That's Sara's dress ;)
Recovering from Simon's death glare,I had found myself waking up on a bright Saturday morning. I yawned as I stretched my arms. Ah,it's 7:30 AM and I still couldn't forget about the dance. I shook my head sideways.
It came to my mind again that Simon was about to make his move,regarding Mr.Secret. I freshened up, threw on some dress I had. Dad bought it for me a few months ago. I approached Simon's door and was about to knock when my name was called from below. Oh,it's mom. How does she know I came out of my room? Maybe that's a secret power every mother had : Sensing your kid's presence.
I went downstairs to find her in the kitchen. Apparently,my parents work on weekends as well.Dad had left early for work and Mom was dressed too. She would leave approximately at 8:30 AM or so. She was pouring packed juices into serving glasses. When I neared her she said 'Oh Good Morning,Dear! Care to give these upstairs?' She guestured to a three drinks on a serving tray. It was obvious that one was for me,one was for Simon and the third one?
I was puzzled. 'Are there guests?' I asked.
She nodded. 'One of your classmates,I'm presuming. He's in Simon's room. Here,' she said handing me the tray. I took it. 'I'll get going then. Have fun but don't break anything.' I rolled my eyes. For pete's sake,we're not 10.
'Goodbye,Mom.' I said as she stepped outside the main door. She bid me goodbye and closed the door,off to work. I sighed. Who could possibly be here,early in the morning, on a weekend? I went upstairs,carefully holding the tray with drinks. I came closer to Simon's door and knocked with my free hand,thrice.
'How many times to I have to remind you that you don't have to knock? Just bust yourself in.' came Simon's voice from within the room.
I grabbed the handle and opened the door. I stepped inside and turned aroun- It took me a great deal not to drop the tray. Why in the name of the Greek gods is Aiden here? It flashed in my mind that Simon had 'handpicked' him. Hold on,how did he find a way to get in touch with Aiden? Oh,I forgot Keith can get anyone's contact information quite easily. Truth be told,Aiden seemed vaguely familiar. I placed the tray on the table.
Simon was seated beside his desk,he was busy working on his laptop. Aiden was busy on his own laptop as well. I squinted. An Apple Mac? I raised my eyebrows. Now I ain't a gold digger,but my observation points out that he is pretty royal and stuff.
Simon turned around in his chair and approached the table. He took his drink and sat on his bed. Aiden was doing nothing but looking at two things now:Me and his laptop's screen. He hadn't touched his drink yet. I had finished mine a few seconds ago.
'Uh....Aiden,please have the drink' I said looking at him,but not in the eyes.
He stared into my eyes. Uh,Is he deaf? I 'm sure I told him to do something.
'Uh, Aiden?'I said looking into his eyes. He snapped back to reality. Simon eyed him as if he tripped and hit the ground.
He coughed. 'Yes,Miss.Kingston?'
I titled my head to the side. 'No need for formality. Call me Sara.' I grabbed his glass.
He looked me up and down. 'Yes....S-Sara?'
'Please have your drink' I repeated,handing him the drink. He seemed very nervous for sure. He figeted a bit but took it. And I've heard that voice befor-
'Sara,Aiden will be investigating with us so can you give out a list of possible suspects?' Simon asked as he grabbed hold of his glass.
'Can't really think of any.' Simon drank the whole juice in one long gulp.
'Maybe you need to put pressure. Take in every detail of people's actions,perhaps?' Simon said. I opened my mouth to say that I don't know anyone to point out. But Aiden spoke up.
'I've traced the location from where the picture was uploaded.' He said and placed his empty glass on the table. We flicked our eyes towards him.
'But uh-' He spun the laptop around really quick,blushing. What in the name of French fries happened? I thought.
Simon said 'Out with it,Aiden.'
'I want you to confirm whether this is really you. I-I haven't looked at the picture but to make sure of the co-ordinates where the picture was sent from,you have to confirm it's you.'
I flushed,I don't know why. Aiden handed me the laptop and I gently took it. I glanced at it,made sure not to cry. I sighed. 'Yes it's me.'
