Slave's POV
I was terrified. I was such a bad boy. No one would ever want a slave like me. At least that what the Master's here always yelled at me. I was currently on punishment. No food for 2 days and since I didn't get sold last night I got another day added to it. Masters here loved to always pick on me. I wasn't pretty and the other slaves also hated me. I had been beaten, raped and almost drowned. I was in my thoughts when the big door slams open and my cage is kicked.
"Get up slut. Your being sold" He smirks
I gulp and step out of my cage and the Master grabs me by my hair and drags me to a viewing room. I was shoved in and two minutes later I was pulled out and drug to a tall man.
"So this is it?" The man says
I flinch and he chuckles.
"Yeah this is the slut. Not very good at anything but a good fuck" Master says
"I'll take it" The tall man says
He hands over some money and then clips a leash on the loop on my collar and drags me away. He leads me to something and puts me in a seat and places something over my chest and I hear a click so I knew I wasn't going anywhere. Soon enough the man sits on the other side of me and the thing we are in starts moving. I was eyeing the buttons and knobs and I reached out when I was smacked harshly.
"Do not touch pet" He says calmly
I brought my hand to my chest and cradled it and sniffled.
"Don't start with the water works. You will be punished for touching what doesn't belong to you. You could break it and I would have to pay to fix it" He says to me
I whimper and bow my head.
"Now what is your name?" He asks
I look at him and he looks at me.
"Well?" He snarls
"Mason" I whisper
"Speak up when I'm speaking to you. I want to hear your voice." He tells me
"Ok" I say
"You will call me Master. Never anything else" He tells me
"OK Master" I say scared
Master's POV
I pulled into my garage and I got out and walked around and pulled my slave out and lead it into the house. I sat down and went over the rules with it and then I lead it to it's room.
"This is your room. You will only sleep here never with me. now my other slave will be in here in two minutes to get you ready" I tell it
I walk out closing the door and sigh. I go find my other slave and tell him what to do and I go to the pain room. A few minutes later the door opened and my new slave was shoved in.
"He is ready master" Zack says
"Thank you pet. come visit me later" I tell him
Zack nods and walks out closing the door.
"Now I want you to strip and bend on the bench" I command
He stiffens and I smirk but he does as told. I strap him down and I look to see Zack had put a small plug in which he would pay for later cause that's not what I laid out. I walked over and grabbed some lube and walked back behind my new pet. I stripped and lathered myself up and pulled the to small plug out and sighed. I leaned down and shoved myself into his hole quickly. He screamed and thrashed and it was music to my ears.
"Calm down slave it will pass." I snarl
He stops struggling but he's still sobbing. I pull back and thrust into him hard and fast and I don't let up. I grunted and grabbed his tail and yanked. If I forgot to mention he was a kitten hybrid. My very on little pussy to fuck. I grunted and picked up pace and before I knew it I was cumming inside my pet. I pulled out and shoved a plug into him and unstrapped him. I slipped on my sweats and lifted him up and carried him to his room.
"Macy" I call
She runs in and looks around and sighs.
"Let me guess bath and food?" She asks
"Feed him and give him one pain pill while I go deal with Zack" I say
"Sir watch out for that little shit. He has it bad for you and he pulled that stunt on purpose. He's jealous" she tells me
"Really?" I ask smirking
" Lex I have known you since we were kids and I have put up with your shit for years but we are friends yes?" She says
"Of course Mace" I say
"That little shit is a piece of shit. He needs put back in his place. And the best way to do it is to use that cutie in your arms" she tells me
"Macey" I say growling
"Don't you growling at me you overgrown beast" she snarls
"Alright I'm sorry. So how do I do this?" I ask
"Clean him up yourself. Call him pet names like babe, love, cupcake in front of Zack. Your gonna have to be harsh with Zack." She tells me
I look down at Mason and sighed. He opens his eyes and I groan and he stiffens.
"Alright" I whisper
She grins and helps me change him and I sit down to talk to him.
"My other slave is the reason you hurt so bad. I would like you to help me punish him" I say
"I-i- i" he stutters
"Woah love it's ok. You won't have to touch him. Master will do that. You just have to rub it in his face and give him ideas" macey says rubbing his back
"Otay" he whispers childishly
He looks at me and I smile at him.
