a couple of minutes asking Kaylon about the entire thing and we spent at least an hour or so driving there. She was just sleeping the entire way, it was just adorable to see her that way. Not the first time, however. At least we spent some time together before she had to leave everyone. Before she had to leave me.
For some reason, I just couldn't picture my life without her. She was there for me and I could always talk to her about everything. Even with Kaylon, I still held her close to me. And I couldn't just leave it there and I certainly didn't want to leave it then. I wanted her to be here a bit more, if that's all I could've asked God for. I wanted her to stay, I couldn't live without her smile and her eyes.
But it would be to no avail. Supposedly, it was all part of a plan. The death cab had been called for. And she would be gone soon.
The lake was beautiful, just as Kaylon said. The water reflected the stars, there were some stars out in the sky, all laid out. But... No... I have nothing to say or wonder about stars other than the fact that I only remember them as stars. Constellations of something if they held significance. My teenage mind back then was full of questions and I got some of the answers. But at least I had one answer in front of me that would be a constellation soon. And I didn't want that answer to end.
Maybe the reason was that, out of everything we found, there was already a galaxy that I would want to explore a little more. But I never explored that much.
We talked more at the lake than at the peak. We talked about our lives and how everything was gonna go or, at least, what life would be like. She said questions like "Are you gonna be alright?" and "Are you sure?'" always the one to ask me if I was doing ok or something. She was worried. And I would answer with "I don't know's" or some unnecessary answer because i was scared. I was emotional. And with everything going on, I died that week and resurrected without any part of my previous life.
And just like that boy that I knew so well - that died after school, I just cried on her shoulders after some time looking up at the stars, looking up at the stars and overthinking sometimes. And she just hugged me with one of her arms, then both. I'll never forget when she laid her head on my shoulder as I snuffed out my breath on her shirt during our embrace. I'll never forget her.
Then, she did the weirdest and most strangely wonderful thing I can remember. She asked me, first, to go into the car. We were outside with nothing but ourselves, then we were inside with nothing but ourselves, plus the radio, driver's wheel, transmission clutch..
Weird enough, she then asked if I had ever kissed someone before. The first time, I was stunned. I asked for her to repeat it, the same exact words reappeared for me. But I was wondering why. It was only natural for me to ask.
So I asked, "Why are you as-"
Then she stopped me. Instantly, she put her hand on my cheek, still soft. And then, her lips touched mine.
I don't have much else to say, I guess.