After a few minutes in his arms , I composed myself and pushed him away.
" Lets go , my cousin is waiting."
Slipping away from his arms was hard ,but what needs to be done has to be done.
I grabbed the bags and tossed everything in it. I didn't pull much out of the bag , since he bursted in here before I could even grab anything from it.
" You are staying at my place right?"Brett asked , crossing his arms as he waited for me to finish.
I looked at him." If its no problem."
I still had nowhere to go , but just because I will be living with him , I can avoid him , except for dinner but other then that I can avoid him easily.
" No problem at all." He said grabbing my bags.
" By the way , how the hell , did you get here?" I asked walking out the motel.
" I ran."
I looked at him with a doubtful expression.
He laughed once.
" I took Shep's car."
" Then follow me out of here , I'm sure you drive like a snail."
I pulled my glasses on.
He chuckled.
I told the owner I would leave ,leaving the keys on the counter.
Putting my bags back in the car , Brett started the car.
He grinned from his window.
I started the engine and off I was. I didn't intend to slow down for him to follow , he will find his way for sure. When I looked into the review mirror , I saw that he was tailing my ass , he's good. I speed up a bit but he kept stuck to my ass like a leech.
I chuckled to myself.
We drove like maniacs , so in about ten minutes we arrived at Abby's apartment.
They must have heard the engine and when I got out of the car Abby came down running and jumped on me.
" I guess you must have missed me."I said chuckling.
" Idiot, don't do that again."
" Sorry about that."
Travis came running down , with only his boxers on.
" Do you own a shirt? Or you just like to show off your body?"
" Both." Travis chuckled.
" Abby , what did you do to him?" I said putting a hand on my mouth and gasped.
" What do you mean?"
" He's gone soft , he even chuckled.Did something happen?" I said pointing at Travis.
Abby laughed once and Travis rolled his eyes.
" I have school but how about we go for lunch later?" Abby asked.
" Sure , I'll pick you up."
" See you later sucker." I said nodding at Travis.
Brett threw the keys to Shepley.
" Thanks man." He said.
" No problem."
When I was about to enter the car I saw a Harley parked in front.
" That yours?" I asked Travis.
He nodded.
" Well , at least you got good taste."
He laughed once.
" I married her."He said putting his hands around Abby.
I chuckled and dropped in the car.
" See you later." Abby said waving before heading back to the door.
I waved back as I started the engine.
" Ready?" I said looking at Brett.
He was watching me carefully.
" Should I be?"
I chuckled and drove full speed ahead.
We arrived at his apartment in a flash.
" Fine , I wasn't." He said getting out of the car.
I chuckled.
He grabbed my bags and led me in.
" Welcome back."
" Thanks."
" I have to leave for work and I don't think I will be back for lunch." He said rubbing his neck.
" No worries , I'll make you something for when you get back." I said walking to the room.
" Don't worry about that I can grab something at work."
" Sure from that shitty shack , its the last thing I can do." I said turning to him.
" Hey , it may be shitty, but it pays the rent."
I chuckled .
He looked at me for sometime and shook his head.
" See you later then."
" Yeah." I said.
A truck horn startled me.
" Perfect timing." Brett chuckled.
" What?"
" Well , yesterday my car got jammed and had to take it to a mechanic."
" In the middle of the night?"
" Yeah."
I shook my head.
He grabbed his keys and winked at me before heading to the door.
I grabbed my shit and went into the shower.
To kill time I put my things neatly in the room and crashed on the couch to watch a movie.
Abby texted me that she will be ready in an hour , so I grabbed my keys and headed out.
I parked just outside the cafeteria and texted her.
I got out of the car and leaned on the door. Taking my last cigarette out, I lit it and took my first drag.
My phone chirped.
" Yeah?"
" Hey there beautiful , Travis just messaged me."
" And I should be knowing this because?"
He chuckled.
" They are going to the Karaoke this weekend and wanted to know if we were in ?"
" Sure."
I wanted to stay away from him as much as possible but if it means more time with my cousin, I didn't mind.
" I am so gonna beat your ass."
He seemed eager.
" Try me , don't come crying later."
" Tempting , but sorry babe , I am good in this."
" Good luck then."
I hung up on him, but he texted me back.
" The more you hang up on the me the more it turns me on , Raven mm Raven."
" You will die alone, that is a certainty." I texted him back.
" That makes the two of us ,sweetheart."
" Dream on , did you see me?"
" Yeah I did."
Somehow his text sounded serious.
" Good." I texted him back.
" Well well , such a beauty." A group of guys approached me.
I kept silent and stared at them from my glasses.
One of the guys licked his lips while looking at me.
" There you are."
Shepley and Travis approached me.
" We can't leave you alone a second ,you don't try to suck a dick." Travis said glaring at the guys.
" Maddox." One of them said.
He moved away quickly.
" Wow , you have such a good reputation, I am amazed really."
He glared at me.
" What the hell was that about? Huh?"Travis said.
I looked at him. I took the last drag out of my cigarette and threw it to his feet. I inched closer to him.
" Just because , you are family doesn't mean you can yell in my face like that asshole , who the fuck you think you are." I said crushing the cigarette I threw before.
" Easy now." Shepley said pulling me away from him.
" Why did you let them treat you like that ?" Travis said , trying to calm himself down.
" Have you ever been to Vegas boy ?"I said.
" Yeah."
" Well , then you must know , how women are treated there , I was raised there."
" Weren't you raised in a foster home?" Shepley said.
I nodded.
" I just had a bed and food , they never cared for me , so I had to help myself."
" What do you mean help yourself?"Travis said.
When I was about to say something which I would regret later , Abby's voice saved the day.
" Raven." Abby and America came to us.
They kissed their boys hello.
" Ready ladies?" I asked.
They nodded.
" Where are you going?" Travis asked.
" Just for lunch Trav." America said rolling her eyes.
" See you later baby." Abby said kissing him goodbye.
I smirked at him and started the car.