No Plagiarism!9SwFQUkYbp1FEGQdCBZcposted on PENANA When we arrived , the others were already here.8964 copyright protection423PENANAQKpi9TzIl9 維尼
Abby and America hugged me, the boys did their boy stuff.8964 copyright protection423PENANAb23WOuK63y 維尼
Oh come on not that stuff and you know it.8964 copyright protection423PENANAmejk8Dtkdq 維尼
We ordered almost immediately.8964 copyright protection423PENANAfncyRFH8XY 維尼
" So how exactly do you guys know each other?" America asked the boys.8964 copyright protection423PENANAmd4xeHdqOL 維尼
They all laughed once.8964 copyright protection423PENANA9gjfOSF57k 維尼
" I technically knew his brother before him, we traded punches."8964 copyright protection423PENANA1Y5V81Uacm 維尼
" He is the only one who I know that actually got to bet Trent."8964 copyright protection423PENANADQQdGIy9ST 維尼
" Trent got bet ?" Abby said looking at Brett.8964 copyright protection423PENANAhccyBnwpGv 維尼
" Yeah , me too." Travis said.8964 copyright protection423PENANAo8oJAnXOOo 維尼
" Travis Maddox actually lost ?"America said.8964 copyright protection423PENANA60LReWDVJu 維尼
" Well he is tough man , like steel."8964 copyright protection423PENANAUBIrjcfFW5 維尼
Brett chuckled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAMTMNNpb6ht 維尼
" Raven?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAupIbQjGobS 維尼
I turned around to find a familiar face.8964 copyright protection423PENANAoQ9MNw08GG 維尼
" Axel?"8964 copyright protection423PENANA0obaYKtfy3 維尼
I got up and hugged him.8964 copyright protection423PENANALmnWqEvn4m 維尼
Axel was one of the few kids I talked to back in Kansas , also he was Elena's boyfriend.8964 copyright protection423PENANA9jrJmAwW0L 維尼
" What the hell are you doing here?"he asked.8964 copyright protection423PENANAqcCToVQ4i6 維尼
" Came to find my family."8964 copyright protection423PENANAidO7M8sEZ2 維尼
Axel turned to the table noticing Abby immediately.8964 copyright protection423PENANAjeU6q6mQOQ 維尼
He smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANA9hRCetxkGH 維尼
" Good for you, I always thought Vegas got you wrong pumpkin."8964 copyright protection423PENANAdKobHjhtP9 維尼
I chuckled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAlwtVqC9qLk 維尼
His boyish charm always gave the girls in our neighbourhood heart throbs.8964 copyright protection423PENANAVbsJhMUDmq 維尼
His smile vanished when he looked into my eyes.8964 copyright protection423PENANA91XFEwYxOH 維尼
" What?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAKbb6K8GJHx 維尼
" He was released from prison ,Raven." He whispered.8964 copyright protection423PENANAwvNvwN51b3 維尼
I nodded.8964 copyright protection423PENANAG5vrefHVSj 維尼
" Elena told me."8964 copyright protection423PENANAJBu2B32KiI 維尼
" El , is she okay?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAPHrpBnWQXg 維尼
" Yeah she is fine , he didn't touch her."8964 copyright protection423PENANA7FBnOzyShr 維尼
He sighed in relief.8964 copyright protection423PENANArDVtP48w9X 維尼
I never actually knew why they broke up in the first place.8964 copyright protection423PENANAWtjStckhml 維尼
" Why don't you go back to her Axel?"8964 copyright protection423PENANA6DqvzBT1iq 維尼
He smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAX8oz8g1aHD 維尼
" As if she would accept me now Raven."8964 copyright protection423PENANANZdxbrBnFu 維尼
" She would , you know she has too much of a good heart , plus she never stopped loving you."8964 copyright protection423PENANAVIU8yYaw0E 維尼
" Really?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAJeXnLzwJey 維尼
" Yeah."8964 copyright protection423PENANARIE6FZj6Qd 維尼
I smiled at him , the hope in his eyes made me think of how Elena will be happy knowing the love of her life actually still hopes for things to work out.8964 copyright protection423PENANAJqr6EqswEv 維尼
" I'll go back."8964 copyright protection423PENANADxrsC42Oqu 維尼
That statement started me.8964 copyright protection423PENANAdyxkljB74s 維尼
" Really?"8964 copyright protection423PENANA12riyXZjND 維尼
He nodded.8964 copyright protection423PENANAqcBK9L06RF 維尼
" I never liked it here much."8964 copyright protection423PENANAySpEVD474o 維尼
I smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANA2Cuv14tzZj 維尼
" Axel?" Someone called from behind me.8964 copyright protection423PENANAZtZq1fvKVz 維尼
" Got to head back to work."8964 copyright protection423PENANAB78cbE0GGe 維尼
He hugged me and turned around.8964 copyright protection423PENANA0sChgiKsY6 維尼
" Hey Axel?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAEbjIjmoG0C 維尼
" Yeah?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAA1I2dZwtor 維尼
" Protect her for me."8964 copyright protection423PENANAhtILlMfjUP 維尼
" Always , but you know you need the protection more than she does, he is still obsessed with you."8964 copyright protection423PENANAITlEA0sHEo 維尼
I nodded , knowing exactly what he meant.8964 copyright protection423PENANAbV9PFRnGRx 維尼
When I sat down , the others kept staring at me.8964 copyright protection423PENANAFhmmlM4Pku 維尼
" What?"8964 copyright protection423PENANA1eX5xHyn42 維尼
" Who was that ?" Brett asked.8964 copyright protection423PENANAMSqSgLQWla 維尼
I smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAAjHq8g5bCb 維尼
" Well , he was my fosters sister's boyfriend."8964 copyright protection423PENANApI10x9LzKU 維尼
" Brought back memories ?" Abby asked reaching for my hand.8964 copyright protection423PENANAEjX48x0Z3F 維尼
I squeezed her hand once.8964 copyright protection423PENANAVlL42aPaRB 維尼
" Good ones though." I smiled at her.8964 copyright protection423PENANAJWMiFTmQVi 維尼
" By the way , these are for you."I pulled out two small boxes and put them in front of the girls.8964 copyright protection423PENANASWnWsz9rkz 維尼
" What for ?" Abby asked.8964 copyright protection423PENANAMaAwdxSQvd 維尼
" I saw them and thought you would like them and ended up buying them."8964 copyright protection423PENANAmB8qyyJCBb 維尼
" Why me ?" America asked.8964 copyright protection423PENANAAAUG41TvAn 維尼
I smiled at her.8964 copyright protection423PENANAhMfg9eWtVp 維尼
" You are like a sister to Abby , you helped her more than her actual family , your parents took care of her. That makes you part of my family too. Thank you for being there when I wasn't. Now I have two cousins."8964 copyright protection423PENANAnIKXfiWQnY 維尼
America eyes watered.8964 copyright protection423PENANAlHrSBy8t28 維尼
" Thank you." She said smiling.8964 copyright protection423PENANAczaOqm67iC 維尼
" Thank you , Raven." Abby said also with tears in her eyes.8964 copyright protection423PENANAMfFIEqDc0c 維尼
I shook my head." Cry and you will ruin your mascara.Now open."8964 copyright protection423PENANAiuLMJxRYqH 維尼
They chuckled.8964 copyright protection423PENANA1vpsnpOuiV 維尼
When they opened their boxes they gasped and smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAZb6OMa8BKB 維尼
" Charm bracelets." Shepley said while putting the bracelet on his girlfriends wrist.8964 copyright protection423PENANAD6H8o4aQGQ 維尼
" Yeah , I got you the first charm ,now its your turn to continue your life I guess."8964 copyright protection423PENANA1fwIUTgw47 維尼
I chuckled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAllq4muU7yg 維尼
" Why a butterfly?" Abby asked.8964 copyright protection423PENANAtdSqWHfpJT 維尼
" Well , remember when you told me you two are a beautiful disaster?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAvjbTMzfmcr 維尼
Abby nodded.8964 copyright protection423PENANA5mq8Fjk3HQ 維尼
" Well , somehow I thought of a butterfly, It was an ugly caterpillar and ended up in something so beautiful."8964 copyright protection423PENANA9f9Yu5qSnz 維尼
Abby looked at Travis and smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANArjChHzdCK4 維尼
" Sorry boys , didn't know what to get you."8964 copyright protection423PENANA2fCgZPt83u 維尼
" You got us enough." Travis said.8964 copyright protection423PENANASllKbNezvk 維尼
" What?"8964 copyright protection423PENANArZTXiTvNiY 維尼
" The smile you put on my wife's face is enough for me." he said.8964 copyright protection423PENANA33kUp7DOBU 維尼
" Same here." Shepley said looking at America with pride.8964 copyright protection423PENANAFQKpo51MV9 維尼
" Hey , what do I get?" Brett jumped in.8964 copyright protection423PENANA4CXHbECrDR 維尼
