly rose and unwrapped my arms from Cassia, laying her down carefully so she wouldn't wake up.
I squinted my eyes as the bright screen lit up from my phone.
I checked the time: 7:30.
"Shit. I need to feed Monty." I whispered, running my fingers through my hair, but was stopped by all the fucking knots.
The buzzing stopped, and a notification of a missed call popped up on the screen.
I checked who the call was from and it was a random number. I shrugged and somewhat fixed my hair.
Then my phone buzzed again and got a text message from that same number: I fed Monty. Where are you?
Trying not to go off on this person I replied: Um may I know who this is?
The person started typing right away.
You're neighbor Jai.
Hey guyss sorry if this chapter was short for ya'll
And sorry about what happened to Cassia if ya'll are a little sad about dat :/
But don't worry it's all for a reason ;)
But anyways don't forget to LIKE, COMMENT, BOOKMARK AND RECOMMEND if you like the story :)
Love ya'll