"Kaylon? Are you ok?"
Kaylon was confused. He wasn't that poised or assertive to answer something of which he had no idea of. One. Two, he was already feeling depressed as is.
"What? I'm sorry, can you please say that again?"
David still was in the kitchen, with an empty glass. Feeling compelled to drink another, he grabbed the glass and ran it under the tap water. Again he raised it to his lips and drank the entire glass without stopping. The bottom edge chinked against the steel finish of the sink. He ran and jumped on the couch, phone still onto his right ear. He was not at all expecting such a clueless person to not answer a question.
"I mean, like, why did you do that?" David asked.
"What did I do?"
"The kiss on her cheek. Why did you do that?"
"I'm not sure. It just seemed like something I just wanted to do and if I didn't do it, I wouldn't get the chance to do so. You know?"
"Alright." A few seconds passed. "So even after that, why do you think that Sky hasn't called you or contacted you yet at all?"
Hesitantly, he answered with a slight delay. "I..." A chuckle. "I don't know. I think that she hates me. Is it wrong to think that?"
David laughed a little bit. "No, I guess it's.. pretty normal. I mean, some people have thought that reason from time to time. Maybe everyone does, sometimes."
"Oh. Ok"
That was it. David didn't want to ask any more about his romantic life or something. So he moved on to a generic conversation, to hopefully cheer him up. Kaylon never, throughout this entire conversation, sounded happy or lively. He just sounded droning and pessimistic, though maybe that was exaggerating a bit too much.
"Ok, switching the topic, how have you been?"
"Didn't you ask me this before?"
"Just.. how are you doing?"
"I've been doing... ok. Yeah, just ok."
"Why ok? Is something the matter?"
"I-uh... I..." A deep breath. "It's just been ok, I guess. Not too happy, not too sad. Just... in the middle I guess."
"What happened?"
Kaylon did not answer.
David did not want to ask him a personal question. In fact, he hesitated to even bother about his personal life. But he wanted to so he could understand his situation better and help him. Maybe even cheer him up a bit. Or help. One of them.
"Is it because of Sky?"
"Yes, but not exactly. I was in an accident, my mother got hospitalized, I lost my job and my friends are pretty much busy. But..." A sigh. "Yeah, that's just the surface."
"I'm sorry. I don't really know what to say."
A few seconds passed before Kaylon replied. "You don't need to say anything. Thank you for letting me talk about this it really helps."
"It's no problem, bro." David said, sympathetically.
"So, I've tried calling Sky multiple times and she doesn't seem to pick up. As far as I know, she has the same phone number. None of my other friends are responding. I think that they've been busy recently. And it doesn't seem like I can hold on much longer."
More seconds passed. "Is it wrong to thank someone for just listening when your pouring out for no reason?"
David smirked a bit. He thought that what he said was a bit adorable, even if it was unnecessary. "No, Kaylon. I guess that's... also pretty normal."
On the other side of the phone, Kaylon was more quiet than at the start of the phone conversation. He had grown to be more quieter and when he spoke at the start, he had a little more energy coming out of his voice. It seeped through the minuscule cracks of his voice. Now, he had changed a bit and his voice was no longer sparkling with that particle of an emotion, it grew more emotional
Yet, this is what he truly felt. The emotions at the start were merely just an attempt at a façade to not evoke any worries fro David. But, it was painful for him to act something like that, it was unnatural and it felt forced.
"Hey, can you can keep talking to me?"
"I'm down. Is something the matter?"
"I.. just need to be distracted. Yeah."
"Ok. Umm, have you listened to anything recently? Or watched anything?"
"Hmmm. I don't exactly know what I've listened to so far. But I listened to...., I think it was Selfie or something?"
"Selfie? You mean that song that's been on the radio?"
"I believe it has these two women just.. speaking stuff."
"Yeah, I have it on my phone."
"I think it's a cool song."
"Eh, I can agree on that."
"Ok. Do you know the artist?"
"Hold on."
David scooted to the side of the couch, then stood up. There was something heedful about the way that he stood upwards. Footsteps. An open door, then a sound shut. He made sure that a closed door was closed behind him.
In his bedroom, he sat on his desk with a used chair and plugged his smartphone in to a cable stemming from the back. If you could think about it, the desk was pretty the omphalos for most of his stuff and diverse objects. And the cable was one of them. After that, he unlocked his phone and opened the Play application from the menu. It was full of various words an images that were supposed to have meaning.
If he was to find words and images that gave no meaning to him, then he found what he was looking for.
From there, he stared directly at words. Words that Kaylon was looking for. "Uh, The Chainsmokers." David said, "Looks like it. Yeah, it is."
"Huh. I don't think I've heard of them." Kaylon said.
"I haven't heard about them at all either."
And then they stop talking. David had run out of ideas to talk about and Kaylon seemed to be breathing loudly or maybe it was just the connection itself on the phone. So David finally decided to end the conversation. And as his lips moved to speak another sound, Kaylon spoke again.
"Hey. I was wondering. If I had the money and I could do it, what color should I dye my hair?"