Here,I lie.....on my bed, staring up at the ceiling.
There was a lot of commotion in the car. I had no answers to any of the questions.
Why are we freaking out? I think it's due to the fact that the richest man on this planet has become a bit too familiar with me. I don't remember meeting him before.....yet,his behaviour implied that he knew me very well. That's unusual.Very.
I sighed.There came a soft knock on my door.
'Come in'
My brother walked in saying 'Dinner's ready.'
I nodded. 'Okay'
Simon adjusted the chair at my desk and took a seat.
'So have you two met before?.....'
I sat up straight. 'The first time I met him was at the interview.' I spat out.
'I think he will strike again'
I gave a puzzled look. 'You mean?'
'Judging by his actions,I am certain he has some sort of connection with you. That's why he is so determined '
I become even more perplexed. 'You have to be more clear-
A voice came from downstairs.
'Both of you coming down this night?' It was mom.
Simon said 'We'll continue later'
We both made our way to the dining room where dad was already seated talking on his phone. He ended the call after all of us took our seats.
'Do how did it go?' He enquired.
Ugh.I knew he would ask us that.
' It wasn't bad.' I replied.
Mom asked Simon 'Was he seemingly impressed?'
I shot her a look but she failed to notice.
'Yeah,we got well acquainted with him.' Simon said .
'Both of you have performed quite nicely. Good job.' Dad said. He continued 'This could increase the durability and bonding of our deals with him.'
I rolled my eyes.Can he ever talk about something else apart from business matters?
I was relieved that my shocked brother hasn't informed anything to Dad yet. Dinner had ended and we headed upstairs.
'You look tired,cupcake' I looked to my right.
'why wouldn't I be?'
'We don't have to talk now. Retire to bed. You need rest.'
'Thank you' I got in my room and closed the door.
I literally jumped onto my bed,got under the sheets and closed my eyes real tight.
I couldn't think of anything else as I slept through the night.
'Thank you Calum' I said and Simon nodded at him. He drove away a few seconds later. We made our way towards the school entrance.
'You will be sitting with us during lunch.' Simon said.
' Wha- Aleah and I like to sit at our usual places!'
'Well,not from today'
I sighed. I spotted Keith and Nial on the school grounds.
'There's your cue.' I said.
' I've noticed'
I got a bump on the back.I turned around to be greeted by my partner in crime.
'See ya later Simon' I said. I grabbed Aleah's hand and rushed towards the homeroom class. No stopping in between. We took out usual seats in homeroom.
'So, he seems very much interested?' she asked with a smirk.
I shot her a look. ' I barely know him!'
That's when Nina chose to bother us. Us,out of all people.
'Look who's here. Wait- Are those sneakers you are wearing?'
She pointed at Aleah. She gave a short giggle. I don't know if anyone would call that a giggle.
Aleah replied boldly ' Wait,I'm sure you have money so why can't you buy proper clothes? I mean,look at it. I can donate a few bills' She smirked.She pointed at Nina's shorts which left most of her behind hanging out.
A red,hot and angered Nina stomped her feet and returned to her seat.
'I am so proud of you,do you know that?' I said with a chuckle.
' I'm honored' she replied.
•After lunch•
Okay, obviously Aleah and I couldn't chat during lunch because Simon would keep watch. Which he did.
After lunch,I went to the lockers section and began stuffing my books inside when someone called me. I turned my head in that direction.
'Hello Ryan....'
Omg.....where the heck is Aleah?
'You didn't come to school yesterday' He said leaning on one of the lockers.
' Project purpose. We had to conduct an interview.' I tried not to think about it.
' Oh. Well,I'm been wanting to ask....'
I can predict this is going to be bad.
' Are you seeing someone?'
Oxygen left my lungs. That was totally unexpected. Wha-t do I do? The best option would be to give a straight answer.
'No. And I'm not interested in anyone at the moment.' I tried to shake off Levi's image in my head.
