You, people, are aware that the conditions required for breaking the Tsukuyomi were set by Itachi (and by extension the manga) since part I, right?
Itachi outright corrects Kakashi that no, only a Sharingan isn’t enough to counter Tsukuyomi; you require a Sharingan and Kekkei Genkai (Uchiha blood in this context) to counter it (both of which Sasuke possessed at the end of Part I and throughout part II).
That’s the main reason why Kakashi had a hard time against Itachi despite possessing a fully matured Sharingan: he has the body to use the Sharingan, but he doesn’t possess the blood to counter Itachi’s Mangekyou Sharingan Genjutsu. That’s why Itachi had to purposely hold back against Kakashi; and Kakashi agrees that only Sasuke can break through Tsukuyomi as back then he was the only known living relative.
This is proven by Zetsu (the best Sensor save Sage of the Six Paths Sage Mode Sensing Users):
The chakra build up in the Sharingan eye can be easily sensed, and it was sensed by Jubito and Nagato (a Sensor):
People bring up Itachi’s “acting”, but Zetsu is a Sensor. Itachi’s chakra and its usage for Tsukuyomi by his Sharingan can’t fool Zetsu’s Sensing. That’s absurd.2499Please respect copyright.PENANAe7kdNGKygT
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Itachi immediately felt the blow-back from using Tsukuyomi. He fell down to his knees and felt immense pain.
Itachi’s dulled senses after Tsukuyomi were remarked on by Zetsu (a Sensor) and Sasuke both. You can see Itachi’s condition, too:
This is confirmed by the Databook, as well:
(So Itachi’s lying; Zetsu’s lying; the manga’s lying; and the Databook’s lying, too. Itachi was holding back, you guys!)
Then we have the whole “Itachi died in the battle ’cause he was sick” Fan-Fiction. Itachi didn’t die because he was sick. He died because he was using the Final Susanoo (V4) for an extended period of time. That literally killed him, not his illness.
This is what a rib-cage Susanoo was doing to a perfectly healthy kid:
When Sasuke tried to jump to a higher Susanoo form, he not only couldn’t but he also started bleeding from the mouth; his chakra started weakening, too:
This is no different from what happened to Itachi. Susanoo requires constant chakra stabilization, but it also takes an immense toll on the body:
Itachi was no different. When he brought out the Susanno, he blocked Kirin with it. Then he constantly used V4 from that point onwards. V4 is not only the highest Susanoo form (Perfect Susanoo is V4 Stabilized as the above scan states) but it also allows Itachi to use his Spirit Weapons, Sword Totsuka and Mirror Yata (Itachi is shown using Mirror Yata with V3 in his battle against Kabuto, but he can’t wield Sword Totsuka without using V4):
By the way, Zetsus don’t know the exact function of the Susanoo, which is why they aren’t stating anything for a fact. As you can see, Itachi’s in immense pain, and suddenly, just like a perfectly healthy Sasuke, he starts coughing out blood:
As Susanoo requires constant stabilization, his Susanoo immediately loses form and goes down a tier to V3:
When previously, Itachi’s Susanoo had gained muscle to reach the V4 form:
Zetsu again states above that he doesn’t even know what this is. It’s this V4 form that he used to constantly to fight Orochimaru and seal him. As I stated above, he can’t use his Spiritual Weapons, especially Sword Totsuka, without this V4 Susanoo.
As a result of losing the form through burden posed by the highest form of Susanoo, the panel shows a large amount of blood dribbling from his chin:
Itachi, stubbornly, climbed back up to V4:
See the arm? It’s gained muscle again. Itachi uses this V4 form till the very end:
The final two images show Itachi dying and the Susanoo immediately losing its shape and disappearing.
People use this final image below a lot to make a point that Itachi died only because he was ill when Zetsu, through out the course of the battle, kept saying that he didn’t know what this Jutsu was and didn’t know how it functioned. In fact, he’s stating in this very scan that he’s unsure what happened:
Even the Databook confirms it that the Jutsu “consumes” the caster:
This Susanoo posing a threat to the life-span was elaborated on through Sasuke in the future. As I stated, a perfectly healthy kid like Sasuke was on his knees, bleeding from the mouth, when he was only using the most rudimentary form of Ribcage Susanoo (Ribcage’s proper version has a dark-grey tone and is thicker, which Sasuke used in the War). Itachi wasn’t exactly taking his final breaths and on his death bed when he fought Sasuke. No, he was ill, but he wasn’t ill to the point that a battle would kill him. Susanoo did. (Sasuke also had a counter for every Jutsu save Susanno on Itachi, so I don’t see a point; and his reserves massively outclass Itachi’s, as well.)
So can we stop peddling this Fan-Fiction that Itachi held back his Tsukuyomi and that he was on his death bed when he fought Sasuke? Both of these claims, as overwhelming evidence shows, are completely false.
sasuke itachi sasuke vs itachi itachi vs sasuke tsukuyomi amaterasu susanoo zetsu sensor sensing analysis battle meta naruto naruto manga obito
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