A/N: Here's a long chapter for you guys! That's the dress mentioned in this chapter. Enjoy~
'You know,you need to change that.' Aleah said from inside the trial room of a store. We were inside Quillon Complex,one of the biggest shopping malls in the vicinity.
'Your expression. Don't have to be flabbergasted,they're finally getting hold of Ryan AKA Mr.secret. I regret recommending him to you in the first place.' She said as she came out.
'Not your fault. Too bad,I wanted to go with them.' I sighed. Aiden,Simon and the others had dumped me here,giving me no role in investigation.
'Let's just shift our focus to something else oka- OHHHHH look at dat dressss! ' Aleah exclaimed pointing at a mannequin behind me. I turned around. I raised my eyebrows. WOW.
It was a floor length gown in sky-blue shade. It had a high collar halter neckline. The shoulder-to- waist section had white lacework. It looked very appealing and gorgeous.
Did I fail to mention that Aleah's one of people who encourages people to make the move? Oh,and Aleah's one impressive shopping maniac. Picture that there's a sale and boom! Aleah's speed is faster than anything on this planet.She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the mannequin.
'You totally need to buy this~' She said with a squeal. I glanced at the dress. I touched the gown and felt the material.
'There's no special occasion.' I said as a matter-of-factly.
'Yet. No special occasion yet.' Aleah said with a wink. I sighed. No option such as rejecting her plea. I reluctantly bought the dress.
We roamed around for a brief time of 1 hour. I was fall-onto-the-bed tired but Aleah was the complete opposite. She's lively no matter what the circumstance is. I wish I could be like her. My phone rang out of the blue. I answered.
'Hello?' Simon's voice came out.
'Have you questioned him?' I asked,trying not to sound too cop-time-ish.
'He isn't at his apartment. Do you know that he was fined a huge amount of money for stalking a girl since 2 years? He's some crazy-ass shitbag.' Simon said and continued. 'We're trying to locate him again since he has left his devices at home.'
'I see.'
'Due to a turn of events,Aiden has taken the lead may I say?'
'Oh.' That was all that came out of my mouth.
'Wait something came up. I'll talk later.' He said and the call ended. Luckily,Aleah had finally come back from the little cafe,holding two coffees.
'Hey-' I said and checked my watch.' It's late,I mean it's gonna be dead hot out there. We better get home quick-'
I was almost done putting the phone back in my bag pack when it rang again. I got really startled. Aleah gave a look of amusement. I answered.
Silence. People around us continued their activities,completely unaware of what was happening right now.
'Hello?' I said again,loudly.
'It wasn't a smart move to let others in on something which is supposed to be between us.' The husky male voice said. 'You'll regret informing this to others.'
'They're gonna get to you soon and beat you to pulp anyway. I cannot waste my time-' He cut me off.
'I'm gonna get you,and that I will do.' the voice said firmly. I looked at Aleah with a wince and she immediately understood who the caller was. She glared at the phone.
'Goodb-' I tried to cut the call.
'Those are some really good double D's' He commented. I almost dropped my phone. I tried to maintain myself but I couldn't. I shut my eyes tight.
'Stop doing these insane things! What would you achieve by-'
'First thing you reject me and second you put a bunch of filthy lunatics right behind me.' He chuckled as if to say: You're gonna pay for that.
Aleah grabbed the phone and scremed into it: 'Look you dirty and mad psychotic bi-polar Dog,She ain't interested in further communication.So stop being such a dick.' She ended the call. She handed the phone back to Me,whose eyebrow's were still raised. Huh....I never saw this side of her before to be honest. Wow.
'We....should go to my place.' I said. 'Everyone is still out and I cannot be lonely at the moment.' Aleah nodded. We drove back to my place in her car and stuffed the shopping bags beside a cabinet near the main door. I checked the time. 1 PM. We ate lunch within a few minutes.
'Why don't we pass time?' Aleah suggested and I nodded. We headed to my room upstairs. We did all the usual stuff: playing games,pillow fight,social media exploration,et cetera.As she is my one true loyal friend,I tell her everything. When I finished telling her about Levi plus the dance,she was like squealing like a little mouse. I came to know that Levi even owned the mall we had bought the dress from. She said she shipped us both together and I turned red. It was 3PM when we were hell lotta exhausted.
'Argh....there are chocolate bars in the refrigerator downstairs,could you go fetch some?' I asked as I stretched my legs fully. Chocolate.....I don't know the reason but it always manages to cheer me up.