Disappointment was clear on his face. 'Maybe you can spare me a chance-'
'I-I will think about it,Ryan. But I suggest we start as friends?' I said hesitating.
He kept silent and clenched his jaw. He smacked the locker with his left first. I flinched.
Is something wrong with him? I started to panic.
He walked away silently. I had to let Aleah know about this. Definitely.
I had P.E next so I proceeded to the girls changing room. I found Aleah.
'Hey where were you?!' I said in a low tone.
'Sorry. I had the cheerleaders meeting,the girls were crowding towards me and I lost track of you. I remember you were near your locker. ' She said with a apologetic expression.
'Do you have any idea what happened?!' I asked.
She gave a look as if she were solving a sudoku. And then realisation hit her.
'Did he creep you out again?'
'A lot'
'Tell me ab-
'Girls You have to be on the grounds .15 minutes tops!!!!' announced Mrs.Colton as she rushed in. Our P.E teacher was kind. A bit scary,but kind.
Oh I haven't changed into my P.E uniform yet. Everyone in the room started to leave.
'I will be out in a few,Ma'am' I informed Mrs.Colton.
She nodded. 'Be quick'
Aleah mouthed ' see you outside' to me before leaving. I sighed .All alone.
I opened my bag pack,took out my P.E uniform and placed it on the bench.
I turned.What was that? I shrugged and resumed.
I stripped till I was just in basic undergarments. I picked up my P.E shirt when-
I turned. Something feels wrong.
I took a few steps forward.
No answer. I waited. Still nothing.
I checked the time. I had to go. I wore my shirt and skirt,zipped my bag close and rushed towards the ground.
We were told to run laps. Aleah was clearly tired.
'You okay there?' I asked.
'Trying to hang on' she replied.
We could use some water. Wait. A lot of water. Is this a school ground or a desert?!
Several moments later,school was over. Simon and I got home. I finished my homework by 7:30 PM and did passing time by reading books.
I got to my room after dinner.
My phone rung. I checked the name.
Unknown number? I tapped the answer option and put the phone beside my ear.
'Hello? May I know who's calling?'
A laugh came from the other line. It sent a shiver down my spine.
'Who is this?!' I demanded.
A husky and male voice spoke.
'Open your computer,check the first email.'
'Wait- hold on who the heck are you?!'
'Do what I say'
I snapped open my laptop, opened my account and clicked on the first email as instructed. I was completely baffled by this call. Who...and why?
The picture popped up.
I froze. For minutes,I think. Tears started forming and slid down my cheeks.
'W-why...' I sobbed my voice barely audible.
' Yes,I enjoyed looking at it too. Do you have any idea how long I had the wish to get your love?'
The voice paused . Another year rolled down my cheeks. My mind was blank. I had no clue what to do.
'who are you....' I sobbed.
A laugh came in answer.
'I'll call again.For now,I've just sent a copy to your dear brother'
The line went dead and the door shot open. I flinched. My brother bust in looking so desperate and so worried.He looked at me,he had his phone in his hand.He was panting for breath .
'Sara' he said.
He ran towards me and hugged me tightly. I wasn't this weak and I couldn't believe that I was crying. He patted my head.
'It's okay shhh.....don't worry. I will find this sick bastard and make him wish he were dead. It's okay.....'
Why? Why me? I shut my eyes real tight.
'Dad will-
'No! Don't tell Dad or Mom please!' I said looking straight into his eyes.
'Promise me'
He stared into my eyes a few seconds and said 'Okay.'
I put my chin on his shoulder again.He caressed my hair and wrapped his hands around me.
'We can deal with it. Be strong. We will get through this'
What happened to me? Who would have hated me so much?
I hadn't realized that I had slept crying.
A/N: So,how was the chapter? Didn't see that plot twist coming? Please keep reading for more! If you liked this chapter,please do invite your dear friends to read this.
Thank you for reading.