Flopping himself on the bed, the wolf snarled a little bit at the pain that flared up again and he bombed under his breath. The bruises began to show a hint of purple, they were transforming from the initial stage but they weren't hurting as much. At that same moment, tears welled up in his eyes and his mind seemed to go to different places and different memories.
But most of the bite that it held snuffed out like a flame and the tears only lasted a few seconds. They no longer meant anything. His face and jaw slackened. If he had a face of regret and sadness, it then hardened to a straight face. Nothing at all.
And he forgot his pills.
He slowly opened the door and wearily moseyed a little bit to the kitchen, aware that he had forgot his medication. Under the wide, open arms of one light, he snatched the pill bottle in his right hand from the kitchen counter, popped it open and poured out a single capsular item in his hand. He reached for a glass in the sink, washed it under the tap water and filled it with the piped deluge. The rim to his lips, what became a sip turned into a cascade in his mouth. He swallowed down the pill within that immense magnitude in three gulps, maybe even four or five and let out some kind of sound. Human, not animal.
A switch, then the death of light. When walking back to the bedroom, he could barely make something of a white splotch on the couch in his peripheral vision. It was, of course, a curled up furball named Kaylon, sleeping quietly on the couch with the pillow and sheet. His white hair made it a dead giveaway. He then wondered about Luca, for no logical reason at all. If Kaylon was there, then Luca was probably sleeping by herself? Definitely, probably. For all he knew, there wasn't anyone else other than the trio in the apartment and he didn't care who slept with who.
He then turned off the hallway light and speedily looked at the guest bedroom door before closing the door and entering his bedroom. Then bolting that door closed. A few footsteps after a footfall into the empty space. One leg, then another harrowed under the sheets and then the shirtless body on the mattress. He turned over onto his side, facing a wall doused in the shadow. And the shadow in the room was apparent, so he got up and waved his arms around.
Steps were small and barely covered an inch. When he reached the lamp and turned it on, it reminded him of something.
And then it went. Just like that.
As he went back to the bed, from the door came three quiet knocks that raised the hairs on the wolf's back. A slow turn of the head, his eyes were alert and looking at the door. The young adult then dawdled on the figurative trail towards the door, not even using time to get there faster. Tired, he just put his right hand onto the doorknob, then rotated it ever so slowly and he placed his foot back two-or-more centimeters. A pull to reveal someone standing in front of him.
"What do you want?" He asked; his voice had not hints, but a large influence of a bellicose, anodyne even so, hint to it.
"Can I... sleep.... here?" She asked quite quietly, sotto voce with insecurity.
"What happened to Kaylon? Did you kick him out?" He retorted, obviously not giving any benefits of the doubt or fucks, for that matter.
He silently laughed. "Why me?"
David stopped, the lack of sleep was getting to his head. Luca was feeling a bit introverted and defensive, plus tired and a little restless. She placed her left arm over her stomach and gently embraced the bottom of the right elbow with her sympathetic fingers, talking some comforting messages. Her eyes transferred from his face to the bottom of the floor. The former was starting to internalize his actions, partially. Maybe he had gone too hard on her, but he couldn't really expand upon the thought. For whatever reason at large inside his mind, he wanted to sleep but he just didn't want to repudiate her and send her away.
He sighed. "You can come in. Just..." His mouth opened and his breath wanted to say something but couldn't do it. Tired, he just gave up communication, turning around and leaving the door open. She walked in quietly, but cautiously observing everything in her path.
As David turned around to the side of the bed, her eyes quickly noted the scars on his back and inhaled a little hard at the sight. Certainly wasn't new, but she could sense..... no, not sense. She could apprehend a speculatory reason why he would want to doze with a shirt on or just be self-conscious. And pretty much, the wold trudged to the side of the bed and crawled into the sheets with nothing but a pair of shorts on. She went on the bed with nothing but a shirt and shorts and slid her legs under the sheets as well. The fabric covered their lower halves better than the upper body, which didn't bother to cover up David's torso and back.
And that same back from the same wolf faced Luca, whose gaze was nothing short of pulled in - maybe transfixed if you could call it that - by the scars on his back. They were both breathing in and out slowly – the only difference between them was that the fox was breathing somewhat of a shallow rhythm and the wolf took heavy, deep breaths.
"Are you looking at my scars?" He asked.
She paused for a minute, in a small shock.
"It's fine." He said.
"How did you know?" She asked.
"I guessed."
Silence for a few seconds. The fan wasn't even on in the bedroom and the lamp only covered so much square inches.
"How did you get those?" Luca curiously asked.
David smiled, his back still turned against her. "An accident."
Luca snickered. "I'm not sure how a couple of deep scars are caused by an accident."
"Whatever." He then sat up and looked at her. "What happened with you and Kaylon?"
Luca was addled when he spoke in such a unemotional and concerning way. "what?"
"What happened with you and Kaylon? There must've been something that went wrong."
Luca just stared at him, part of her face cuddled against the soft pillow. Her eyes, this time, didn't give away anything except emptiness. David just sat there, cold and soullessly staring into her eyes. He then gave out a suppressed laugh, the joke itself. He laid down and faced his back against her. She just stared at the scars and the back of his head.
Again, quietude.
"I know that... this might sound weird, but.. you can go ahead and touch them, if you want to."
Luca didn't say anything. She was just as confused as David was worried. She sustained eye contact at his back and did not move.
"Or you don't have to, that's fine... I apologize."
Another round of soundless behavior. And no one said anything again, just an endless round of silence. For there was nothing there except the light that tried to be another mother and the shadow that wanted the role as well.
He then spoke again. "So, now that I told my story a bit, can you tell me yours?"
Still silence. When David looked back, he saw that Luca was asleep. One arm was in front of her while the other was directly in front of her where her head was situated. The right corner of his mouth curled up, he thought that what he saw was adorable and lovely. But only a collective strand of her hair was in front of her face, only moving forward when she exhaled in a mellow manner.
And that's when he noticed the haircut she had gotten. Her hair used to be around her shoulders, not brushing them at all - a waterfall that went on a flow for a bit. Then stopped. Her hair was still that same red waterfall. Cut off about halfway, yet still had that untidy messy look to it as well.
David thought it was still cute.
In an attentive way, he moved back said strand of hair behind her left ear. His fingers slightly grazed the soft and silky skin on her face, which made her moan only a tiny little blip. It, in a way, startled him. Then, he went to the lamp, turned off the light and went to sleep.
The last thing he thought of was a cherry milkshake.