Please do not forget to read the author's note at the conclusion! ^_^
'Popcorn?' Simon offered from behind. I shook my head. The current score was 15:21. The match went on real smooth. The team from Spain had the upper hand and they have been playing the sport quite efficiently. Dominic was the highlight of today's match. He has been performing very well.
I sighed and looked downwards. Honestly,I was tired since the past two days. Ryan being arrested,the pressure.....I hadn't got much sleep. Maybe I should just go home and drop on the bed. I started opening the wrapper of another chocolate bar when Aleah poked me twice on my arm. I glaced sideways.
'Why is he staring at you,again?' she asked.
'I don't really care at the moment.' I said.
Using one hand,she pointed at the edge of the field. Huh? What is she talking abou-
Why is Daniel- No. Why is Dominic staring bullets at me? And how did he know where I was seated in the first place? His name was called and he bought his focus back into the game.
The match was concluded after 10 minutes or so. Spain won with 30 points. They were celebrating their joyful victory after they received the Cup. Photographers were engaged in taking several pictures of the champions.
Nial said 'Hey we should check out the new merchandise! I heard the Spain's team have been giving out some of their own brands.'
Aleah said 'Good! I hope there are some fantastic sport shoes. I've been dying to get a pair.'
We made our way towards the Sports Equipment store which was in the front section of the stadium. Fans were already crowding,trying to get their hands on any of the pieces. Luckily for us,we found a free space in the corner. Lots and lots of caps,T-shirts,bags,bottles and so on were put on display. Simon bought himself a new Shirt with the team's logo printed on it. I browsed through the store,eyeing various items. Everyone else was doing the same thing. My gaze fell on a soccer mug.
It was made of ceramic .So,we basically can use cereal as the ball and flick it towards the goal? Aww....that's so unique!
Um...I have a thing for collecting mugs and bowls. I know it's very unusual and different,but I can't help it. I picked it up and examined it further when someone tapped my shoulder. I shrugged the hand away.
'Can't you see I'm doing something right now?' I asked without turning my head. Aleah can wait for a while. Now let's look at the price.....
'What I'm seeing right now looks way more gorgeous,Senorita.'
I snapped my head to the right. Dominic was back in his hoodie again,grinning at me. Why does he know my whereabouts? Is he watching my movements from the surveillance cameras or what?
'Uhh....' I took a step back.
'We meet again,Sara.'
'Can I help you with something?' I asked.
'Yes. Tell me about yourself.'
'Um...Mister... I-' Color rose to my cheeks.
'Are you still a student? You are very alluring,Senorita.' He stared deeper in my eyes.
'Alluring in the sense...?'
He didn't answer my question. 'Which school are you studying in?' He came much closer.
'A-Aerilon high.Why....?' I said confused.
'And where do you-'
Another voice interrupted. 'Here you are!' I turned. Apparently,so did the whole room of people. My eyes widened.
Mia Vanquez made her way towards us. In case you don't know,she's the Hollywood Diva. One of my favorite actresses actually. Can't believe I'm really looking at her.I wish I could know more about her. Dominic frowned when he saw her.
She came very close stood right beside Dominic. She looked much more beautiful in person. Within a minute,people started swarming all around us.
'I have to go home.' I said.Dominic's cover was clearly blown. He didn't take his eyes off me as I walked away.
I looked further and spotted Simon. He gave a sigh of relief. 'One minute you were beside me and the other you were gone. I had a miniature cardiac arrest,thanks to you. Do you have any idea how long I've been searching?'
'Sorry~ I found this really adorable mug.' I showed it to him. 'I had to get it.'
'I understand. Let's go pay for our stuff.' He said and led me towards the cash counter,where the others were waiting.Aleah's shoes looked very amazing,I must admit.
The billing was done and we headed outside where Calum was waiting. We got in with our shopping bags. We had fun conversations on the way home regarding today's game.
We reached home by 4 PM. We got out of the car when we noticed the black Lamborghini parked right up our alley along with other black SUV's. Simon was perplexed as well. We went inside when we heard faint murmurs from the living rooms. Are there guests? We put our bags down,opened the doors and entered.
My parents looked up. 'They're back~' My mom said. She becomes very sweet when there are people around. A man was seated on the couch opposite to them. He stood up and turned. Levi?! He was smiling at me.
Simon looked at Levi as if he has turned into a dragon. 'Can I know the reason for the random visits?' He asked.
