Sara's POV:
As we made our way to the kitchen,we couldn't help but over hear the conversation of our parents.
'......we should give it a go,Bella. My co-workers and employees will be present as well. Besides,it's good to let the kids have another experience.' Dad's voice said.
'Not a bad idea,Jamie.' said my Mom in a knowing manner. 'I'll make further arrangements and we should inform this to Simon and Sara during dinner'.
'Inform what to us during dinner?' Simon's voice caught everyone's attention. I shook my head,smiling as I took my seat opposite to mom. It was a table adequate for a family of four. I started serving myself food as Simon took his seat opposite to Dad.
'Inform you,' Dad paused as Simon served himself some noodles. 'That there will be a social gathering. The people at my workplace and entrepreneurs from a few businesses will be attending. It's next friday at 6 PM to be more precise.'
'Do we have to go?' I whined. I didn't actually hate social gatherings know,they were an awful lot of boring. Some people stare at me as if I had four eyes or something. No joke.
Mom gave me that look which said Do as we say,Or else.I gulped.
There was silence for a minute or two as everyone ate their meals. James and Isabella Kingston,my parents,are very professional people. My dad is a successful businessman i.e the President of Kingston enterprises. He is a manufacturer of Electronics and Textiles. My mom is a well accomplished lawyer at Quin & Co. She does win most of her cases. You might think I have a perfect family. I do. But I feel....bored. I think there could be something more interesting that I'm cut out for.
My Dad broke the silence. 'I am expecting you both will make changes in your plans for the event I just mentioned. Please make a mental note that this meeting could last a bit longer'. he said,emphasizing the word -could.
'Um...I've always been wanting to ask.....' Simon started. Mom and Dad looked at him. 'Sara and I are just seventeen. What are two seventeen-year-olds supposed to do at a place filled with Work-only mindset people who talk nothing except boring matters?'
'You,young man' Dad said. He glanced at me. 'And young lady,are supposed to meet new people. Let me rephrase: get introduced to business societies.'
Ugh. I hate the line: Meet new people. I bet almost every kid goes through that. It is annoying.Very Annoying.
Simon released a sigh and looked at me. I shrugged. We resumed eating. After we were done eating Mom said' Both of you better go to bed. And no sweets upstairs.' She gave a death glare that could have shattered the glass.
Both of us nodded faster than a butterfly's wings and literally ran towards our rooms upstairs. We stood in the hallway after we thought it was safe to talk.
'They can be scary sometimes.' Simon said.
' I can't agree more' I said reaching for my room's doorknob. 'I still have homework left to do.'
'Ah,I see. Please feel free to approach me if you need help,cupcake.' Simon replied with a wink. Why cupcake? Because he really adores the ones I bake.
'Sure. Goodnight,Mr.Eavesdropper' I said giggling as I opened the door and got inside.
Mirroring my action,Simon got inside his room and closed the door before saying 'Goodnight' with a smile.
I sighed as I closed my door. I sat at my desk and started solving the problems which were given as homework. I was done in an hour and I plugged the charger into my phone on the bed side table. I switched off the lights,including the bed lamp and snuggled into my Oh-So-Comfy- bed. I drifted off to sleep as I thought about tomorrow. Another normal day at school,nothing much.
What I never expected,was that the day wouldn't be normal at all. And I definitely wasn't strong enough to deal with what was coming my way.
A/N: Hello! Thank you for reading. I apologize for the short length of the chapters. I am covering one event in every chapter so that story is long and has good amount of details.This way,readers can get a better picture of what's going on. I will be updating whenever I am done writing a chapter.
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