724Please respect copyright.PENANAK02dXWaC9s
-Sara's attire above ^^^^^^
Finally,I will be able to claim her. All these years I've been watching over her discreetly. She has grown to be an extremely gorgeous young woman. No one has any clue how desperate I was to see her up close. To listen to her voice and laughter.To see that signature smile on her face. The unquenchable desire to be able to touch her.
I find her long chocolate brown hair very,very attractive. The straight hair reaches her hips. I cannot deny the fact that it tempts me a lot. Her mesmerizing eyes,people say, are like tree leaves. Well,I think they are like Emeralds. Her pink,ripe lips are very captivating,I cannot afford to stop staring at them.
The moment has come for her to acknowledge my feelings and reciprocate them in return. After all the difficulties I've gone through in my life,I deserve a princess. The most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on. Her character is very soft....she is kind,gentle and very appealing. Oh, how much I crave and love that feminine side of her.
No being in the entire universe has enough power to stop me.No matter what, I will have her.
I lowered the towel before me to find that the entire Kingston family was staring at me. Two pairs of eyes were bulging out already,I sensed. Sara's father James,tried to speak but he was too astonished himself. The police had come and taken Ryan plus his friends. Sara and Simon's friends had accompanied the cops to the headquarters to report the whole event.
Her guardian angel AKA her twin brother finally opened his mouth. 'You?...'
.........That's it? Oh. Alright.
'Yes,me' I confirmed.
'Sir Blackford,we are in your deep debt.' James said,after what seemed like 5 minutes. His good wife,Isabella nodded.
' Don't mention it. This act....regarding Walter was vicious plan. His next move would have been to pass that picture around the whole school overnight.' I said. I needed an alibi so I used a false identity- Aiden Wyatt to handle this asshole. I couldn't let my men do this because....oh,how I would love to beat that guy to death.
It took me a lot of effort to calm myself. That filthy,psychotic brat was very foolish to do that. Harming my princess?!! .....Ha! That would mean the death of you,Bastard. I would see to it that he becomes a rotting corpse sooner or later,plus the micro organisms feeding on his dead remains. Hmph.
' I will be monitoring the penalty he deserves and make sure he does get it.' I assured.Everyone slowly nodded. Simon looked at me as if I were a Lion who got out of the cage.
'Pray,tell us,what would you like in return?' Isabella said thankfully.
'To be precise......'
I turned towards my Princess, who was looking at me with a bewildered expression. How adorable she looked.
' Miss,remember you promised me something yesterday?' I asked looking down at her. She is a short girl,you see. Her head reaches the area where my heart is.
'Um..Yes...' She said thoughtfully,still amused.
'Well?' I raised my eyebrow with a smile. 'I would like that.' I said.
She titled her head,trying to remember. She snapped at me suddenly and blushed like never before. Ahhhhh,that is driving me nuts. UGH. I really want to know what going on in her mind right now.
She nodded slowly and said 'O-Of course....' She looked at her dad.
'How about 6 PM tonight?' James suggested. ' It's 5:02 PM now.' I'm so glad I asked the man permission before. Bless his soul.
Isabella exclaimed 'Is it?? Plenty of time to get ready!' She walked and stood behind Sara,holding her shoulders.
'So I will pick you up at 6 then.' I said to Sara. She answered 'Um...Okay.'
I stepped out of the Kingston Residence for two main reasons. One,Sara's cuteness overload. I need a lot of energy to handle that. Two,her twin brother giving me dirty looks from that corner of the room the whole time. Apparently,I would have to convince him that I ain't one of the man whores kind of men.I won't use her and toss her back,if that's what he's thinking. I will keep her happy and safe. More than anyone.
I sat in my Lamborghini Veneno (which was parked in an isolated area a few steps away) and drove to my home: Stronghold Mansion. I freshened up,put on one of my best three piece suits and combed my hair thoroughly . I wore my leather oxford shoes and snapped on a Vacheron Constantin on my left wrist.
I checked the time.....5:28 PM. I called my all-time P.A, Phillip Hensley.
'Good evening,Mr.Blackford. What do you require,sir?' He said attentively with high respect.
' Take 30 of my men or more and give the Ballroom a makeover. Re-decorate the whole place.' I ordered. I was referring to the dance floor in my mansion. It was good like it was but I would bring Sara here. It needed to be perfect for her.
'Right away,sir.' He said and cut the call. I smiled. The lad better do it correctly. I could fire anyone on the spot with a single command. No but 's no if 's. My word is final.
I got into my garage which was very big. It contained many of my cars,parked and polished. I decided to take a more refined and sleek design. Ferrari Sergio looks appropriate for the night.
The guy who was assigned the duty to maintain my cars...what's his name?? Oh. Scott. He came near me and gave a small bow. ' What can I do for you,sir?'
' Keys.' I pointed to the Ferrari Sergio. Scott nodded too fastly and went to fetch the keys from his office,which was right alongside the cars. He retrieved the keys withing 30 seconds and handed them to me. I gave a brief nod and dismissed him with a wave of my hand.
I sat in the driver's seat and started the car. It took ten minutes to reach Kingston residence. I stepped out and closed the door. Hm. I leaned onto my car and check the time. 6 PM exactly. I decided to wait.
Of course,my Princess would need adequate time to pretty up. I would wait as long as it takes.
The main door opened and I thought she would come out but No. It was guardian angel. Why do I call him that? This induvidual,Simon, practically kicked off every guy who got too familiar with Sara. I am completely aware that he has been protecting her innocence since childhood. Thanks to him,no one has kissed her before.....yet. She hasn't be defiled either.
Simon approached me close and eyed me up and down. I wanted to ask Whatchu lookin' at boy? But I decided to remain silent.
' Uh...' He started.
Uh....I said in my mind.
'Look,Mister. I'm permitting this only because you helped me catch Ryan. So do not cross the limits.' He said. I wanted to raise my eyebrows and say Why the fuck?
He resumed speaking ' If she gets hurt internally or externally-
'You can kill me with your own hands.' I finished for him. Simon looked surprised at first but then he slowly nodded and said 'Yes.'
The main door opened once again but I didn't turn around. The footsteps came close and closer and they stopped a little distance away from us. Simon turned first,then I did too.
Who the heck-
OH.MY.GOODNESS. My jaw was hanging wide open. I rubbed my eyes and saw again.
Is that a Goddess? She must be. Wait...I stepped closer and took a good look. Is this my Sara?? Oh,She looks absolutely smashing! Holy hell Batman.
I closed the distance between us gave a curt bow. She mirrored it.She seemed nervous. I smiled. I took one of her hands and placed a deep kiss. ARGHHH that blush. Driving me bonkers,again.
Simon whispered to me: Stop drooling over my sister's hand,Creep. I rolled my eyes.
I led her near the car and opened the door for her,she got in. I went over to the other side and took the driver's seat. I started the engine and noticed that her parents had come out to see us off. She gave a little wave at them and nodded towards Simon. He squinted his eyes at me. Alright,a lot of encouragement from him.
Now.....when to give her the bracelet and roses I bought for her?
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