"After this I will take you shopping." I tell him
"Macey come?" He whispers looking up shyly
"Sure love I can come. I'm sure Maggie can handle dinner tonight" macey says
"Alright then" I say looking at Macey who glares at me harshly
I lift him up and carry him to the play room and he tenses. I sit him on the bed and Macey goes to find Zack.
"Calm down cupcake." I say soothing him
"Daddy" he whimpers
"Daddy has to take care of Zack so macey will sit with you" I tell him
I rub his kitten ear and he ourrs and leans into my hand. I chuckle and Macey walks in dragging Zack. She throws him to the floor and locks the door with the key and comes over sitting down pulling my kitten into her lap.
"Just watch. Don't speak. If you get scared hide in my chest" macey tells Mason
He nods and snuggles into her. I turn to see Zack smiling.
"On your knees slave" I boom
He jumps but gets on his knees and I smile.
"Tell me slave why are you about to be punished?" I ask
" I don't know master" he whispers
"Really? Kitten go over to the cabinet and bring out the big box for me" I tell Mason
He looks up at Macey who gives him a smile and nod to ease his nerves. He stands and goes over slowly and opens the door and pulls out the big box and brings it to me.
"Thank you baby. Now go over to that table and pick out two things yourself and bring them to me" I tell him
He looks at Macey scared and I nod for her to go with him which she does. She leads him over and I can hear her whisper what they are and she giggles and he comes over to me handing me nipple clamps the most painful pair I own. I smirk knowing macey helped with that one and a paddle with sandpaper on the other side. I smile and lay it all down and I kiss his forehead and send him back to macey who holds him in her lap.
"Zack for not following directions I hurt my new baby. You have been stepping out of place lately and I'm gonna fix your attitude." I tell him
Zack looks up with wide eyes and Macey laughs.
"Master" Zack whispers
"No speaking slave. Begging will only make me punish you more. Now baby did you pick out something as your punishment?" I ask Mason
He looks at Macey who smiles at him and nods that it's ok to tell me. He looks at me and nods softly. He points to the fucking machine and I chuckle.
"Tell him the rest bub" Macey says
"2 days" he mumbles
I look at Macey confused and she smiles softly at him when he whimpers.
"He is saying he wants zack strapped to that horrid thing for two days since Mason is going to be hurting that long. And I picked out a little something for my giggles as well" Macey says
"two days baby." I say kissing his forehead and he stiffens
I reach down and clip the nipple clamps on my slave and he cries out. I yank him up and bend him over the bench and I start paddling him and then rubbing his ass raw with the sand paper side. Once that was done I strapped him to a chair and turned on the fucking machine. He screamed cause the dildo on it was as big as my fist and about ten inches long. Macey walked over with a shocking cock ring and I looked at her with wide eyes and she nodded to Mason and shrugged. I chuckle and place it on my slave and I turn the camera on and we leave. I placed Mason on my hip and when we got to the kitchen Maggie was glaring at Macey and Macey looked like she was about to cry.
"Macey" Mason whimpers
"I'm ok love." She says smiling sadly and walks out
I place Mason down and look at Frank.
"Frank can you get Mason something to drink and sit with him while I talk to Maggie?" I ask
"Of course Master Lex" He says
"Kitten this is Frank. He is a friend. I will be right back so just stay here ok" I tell him
He whimpers but nods.
"Hey there bud it's ok. How about a sandwich?" Frank asks him
He nods and I smile and walk out.
"Maggie" I shout
She walks over and looks at me.
"Speak" I snap
"She told me to make dinner and I called her a lazy bitch" she whispers
"She isn't fucking lazy. You are. I watch you Maggie more than you think I do. Macey was helping me with a few problems. But since you want to be a bitch to her and not do your job since she is in charge of the staff your fired. I expect you to be moved out in the next two hours while we are gone" I tell her and turn around and walk out
I find Maggie who was crying and I sigh and hug her.
"Mags i'm so sorry. I'm moving you to my assistant. You will handle the hiring pf the new maids. Now I fired that bitch but we can keep her and you can make her life miserable" I tell her
"Yes please. Now tell her to stay and let's go shopping" She tells me
I nod and walk away and do what she asked of me and I head back to see her and the little hybrid talking and him giggling. I sigh and walk over to them and they get quiet.