The guard waves his gun at both of us. His helmet was gone and his face was bloodied. The rest of his armor was covered in blood. "You're going to listen to me very carefully." He said, his voice shaking. "You're going to turn this thing around and land us back on Ovnorak IV. You will turn yourself in." ZN stepped towards him. "And how are you going to make us do that?" I joined her, as the guard started to walk backward. "If you shoot one of us, the other will be able to attack you or lock the security door into the cabin." With that, the guard charged at her, knocking her to the ground, with a nosebleed. Quickly, I snuck around the back of him, and pulled him back, and throwing him back into the seating area.
ZN hopped to her feet, as the guard struggled to his feet. I spotted that he had dropped his gun on the floor, by the doorway. I quickly grabbed it, as he charged back into the pilot's cabin, and fired two shots at him, missing one, and hitting him in the arm the other. Within another second, the man, bloodied, and with a gunshot wound in his lower abdomen grabbed him by the throat, holding a broken piece of glass from his helmet against the guard's throat, dragging him back towards the wall, with us quickly following them.
After struggling for a moment, he headbutts the man and kicks him, knocking him off balance, and setting himself free. Leaving the man bleeding against the wall, he advanced on us again, grabbing one of our guns from the bench. Quickly, I raised my own gun at him, leaving us in a standoff. ZN begins to move towards the doorway, having procured a shock weapon off the pilot's body, making the guard's situation even more stacked in our favor.
The guard stayed silent for a while, thinking through his options. He then smiles., and then opens fire. I got hit on the shoulder and by the looks of it, ZN got hit on the leg. Although I dropped my gun, ZN was able to hold onto her weapon. With that, he turns back to the man and shoots him in the head. Within seconds, ZN was on her feet and was able to shock the guard into unconsciousness. He collapsed to the ground, shaking. She helped me up, and we took a while to catch our breath and figure out what to do with the two bodies, and unconsciousness man now in the ship.
Checking the console, we saw that we now had 9 minutes until we could reach our destination. Both the pilot's body and the man's body had been moved to the back of the pilot's cabin, and we found a pair of handcuffs on the guard's body and used it on him, before keeping him in the seating cabin. After that, we found a medkit and used it to stitch ourselves up. By that point, we only had 4 minutes, and we chose to relax in the pilot's cabin, and wait for us too alive. There, we familiarized ourselves with the controls on the console and found a small packet of food near the back of the room, to snack on. We wersure that whatever problems that may arise in the next few moments before we arrive could be fixed. We were wrong.
After a few minutes, we could hear banging in the other room. I quickly grabbed the gun which I had left on the floor during the previous fight and moved towards the door with it raised. ZN stayed back, with the shocker still in hand. There was some beeping on the other side of the door, and it swung open, as the guard stood on the other side. I fire once, hitting him in the leg, and bashed him over the head with the butt of the gun. The guard collapses on his knees, before charging forward and knocking me to the ground. ZN came charging forward, with the shocker. The guard got to his feet quickly and slammed her head against the console repeatedly.
I struggled to my feet, and charged at him, pulling him off her, and pushing him to the floor. He turns to face up and grabbed his gun, shooting me in the stomach. As I collapsed to the ground, ZN shoved him against the wall and tried to grab the shocker. In pain, I managed to crawl towards him and grab his legs, stopping him long enough, for her to grab the shocker, and use it to his head. As he collapsed to the ground. She then took his gun and shot him in the head, before walking over to me, and helping me into one of the chairs. Slowly, she used the medkit to patch me up, and we sat to wait until we reached our destination.
At the time the guard was killed, we had two minutes until we arrived. Those two minutes were spent in silence until we felt the ship slow down, and we reappeared in another part of the galaxy. Surrounding us, was unfamiliar planets, stars, and far away imprints of other systems. "Its beautiful." I heard ZN say beside me. All i could do was nod silently. She moved around to the part of the console which was labled a radio, but before she could activate it, a new, larger ship appeared from behind a nearby planet. Turning on spotlights attached to the ship's front, it moved slowly towards us, as we were nearly blinded by the lights shining in our eyes.