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What is going on out there? It's been over 10 minutes.
I sighed. I had changed into my routine clothing 3 minutes ago. I fell flat on my bed and started staring at the ceiling.
He had told me that his men had taken care of all the photographs taken (of us). I was relieved to hear that,actually. Appearing in newspapers/social media/magazines with one very powerful personality is a whole new thing. I cannot let it happen just yet. I'm a teenager and he's a mature adult. There is age gap,yes. But I don't like to judge people's feelings on aspects like race,color,religion,age,physical appearance,et cetera.
I turned my head to stare at the bracelet on the table now. What to do with it...? It's a really expensive gift from Levi. I have to put it somewhere safe,ASAP. Hmmm....Oh mom has a safe to keep her jewellery. Should I hand it to her? I can imagine my parents' reaction when they get to know that he gave this. They won't stop bugging me to improve that relation with him. Um... it's not like I don't want to.....
A soft knock came of my door and Simon walked in. I sat up straight.
'What did you guys talk about for this long?' I asked.
'Nothing.' He said plainly. What's that? His mood is somewhere between anger and caution.
'Dinner's ready.' He said and disappeared. What happened? Did I do something incorrectly?
At dinner,my parents shot 'heart-stopping' questions at me. Don't even get me started. I won't be mentioning the bracelet anytime soon....taking into consideration the current situation.
But there was another tension pressuring me.What is it? Simon's silence. He is so angry that I can see imaginary fire flames around him.
'So what are you plans for tomorrow?' Mom asked,bringing me back into the conversation.
'Uh...Aleah and I will be going to Chronicle Stadium tomorrow. To watch the football match.'(sunday)
'I see...' Mom said after she took a short gulp of water.
' I will be coming.' Simon said after.....I don't know. A million years maybe.
'I don't think-'
'And my buds will be coming as well.' He said before wiping his mouth with a napkin.
'Of course.' Dad cut in before I could open my mouth.
We reached our rooms after dinner and Simon opened his door. I tugged on the hem of his shirt. He stopped in his tracks.
'D-did I do something I shouldn't have done....?' I asked nervously. He almost equal to a parent for me. I cannot bear it if he keeps on ignoring me.
'No. You haven't done anything to displease me. From now on,you won't be going anywhere alone. ' He said. His back was still facing me.
' Please don't be angry with m-me.' I said looking down.
He finally sighed and turned around. ' I'm just getting a bit more concerned,okay? I'm not angry with you. I would never be angry with you.'
I sighed on the inside. 'Then let me buy you popcorn tomorrow...!' I said.
He chuckled. FINALLY. ' Sure.'
What I did next surprised both of us. I couldn't help but bear hug the guy.Thank goodness he forgives me easily. He too enveloped me in his arms. He sighed against my hair. Maybe this night will erase the misconceptions?
'I heard many hot guys will be coming!' Aleah squealed in the car. Simon stared at her from the front passenger seat. Nial and I stared at her sideways.
' I think it would make a difference if the hot guys would not just come but win too.' Keith said.I giggled.
'Of course they will!' She said,getting more excited.
We reached Chronicle Stadium by 9 PM sharp.We thanked Calum and he left. Quite a large number of people here. Woah.
Luckily,Simon had already booked seats for us so we didn't have to stand in the awfully long line before the ticket counter. We proceeded towards the snacks section to buy a few things.
'Popcorn!' I said and ran towards that counter. I bought the smallest size.
'You need to stop running away like that!' Simon said as he came panting towards me.
'Here.' I said and shoved the popcorn into his hands. He took it without hesitation.
'The folks are over there. Let's go.' He said led me towards where the others were. Aleah was busy in her own world buying cotton candy.
'Every time we go out with you girls our wallets are in danger.' Simon said smirking. 'Yep.' Keith said as he tossed a chip into his mouth.
I gave a light punch on Simon's shoulder. What's wrong if I asked him to buy me 15 bars of chocolate? It's not a crime. It is a crime if someone stole my chocolates though.
Aleah came back,finally. 'Alright,the match will be starting in a few minutes.' she said.
'Where's Nial?' Simon asked.
