" I ate like a pig." America cried.
" Sure you did kid." I said.
Women in that time of month always eat double , well triple in America's case.
My phone rang.
" Yeah?"
" You didn't run away again did you?"
I am sure he has a grin on his face right now , thinking he is so cool for saying that. I rolled my eyes.
" Hey Brett." The girls shouted in my ear.
I looked at them , how did they know ?
" Girl , you just rolled your eyes ,for all we know only a single guy can make you roll your eyes. Just like your cousin." America said nudging Abby.
Brett kept laughing on the other side of the phone.
" Tell them hey for me."
" Yeah sure , gotta go have to take them to school , see ya."
I hung up.
" Did you just hang up on him ?"America said.
I put on finger up and said: " Wait for it."
My phone rang again.
" Still hot." he whispered.
" Go fuck your boss Brett."
" I sure will, see you tonight."
" Yeah yeah."
He chuckled and hung up.
" Lets get you girls back to the educational life." I said as I opened my car.
They kept bugging me all the way back to school about what was going on in Brett.
I shook my head so hard , I felt dizzy.
Seeing the boys I parked near them.
" Thanks, Raven." America said as she got out of the car and snuggled near her boyfriend.
Abby stayed in place.
" Abby?"
" Its okay to be happy , Raven. Look at me , I ran from people like Travis and ended up marrying him."
She chuckled.
" Well, you are lucky enough to be loved like that , from what I hear you are everything to him. I can see that." As I pointed at him looking at us.
She smiled and kissed me on the cheek.
" And thanks to you , I might actually like my family." She said while getting out of the car.
Same here.
Travis nodded at me , while hugging his wife.
She broke him and he broke her walls.
From the stupid shit I heard , it must have been a disaster.
" A beautiful disaster." Abby had told me.
I shook my head. They waved before getting into the building. I really can't let my problems break what they have here, I'll have to find a way to protect them.
I decided to look around and to find some clothes. Ended up buying more stuff then needed.
Clothes an all , I even bought presents, don't know what for but I thought they would like them.
My phone rang.
" Abby?"
" Hey cousin , we thought about going out tonight , want to come with us ?"
" Its Monday."
" Yeah so ?"
"Never mind."
" So you coming ?"
" Sure why not."
" Good then Brett will pick you up after work , be ready."
She hung up.
So I guess Brett is coming as well , my good plan for avoiding the guy isn't going so well.
Well I live at his place so that's that.
I decided to had back , I didn't notice it already got so late, I only had an hour to get ready. All the time I needed.
When I arrived, Brett's car was already there.
" Brett." I called as I opened the door.
" Yeah."
Brett came out with only a towel around his waist.
" Well , well , is this a surprise attack?" I said smirking.
Not so bad.
Who am I kidding , he has an amazing body and the tattoos are more beautiful then I thought.
He laughed once.
" Yeah , I thought about coming out without the towel but then I didn't want you to faint before the dinner."
" Keep on dreaming pal." I put the bags on the sofa.
" Did you rob somewhere?"
I laughed once.
" Yeah , I did."
I grabbed the bags with the clothes and headed to the bedroom.
" Be ready in half an hour or I will leave you here." He called from the other room.
Yeah sure you will.
I headed for the shower and was in and out in about 15 minutes.
I decided to wear my new pair of jeans, a black shirt and a red leather jacket. I found a pair of heels that matched the jacket and had to buy them. I may not be the most fashionable girl , but when it came to heels , I turn all rainbow vomiting unicorns.
I curled my hair and put on some makeup.
" Raven." Brett shouted.
" Coming."
I grabbed my purse and put the present sin it.
When I went out of the room , Brett kept staring at me.
" Deja' vu." I said.
He shook his head and extended his hand for me to hold.
" I can walk just fine , but thanks."I said passing beside him.
He grabbed my elbow.
" I know you can , I just want to hold hands."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him.