" The crowd is waiting for you pumpkin." Joshua said kissing my cheek.
To appease Joshua , he got me a gig in one of his clubs.
" All those years in prison , I need money sweet heart." He whispered in my ear.
I nodded.
" Whats the song?" I asked pushing my bra.
" Some stupid song , Dangerous Woman." He rolled his hand.
" Its not stupid its actually perfect for this fucking bunny costume."
" Hurry up , Candy." The sound man said.
" If you get me the money I need to repay that asshole, I will leave your darlings out of this."
I turned to him.
" What?"
" Ohh come on Candy , that girl looked exactly like you , don't you think I wouldn't notice. Your face is so beautiful." He cupped my cheeks.
" What exactly do you want Joshua?" I asked moving my face from his grasp.
He chuckled.
" You of course."
I nodded and walked to the stage.
Whistles exploded from the crowd.
The song hit the sounds and I sang.
I somehow got time to do a choreography, something sexy enough to make wealthy man suck their own dick.
This is why I didn't want to dance at the club, old habits die hard.
Shouts exploded from everywhere. Shit load of money landed on me. I wasn't even at half the song. Joshua is a lunatic but when it comes to getting money he is the best of the best. That's how I ended up in his grasp the first time.
I moved the right moves , Vegas teaches a girl to do amazing things.
When I finished my last pose , Screams filled the room. I heard Joshua laughing in the backstage.
My eyes landed on the crowed , then they landed on a pair of eyes I am very familiar with.
Fuck , what the hell are they doing here?
Brett , Travis , Shepley and another guy looked up at me with eye's wide open.
Joshua came on the stage and grabbed my ass.
Brett looked furious.
" Gentleman , you know her , you want her , you need her. Candy is the Cat of Vegas."
Shouts erupted and more money landed on the stage. A man dressed in black started collecting the money.
" How about another go?" Joshua whispered in my ears.
The crowed cheered up and Joshua left the stage for me.
Brett moved through the crowd and came in front of the stage.
The lights shut down.
It was my que.
I went in the middle of the stage.
When the beat dropped, I noticed the song was the first one I ever danced.
My boobs were high , my ass is drawn out with this costume. Easy.
I moved with the beat and did every sexy move I learned.
Brett kept staring at me.
Then an idea popped in my head.
I crawled on the floor and went in front of Brett. He was smiling , so I licked his face and whispered in my ear.
" Leave , I will be fine."
Before Joshua noticed , I continued to move and winked at every guy who were waving money.
When the song finished the crowd shouted and tossed me money.
Joshua will be pleased.
I bowed and moved backstage.
" You never disappoint , with that money I can go on for a while."
" To whom do you own ?"
Joshua chuckled.
" Nothing ever passed your eyes."
" Joshua , you tortured me , almost killed me and used me like a sex toy. Don't you think I learned from the best?" I spitted.
Joshua shook his head.
" You turn me on so hard."
" Joshua who do you own?"
" Don."
My mouth fell open.
" Don ? Fucken Don are you serious Joshua , he is far more worse then fucken Benny."
I moved around the room holding my head in my hands.
" Pumpkin , I need you back in Vegas."
" To hell with that Josh."
" You still call me Josh." He chuckled.
" For fuck sake Josh , I loved you. Then you turned all fucken creepy , look what money and vegas got you."
Joshua sighed.
" We already went through this , you are my income of money."
He pulled me by my elbow and planted his lips on mine forcefully. I struggled to get out but he was too damn strong.
" Let her go." A voice shouted.
Joshua let me go and turned to see who is was.
Shit Brett.
Joshua chuckled.
" Oh ,look. Are they your friends ?"
" No." I said.
" Doesn't look like it. Remember what I did to Ember ? How is she anyway?"
" She has your kid bastard."
" Oh yeah."
" Anyway , I give you an hour to get rid of them. Our flight to Vegas is booked. Your old boss misses you." Joshua turned and left.
I shook my head. Then headed straight for the guys.
