As if things couldn't get any worse, an announcement came over the loudspeaker. ”Citizens of Ovnorak IV. Resident FN-183 has been found guilty of treason, but has recently escaped incarceration. Recent reports confirmed that he has returned to Ovnorak IV. We are relying on you to help bring this criminal in!” I just barely heard that last part, as I kept moving off the streets, and through alleyways, to avoid detection.
I made my way back to my apartment, silently cursing myself for buying one so close to the main building. I pushed past those in the lobby, keeping my head down. When I entered the elevator, I got a few weird looks from some others, but they didn't say anything, and I speed-walked into my apartment. Once there, I sat down and breathed for a moment, before realizing I was still being watched from a camera in my room. Grabbing my blasted, I fired at it twice, destroying it completely.
There were shouts from outside, they must have heard the gunshots. I gathered my stuff up and slipped outside. Since there were fewer people using it, I was able to use the stairs to leave the go down to the lobby. Once at the lobby, I managed to just slip through the increasing police presence in the building, most of who were still heading toward the elevators, presumably still on the search for me. I heard them begin to question the receptionist behind me, as I left the building.
Once outside, I was blocked from making a beeline to the spaceport by the police and military still prowling the streets. With the immediate way blocked, I tried to find my way around the streets, but since I had only moved here a few days ago, I was unable to find an easy passage to the spaceport. As I wandered the streets, dodging police, and military forces, I suddenly felt a searing pain in the back of my head and blacked out.
I woke up a few hours later, in the department of justice office. The alarms had stopped, and there were three guards standing tall above me. I was tied to a chair via a rope, and felt something sharp poking at me hand. In front of me, for the third time in the last few days, was AA, who was Looking smug. ”You know, you should be feeling lucky. Normally, you have to book an appointment to meet with me three times within a few weeks. And you got it all for free!” He clicks a button on his desk. ”We have the prisoner. Yes, yep. Okay.” He presses it again. ”You can sight right. They won't be coming for you for another few hours. Still locked up by that riot you caused.” He chuckled, as he sat back. It was then I noticed that my pistol had been carelessly thrown into the table. With some slight moving, I found that the sharp object was one of the pistol’s nails that had been knocked loose
As I used the nail to began to swipe at the rope, I turned to AA. “You can't do this forever, you know.” I spat out, without thinking. ”Do what?” He asked, slightly amused. “This. You can’t control people’s lives forever! Eventually, they will break. They will see you for who you are. They will turn.” He laughs loudly. “Look around you! We’ve been doing this for decades! For centuries. Finally, he stops laughing. “Let me tell you a secret. People will always let themself be controlled if they think it’s for their own protection. Wether it be outside imperialists, or inside anarchists. As long as we keep up the propoganda that Aczostic loyalists could topple the system, everyone will fall under our control.” He said. “And there is nothing you can do to stop us.” By this point, I had nearly cut through the rope.
With a few swipes, I was free. The guards charged forward, and I grabbed the pistol, and fired at both of them, killing them. A beep was heard from the gun. “That means you have power for only one more shot.” AA said, smugly. “Choose wisely.” I turned towards him, pointing the gun at him. “Call off any further searches for me. State on the record that I was brought to another prison.” He smiled. Mockingly. “I can’t do that.” I moved closer, pressing the gun against his head. “Than what can you do?!” I questioned. He got up, moving closer. “There is nothing I can do. They will come for you, and they will kill you. So here’s what you can do.” He motions to another button on his desk. “If I press that button, the security of the entire building will come running. They will torture you for information on you’re rebel friends, and capture them to be tortured! Of course, you can stop me, by killing me, and go on, without a working weapon! So,” He raises his hands. “What’s your choice?”
I shut my eyes. Trying to calm down, but I couldn’t. He knew how horrible the system was, and was gloating about it. If I got caught, I would be sent straight back to prison, or get the death sentence. He threatened me, and ZN with torture, for no crime besides wanting to break free. He would achieve this goal, in a few moments if I don’t act. “The clocks ticking!” He said, in an almost sing-songs voice. I trembled. Could I do it? Could I take another mans life? Yes, he would be perfectly fine with it. By then, I would be brought to his level! “I’ll give you 5 more seconds!” He called. I shook. Opening my eyes, I saw him reaching for the button. I shut my eyes, and pulled the trigger.