The corridor downwards was pitch black with two handles running down each side. I kept my hands on these during my entire descent. After an hour of just going down, I saw a small light at the end of the stairwell. I took another full hour until I got to the light source, which turned out to come from a small window, on a metal door at the end of the tunnel. As I felt around to try and open the door. The door opened by itself.
ZN-990’s POV:
“Let him in.” I said, as I watched him through the camera. DZ-314 quickly did so, and the door slid open. He walked through cautiously, looking curiously at the walls bearing our organisation’s symbol.” Stand still please!" I called of the loudspeaker. He glanced at me, surprised, but before he could speak, the scanner activated, and quickly scanning his entire body for any weapons, or devices the regime could track him with. Eventually, the scanning stoped, and the machine beeped positive. The door on the other side of the room opened. Keeping his ye on me, he walked through the door.
Soon, I left the scanner room. As I walked through the door, I was quickly surround by my guards, holding crude plasma rifles which had been quickly assembled from small parts the previous week. I am still not entirely sure they won't explode , like our previous prototypes. Outside, next to similarly crudely constructed huts was our newest recruit, the green woman who’s recruitment had led to this whole mess. But I had bigger problems to deal with. Behind me, the door opened up, and FN stepped through, before making a beeline in my direction.
First, my guards moved to stop him, but I motioned to them to let him through, and for him to follow me. The guards returned to their positions by the entrance, and I began to move deeper into the town area. “So, I presume you have some pressing questions for me." I said to him. “Well..." He began. “So, I'll first give you the history of this organisation." I interrupted, while motioning to the area around us. As I finished talking, we reached the end of the room, and I entered the four digit passcode into the keypad on the wall. Part of the wall opened up, and we entered through.
After walking through the brightly lit hallway, we soon entered my office, the tv screens linked to multiple cameras across the planet still running in the background. I sat behind my desk, and he sat in front of it. “Welcome to The Underground!" I said." The organisation whose actions has led to your current troubles." He looked around, specifically our logo sitting in the middle of the wall behind me. “The underground? That old rebeI organisation? Thought you guys were destroyed." He said. “We were." I said." A long time ago. Then, the survivors moved underground, faked our own death. We've lived in hiding ever since. Now, anyone who joins has to fake his or her death to avoid suspicion." I continued." So that's what happened to the green woman!" He Realised. I nodded." She was our newest recruit. We thought since she lived in the slums, the regime wouldn't question it much. Looks like they caught on to us fast."
“One more thing, why did you bring me here?" I shrugged. “We were starting to make too much noise. We wanted someone on our side who could help hide our tracks for every new recruit. I gave you the clues to lead you here, and test your skills. You passed." I responded. “But that's ridiculous!" He said. “Why would yo think I want to join you guys?! Why would you think they won't notice I went missing?" We were quiet for a moment. “Because I know how you think. We've all felt loyal to the regime before. But we changed. You can change. I've seen how you have started to question things. You don't just accept it like others do. We can fake you death. We can fix that! No one will wonder where you've gone, because you'll be dead in their eyes, like all of them!" I responded. He slumped back in his chair, deep in thought. Before he could say anything, an alarm began blaring behind me.
We both jumped to our feet. I quickly checked my computer, and saw that the trouble was coming from the hangar. I quickly left the room, with FN following behind me.After walking back through the hallway, we entered the third door on the left, and into the hangar. The main point of the hangar, our Ship, was on the verge of falling apart, with one of its walls having fallen out, along with the one of the engines, and the hyperdrive generator. “what is this?!" I almost yelled. “I don't know!" one of the Engineers responded quickly. “Something must've caused an explosion." I felt like I was about to explode, myself. “What do you mean'Explode'?!" I sighed." You know what, just fix it. FN Came up beside me slowly.
“What is this?" He asked. This is our plan. I responded." We other as many people as possible, and leave the Ulm system." He looked confusedly at me." Leave? but where will you go?" Away. To The Free Worlds." I responded. “Where?'" He said." The only place in the known galaxy where The Regime hasn't reached yet. Where their military is too strong For the regime to take over. Where freedom, and safety are commonplace. That is where we are going.” I held out my hand. “So, what do you say?" I said. “Will you join us in our journey to The Free Worlds. He almost seemed convinced. “I...I need to think For a moment." He said. I nodded, and he left the hangar. I then turned my focus back to the mess that our mode of transport was now in.
After a few hours, I went looking for him. I found him by the town, talking to the green woman. When she saw me, she quickly moved out of the way. “So?" I asked him. “well... I still don't know! This seems like a massive step to take, when your devices, that you claim will help escapee's the regime, is falling apart at the seams!" he responded. I nodded."I understand. But if you choose not to join us, we're going to do something about you, so you don't tell the regime about this. They are going to ask you about what happened down here!" I said. “Is that a threat?" he responded, shocked." It's the truth." I stated. he put his head in his arms. I quietly looked away from him, starting to feel guilty for dragging him into this. “Well..." He started to say, before we were knocked of our feet by a large explosion.