'I'm here.' We turned back. Oh he bought the drinks for everyone.
'How kind of you.' I said.
'Thank you.' He said looking down.
'All of us are here so let's go.' Simon said.
All of us turned to go. Someone's hand stopped me. I turned around.
'Please take t-this!' He said handing me a bag of candies. Oh I always liked candies too. It had multiple flavors,I observed.
'Thank you very much,Nial.' I said and handed him one of my choco bars in return. He blushed slightly before taking it.
We reached our seats. Very near to the field. The hosts were going on giving running commentary on today's events and players. Sadly,I couldn't tell Aleah about what happened yesterday. Not with Simon and his special spy team sneaking in on our conversation from right behind us.
'Guess what?' Aleah said as she bit a small part of her cotton candy.
'I got to know that some Valerio guy is the hottest guy!' she said. 'He's so fineeee.' I never had too much interest in sports to be honest. But I did know that he was one of the best players in football league.
Simon coughed from behind us. Goodness gracious.
'I...need to go to the washroom.' I said and stood up.I needed to set my top right. Aleah looked at me confused. As I expected,Simon stood up as well.
'I'm a girl,Simon.' I said raising my eyebrows at him. 'So what if- oh.' He said and sat back down. I tugged Aleah's hand and both of us made our way towards the restrooms. Inside,I told her almost half of what happened. She's like my 'human' diary.
'......And Valerio happens to be a little late. Proceeding to the other players. Austin Hayes from....' The voice of the commentators boomed through the speakers,audible to us very clearly.
'I wish I would listen more!' she said. 'But I won't want your brother to surprise us by popping out of no where.'
'Agreed.' I said and we stepped out of the restroom doors.
I was just done closing the door when I bumped into someone,hard. He fell flat on the ground and me on top of him. He shielded my head with his left hand.Ouch. Aleah gasped.
'Are you a-alright,mister...?' I looked at his face. Holy cow.
He was wearing his hood on so Aleah couldn't see his face from where she was standing.
Hazel eyes gazed back at me intently. The gaze moved all over my facial features. Trouble. I got off him and stood up. I dusted myself and looked at him. He was still on the floor. Did he see the Titanic sinking or something?
'Uh..sir..?' I said and rached my hand out to him. He stared at my hand as he took it and and got up.
'I'm sorry. I-'
'No need to apologize.' He spoke for the first time. 'It was me who was walking without looking ahead. I was getting late for ....something.' He said.
'I'm D-' He paused,thought about something and said 'I'm Daniel.'
'I'm Sara.' I said.' And that's my friend Aleah other there.' She waved to him.
'Sara is it....' he said looking into my eyes.
' Sara we gotta blast outta here. The others are waiting.'
'Um...yes.' I said. I gave a short bow to Daniel and rushed out with Aleah.
'I never knew girls went to the washroom to slay dragons.' Keith started. Nial chuckled.
'What took so long?' Simon asked.
'We have serious business to attend to.' I said which resulted in three pairs of raised eyebrows.We took our seats. One of the commentators was saying the regulations & stuff.
The screen above the scoreboard showed the players from two countries: Brazil and Spain. I started rummaging in my bag for the bars I bought.
The crowd suddenly started cheering loudly. Huh? Aleah stood up like many other people.
I stood up too. Some one was coming out of the tunnel,I think. I took my own time to get up.
'......And he is here!' The commentator said in a exciting tone.
'Damn it ,Sara look over there!' Aleah said pointing towards the screen above the score board,where they showed the player who had just arrived.
I looked where she pointed her finger at.I dropped my bag the moment I laid eyes on that screen.
The commentator continued ' Dominic Valerio from Spain has finally arrived!! Let the game commence!'
Why.........are Daniel and Dominic the same person?!?!
A/N: *steps onto the podium* So uh.... INTERESTING CHAPTER RIGHT?! ^_^
Trust me,this won't be anything like the love triangles in TVD,Twilight,et cetera. This is a whole new thing <3
IMPORTANT NOTE!! : #Character profiles!# has been updated! Check it out for the information/pictures on upcoming characters! (Including the Bad boy Dominic! ;)
Thank you for reading!!!