There came small,faint sounds of branches/leaves outside my window.
'Sure.' She replied with a small smile and went to the kitchen downstairs. I yawned and I stood up. I neared my bed and fell on it face-first. This is one of the most tiring days of my life,I must say.The bars were a bit into the corner so Aleah would have a hard time finding those. I turned and shut my eyes with a sigh.
'Those look even better in person.'
I sat up abruptly,glaring into the eyes of Ryan Walter. I wasn't like the girl in the movies...I didn't like to waste time by just staring and doing nothing. I stood up real quick and rushed to grab my phone,which was on my desk.
Ryan beat me to it. He twisted my hands and pain shot through my body. He took the phone and crashed it onto the floor,annihilating it completely. He turned me around and whispered into my ear: 'Payback time,Doll.' He looked over behind his shoulder and yelled 'Get in!'
Four more guys crept in through my window and panic filled my mind. They smelt of drugs and cigars,most definitely from another high school. I didn't expect this. They came towards me,grinning.
Aleah came to my almost-rescue. 'Hey Sara,sorry for being late....my Mom called to enquire when I'll be home and-' She stopped as she looked around the room. The chocolate bars in her hand dropped to the floor. I turned my head towards her.
'Run! Get help! I'll buy tim-' I groaned as he pushed me into a wall. Aleah disappeared and was on the run. As I expected,she is a very swift runner and will reach someone for sure.
Ryan shoved me onto my bed and I tried to resist but unfortunately,he was too strong. He started 'You shouldn't have done this. Now I'll be taking my fill if you don't mind.' He put his filthy hand at the hem of my dress and started pulling it up.'I have to deal with the other girl as well. Soon. She is a witness.' I slapped him across the face,hard.
'Stop! We're high school students for goodness sake!'
He held his slapped cheek and slowly turned towards me,a dangerous expression on his face. 'Bad move again,sweetheart' He looked over his shoulder,towards his sick friends and said ' Grip her arms and legs!' My mouth was practically hanging open.
Two of them smelt heavily of drugs and alchohol,the other two were smoking. As soon as Ryan spat the order,they neared me and each of them held my hands and legs tightly. Hell.I tried to move but I couldn't. Aleah,please hurry!
To bring more pain,the four guys took out their phones and angled them in my direction...wait...They have the audacity to record this?!! I tried to break free out of their grasp. All of them were smirking like the dogs they were.
Ryan took out a pocket knife from his jean pocket. He placed it at the center of my neckline and began sliding it down. I glared at him and tried to wiggle free. Unfortunately,all my attempts were in vain. His knees were on either side of my hip,this made escape impossible. I couldn't give him a good kick in his man parts either,my legs were bonded by two guys.
He came very,very close till his mouth was exactly beside my ear. Phones were still recording this gruesome event. He opened his mouth to start speaking as there came sounds of heavy and fast footsteps from the stairs.The door bust open with a big sound.
It all happened within a matter of seconds. Aiden's fist collided with Ryan's cheek. This sent him flying towards the other side of the room. He winced and groaned in pain. Aiden began walking over to him.
Simon entered along with Keith and Nial. Each of them came rushing in and took on one guy each. They were successfully managing to knock them out temporarily. Don't be surprised if I tell you that Aleah kicked one of guys in his balls so hard,he fainted and fell to the ground as if he got shot. Tough girl.
Aiden bent down and grabbed Ryan's collars and lifted him higher up until they made a direct-line eye contact. 'You disgusting son of bitch!' He crashed Ryan in the wall. 'Rats like you deserve to rot in hell. '
I got off the bed and set my dress right. I looked back at Ryan. His condition appeared very sympathetic but I felt no pity.
Aiden dropped him to the floor and he landed with a loud thud. He grabbed Ryan's arms and twisted them so brutally,I couldn't bear to watch. 'So these are the arms that touch her?' He asked.
I was suddenly cuddled into a tight hug by someone from behind. I lifted my head up and to the left to see it was Simon. 'Thank Goodness,I'm so relieved.' He sighed. I smiled. Our moment was interrupted by a intense shout from Ryan. He was on the ground,whimpering.
'W-wait you can't just do this!'
'I will' Aiden titled his head to the side. 'Why?!' He demanded. Ryan smirked up at him. Aiden lifted him by his collar again and jerked him. Ryan look at me and said ' Can't ignore the fine gold beneath the cloth can we?' He winked.
