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Sara's POV:
I finished my meal without choking. Mission Accomplished. Yay~ Is this thing over yet? No? Okay.
Because he just informed me that we will be going to his place.
Levi snapped his fingers and the waiter arrived almost immediately. I opened my bag and started rummaging for the notes. I started handing them to the waiter but He stopped me,again.
He closed my fingers around the money and moved my hand onto my own lap. Uh-I definitely have enough money to pay for my meal.
'Keep it.' Levi said. His head reached into his breast pocket and he took out his wallet. He gave the waiter his American Express Centurian card?! ( AmEx Black card) That's rare.
He stood up and buttoned the first button of his blazer. Then he gave his car keys to him and said 'Prepare my car for departure.' The waiter nodded and left.I put the money back into my bag and stood up.
Levi placed his hand at the back of my waist and led me outside,towards the elevator. Um,he's doing this a lot of times. Does he know that it's my back he's touching?
'So,Did you like the food?'
'Uh...yes,it was quite delicious.' I said. The elevator opened and we stepped in.
'Tired?' He asked,concerned.
'Not much.'
'Good. I've been dying for another another dance.'
I blushed and sighed. Lord,give me strength. I'll be out of pressure the moment this night ends.
'Was this a good date compared to the ones you had before?' He asked suddenly.
GOD. I had never gone on a date before.There,I just admitted it,okay? No further discussion. I never was sure of the reason why I never went on dates.
But what is with this man and his mind-boggling questions?!
'I believe this is my first time.'
He gave an award winning smile. 'I see.'
The doors opened and we made our way out towards the exit. The waiter I saw before approached us,bowed and handed the card back to Levi. We went outside the door to find his car parked right where it was at the beginning. He handed the keys to Levi. And of course,he didn't hesitate to open the passenger seat's door for me. I do have my hands over here.
We reached his house within five minutes. I ignored his stares and he ignored the stares from everyone on the road who were looking at the car. Thank the Lord,he was silent the whole time. No lines/questions (which could make me bluch so much that I could die. )
There were two big B's carved into the black entrance gates,similar to the ones at his workplace.He killed the engine and I looked out of the window,again.
I think I should start getting used to all these impromptu surprises now.
He handed the keys to a guy named Scott. He looked like he was somewhere between age 21-23.
He helped me get out of the car but we didn't enter through the main door. I enquired why.
'There's a direct and easy way to go to the room i.e separate doorway. So,we can reach the room without too many turns.' He replied. I nodded.
The butlers who stood beside either side of the double doors opened them as we came closer.
The first aroma that hit my smelling sense was chocolate. Oh,it's like a very addictive drug. And yes,I cannot be satisfied in my life regarding ABC. What's that? Read further to find out.
He ashered me inside. One of his workers offered to take my bag.
Levi seemed impressed. He texted 'Good work,Hensley' to someone. While he was doing so,I walked myself to the tables. I served different chocolates into my little plate. One of each kind. Oh,I dun care about anything right now,I'm going to devour these!
'Like them?' A voice asked from behind me.
I turned around,still chewing. 'Yes!'
He gave that smile again. Goodness,help me. He leaned onto the counter,just gazing at me while I ate.
'What else do you like?' He asked with a purr.
'ABC.' I replied after swallowing the last piece on my plate.
He gave a small chuckle. 'And that is...?'
I turned towards him. 'Anime,Books and Chocolate.'
'I see....' His eyes widened. 'You're an active Reader?'
'Well,what if I said I am?'
'I crave that quality in people.' He replied taking a step closer. 'A lot.'
Levi took the empty plate from my hands and placed it back on the table. He tapped an icon on his phone and the music starting playing. Uh-oh. I wasn't alone the first time. Now,there's no one in the room with me. Well,except him. I need strength for this again, who-ever-is-up-there. Please?
Something warm touched my back and led me to the center of the dance floor.We stood in the same position just like in the first dance.
We starting dancing to the given pleasant tune,no one to disturb us. For us,time had stopped.
He did the staring and staring ,I did the looking down and blushing. I'm not an expert in this field! Can't help it cause I've never really spent this much time with opposite sex apart from Dad,Simon or his friends.
'I would love to show you the Library in my possession.' He said as the dance was coming to an end.
Did he just say Library?!?!
Oh wait,we getting too close here.... in terms of physical contact,I mean. Uh....I can't do this without turning like a red traffic light.
'M-maybe next time' I said as the song ended.
'So there is a next time? I'm so happy to hear this!' He said cheerfully. I looked baffled.
Good God in heaven,I didn't mean I wanted another date with him! I meant...I meant....
'You don't want to meet again,princess?' He asked and ran a hand through his hair.
I held my face with both my hands on my cheeks. I need to get out of here. Why didn't anyone tell me what I'm supposed to do on a date?!
'I didn't mean that...!'
'Ah,I thought I was the only one desperate to have a night like this again,with you.' He winked. I fainted on the inside. Okay,I need to get home.
One more thing to be taken into consideration is that if Simon were listening to us,he would definitely show Levi the wonders his fist could do to someone's face.
I glanced at the clock again. 'My family expects me home by 8 PM.' I said,looking down.
'Okay' He said with a laugh. One of the workers handed me my bag back.
When we were in the car,he said with a smile 'You do keep a nice track on time.'
'It wasn't a lie though,Si-Levi.' I said. He smiled wider.
'Tell me more on that?' He asked as he started the car.
I figeted with my fingers and started ' I come from one of those dignified families. Ever since my birth,my family had focused on training me in different areas. One of them include Time management. I am grateful they trained me.'
'I see....' He said grinning a lot more wider for no reason at all. We were outside the gates now. 'That makes you more attractive in my eyes.' I'm going to die now,due to excess redness.
'Tell me about t-the kind of things you do during free time.' I said.
He thought for a moment. Then he started telling me that he liked playing the piano. He said he didn't regret studying and learning so much of knowledge.
(As I thought about it.......I never regretted learning things like:
Manage your clothes properly. Behave like a good young lady. If you're going outside alone,be inside the house by 8 PM sharp. Don't talk to boys when there's no one around and don't let them touch you. Get good grades..........
The list goes on and on.One thing that I myself realized: I always loved full-covering clothing.)
Back to Levi,he seems very reserved and lonely but it appears that he has opened up to me. He's always smiling when he's around me,I've observed. Sometime soon,I will try to find out what happened in his past so that I can understand him better.
Imagine there are three classes of wealthy families. I come from the lowest class. Whereas Levi,he made himself a fourth class.
General wants of girls include being rich,beautiful and having big...um...you know what I mean.
I won't deny that I have them all. But I deny being happy even though I have them. I wonder what else is missing in my life.
Could the right question be: Who else is missing?
A/N: So how was the chapter?? Is Sara finally accepting Levi? ;) She seems unsure of her feelings. What will happen next? Keep reading to find out~
I humbly request you to invite your good friends to read Essence. Oh,and don't hesitate to hit the vote button if you liked this story. ^_^
IMPORTANT NOTE: The next chapter will be written in.......*drumroll* .......Simon's POV!
Thank you for reading!