I hit her.
What happened?
I tried to hit the woman, but I ended up hitting Luca.
Might I ask where?
Right on the face. A-
And the woman...
Stop. Just.... stop, I was getting there.
She was terrified, she kept screaming at me, cursing at me. I don't remember what she said, but they were awful.
Why a pearl necklace?
Do you remember anything else? If you do, can you complete the story?
It was horrible. I felt relieved, but for the wrong reasons.
I remember I hit her on the face, right there so hard. And she landed against the side of the car. I tried to help her up, but she just looked back at me. I just stood there, like a dumbass. What should have I done?
And I just went to the car, I just jumped in.
And he stood there like crazy.
He hit me, right there on the face. It hurt, definitely hurt. Like he was definitely preparing for that. He meant it for the woman that was.... kinda disrepectful to him. And after that, she started insulting him for having me as a prostitute and calling him all these different names. He told her to go get a pearl necklace.
There are worse things to say.
Immediately after that, I pleaded with her not to call the police. She was about to, and even insisted that she would call the police because I said so. I did the stupid thing and ask her if she was drunk, since she had all these beer cans in her car. She looked a little drunk to me, to say the least. She did not answer and thought that was rude and slapped me.
I just walked back to the car, but it was obvious by the look on her face that she did something unforgivable. Or, so it would seem.
But the moment she got in, I just wondered what to say to her or, at least, do. She just looked a little dazed, but then she barked at me. Screaming words that I couldn't hear for a long, long time. And she couldn't speak of anything at all. Because there was nothing to be said at all.
I looked behind in the rear view, the woman was just standing there with her phone. She looked startled enough to the point where I decided to floor it for no reason. Without fucking thinking of anything else.
And somehow, I just...
He just turned the keys and started the car. He looked like he was about to cry from what had happened, but.... I just don't know. Then, he just.... drove off. Drove away from the bitch, she was giving him a lot for sure. And, yeah. I just kept staring out the window. After a while, it just looked plain to me.
Why? Cause the only reason I can see is that.....
It was like it was pretty one moment, and then suddenly it wasn't. Was that what you wanted to hear?
I guess, I mean I was expecting it.
Yeah. I knew you were.
But then, I had to stop and look back at him. And you could tell by the look on his face, that something was wrong.
And something was wrong.
His face, which was unsurprisingly stern and serious, was now, in a way, still serious. But it had a feature last time: He was trying to keep himself angry or serious. Now, he didn't have to. His face was all the worthwhile serious and like hard clay. I suppose it could be like steel, but.... I mean, after all, he wasn't at that stage of emotional detachment. Or getting there at all. The facade was breaking.
And the nostalgic sort of Polaroid blue in the sky had faded - all an illusion. He began to not see what it really was; Imperfect and flawed like everything else. And it was getting darker. And Luca just stared at him, being unable to comprehend. But every second that went by, she began to see. While at the same time, she could not see anything. And even though she felt grounded, she felt like floating away. And nothing else.
The road looked like it would go on for miles, nothing was to be seen. And David kept going up and up what laid beneath him. It looked.... unwelcoming. The headlights were streaming off into nothing, but something came out of it and appeared to fondle with David's left shoulder. And it didn't feel as weird as the neuroelectrical wave that rippled down his body. Even though it was nothing.
But he was breaking and breaking and breaking, slowly cracking off the shell on his face. Something like a vase, but chipping and chipping. And there was something, he could feel something on his hands. He could feel something on his face, like, tensing up everything. And his vision got a little blurry, the road....
....wasn't a road anymore.
And there was a sort of hallucinatory experience going on. Suddenly, there was a little wave from a big tide, and the sound of metal repeatedly like a drum. A beating drum, out there in nowhere. And the voices of some crickets and some outdoor ambiance out in his ear multiplied and multiplies, driving him crazier - non compos mentis in an uncontrollable state. And suddenly, a beautiful reminder from somewhere was yelling and yelling.
And then the red thing began to take the shape of a pair of eyes, followed by hair, skin complexion and lips. Luca. And, coincidentally, there was full moon out there. He was pissed for no reason, and his eyes from brown to a dark pit behind a sweet face. And a growl from a soft-spoken rag doll. And small breaths from such a lovely thing, it almost turned into something out there. And he was just tensing up for no reason, her hands on his wrists. And she was scared out of her mind, her breaths becoming short daggers to stab him somewhere.
And out of pure hate and anger, he screamed directly at Luca's face and threw her to the ground, where she grunted a moan in the worst time possible. And he kept kicking the car and the tires, regardless of the pain. And then, his head jerked up violently and out came a shrill scream at the top of his lungs. So loud it could be heard for miles, yet only ghosts seemed to stand there, rubbing his back.
Luca, worried and in a daze, placed her hands on the road and pushed herself up on her feet. And she walked over to the monster, where hopefully something could happen. But he just looked back at her, thirsty for fresh meat.
"David, what are you doing?" She asked, in a soft voice like that of the glowing moon.
But there was a shadow covering him, but not all the way. Just partially, enough to cover his pain and face. He kept yelling and angrily kicking the car, and yelling some more.
Luca walked up to him and placed her hands on him, worrying. "David..."
But his eyes darted to her. And a soft breeze hit her so hard she fell back just as if she had been slapped. And just then, a breath. A breath after some time and his eyes dilated to the sparse nightlight up in the sky.
And walking over to the person known as Luca, he stepped closer and closer. And when she stood up, she saw him growing closer and closer to her. She didn't know what to do, so she stood there waiting for anything physical. She tensed up a bit, there was still a dark blanket draped over some parts of his body. But for a brief second, there was a reflection.
And then, within just a few centimeters between both the wolf and the fox, his arms kissed the back of Luca and was pulled in for an embrace. Though, it was different. It was passionate and sincere, vulnerable in every way. And his breaths were becoming sniffles, earthed in her shoulder. Albeit confused, she then had her arms around him and closed her eyes, feeling the smooth surface of him on the side of her face.
Some sobs and then some crying came out.
"I'm sorry, Nora."