He suddenly went flying to another side again. What happened? Oh,it took me a few moments to register the fact that Aiden had smashed him to the wall again,with much force. There came a sound of a bone crushing. Ryan got up very slowly and held his nose,blood gushing out. Ouch. Simon shook his head sideways in disgust and said 'Have respect,Walter.'
He got up on his feet. He ran yelling towards Aiden with his hand raised,his fist clenched. Aiden,to his discomfort, was too fast. Within 2 seconds Ryan was on the ground again,Aiden's foot on his chest holding him down. He's got to have a Black belt in Karate,I thought.
Ryan was definitely unconscious. Aleah,Keith and Nial came towards us, 'worry' written all over their faces. I turned towards Aleah and said 'You ain't bad,girl.'
She smirked and said 'Found the guys ASAP,dragged them there at the speed of a cheetah.'
Aiden started tying Ryan to one corner. Simon gestured Nial and Keith to help him tie up the others,who were lying on the floor. Aleah contacted the suitable authorities. There came a sound of the main door downstairs opening. Unclear voices came from a distance.
'.....I had to decline the offer regarding renewal...'
'...I see. I couldn't agree more.The Lawsuit had.....'
DAMN. My parents are home. Simon turned towards me and said 'We need to tell them the truth.It's over now.' I nodded. Aiden and the others were still busy doing the the necessary work.
We went downstairs to find that they were in the living room. 'Oh there they are! I was wondering why the house was so silent.' Mom said after she saw us entering. She was seated on the main couch with Dad,who was loosening his tie. I gulped. Simon and I took our seats on the opposite couch,facing them.
Dad sipped the tea Mom handed him. He asked 'So what did you both do all day?'
Simon started 'Well.....' I nervously looked down. I'm going to get punished for hiding this,definitely.
'Sara,why is your dress torn over the top?' Mom asked as she focused her eyes on my slit neckline.
'Uh....Um...' I sighed after I realized there was no point in keeping it from them. I nodded to Simon and said 'Tell them.'
He gave a brief nod and started explaining everything. Right from the first phone call till what happened moments ago. With each minute, a lot of emotions crossed their faces. Sadness,shock,pity,anger,fury.
' You dare hide this from us?!' Dad put down his tea cup and said furiously in a very high tone.
' A lunatic stalker had been tailing Sara and all this was happening right under our noses!' Mom exclaimed.
'To make matter worse,this man had a picture of her in....' Mom said as she looked down angrily and covered her mouth with her hand. Simon sighed. Dad ran a hand through his hair and stood up.
'Simon you're the brother here. Aren't you entitled to bring this to our notice?!' He glared at Simon.
'We couldn't afford to make that move in that situation,Dad. I thought about it. Spreading the word could increase the risk.' Simon replied standing up.
'And Sara?' Dad said suddenly. I snapped my head up.
'You. Why did you fail to tell us?' Dad asked. His eyes bored into mine. That expression could make even a corpse feel uncomfortable.I didn't answer him. 'No one.' He paused and continued. 'No one does this to my child. I won't be tolerating this.' Simon glanced at me with a look of pity. Mom was looking at me intently, with concern in her eyes.
Dad paced and came to an abrupt halt. He faced me and said 'Your phone,privacy and freedom will be confiscated from you,Young lady. Bare in mind that-'
The doors to the living room opened and Aiden walked in. All four pairs of eyes were fixed on him. He entered and closed the door behind him. Aiden silently walked up to where Dad was.
'Ah,you must be Aiden. We owe you a lot.' Mom got up.
'It's alright,Ma'am.' Aiden said and turned back his head towards Dad who was still staring at him.
'Sir,please take into consideration that it was entirely Ryan Walter's fault for doing this cruel act.' He continued. 'However, he is in our custody. This matter need not be brought up again.' Simon was satisfied with the reasoning.
Dad looked down for a few seconds. He looked up and gave a slow nod.
Dad finally spoke up. ' We appreciate your assistance. We are forever in your favor Mr....'
All of us snapped our heads in his direction. WHAT....?!
Aiden took off his glasses and placed them on the table. He took the glass of water and a nearby towel. Then,he wet the towel with water and started wiping his face.
Pigments and color started to come off the towel,erasing the false identity of Aiden Wyatt.
After he was done he removed the towel from the front of his face,revealing the powerful figure: Levi Blackford.
A/N: So,did you like the chapter? Let me know in the comments,please! I would love to know your opinion. The next chapter will be written in LEVI'S POV so don't miss out on that.
Thank you for reading!