6 Days earlier...
For the next few hours, while I was in the cell , I constantly tried to sleep, and failed too under the harsh light. Every couple of hours, some prisoners would enter, and leave the room. None of them would speak to me during their short time here. Most were crying, and visibly injured. Others remained completely calm, as they were brought in, and soon dragged away.
Eventually, my turn came. I was roughly dragged out of the cell, and brought into another room. It was much smaller then the other cell, and had something resembling a dentists chair. O was placed onto it, and strapped to it, before it was turned around to face the other wall. As the guards left, another, larger person entered the room. He wore a dark mask that covered every part of his face, except his eyes and mouth. The door was locked behind me, and he sat in his chair beside a large, ominous looking machine.
“So, who do we have for me today?” He said, moving closer to me. When I opened my mouth, he pulled a lever on the machine. An electric shock ran through me, and I screamed out in pain. “Rhetorical question.” He said, as he shut it off. “You were accused of treason, conspiring with rebel forces, and refusal to answer simple questions by government officials. I have been called to get a confession out of you, and find more information about possible rebel cells.” He moved closer towards me. “What do you plead?” He asked mockingly.
“Uhh, not guilty?” I responded cautiously. He chuckles. “Wrong answer.” He fires up the machine again, before shutting it off. “Your were caught directly conspiring with leading members of the Underground resistance movement.” He lifts the back of my chair up, as an old projector drops from the ceiling and plays security camera footage of the conversation I had with ZN in the alleyway hours ago. “Hiding evidence, interacting with presumed dead, without giving the information over to proper authorities, conspiring with enemies of the government. All in a few minutes of camera footage. You seem pretty guilty to me.” He said, turning off the projector.
I remained silent for a moment, trying to think through my next move. He moved back, looking proud of himself. “Well, now we got that sorted, I have some other matters to attend to, so sit tight. I won’t be long.” He then left the room. The projector flickered on again, and started playing propoganda videos. He didn’t return an hour later, nor two hours, nor three. For what seemed like days, I was left on my own, being fed just enough to be kept alive, and being hit by propoganda constantly. They had gotten their evidence. Now all they wanted was to break me, and too get a confession out of me. This kept going for god knows how long. The only interaction I had was with the guards who would occasionally give me a small helping of food.
Eventually, the man came back, casually chewing on a stick of gum. “Told you I wouldn’t be long.” He said, sarcastically as he sat down. “Of course, it depends on you’re definition of ‘long’.” He chuckled. “Have you lost weight?” Best I could, I tried to look down at myself. I was incredibly thin, and could see the bones through my skin. I almost felt like crying. “That’s good. You were looking a little fat when we first met, and the first step is always too admit that you have a problem. Speaking of which...” He sits on his chair again. “I’m here to complete your re education. Confession.” He smiles, evilly behind the mask.
“You’ll never get a confession out of me.” I spat at him. He moves closer, smiling.” They always say that.” He chuckles, as he turned to shut the projector off. “Welcome to the final stage of you’re re education. Confession, and return.” He brought my chair up, and moved his around to face me directly. “I asked you this when we first started. You have been accused of treason, and conspiring against the government. How do you plead.” I swallowed, and forced my eyes shut. “Guilty.” I muttered under my breath. “What?!” The man said. “Guilty!” I finally shouted. He smiled. “Finally.” I can put this to rest.
I was dressed back up, and returned to the cell, upset at myself for the confession. As the hours ticked past, I was fed heartily, to prepare for my return to society. Hours after my confession, I was told that I had gotten a message from an unknown outside force. Being given a tablet, I flipped it open to reveal a message stating. “Looking to help you soon. Hang on tight, prepare for escape. -Friend of ZN.” Smiling, I returned the tablet to the guards, and as they left, began to look around for anything that could be used as a weapon.