The hostess announced that the flight will soon take off, I sighed. Planes never bothered me so far but this time my leg can't stop bouncing.371Please respect copyright.PENANAYE0dnvv9sl
Brett chuckled and put his hand on my knee.371Please respect copyright.PENANAluLhGwJw0R
"You are gonna see them soon. "371Please respect copyright.PENANA6rhbjy6lWN
He whispered in my ear.371Please respect copyright.PENANAb23PiN4YCR
I smiled up to him, he knew I was nervous to go back home.371Please respect copyright.PENANACL5jitMPWx
Brett told me everything, his family is one of the wealthiest families around far greater then Don's, he opened up about how he ended up being a fighter, he used to get beat by his father so bad he manifested an immune to pain. He was brave enough to tell me but I am not sure I am brave enough to tell Abby and the others.371Please respect copyright.PENANAA6yBEvM1SL
Brett told me he will never leave my side, that gave me confidence.
“ We're here.” Brett said as he parked in front of Abby's place.
I sighed and closed my eyes to compose myself. Once I knock on that door , I will have to spill my whole life , talking about myself never made me eager. Something touched my face and I opened my eyes.
Brett smiled at me and nudged me to look outside.
Abby was running our way. I smiled softly and opened the door.
She jumped on me and I hugged her back truthfully for once.
“ I missed you.”
“ Me too.”
I saw Travis jogging our way and Shepley and America running behind him.
Abby let go and Travis hugged me, which took me by surprise I didn't know how to respond.
Shepley was smiling an America winked at me.
“ Wow , so I guess you missed me too huh ?”
Travis composed himself and let me go.
“ Missed your fucken attitude.” He said looking somewhere else.
I punched his shoulder playfully.
“ I missed yours.”
He smiled and hugged his wife to him.
“ Welcome home.” Abby said.
I felt a surge of emotion rising up , oh no not good.
Brett put his arm around my shoulder.
“ I'm home.” I smiled.
“ Now spill the beans.” Abby said looking furious.
“ What? Moment gone?” I joked.
She didn't budge so I nodded.
“ Fine , but I need a drink.”
“ Got you covered.” Travis said.
As soon as Travis placed a glass of Jim Bean in front of me I slipped in through my teeth immediately.
“ Where do I start ?” I asked looking at Abby.
She shrugged. “ From the beginning.”
I nodded and started my story. I had to stop for breaks and take a drink cause it was one hell of a difficult job to talk about myself. They listened through it all without interrupting me which actually made it worse , since I don't know what they think , I've done some stupid stuff throughout my life but it was all for a good cause.
Once I finished I took a long breath and sighed.
Total silence , no one was looking at me straight in the face , Brett's hand never left mine but he never knew my life so far.
“ That explains your nasty attitude.” Travis broke the silence.
Thank God.
I chuckled and took a sip from my glass.
Travis placed a drink in front of Abby and she didn't think twice before taking it.
“ Wow.” She mumbled.
“ Well , I'm sure you went through deep shit yourself.”
“ Not as much as you though.” She looked deep in thought.
I was about to say something but Travis jumped in.
“One thing I don't understand, why did you stay with the guy if you had already finished the due payment ?”
Good question.
Now it was my time to not look them in the eyes.
I played with the glass in hand.
“ He was very dear to you.” Brett said.
I looked up to him , he knew more than anyone that me and Josh had a strange relationship.
“Even after all he put me through, actually after all we put each other through. He put a deep scar in me , literary, that a piece of my will always be his. Before I knew what he did for me I was afraid of him more than I was angry. Deep inside me I couldn't hate him . Now I know why. He sacrificed himself for me and I will always be thankful, yes I helped him with money , I danced like a whore but thanks to that I have a long supply of money. He slipped to the dark side because of me. He was everything I had, now that I think about it he was more of a brother than a lover.”
I swallowed slowly , I didn't want to admit it, to tell Brett that a piece of me will always belong to that man , but he just smiled and took me in his arms.
“ Now you got a family.”
I smiled softly and so did everybody else.
Josh was everything to me cause I didn't know better but thanks to him I ran away and found my family.
He called me just before we left the hotel, he is doing fine and he should be leaving the hospital after a short period of time. But as soon as he leaves he will have to go back to prison for a short while. He didn't complain he said he deserved it for everything he put me through. I told him that after all of this is over he should leave Vegas and go travel somewhere, he chuckled and said that he will try to find a place to call home. That gave me courage , he came back to the good side once more and I am sure he will find someone very soon. After all when Josh is himself , he is a guy to die for.
Elena on the other hand kept shouting in the phone, she was furious that I didn't visit in the period I was back in Vegas. But she quickly forgave me when I mentioned that her parents would probably have a heart attack if they saw me in their house once more. She told me that she got back with Axel and that she is happy as ever, that made me happy as well, she is a person that deserves all the love in this world.
Brett opened the door to our apartment , I love for it came ours all of a sudden.
God I became a pussy.
“ Welcome home.” Brett said grinning like an idiot.
I crashed on the sofa and inhaled the air softly.
It smelled like him.
“ Its hot how you smell the place I fart.”
I threw a cushion straight to his face.
He just chuckled and sat at the edge putting my legs on him.
“ So what are you plans now ?”
“ Good question , who knows.”
“ What about school?”
“ Don made me study everything, that was actually the only good thing he did.”
“ Isn't there anything you want to learn?”
I hummed and thought about that , I knew stuff but I didn't know everything that's for sure.
“ I may like History?”
Brett snorted.
“ History?”
I put my leg in his face and wiggled my toes in his nose.
“ Fine fine. Sorry I laughed.”
I nodded.
“ So going back to school?”
I shrugged.
“ What about you?”
“ I got a job.”
Now it was my turn to snort.
“ Yes , with that smelly bastard. Brett you are too good for that.”
He smiled down to me. Suddenly he pulled me up and made me sit on him. He didn't respond he just nuzzled in my neck.
“ Thank you.” He whispered.
“ For what ?”
I turned to look at him in the face.
He is too handsome , dammit.
Gonna have to kill a lot of bitches in this town.
“ Whats with that face?” Brett chuckled.
“ Well , I was thinking I have to kill bitches in this town , your too god damn handsome.”
I sighed.
His face looked surprised than he bursted into a fit of laughter.
I punched him in the stomach but couldn't help laugh myself , he was acting like a kid.
“ You don't have to worry about that your the only one for me.”
“ And how do you know that?”
“ Cause your the only girl I had to save twice, if I leave you alone you would disappear.”
“ Hey now , I'm not that weak.”
“ Your not , that's why I want you to lean on me from now on. We are together from now on.”
I smiled softly and kissed his jaw.
“ So , what now ?”
“ Who knows , as long as you are here , its enough for me.”
“ I was about to puke in my mouth. You are just the prince on the white horse.” I chuckled.
He started to tickle me.
“ Okay sorry, its you and me always.” I said as I laughed.
He crashed his lips on mine.
“ You and me?”
“ You and me , idiot.”
He chuckled and pulled me up with him and he ran to the bedroom.
Its us forever.
He was the connection I couldn't run away from.
He is my beautiful connection.