Dad stood up and said 'You'll be inheriting the leadership of our Business soon. So I suggest you learn the respect you show to our biggest client and shareholder.'
Simon scoffed. Levi said ' Could you come into the hallway? I wish to talk about something.'
'Surely.' My mom said. We left our parents in the room and stepped outside.
In the hallway,Levi started 'Miss,can you kindly give me your contact number?'
Color rose to my cheeks again. Before I could respond,Simon said 'For what,exactly?'
Levi turned to him 'Why do people exchange numbers? To communicate right?' He squinted his eyes.
'You are communicating now,right?' Simon said. I've had enough of this!
'It's okay,Simon.' I said. He looked at me. Levi grinned and handed his phone to me.Simon stared at me with his mouth open as I punched in the digits. After I was done,I began handing it back to Levi when Simon snatched the phone.
'Excuse me?' Levi said.
Simon tapped various times on the phone. Simon's phone rung.
'I have your contact number as well. Good thing.' He handed the phone back to Levi.
' Yes it is. I can finally discuss essential matters with you. Deal with it once and for all?' Levi said adjusting his cuff links.
'I'll be waiting,then.' Simon said. Goodness,can't both of them stop?!
'We have a presentation to do tomorrow,Brother.' I said. I continued. 'Until next time,Sir. Um...I mean, Levi.' He finally got rid of his furious face and smiled.
'I'll call soon,princess.' He gave a short bow. Simon glared at him.
After he left we were alone again when he said 'You're being very disobedient to your big brother these days.'
'My big brother is always my big brother. No one can change that.' I said.Simon's eyes lit up. 'And I just saved my dear brother from Dad's god-awful lecture. He did say that Levi was important for the business.'
' I'll try to get accustomed,cupcake.' He said. ' But don't have high expectations.'
'Thank you!' I said. Suddenly Dad called us from the Living room. We went in.
'Simon,I will be having a very vital meeting tomorrow,in another town.I want you to attend it with me.' He said.
Simon looked very much baffled.' What about school?'
'You won't be going for tomorrow.' Dad replied plainly.
'Why isn't she coming too?' He asked guesturing to me.
'She has had a very busy schedule since the past week,of course she will require rest.' Mom said.
'We will be leaving at 6 in the morning.' Dad said.
'We have to give the presentation in class tomorrow.' Simon made up an excuse.
'I'm certain Sara can manage that.' Mom said nodding in my direction.
Leaving us no option,we had to agree to their terms. Dinner was usual as always. They asked how today's match was. I tried not to think about my encounter with Dominic. Simon will be returning tomorrow at 6 PM,I heard. I was told to go to bed while my parents discussed the plans for tomorrow with Simon. It was clear on his face that he didn't want to go.
I had to agree,my body is overflowing with pain.As soon as I cuddled into bed,my eyelids began to grow heavy. The whole world drifted into darkness as I slept.
My alarm buzzed at 7:02 AM and I woke up. I rubbed my eyes. Wha...have they left already? I didn't even get a chance to see them off.
I got ready within half an hour and headed downstairs.
Mom was in the kitchen,making breakfast. She greeted me and sat down. We started eating.
'Dear, I got a phone call this morning. My client is facing a big crisis and I need to gather more evidence,you see.' She paused and continued. 'Thus,I will come back home late.'
'I see.'
'Please lock the doors when you're at home and if you have any problem,I'm just a phone call away. Your father and Simon will return soon.'
'Thanks Calum' I said. He tipped his hat and drove away. Why is the entrance so isolated today? There came sounds of squeals and loud murmurs. I turned towards the direction of the voices.
Almost the whole school made a crowd-ish circle. People were shouldering each other and trying to get the autograph of whoever was in the center.
I stood on my toes. Damn me for being short. I looked down,frowning. The crowd suddenly became too silent and footsteps came closer to me.
'Ah,Sara. I finally found you.' said a familiar voice. I looked up to find Dominic with a huge grin plastered on his face.
A/N: So,Dominic has entered the arena XD Unfortunately,getting close to Sara is a much difficult game. Can he play as well as he does in Soccer? What will happen next? Read further to find out! ;)
I will be a liiiiiiittle busy this week. I shall try my very best to write/upload quickly.
## The next chapter will be extremely intense,so I suggest you don't miss out on that ##
Thank you for reading!