Aiden looked angry. No,furious.Rage purely visible in his eyes. He looked like a person whom you should definitely not mess with.
'You're saying it so freely,looks like you have a death wish.' He paused and continued 'I'll warn you in a decent manner,taking into consideration that you're a young girl. First,you were busy putting on your make-up so you weren't looking ahead. Putting on that much make up didn't help your facial features either,I must say.'
Nina's eyes widened at the indirect insult. He then said ' Second,RESPECT. Your mind cannot match even a quarter of her intelligence. You better shut the f*ck up or in your language,keep silence before I take brutal measures. I spare no one.'
I turned to look at him. This is getting very intense. Nina's mouth was practically hanging open.
He wasn't done though. 'Last but not the least,don't get in her way. She's way too good compared to you, you don't deserve to breathe the same air she does.' He concluded.
What an elegant way to call someone worthless. Aleah dropped her books at this one. Nina said 'what?!' but it was a low whisper. No one talked for a few seconds.
I broke the silence. I coughed and said ' You didn't have to do this,Wyatt.' I distanced myself from him further. 'Let's go,Aleah.' We dashed out of that spot. Not that anyone saw us.
'He talked to you for a minute in homeroom,now he's standing up for you like he's protecting the most precious diamond on this planet.' Aleah said after we ran a safe distance. We entered the class and took our usual seats. The teacher hadn't arrived yet. Thank you,whoever-is-up-there.
'Something is clearly wrong with him.' I said after I took off my bag. 'He is getting too friendly and how did he get to us so quick?'
Aleah rubbed her chin with her fingers as she thought about it too. 'We need to get more info. on him' she said. I nodded.
The teacher entered. She began teaching us about.....I-don't-know-what but Aleah and I were busy exchanging notes. I wrote the whole mysterious caller thing and she read it. She covered her mouth and tried not to make any noises. She just stared at me.
'This guy better stop this threatening thingy of his! I feel like breaking something. His bones sound like a pleasant thing to start with.' She said finally.
'But we don't have even a small clue of his identity. According to Simon's research,he's here in London.' I said.
'All the more reason to find him ASAP and give him one nice beating! Perfect opportunity to demonstrate my ass-kicking skills.'
'How can you do that if we don't find him in the first place? We need to jot down the key points and main possible suspects.' I replied.
'Oh. Right.' she said. Unfortunately,the teacher has been giving us dirty looks from the front of the class. She stared at us as if I had refused to tell her the wi-fi password. Leaving us no choice,Aleah and I glued our eyes to her even though we were bored to death.
I caught the milkshake Aleah tossed at me as both of us walked towards available spots,holding our trays. The cafeteria was Jam-packed. We found an empty table alongside the window. We ran towards it as if it were the last piece of pizza left. Ah,we got it.
'So,how are going to expose Mr.secret?' Aleah asked as she bit on her apple.
I shrugged. 'I have absolutely no idea how.' I stabbed the veggies with my fork and ate it. 'I'm guessing we start with the basics.Like-'
'Who is this so called Mr.secret,may I ask?' came my brother's voice from behind. We turned around and faced three boys holding their trays,just staring at us.
'It's a code name for who...' I trailed off. I didn't want anyone else to hear about this. If Keith and Nial could be trusted,Simon would have told them.
'It's okay. They can help us a great deal. They've got connections.' Simon said as he took his seat opposite to me and so did Nial and Keith.
I gave him a perplexed look and he said in a voice audible only to me : 'Don't worry. No one has taken a glimpse of the picture.' I gave a relieved sigh.
'Mr.secret could call soon.' Aleah said as she finished her milkshake and placed the carton back on her tray.
Nial replied ' We're going to trace where that call is coming from.There are my dad's books and files which gave brief instructions on tracing an address more effective.'
Keith continued ' But we would require someone who is more experienced. Someone with high knowledge of codes,firewalls,et cetera. We know other skills but we need this one to proceed with a plan.'
I nodded as I finished my milkshake. 'So we're planning to bring someone else into this?' I asked.
Simon answered this time ' Maybe. But Sara, the biggest thing to keep in mind is that your dignity is at stake. We need to take risks. I'll have to hand pick someone.'
Aleah spoke up 'How about we observe students in computer analytics class? We could approach the best one.'
Keith said 'Not a bad idea.'
Simon finished eating his apple and said ' We will go with it for now. The faster we move,the faster we catch....'
'Mr.Secret' Aleah finished for him.
'Yes. Also,it has occured to me that....' He looked past me. There were murmurs coming from behind me. Keith and Nial were looking at something no....someone behind me. Aleah and I turned around and saw Aiden Wyatt striding right up to us. My eyes widened as if I were reading the most difficult test question.