" You just ruined a very beautiful moment, you suck." I said.8964 copyright protection423PENANA2FYvz4vwvi 維尼
" Hey now." He said.8964 copyright protection423PENANAgB7UHuLFW5 維尼
They all laughed.8964 copyright protection423PENANA32fmRtpJwC 維尼
We ate and laughed for hours , we were the only table left in the restaurant.8964 copyright protection423PENANA4qUVFxaGRQ 維尼
Still not used to this , I get tired from all this communication.8964 copyright protection423PENANA4uZZB7C1tD 維尼
When we were about to leave Axel came running.8964 copyright protection423PENANAbNa5kFNOsP 維尼
" Pumpkin , we have a problem." He said panting.8964 copyright protection423PENANAaefxhK4a1u 維尼
" You guys head before me , I'll be right back." I said to the others.8964 copyright protection423PENANAd4yS4FLq7W 維尼
They all nodded but suspicion crept in their eyes, mostly Brett.8964 copyright protection423PENANA3XjlhdskQ1 維尼
When they left I turned to Axel his face was white.8964 copyright protection423PENANA6c7CW5umJU 維尼
" What's wrong Axel?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAxXC2cogoId 維尼
" I just got word, from my parents."8964 copyright protection423PENANA9Zwa0WEkXH 維尼
" What , did something happen to Elena?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAl5ha42E0Ue 維尼
Fear crept inside me.8964 copyright protection423PENANAcYLp1LFkZg 維尼
He shook his head.8964 copyright protection423PENANAvq5TPldLiP 維尼
I sighed in relief.8964 copyright protection423PENANAtVm4WN4bc6 維尼
" Don't be relieved so easily , Raven, he left town."8964 copyright protection423PENANAkvUOuem4uL 維尼
I took a step back, I saw Axel and the whole restaurant turn around.8964 copyright protection423PENANAa2uhd2zmTo 維尼
" What?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAOueV8nOjhX 維尼
" Yeah , he looked for you everywhere and somehow found out that you left town."8964 copyright protection423PENANABQSI6tVqnV 維尼
" Does he know I am here?"8964 copyright protection423PENANAh84sEXfunO 維尼
" Not that I know off , but be careful Raven you know he is one of the best trackers in the business."8964 copyright protection423PENANAh4bFVJ6drR 維尼
I know that well.8964 copyright protection423PENANADpWeNraTyF 維尼
" Don't stay here for too long , run Raven , be safe." He said while hugging me.8964 copyright protection423PENANAzZwIsto6Gl 維尼
" You go back Axel , be safe as well.Take care of yourself."8964 copyright protection423PENANAZNqK6Xq5zM 維尼
He nodded and looked at me with sorrowful eyes.8964 copyright protection423PENANA0N7xuT5Ytc 維尼
I shook my head and smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANAxpjD9b0O9N 維尼
" Hey now , you must know by now that I am a survivor."8964 copyright protection423PENANARnCq7IHciV 維尼
" Yeah but , you are still a girl."8964 copyright protection423PENANAdcWDZa45Cc 維尼
I looked down to my feet.8964 copyright protection423PENANACvCOE5w16s 維尼
" But , even a girl like you has her knight in shining armor huh?" I heard a soft smile in his words.8964 copyright protection423PENANA9GHMVLyCeR 維尼
When I turned to where he was looking ,Brett was waiting for me at the door.8964 copyright protection423PENANAln2BI1a1qH 維尼
" Coming?" He called.8964 copyright protection423PENANAoUCWt0uW08 維尼
I smiled.8964 copyright protection423PENANA8o0SqsxygO 維尼
" Raven , I know why you have to be the way you are , but they are good people , they come her often and I always hear them laughing. You know what to do."8964 copyright protection423PENANAfZ6vkE6rdx 維尼
I nodded and hugged him for the last time.8964 copyright protection423PENANAT8Jjd6Z5PP 維尼
I know exactly what to do.8964 copyright protection423PENANACxfNeUB3ni 維尼
" Ready?" Brett said putting his arms around my shoulder.8964 copyright protection423PENANAIMAScIn2iA 維尼
" Yeah."8964 copyright protection423PENANAHJqEdICZ0y 維尼
I turned to Axel one last time , he was smiling back at me .8964 copyright protection423PENANAIYYNsBVV3K 維尼
He and Elena know me more than anyone else.8964 copyright protection423PENANAOGEtmhpcjc 維尼
I smiled back at him and headed out.8964 copyright protection423PENANAbMTRRN422i 維尼