Aiden and Simon nodded their heads slowly. I handed the laptop back to Aiden.
Simon said 'So the location?'
' House number 177,Goldwing road,London.'
Simon's eyes widened as big as saucers. 'W-what?!'
'It's absolutely true. This address cannot be mistaken.' Aiden said as he glanced at his screen. I looked at both guys,confused.
'But that's Nial's house,damn it!' Simon said standing up,he ran his fingers through his hair. My mouth fell open. Nial?
'Maybe you should call him here? I think he might not be what was think he is.' I said interrupting. Simon nodded violently and dialled Nial. Doorbell sounded 15 minutes later.Simon went downstairs to open the door and two pairs of footsteps reached the room's door.
'Oh. Well,hello Sara.' Nial said,with a little blush as he looked down. I gave a nod.
'Take a seat.' Simon said. Aiden had 'fury' written all over his face. Both were looking at Nial as he took a seat.
'Nial,buddy, tell me one thing.....'
'Yes...?' Nial sounded confused.
'Did you or did you not take the picture of Sara?'
Nial glared at Simon. Then he looked at me and Aiden. 'What?! Why in the world would I....?'
'Because the the photo was sent to Sara and Simon from your laptop,which is without a doubt,in your house.' Aiden said as he placed his laptop aside and stood up.
'No way in hell I would do this! I adore Sar- I mean what could I possibly achieve by doing so?'
Simon closed his eyes and sighed. 'When's the day we got the picture?'
'Almost 3 days ago.' I replied.
'Three days ago.....? I was doing a project with a partner at that time.I let him use my computer.' Nial said looking at everyone else in the room.
'So this Mr.secret must have used Nial's computer to divert suspicion?' Simon asked desperately.Nial thought about it.
'Who?!' Aiden demanded Nial very furiously. What's wrong with him? I thought.
'Ryan? Ryan Walter?' Nial sputtered. 'A teacher asked us to make a little video.' My shoulders slumped. I sat down. Ryan....he had been very abnormal during the past few days. What did I ever do to him in the first place?
'Ryan that bastard. I could shove a carcass up his.....!' Simon said with rage.
'And where does he live?' Aiden asked,getting closer to Nial,glaring daggers at him. Nial gulped. He spat out the address. Aiden began to dial his phone for an unknown reason and Simon started pacing here and there with a hand on his chin.
'We're going,NOW. Prepare yourselves.' Aiden said as he adjusted his sleeves and turned around. Usually,he had taken complete control. Simon grabbed a hoodie. Wait,are all of them going there right now?
Nial said 'I'll call Keith. We could use one more man.'
Aiden gave a brief nod and Simon said 'Certainly.' . I stood up and started walking to my room to get my sweater too but Simon held me back.
'Where do you think you're going?'He asked.I furrowed my eyebrows.
'I'm coming with you.' I said not breaking eye contact.
' Perhaps you should listen to us. We are doing this for your security.' He said looking me dead in the eye. He resumed wearing his hoodie. Sounds of phones being shoved in pockets,laptops being shut,et cetera vibrated throught the room.
' Look,nothing wrong's in accompanying.' I said rolling my eyes.
'It's not safe. You should be here at home.' Aiden said. I stared at him.
'Wait,maybe Aleah and Sara can go shopping? That will keep her busy.' Nial suggested as he opened the room's door.
'Brilliant idea!' Aiden and Simon exclaimed at the same time. Aiden and Simon took out bills from their pockets and shoved them into my hands. The hell? Are they serious?
'There you go.' Aiden said. 'Wait-that's not enough.' He started to reach for more money in his breast pocket but I stopped him.
'I don't want to go shopping right now!' I whined. Ugh,Men.
Simon already began to dial Aleah on his phone. 'You are,actually.'
A/N: Hello my beloved readers!!! I'm finally back and I couldn't stop writing another chapter for you guys. I know the chapter is short but I was too excited to upload so......well,thank you for the votes and comments! They mean a great deal to me.
Thank you for reading!
P.S: The addresses are purely a work of fiction.