' If this seat is available,I would like to sit here.' He said looking at the seat to the right of me. No one replied. Simon started to object but Aleah gave him a look which said shut the hell up. Apparently,Aleah liked to be friendly towards newcomers. Aiden sat down beside me and placed his tray on the table. I raised my eyebrows.
'So,what were you people taking about so much?' he started.
'Mr....Um...Movies.' Aleah said as she diverted the topic.
'Movies? I see.' He took a bite. 'Let's go to your house to watch one this evening.' He glanced at me.
My heart stopped beating for atleast five seconds. What's the matter with him? We met just today. Only for one period.
'I'm afraid we cannot.' Simon interrupted. It was clear that he regretted not objecting to let Aiden sit here.
Aiden slowly looked at Simon through his glasses. 'And why not?'
'We have to attend a business gathering. Dad wants us to accompany him.' I said.
He looked at me straight in the eyes. 'When and where?
' It doesn't matter.' Simon said rudely.
To everyone's amazement,Aiden said 'Actually,it does. When....' He took another bite and looked into Simon's eyes. ' And where? ' There was boldness in his voice.
Simon shot him a glare that could have scared away any demon. Things are getting messed up,I thought. This Aiden guy came and shaked things up. I had to do something.
'Rose Arc Hall, around 6 PM or so.' I said.
Aiden looked at me. 'I see'
Simon spoke again ' Sara,you're not supposed to give out details-'
'Nothing wrong in answering a small query. It's getting late,brother. We need to go.' I wouldn't appreciate fights right now. All of us got up and dispersed. Except,it was Aiden who went in the other direction. I let out a sigh I didn't realise I was holding.
'You're in trouble.' Simon whispered.
' I'll buy you a Hershey bar. Forgive your little sis~' I said looking up at him like a kitty.
'Done.' He said with a chuckle.
AFTER SCHOOL ( At Impresso Expresso)
The bell gave a double clink~ sound,alerting that customers had entered. Aleah and I made our way to where the guys were seated. I ordered Hot chocolate this time.
'He was mind blowing~' Nial said.
'No doubt. It was impressive.' Keith complimented. Who the heck were they taking about? Ice cream? Oh it is impressive,I agree. Aleah seemed confused as well. Simon was thinking so intensely,I could hear the gears shifting in his brain.
'What is going on?' Aleah asked cheerfully.
The three guys looked at us. Nial said 'In Computer Analytics class today,Mr.Cole gave us a tough programme and Aiden literally deciphered the code within seconds. Seconds. '
I almost choked on my drink. ' What?'
Keith continued 'Mr.Cole got a bit flustered that Aiden had solved it faster than him,so he gave many challenging programmes with high difficulty and Aiden got through it like he knew everything at the back of his hand.' I just stared.
Aleah sipped some of her drink and said 'Why not ask him for some assistance then?' Everyone looked at Simon. No one knows much about this new mysterious guy.He is so similar to someone I've met before but I cannot recall who.
Simon finally spoke after what seemed like eternity of thinking ' Very well. I shall talk to him first thing tomorrow morning.'
I said 'So be it' I sipped on my mocha. I had a lot of questions regarding Aiden. One unusual question popped in my mind: Is he really Aiden? Or someone who is temporarily Aiden?
Wait- what in the name of Queen Elizabeth am I thinking? I snapped back to reality as I heard my name being called.
'Calum's here.' Simon informed.
'Oh.' I started getting up and so did the others.
'Catch ya tomorrow.' Aleah said as she steadied her bicycle and sat on the seat. Nial and Keith had left for the bus stop. We performed the routine with Calum and got into the car. I dropped my head back as I stared out of the window.
'Be strong' Simon reminded me again. I nodded at him. We reached home after 15 mintues. We entered to find that Mom and Dad were dressed for a big event. They were in the living room.Dad was busy talking to someone on the phone.
'Ah,both of them have come back~' Mom said and put down her teacup. 'Please get dressed quickly. We need to leave within half an hour.' I checked the time. Hm. 5:15 PM.
Dad ended the call and said 'Please do wear your best attire,both of you. I've been informed that a very special VIP guest will be attending this meeting.' He nodded.
Simon and I headed to our rooms. I sighed. I could really use a nap. I closed the door after me as I got into my room. I stripped and got into the tub filled with warm water. I thought about Mr. secret. I shook my head. I tried thinking about something else.
Oh, I feel hungry,there better be absolutely delicious food at the place we're going.
A/N: So? Is Aiden eligible enough? Or does he already know the trouble Sara is going through? I hope you liked this chapter. Thank you for reading! ;)