Grabbed Brett by the ear and pulled him after me, the others follow.
When we where outside, the body guard looked at me and then I shook his head. He nodded and got inside.
" Didn't you fucken hear me ?"
" What the hell woman?" Brett shouted.
" We were worried sick and we found you dancing like a whore." He continued.
" I was saving your ass." I spitted.
He looked taken aback.
" Look go back , you won't be able to take him on. I know you guys are strong but you won't even be able to touch him."
" We will." Brett shouted.
" Take me on then."
" What ?"
" Come on." I signaled him with two fingers.
" I would never hit a girl , even more you."
" If you can defeat me then yeah you can take him on."
" Damn she got balls." The guy I didn't know.
" Did you reproduce Trav?" I asked.
" He is my brother." He said.
" Trent."
I nodded.
" Whats wrong Brett? Aren't you the strongest ?"
Brett shook his head.
I sighed and punched him stomach.
He got to his knees and coughed.
" What he fuck Rav?" Travis shouted.
" In here I am called Candy."
" I already told you , to not get involved Brett."
" And I thought I already told you , I couldn't leave you alone."
I sighed this is going nowhere.
" Look, I really am thankful , but don't get more involved , you may be tough guys but we are dealing with dark Vegas."
" We dealt with that already." Travis said.
" Yeah , Abby told me. Benny right ?" I chuckled.
" Whats so funny ?" Travis said glaring his eyes.
" Cause Benny himself is scared of us."
Travis eyes went wide.
" Who are you?" Brett said looking at me.
" I am Candy."
" What did you do with Raven?" He said.
" We are the same person , but unfortunately Candy is what Vegas wants."
Trent vanished and I noticed he was heading for me.
I grabbed his wrists.
" Strong and handsome." I winked at him.
I kept hold of his fist and kicked his stomach.
" Strong and beautiful."
I smiled.
" Candy." Joshua shouted.
" Yeah?"
" Don't kill people."
" I am not you."
I heard him chuckle.
" He killed someone ?" Brett whispered.
" Oh no man. I didn't but almost killed the woman who is kicking your ass down there." Joshua shouted.
Brett's eyes went wild and so did everyone else's
" You have half an hour , you know I don't like it. I am letting you just cause you got me shit load of money , Candy."
" The scar." Brett said.
I sighed.
" I don't have time to tell you the whole story but I know what I am doing."
" You know what you are doing ? Are you fucking kidding me , you are working for the guy who almost killed you."
Brett grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
" Talk to me." He said.
" There is nothing to say."
" There is a lot."
" Then how about you tell me about your past?"
Brett looked taken a back.
" I am saving your ass and everyone else's. Listen this is the last warning. Forget me and don't get involved." I was about to turn around when Brett grabbed my elbow and planted his lips on mine.
I waited for this for so long , I missed him so much.
I pulled away.
" Please , Brett. Do as I say." I whispered.
" I would never forget you. You are important."
I smiled and put my hands on his cheek.
" Then do as I say. Believe in me."
" Will you be back to me ?"
" I don't know."
" This doesn't make any sense Raven."
" I will explain everything in time for now go back and wait for me."
Brett sighed heavily and pulled me into his arms.
" If he touches you-" He said angrily.
" He will , that is his way Brett. I am his doll."
He pulled my shoulders and cupped my face.
" And you let him?"
" Who says I do ? But that is the only way to keep myself alive. "
" Did you love him?"
I looked deep in his eyes and nodded.
" Before he turned all crazy , he was an amazing guy."
" Try to find him but come back to me."
" I will never leave your side."
He nodded and kissed my forehead.
A hand grabbed my elbow and pulled me backward.
" You touched my girl enough." Joshua said.
" Shall we go?" I asked.
" Yeah."
Joshua glared back at Brett and pulled me after him.
Brett was gonna follow me but Travis pulled him back.
I mouthed Thank you to him and he nodded.
This is gonna take time even years before I could come back. I won't come back till Joshua is back behind bars. He will never hurt my friends.