FN-183’s POV:
April 21st, 2314
Outside, the main clock blasted its horns to announce to the citizens of Ovnorak IV that it was time to get up. Slowly, I did reaching for the controller switching the holoscreen on my wall. Switching it to the outside view, I looked outside for a brief moment, the grey buildings surrounding the city center, the small shape of Onvorak III in the sky made grey by pollution. I sighed and rested my head back on the bed.
Onvorak IV was one of eight moons surrounding the capital of the regime, Onvorak. Each housed a different ministry, with the plnet being used for politics, and finance. IV housed the regimes department of justice. I had just moved there after being assigned a new job as a detective, one of the few jobs that gave its workers a private notepad for use during mysteries, which is where I’m currently writing these thoughts, away from the prying eyes of the camera,and policemen who walk the streets constantly, searching for anyone who break the regimes strict rules.
I heard a scuffle outside, and a few blaster shots. As I poked my head outside my doorway, I saw some police walk past hauling a dead body, and others poking their heads out their doorways the police began telling them to go back, and that the man was a few minutes late for work, and was resisting arrest. This had become a practice al too common among the law enforcement. Shooting and killing anyone who is in anyway opposing them, or the regime. If they found out I was using that pad for a diary rather then strictly for work, I would likely face a similar fate. Terrified, I returned to my room.
Suddenly, there was a notification on my tablet. I had to head down to headquarters for my first assignment. As I entered the hallway, I saw posters lining the walls with cameras over each of them saying things like,”Long live Immortal Father” and”He is watching” with a picture of the shadowy figure that was chosen to represent the regimes leader looking over cities with people working hard beneath him. Along with this, was the regimes logo, a simple R surrounded by a circle of planets, representing the galaxy now held under their rule.
Outside, the main headquarters was surrounded by a large crowd of people cheering as Immortal Fathers face came on every holoscreen for the days propoganda. I slowly pushed through it, making my way inwards and heading through the open door, where it seemed that everyone inside was doing the same, transfixed to they’re screen, not speaking a word as I passed through them, eventually finding my way to the main offices through signs.
By the time I reached the investigation wing, the propoganda for this part of the day had finished and everyone seemingly returned to what they were doing beforehand. As I sat, and waited for my number to be called, the heavy door swung open and a clearly beaten, and exhausted man was dragged out by the guards. The door closed yet again, and I wondered what would cause the regime to give this office a door unlike any other on the moon. Soon, I would find out as I heard my number being called out and the guards beginning to move in my direction.