I snapped my eyes open. Oh,it's morning. I immediately closed my eyes. Ugh,I get blinded almost everyday,thanks to this so called sunlight.
I looked to my lower left. The alarm clock on the bedside table notified that it was 7:30 in the morning. I have vague opinion of going to school today.
I got to my bathroom, stripped and slipped into the tub. 25 minutes left to get ready.
I thought of last night and the memories came flashing back. I have no idea what to do. I have never been so unsure in my decision making but.....this picture. It has shattered everything. I tried not to cry. It's gonna be alright,soon.
I got dressed by 7:45 and headed downstairs. I found Simon having his breakfast with our parents.
'Ah,there you are! Your pancakes are getting cold.' my Mom exclaimed.
Simon and Dad looked in my direction. Simon's head seemed to turn within milliseconds though.
His eyes were still filled with deep concern and worry. I would see rage as well.
I took a seat.I wasn't really hungry. I started eating anyway. I drowned in my own thinking - who could it be? What could he possibly achieve by doing this? And how did-
I got back to reality from my thoughts.
Everyone at the table was staring at me.
Whoops,I had drifted into some world and hadn't paid attention.
' I asked you whether you're okay. Twice.' She said elaborating the word Twice.
' Oh. Yeah I'm absolutely fine' I said. Well,here I am pretending I am okay but infact I'm definitely not okay.
I had to divert the topic. If they get to know about this issue, they might take very serious measures and actions.
' Um...it's getting late,we should go. Right Simon?'
I whispered to him : Just play along,brother.
He seemed to understand the concept.
'uh...Yes. Definitely.'
We both got up at the same time.
Dad put down his newspaper and spoke for the first time during the day.
' Is there something wrong? A truth both of you are hiding?' I became a stone statue.
Simon gave a little forced laugh and assured ' O-Of course nothing's wrong!'
Dad nodded his head slowly and resumed reading again. He said from behind the paper 'Be safe.'
' Okay' Simon and I said at the same time.
We proceeded to the living room,grabbed our backpacks and went outside as soon as we could.
Calum opened the doors as we approached,and did his usual routine- greeting us and closing the doors after we got in. Simon got my attention as he started the conversation. He talked in a low tone,barely audible to Calum.
' Listen,Sara. Whoever this bastard is,he resides right here in London. I've tracked his IP address and location.' My eyes widened with each sentence.
' Here?!'
'Shh! Yes. I will require a lot of assistance and a bit of time to figure it all out.'
He turned towards me and placed a hand on my cheek.
'We'll get though this.I promised not to inform this to our parents. My condition is:Be strong.'
I nodded my head twice and looked out of the window. We were at the school's main entrance. Oh.
We got off, performed the daily routine of saying thank you and Calum drove off.
I hope no one else has a copy of that picture. I really hope.
I shut my eyes tight as Simon and I walked towards the doors. Truth be told,we were a little past the starting time.
We headed to our classes and discovered that most students were present and seated. We took our places.
'Hey girl' Aleah greeted.
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'Hey' I greeted back with a small smile.
'You didn't answer any of my calls' She said sadly.
Oh. I guess I hadn't I used my phone ever since that phone call.
'My phone died' I lied. I wish I could tell her everything but there's always this timing problem.
Mr.Williams entered. His loudly audible voice boomed from the front of the class. 'Please look here,students. This is an important announcement!'
Everyone including Nina paid attention to the teacher. Thank the good God in heaven,she didn't care to annoy us this morning.
'We have a transfer student from New York.He's obviously new,so please make him comfortable.' Mr.Williams turned towards the class door.
'Enter' he said.
Silence filled the room as a boy walked in.No,Man. Everyone's eyes were practically glued to him. Mine too. He had Black eyes,darker than anything and the blackest of hair.He had worn an American Tourister bag pack,black shirt,jeans and converse shoes. He looked at the class through his black,think rimmed glasses. He is so full of mystery,I thought.His walk was very confident,as if he did everything for a powerful purpose. He stopped beside Mr.Williams and faced the class completely.
'Introduce yourself,please' Mr.Williams instructed.
He waited for two seconds before saying: 'I'm Aiden Wyatt. Glad to make your acquaintance.'
The voice. I've heard it somewhere. Just recently. I cannot seem to remember whose voice.
'Good. Now,where would you like to......' Mr.Williams trailed off.
He started walking. Towards me. I looked around. Wha- Oh my god. He is coming this way.
I sensed Aleah was looking at him too. I looked down,towards my book on the table.
He stopped before the girl who sat beside me- Diana Summers,one of the C.R's.
He opened his mouth to speak 'May I request you to occupy some other seat? I choose to sit here.'
My jaw dropped open.I looked into his eyes. Very Similar. Very very similar. He stared back.
She slowly got up, glanced at me unsure what to do. She lifted her bag and moved towards the seats behind.
He took off his bag as took his seat beside me. My peripheral vision noted that Aleah looked genuinely amused.
I looked front. Mr.Williams began saying something else but it was of no use. I wasn't paying attention.
This guy...what did he say his name was? Aiden? Oh yes,Aiden Wyatt. This guy didn't dare say a word to me. He was in his own thoughts.
I gulped. The bell rang and Everyone started packing their bags including me. I didn't spare Aiden a glance as he got up.
' I'm Aiden'
I became a statue for the second time today. I turned my head towards him. He was extending his hand with a smile plastered to his face.
It took me a few moments to register the fact that he was talking to me and I had to reply. Aleah tugged my shirt from behind.
I slowly put my hand in his and gave a a brief handshake.His fingers gripped mine. His fingers were very firm and strong. A lot of masculinity included.
'Um...I'm Sara. N-Nice to know you.' I said biting on my lower lip and looking down occasionally.
'Nice to meet you too,Sara.' He said my name very slowly as he didn't take his eyes off my lips. Okay,this is making my nervous. His hand was still holding mine even though the handshake was officially supposed to be over minutes ago.
A cough came from behind. I pulled my hand from Aiden's and both of us turned around. Simon stood there,clearly trying to calm down.Nial and Keith stood on either side of him as usual.
'You have Biology,right? You're gonna be late for class.' He said. His sight wasn't directed at me,but at Aiden. Aleah raised eyebrows at this one.
'I'll explain everything' I mouthed the words to her.She nodded and both of us rushed out of class, leaving them alone. The Biology classroom was on the second floor so we took the stairs.
There were too many students around. By no means can I talk about the phone call. Aleah stopped.
I did too . 'What happened?' I asked as she bent down.
'My laces!' Aleah replied laughing as she tied her shoelaces. I smiled.
Out of nowhere, someone dashed into me. I heard Aleah's gasp.
I was falling backwards when two firm arms caught hold of me.
' Watch out you blind slut!'
I opened my eyes. So,It was Nina who had dashed into me.
Her eyes moved from me to the person who caught me from falling. The arms steadied me.
I looked up to thank this person....... and my eyes grew wider than ever.
A/N: Who is Aiden? And does he have a secret mission to accomplish? Doesn't he remind you of someone? ;) Keep reading to find out. As I do in every chapter,I again request you to invite your friends to read this story.
Thank you for reading. Stay Tuned!